545 research outputs found

    `Composite particles' and the eigenstates of Calogero-Sutherland and Ruijsenaars-Schneider

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    We establish a one-to-one correspondance between the ''composite particles'' with NN particles and the Young tableaux with at most NN rows. We apply this correspondance to the models of Calogero-Sutherland and Ruijsenaars-Schneider and we obtain a momentum space representation of the ''composite particles'' in terms of creation operators attached to the Young tableaux. Using the technique of bosonisation, we obtain a position space representation of the ''composite particles'' in terms of products of vertex operators. In the special case where the ''composite particles'' are bosons and if we add one extra quasiparticle or quasihole, we construct the ground state wave functions corresponding to the Jain series ν=p/(2np±1)\nu =p/(2np\pm 1) of the fractional quantum Hall effect.Comment: latex calcomp2.tex, 5 files, 30 pages [SPhT-T99/080], submitted to J. Math. Phy

    On scaling fields in ZNZ_N Ising models

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    We study the space of scaling fields in the ZNZ_N symmetric models with the factorized scattering and propose simplest algebraic relations between form factors induced by the action of deformed parafermionic currents. The construction gives a new free field representation for form factors of perturbed Virasoro algebra primary fields, which are parafermionic algebra descendants. We find exact vacuum expectation values of physically important fields and study correlation functions of order and disorder fields in the form factor and CFT perturbation approaches.Comment: 2 Figures, jetpl.cl

    Uq(sl^n)U_q(\hat{sl}_n)-analog of the XXZ chain with a boundary

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    We study Uq(sl^n)U_q(\hat{sl}_n) analog of the XXZ spin chain with a boundary magnetic field h. We construct explicit bosonic formulas of the vacuum vector and the dual vacuum vector with a boundary magnetic field. We derive integral formulas of the correlation functions.Comment: 24 pages, LaTEX2

    hbar-(Yangian) Deformation of Miura Map and Virasoro Algebra

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    An hbar-deformed Virasoro Poisson algebra is obtained using the Wakimoto realization of the Sugawara operator for the Yangian double DY_\hbar(sl_2)_c at the critical level c=-2.Comment: LaTeX file, 43kb, No Figures. Serious misprints corrected, one more reference to E. Frenkel adde

    Guest charges in an electrolyte: renormalized charge, long- and short-distance behavior of the electric potential and density profile

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    We complement a recent exact study by L. Samaj on the properties of a guest charge QQ immersed in a two-dimensional electrolyte with charges +1/1+1/-1. In particular, we are interested in the behavior of the density profiles and electric potential created by the charge and the electrolyte, and in the determination of the renormalized charge which is obtained from the long-distance asymptotics of the electric potential. In Samaj's previous work, exact results for arbitrary coulombic coupling β\beta were obtained for a system where all the charges are points, provided βQ<2\beta Q<2 and β<2\beta < 2. Here, we first focus on the mean field situation which we believe describes correctly the limit β0\beta\to 0 but βQ\beta Q large. In this limit we can study the case when the guest charge is a hard disk and its charge is above the collapse value βQ>2\beta Q>2. We compare our results for the renormalized charge with the exact predictions and we test on a solid ground some conjectures of the previous study. Our study shows that the exact formulas obtained by Samaj for the renormalized charge are not valid for βQ>2\beta Q>2, contrary to a hypothesis put forward by Samaj. We also determine the short-distance asymptotics of the density profiles of the coions and counterions near the guest charge, for arbitrary coulombic coupling. We show that the coion density profile exhibit a change of behavior if the guest charge becomes large enough (βQ2β\beta Q\geq 2-\beta). This is interpreted as a first step of the counterion condensation (for large coulombic coupling), the second step taking place at the usual Manning--Oosawa threshold βQ=2\beta Q=2

    Quantum criticalities in a two-leg antiferromagnetic S=1/2 ladder induced by a staggered magnetic field

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    We study a two-leg antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladder in the presence of a staggered magnetic field. We consider two parameter regimes: strong (weak) coupling along the legs and weak (strong) coupling along the rungs. In both cases, the staggered field drives the Haldane spin-liquid phase of the ladder towards a Gaussian quantum criticality. In a generalized spin ladder with a non-Haldane, spontaneously dimerized phase, the staggered magnetic field induces an Ising quantum critical regime. In the vicinity of the critical lines, we derive low-energy effective field theories and use these descriptions to determine the dynamical response functions, the staggered spin susceptibility and the string order parameter.Comment: 29 pages of revtex, 10 figure

    Effects of a magnetic field on the one-dimensional spin-orbital model

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    We study the effects of a uniform magnetic field on the one-dimensional spin-orbital model in terms of effective field theories. Two regions are examined: one around the SU(4) point (J=K/4) and the other with K<<J. We found that when JK/4J\leq K/4, the spin and orbital correlation functions exhibit power-law decay with nonuniversal exponents. In the region with J>K/4, the excitation spectrum has a gap. When the magnetic field is beyond some critical value, a quantum phase transition occurs. However, the correlation functions around the SU(4) point and the region with K<<J exhibit distinct behavior. This results from different structures of excitation spectra in both regime.Comment: 22 pages, no figure

    Asymptotic Behavior of the Emptiness Formation Probability in the Critical Phase of XXZ Spin Chain

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    We study the Emptiness Formation Probability (EFP) for the spin 1/2 XXZ spin chain. EFP P(n) detects a formation of ferromagnetic string of the length n in the ground state. It is expected that EFP decays in a Gaussian way for large strings P(n) ~ n^{-gamma} C^{-n^2}. Here, we propose the explicit expressions for the rate of Gaussian decay C as well as for the exponent gamma. In order to confirm the validity of our formulas, we employed an ab initio simulation technique of the density-matrix renormalization group to simulate XXZ spin chain of sufficient length. Furthermore, we performed Monte-Carlo integration of the Jimbo-Miwa multiple integral for P(n). Those numerical results for P(n) support our formulas fairly definitely.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure