58 research outputs found

    An Equation of State of a Carbon-Fibre Epoxy Composite under Shock Loading

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    An anisotropic equation of state (EOS) is proposed for the accurate extrapolation of high-pressure shock Hugoniot (anisotropic and isotropic) states to other thermodynamic (anisotropic and isotropic) states for a shocked carbon-fibre epoxy composite (CFC) of any symmetry. The proposed EOS, using a generalised decomposition of a stress tensor [Int. J. Plasticity \textbf{24}, 140 (2008)], represents a mathematical and physical generalisation of the Mie-Gr\"{u}neisen EOS for isotropic material and reduces to this equation in the limit of isotropy. Although a linear relation between the generalised anisotropic bulk shock velocity UsAU^{A}_{s} and particle velocity upu_{p} was adequate in the through-thickness orientation, damage softening process produces discontinuities both in value and slope in the UsAU^{A}_{s}-upu_{p} relation. Therefore, the two-wave structure (non-linear anisotropic and isotropic elastic waves) that accompanies damage softening process was proposed for describing CFC behaviour under shock loading. The linear relationship UsAU^{A}_{s}-upu_{p} over the range of measurements corresponding to non-linear anisotropic elastic wave shows a value of c0Ac^{A}_{0} (the intercept of the UsAU^{A}_{s}-upu_{p} curve) that is in the range between first and second generalised anisotropic bulk speed of sound [Eur. Phys. J. B \textbf{64}, 159 (2008)]. An analytical calculation showed that Hugoniot Stress Levels (HELs) in different directions for a CFC composite subject to the two-wave structure (non-linear anisotropic elastic and isotropic elastic waves) agree with experimental measurements at low and at high shock intensities. The results are presented, discussed and future studies are outlined.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Particle-Field Duality and Form Factors from Vertex Operators

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    Using a duality between the space of particles and the space of fields, we show how one can compute form factors directly in the space of fields. This introduces the notion of vertex operators, and form factors are vacuum expectation values of such vertex operators in the space of fields. The vertex operators can be constructed explicitly in radial quantization. Furthermore, these vertex operators can be exactly bosonized in momentum space. We develop these ideas by studying the free-fermion point of the sine-Gordon theory, and use this scheme to compute some form-factors of some non-free fields in the sine-Gordon theory. This work further clarifies earlier work of one of the authors, and extends it to include the periodic sector.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, CLNS 93/??

    Dynamical structure factor of the anisotropic Heisenberg chain in a transverse field

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    We consider the anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain in a transverse magnetic field at zero temperature. We first determine all components of the dynamical structure factor by combining exact results with a mean-field approximation recently proposed by Dmitriev {\it et al}., JETP 95, 538 (2002). We then turn to the small anisotropy limit, in which we use field theory methods to obtain exact results. We discuss the relevance of our results to Neutron scattering experiments on the 1D Heisenberg chain compound Cs2CoCl4{\rm Cs_2CoCl_4}.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Lattice Twisting Operators and Vertex Operators in Sine-Gordon Theory in One Dimension

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    In one dimension, the exponential position operators introduced in a theory of polarization are identified with the twisting operators appearing in the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis argument, and their finite-size expectation values zLz_L measure the overlap between the unique ground state and an excited state. Insulators are characterized by z0z_{\infty}\neq 0. We identify zLz_L with ground-state expectation values of vertex operators in the sine-Gordon model. This allows an accurate detection of quantum phase transitions in the universality classes of the Gaussian model. We apply this theory to the half-filled extended Hubbard model and obtain agreement with the level-crossing approach.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum criticalities in a two-leg antiferromagnetic S=1/2 ladder induced by a staggered magnetic field

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    We study a two-leg antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladder in the presence of a staggered magnetic field. We consider two parameter regimes: strong (weak) coupling along the legs and weak (strong) coupling along the rungs. In both cases, the staggered field drives the Haldane spin-liquid phase of the ladder towards a Gaussian quantum criticality. In a generalized spin ladder with a non-Haldane, spontaneously dimerized phase, the staggered magnetic field induces an Ising quantum critical regime. In the vicinity of the critical lines, we derive low-energy effective field theories and use these descriptions to determine the dynamical response functions, the staggered spin susceptibility and the string order parameter.Comment: 29 pages of revtex, 10 figure

    Effects of a magnetic field on the one-dimensional spin-orbital model

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    We study the effects of a uniform magnetic field on the one-dimensional spin-orbital model in terms of effective field theories. Two regions are examined: one around the SU(4) point (J=K/4) and the other with K<<J. We found that when JK/4J\leq K/4, the spin and orbital correlation functions exhibit power-law decay with nonuniversal exponents. In the region with J>K/4, the excitation spectrum has a gap. When the magnetic field is beyond some critical value, a quantum phase transition occurs. However, the correlation functions around the SU(4) point and the region with K<<J exhibit distinct behavior. This results from different structures of excitation spectra in both regime.Comment: 22 pages, no figure

    Gap generation in the XXZ model in a transverse magnetic field

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    The ground state phase diagram of the 1D XXZ model in transverse magnetic field is obtained. It consists of the gapped phases with different types of long range order (LRO) and critical lines at which the gap and the LRO vanish. Using scaling estimations and a mean-field approach as well as numerical results we found critical indices of the gap and the LRO in the vicinity of all critical lines.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Late

    SU(N) Evolution of a Frustrated Spin Ladder

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    Recent studies indicate that the weakly coupled spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with next nearest neighbor frustration supports massive spinons when suitably tuned. The straightforward SU(N) generalization of the low energy ladder Hamiltonian yields two independent SU(N) Thirring models with N-1 multiplets of massive ``spinon'' excitations. We study the evolution of the complete set of low-energy dynamical structure factors using form factors. Those corresponding to the smooth (staggered) magnetizations are qualitatively different (the same) in the N=2 and N>2 cases. The absence of single-particle peaks preserves the notion of spinons stabilized by frustration. In contrast to the ladder, we note that the N=infinity limit of the four chain magnet is not a trivial free theory.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex, 5 figures; SU(N) approach clarifie

    The fate of spinons in spontaneously dimerised spin-1/2 ladders

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    We study a weakly coupled, frustrated two-leg spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladder. For vanishing coupling between the chains, elementary excitations are deconfined, gapless spin-1/2 objects called spinons. We investigate the fate of spinons for the case of a weak interchain interaction. We show that despite a drastic change in ground state, which becomes spontaneously dimerised, spinons survive as elementary excitations but acquire a spectral gap. We furthermore determine the exact dynamical structure factor for several values of momentum transfer.Comment: 8 pages of revtex, 7 figures; discussion of physical picture for ground state and excitations in the "twistless" ladder expanded, version to appear in Phys Rev

    Magnetization plateaux in dimerized spin ladder arrays

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    We investigate the ground state magnetization plateaux appearing in spin 1/2 two-leg ladders built up from dimerized antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains and dimerized zig-zag interchain couplings. Using both Abelian bosonization and Lanczos methods we find that the system yields rather unusual plateaux and exhibits massive and massless phases for specific choices or ``tuning'' of exchange interactions. The relevance of this behavior in the study of NH_4CuCl_3 is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 11 postscript figure