5 research outputs found

    Bioaktivitas Metabolit Sekunder dari Genus Dipterocarpus

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    Research has been conducted with the title "Literature Study of Secondary Metabolites and Bioactivity of Plants Genus Dipterocarpus". The method used is a descriptive method with the aim of being to find out the active compounds in the genus plant dipterocarpus and to know the ability of the bioactivity of genus plants dipterocarpus. Based on the results of the study, bioactivity of secondary metabolites from planst of the genus dipterocarpus namely antidiabetic, antiplasmodial, antibacterial, antioxidant, anticlasses, cytotoxic, anticholinesterase, antiproliferation, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Very strong biosaltivity indicated by the ethyl acetate faction plant D. Intricatus Sagai Antioxidant IC50 Nialial is 0.075 μg / mL. While very weak bioacchables are shown extract methanol stem plant D. Costatus as cytotoxic with ic50 value 973 ± 14.57 μg / mL

    Purification and Characterization of Silica Rice Husk Ash (Oryza Sative L.) From Kupang Regency

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    This research had been done to purify and characterize silica from rice husk ash for two varieties of rice from Kupang Regency. The purification method used is the extraction method with alkaline solution (NaOH) and precipitation with acid solution (H2SO4). The stages in this research were preparation of rice husk ash, purification of silica rice husk ash with NaOH and H2SO4 solutions, and characterization covered: determination of acidity and surface area and determination of composition using X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer (XRF). The results of the surface acidity test showed that the highest acidity was in Ciherang silica from Tarus, which was 2.288 mmol/g. While the surface area test showed that the largest surface area was Inpari 46 silica from Pariti, which was 184.297 m2/g with an optimum contact time of 50 minutes. The results of characterization using XRF exhibited that the highest silica purity was Ciherang rice variety from Tarus, with initial silica content data, purification with NaOH and H2SO4 were 93.9%; 98.2% and 99.1%. So that the purification process with NaOH and H2SO4 is proven to increase the silica content in the sample

    Pengaruh Komposisi Daun Gamal (Gliricidia sepium Hbr.) dan Kotoran Sapi dengan Nutrisi Pisang terhadap Rasio C/N Kompos

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    It has been done a research on the effect of the composition of gliricidia sepium Hbr. And cow dung with banana nutrition on the composting process on the C/N ratio. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of the composition and the length of time required for fermentation. Composting was made with a variety of cow dung : gliricidia sepium Hbr. In a ratio of 1:9, 1:1, 3:2, 7:3, 9:1, and 2:3 in % by using 25% banana nutrition and 100% water from the total weight of the manure. On this research was found that the optimal time is on 14th day with characteristic  of compost  that was produced, equal with the the Indonesia National Standar (SNI Kompos 19-7030-2004). The conclusion is the compcsition of cow dung and Gliricidia sepium leaves did not significant affect to the C/N compost ratio

    Eksplorasi Konstituen Kimia Dan Bioaktivitas Dari Sterculia quadrifida R. Br. dan Dipterocarpus littoralis Blume. Dua Spesies Tumbuhan Endemik Indonesia

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    Tumbuhan Sterculia quadrifida R.Br. yang endemik dari Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Dipterocarpus littoralis Blume yang juga endemik pulau Nusakambangan Jawa Tengah telah digunakan masyarakat setempat sebagai bahan obat tradisional dalam penyembuhan penyakit. Investigasi konstituen kimia yang terdapat dalam ekstrak kulit batang S. quadrifida dan D. littoralis diarahkan pada isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa yang menunjukkan aktivitas biologi yang beragam meliputi antioksidan menggunakan uji DPPH dan ABTS, antidiabetes secara in vitro menggunakan uji penghambatan α-Glukosidase dan α-Amilase serta aktivitas antimalaria menggunakan uji penghambatan pertumbuhan Plasmodium falciparum. Uji aktivitas antidiabetes juga dilakukan secara in vivo terhadap tikus yang diinjeksi alloxan dengan mengamati penurunan kadar glukosa darah. Metoda isolasi yang digunakan yaitu kromatografi kolom dan kromatografi lapis tipis. Elusidasi struktur senyawa ditentukan dengan metoda spektroskopi meliputi IR, H1 NMR, C13 NMR, HMQC, dan HMBC. Hasil isolasi terhadap tumbuhan S. quadrifida diperoleh senyawa β-sitosterol dan dari tumbuhan D. littoralis diperoleh senyawa α-viniferin. Hasil uji terhadap ekstrak metanol S. quadrifida menunjukkan kemampuan antioksidan menggunakan metoda DPPH dan ABTS dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 3,11 dan 7,04 µg/mL. Sedangkan nilai IC50 ekstrak metanol D. littoralis dengan metoda DPPH dan ABTS sebesar 57,59 dan 18,86 µg/mL. Hasil uji terhadap ekstrak metanol dan fraksi diklorometana dari S. quadrifida menunjukkan kemampuan antidiabetes menggunakan metoda penghambatan α-Glukosidase dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 164,29 dan 576,37 µg/mL. Sedangkan nilai IC50 untuk ekstrak metanol dan fraksi etil asetat dari D. littoralis sebesar 426,75 dan 206,90 µg/mL. Hasil uji terhadap ekstrak metanol dan fraksi diklorometana dari S. quadrifida juga menunjukkan kemampuan antidiabetes menggunakan metoda penghambatan α-amilase dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 49,29 dan 577,51 µg/mL. Sedangkan nilai IC50 untuk ekstrak metanol dan fraksi etil asetat dari D. littoralis sebesar 67,63 dan 181,88 µg/mL secara berurutan. S. quadrifida dan D. littoralis memiliki kemampuan antimalaria baik pada ekstrak fraksi, maupun pada senyawa yang diuji menggunakan metoda penghambatan pertumbuhan p. falcifarum dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 89,77 dan 98,88 µg/mL. Senyawa β-sitosterol dan α-viniferin hasil isolasi juga menunjukkan kemampuan antimalaria dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 3,86 dan 2,76 µg/mL. Pemberian intervensi ekstrak tumbuhan S. quadrifida pada pengujian antidiabetes in vivo memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah pada tikus Wistar Albino dengan diabetes, dimana pemberian intervensi dengan dosis 200 mg memberikan rata-rata penurunan kadar gula darah tertinggi yaitu sebesar 31,97%. Kata kunci : Sterculia quadrifida, Dipterocarpus littoralis, antioksidan, antidiabetes, antimalaria, Plasmodium falciparum ========================================================= Sterculia quadrifida R.Br., an endemic plant from East Nusa Tenggara and Dipterocarpus littoralis Blume which is also one from Nusakambangan island in Central Java have been used by local citizens as traditional medicine in curing various diseases. An investigation of the chemical constituents in the extract of S. quadrifida and D. littoralis stem barks extract led to the isolation and identification of compounds that are subjected to biological activity, including antioxidant using DPPH and ABTS assays, antidiabetic using in vitro inhibition α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase assays and antimalarial using Plasmodium falciparum inhibition assay. Antidiabetic activity tests were also carried out in vivo against mice injected with alloxan by measuring decreased blood glucose levels. Column and thin layer chromatography techniques will be used for isolation. The structure elucidation of compounds will be determined by spectroscopic methods including IR, H1 NMR, C13 NMR, HMQC, and HMBC. The results of isolation of S. quadrifida obtained β-sitosterol compound and from D. littoralis plant obtained α-viniferin compound. The test results on methanol extract of S. quadrifida showed antioxidant capacity using DPPH and ABTS methods with IC50 values of 3.11 and 7.04 µg/mL. While the IC50 value of D. littoralis methanol extract with DPPH and ABTS methods was 57.59 and 18.86 µg/mL. The test results on methanol extract and dichloromethane fraction from S. quadrifida showed antidiabetic capacity using α-glucosidase inhibition method with IC50 values of 164.29 and 576.37 µg/mL. While the IC50 value for methanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction from D. littoralis was 426.75 and 206.90 µg/mL. Test results on methanol extract and dichloromethane fraction from S. quadrifida also showed antidiabetic capacity using α-amylase inhibition method with IC50 values of 49.29 and 577.51 µg/mL. While the IC50 value for methanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction from D. littoralis was 67.63 and 181.88 µg/mL, respectively. S. quadrifida and D. littoralis have antimalarial capacity both in extract fraction, and in compounds tested using growth inhibition method P. falcifarum with IC50 values of 89.77 and 98.88 µg/mL. Isolated β-sitosterol and α-viniferin compounds also showed antimalarial ability with IC50 values of 3.86 and 2.76 µg/mL. The intervention of S. quadrifida methanol extract using in vivo antidiabetic testing had a significant effect on reducing blood sugar levels in Wistar Albino rats with diabetes, where intervening at a dose of 200 mg had contributed the highest average reduction in blood sugar levels of 31.97%. Keywords : Sterculia quadrifida, Dipterocarpus littoralis, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antimalarial, Plasmodium falciparu


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    Abstrak Penelitian adsorpsi zat warna naphtol menggunakan adsorben kulit buah kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik adsorben arang aktif kulit buah kakao (Theobroma cacao L.), mengetahui pengaruh pH, waktu kontak dan konsentrasi adsorpsi arang aktif kulit buah kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) terhadap zat warna naphtol dan mengetahui kapasitas adsorpsi arang aktif kulit buah kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) terhadap zat warna naphtol. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah adsorpsi. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu karakteristik dari adsorben arang aktif kulit buah kakao hasil analisis FTIR menunjukan bahwa adsorben  kulit buah kakao teraktivasi HCL mengandung gugus fungsi –OH, C-H, CH2, C-O dan C=C aromatik, hasil analisis SSA diperoleh luas permukaan sebesar 178,10 m2/g, dengan volume pori sebesar 0,16 cc/g dan ukuran pori sebesar 1,80 nm. Kondisi optimum adsorben arang aktif kulit buah  kakao terjadi pada pH 4, waktu kontak 90 menit dan konsentrasi 60 ppm. Kapasitas adsorpsi arang aktif kulit buah kakao dalam mengadsorpsi zat warna naphtol adalah sebesar 5,8651 mg/g. pola isoterm adsorpsi mengikuti isoterm langmuir dengan nilai R2 sebesar 0,8275 dan energi adsorpsi sebesar 25,627905 KJ/mol. Abstract Research on the adsorption of naphtol dyes using cocoa pods (Theobroma cacao L.) as an adsorbent has been carried out. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the adsorbent of activated charcoal cocoa pods (Theobroma cacao L.), determine the effect of pH, contact time and adsorption concentration of activated charcoal cocoa pods (Theobroma cacao L.) on naphtol dyes and determine the adsorption capacity of activated charcoal skins. cocoa pods (Theobroma cacao L.) against naphtol dyes. The method used in this research is adsorption. The results obtained are the characteristics of the activated charcoal adsorbent of cocoa pods. FTIR analysis results show that the adsorbent of activated cocoa pods HCL contains functional groups –OH, CH, CH2, CO and C=C aromatics, the results of SSA analysis obtained a surface area of ​​178.10 m2/g, with a pore volume of 0.16 cc/g and a pore size of 1.80 nm. The optimum condition of activated charcoal adsorbent of cocoa pods occurred at pH 4, contact time of 90 minutes and concentration of 60 ppm. The adsorption capacity of activated charcoal of cocoa pods in adsorption of naphtol dye was 5.8651 mg/g. The adsorption isotherm pattern followed the Langmuir isotherm with an R2 value of 0.8275 and an adsorption energy of 25.627905 KJ/mol