10 research outputs found
Unifying linguistic annotations and ontologies for the Arabic Quran
The WACL’2 Second Workshop on Arabic Corpus Linguistics was held in conjunction with the Corpus Linguistics 2013 conference. Following on from the successful first WACL in 2011, as well as the related LRE-REL event in 2012, WACL-2 again took place at Lancaster University. The aim of this series of workshops is to create a venue for exploring progress in the field of research into the Arabic language using corpora, from across the many areas of corpus linguistics and computational linguistics where the analysis of Arabic structure and usage is an active issue. The scope of the workshop encompasses both (a) the design, construction and annotation of Arabic corpora, and (b) the use of corpora in research on the Arabic language – in any relevant area, including (but not limited to!) lexis and lexicography, syntax, collocation, NLP systems and analysis tools, contrastive and historical studies, stylistics, and discourse analysis. All varieties of Arabic – including the different Colloquial Arabics as well as Classical/Qur’anic and Modern Standard forms of the language – are within the workshop's purview
Review: Healthcare Informatics , Nurses And Assistant, And Healthcare Management Responsibilities In Facilitating Obstacles Facing Patients Centred Care
Healthcare systems, organizations, and providers, including healthcare informatics, nurses, assistants, and healthcare administration, face the challenge of arranging patient care within limited resources. In order to effectively implement patient-centred care (PCC), it is necessary to remove any obstacles or hindrances that may arise. Thus far, there has been a dearth of thorough examinations on potential factors influencing patient-centered care (PCC) in diverse health and social care organizations (HSCOs). The findings underscored the patient\u27s uniqueness, cultural beliefs, comprehensive care, the significance of robust healthcare provider-patient connections, and a patient-focused setting. The nursing, administrative, and informatics staff regarded PCC as having a good impact on the quality of nursing care and the job satisfaction of nurses. The findings provide detailed insights into the viewpoints of nurse managers regarding patient-centeredness and identify specific areas that require improvement
Analisis Efektifitas Sistem Zakat Maal pada Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kabupaten Bengkalis
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pengelolaan zakat maal yang belum maksimal. Jenis penelitian di dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian di dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan data primer serta skunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa wawancara, observasi dan data Kepustakaan. Teknik analisa data di dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menun-jukan bahwa Efektifitas pengelolaan zakat di Baznas Kaabu-paten Bengkalis dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan prinsip tujuan, strategi, prinsip pengelolaan, dan pengendalian. Pengelolaan zakat maal memiliki tujuan yang jelas dalam pen-erimaan dan pendistribusian. Bebebrapa strategi untuk me-maksimalkan penerimaan zakata, diantaranya dengan mem-bentuk UPT zakat dan melakukan pendataan mustahik zakat. Pengelolaan zakat maal dikelola secara komputerisasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi SIMBA (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Baznas). Aplikasi ini disusun berdasarkan undang-undang Indonesia Nomor 23 tahun 2011. Proses pengendalian dan pengawasan di Baznas dilakukan berdasarkan kebijakan pengawasan lembaga publik non laba. Selain itu pengendalian internal dilaksanakan berdasarkan peraturan pemerintahan tentang pengendalian internal pemerintahan. Kendala dalam pengelolaan zakat di Kabupaten Bengkalis dilihat dari bebera-pa keadaan, yaitu minimnya sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, pemahaman fikih amil yang belum memadai, rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat, teknologi yang digunakan dan sistem informasi zakat yang digunakan
The effect of Ramadan fasting on cardiovascular events and risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review.
Ramadan is the fasting month in Islam. Muslims around the world observe Ramadan every year, including people with diabetes. Data on the association of fasting in people with diabetes are sparse. The purpose of this study is to assess the association of fasting on cardiovascular risk factors and events in people with diabetes. A comprehensive search was conducted in the following database: Embase, Medline, Cochrane library and CINAHL. The following key terms were used: Ramadan, Ramazan, Ramadhan, Muslim, Islam and fasting. Studies were eligible if they included people with Type 2 diabetes who fasted during Ramadan and reporting results on cardiovascular risk factors or events. Overall 22 studies met inclusion criteria for the review; five studies reported cardiovascular outcomes and 17 reported changes in risk factors. There is insufficient evidence to link Ramadan fasting with increased or reduced incidence of cardiovascular events in people with diabetes, though there were some indication stroke risk may be increased. Findings were inconsistent in term of risk factors as some favoured Ramadan and others did not.‬‬‬‬
The effect of air conditioner sound on sleep latency, duration, and efficiency in young adults
BACKGROUND: Many individuals complain of disturbed sleep during the wintertime when their air conditioner (AC) is off. Therefore, we conducted this study to objectively assess the impact of AC sound on sleep latency, sleep duration, and sleep efficiency.
METHODS: An experimental study was conducted on 48 healthy young adults, in their homes, to assess the effect of a standardized AC white noise, on sleep latency, duration, and efficiency, while simultaneously monitoring light intensity and room temperature. The study was conducted during the winter months. Sleep quality was objectively assessed using sleep actigraphy. Participants were monitored for two nights, during which two different, randomized sets of conditions were used: During one of the nights, the adults were exposed to 43 dB AC white noise; during the other night, adults were not exposed to the AC white noise.
RESULTS: Actigraphy results showed that the mean sleep duration during the AC sound nights (ASNs) was 466.8 ± 60.8 min, compared to 478.8 ± 55.4 min during the non-AC sound nights (NASNs) (P = 0.6). Sleep-onset latency was 10.8 ± 15.2 min and 15.1 ± 18.2 min during the ASNs and the NASNs, respectively (P = 0.8). Moreover, there was no difference in sleep efficiency, 81% ± 7.8% vs. 78.8% ± 15.4% in the ASNs and NASNs, respectively (P = 0.9).
CONCLUSION: AC sound had no significant positive effect on sleep duration, latency, and efficiency
Unveiling medication errors in liver transplant patients towards enhancing the imperative patient safety
Background: Medication errors (MEs) are a significant healthcare problem that can harm patients and increase healthcare expenses. Being immunocompromised, liver-transplant patients are at high risk for complications if MEs inflict harmful or damaging effects. The present study reviewed and analyzed all MEs reported in Liver Transplant Patients. Methods: All MEs in the Liver Transplant Patients admitted between January 2016 to August 2022 were retrieved through the computerized physician order entry system, which two expert pharmacists classified according to the type and severity risk index. Results: A total of 314 records containing 407 MEs were committed by at least 71 physicians. Most of these errors involved drugs unrelated to managing liver-transplant-related issues. Antibiotic prescriptions had the highest mistake rate (17.0%), whereas immunosuppressants, routinely used in liver transplant patients, rank second with fewer than 14% of the identified MEs. The most often reported MEs (43.2%) are type-C errors, which, despite reaching patients, did not cause patient harm. Subgroup analysis revealed several factors associated with a statistically significant great incidence of MEs among physicians treating liver transplant patients. Conclusion: Although a substantial number of MEs occurred with liver transplant patients, the majority are not related to liver-transplant medications, which mainly belonged to type-C errors. This could be attributed to polypharmacy of transplant patients or the heavy workload on health care practitioners. Improving patient safety requires adopting regulations and strategies to promptly identify MEs and address potential errors
The most frequent cause of goitre and acquired hypothyroidism in children and teenagers is Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT). An imperfection or error in immunoregulation leads to a cascade of events that develops from thyroid lymphocyte infiltration to thyroid follicular cell damage caused by T cells and cytokines and apoptotic cell death. Approximately 70% of illness risk is linked to genetic predisposition, with environmental variables also contributing to disease onset in vulnerable individuals. The main reasons for referral in children and adolescents with HT include goitre, hypothyroid symptoms, and outcomes that occur while treating separate disorders or for high-risk groups. Children and adolescents with HT may not have any symptoms. Thyroid hormone replacement is the preferred medical approach for treating Hashimoto thyroiditis. Levothyroxine sodium, taken orally, is the preferred medication, typically for life. To prevent insufficient absorption, it shouldn't be administered along with calcium or iron supplements, aluminium hydroxide, or proton pump inhibitors
Circular polarization conversion in single plasmonic spherical particles
Temporal and spectral behaviors of plasmons determine their ability to enhance the characteristics of metamaterials tailored to a wide range of applications, including electric-field enhancement, hot-electron injection, sensing, as well as polarization and angular momentum manipulation. We report a dark-field (DF) polarimetry experiment on single particles with incident circularly polarized light in which gold nanoparticles scatter with opposite handedness at visible wavelengths. Remarkably, for silvered nanoporous silica microparticles, the handedness conversion occurs at longer visible wavelengths, only after adsorption of molecules on the silver. Finite element analysis (FEA) allows matching the circular polarization (CP) conversion to dominant quadrupolar contributions, determined by the specimen size and complex susceptibility. We hypothesize that the damping accompanying the adsorption of molecules on the nanostructured silver facilitates the CP conversion. These results offer new perspectives in molecule sensing and materials tunability for light polarization conversion and control of light spin angular momentum at submicroscopic scale.</p