5 research outputs found

    Sadržaj (Ni) nikla u nadzemnom delu i zrnu različitih sorti strnih žita

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    To ensure safe food production, cultivar-specific traits of winter small grains were analysed in terms of mineral nutrition in order to determine differences between small grain (barley, oat and triticale) genotypes in the level of certain heavy metals (Ni). The kernel of mature small grain plants and their vegetative biomass were found to contain quite different levels of Ni, depending on genotype properties and fertilisation systems. Ni content in oat kernel was above toxic levels and cannot be used for safe food production. Barley and triticale samples complied with quality criteria in terms of their Ni levels.U cilju proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane ispitivane su sortne specifičnosti ozimih strnih žita, u odnosu na mineralnu ishranu, kako bi se ustanovile međusobne razlike genotipova strnih žita (ječma, ovsa i tritikalea), u odnosu na zastupljenost pojedinih teških metala (Ni). Konstatovano je da zrno zrelih biljaka strnih žita i vegetativna masa imaju veoma različite sadržaje Ni, u zavisnosti od osobina genotipova i sistema đubrenja. Sadržaj Ni u zrnu ovsa, bio je iznad toksičnih sadržaja i ne može se koristiti za proizvodnju zdravstveno bezbedne hrane. Sa aspekta sadržaja Ni u uzorcima ječma i tritikalea, možemo zaključiti da ispitivani uzorci zadovoljavaju kriterijume kvaliteta


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    In these investigations, the yield stability of 14 winter bread wheat genotypes were analyzed. The experimental part of the trial was performed at three locations (Kragujevac, Kruševac and Sombor) during 2013/2014. AMMI analysis of variance for grain yield showed that all sources of variation (genotype, environment, their interaction) had a significant effect on the expression of this complex trait. In the total variation of the experiment, the largest contribution had genotype/enviroment interaction, and genotype had the least. The most stable genotypes have been identified, which can be considered as a desirable genotypes, widely adapted to different agroecological conditions.Publishe

    Uticaj sezone i genotipa na prinos i kvalitet zrna kod ozimih sorti pšenice

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    The small-scale trials over two years (2011/12th and 2012/13th), examined the six varieties of winter wheat (Vizija, Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna and Perfekta). Studied grain yield (t ha-1), weight of 1000 grains (g) and test weight (kg hl-1). Estimates were statistically significant differences for grain yield between varieties and years. Cultivars Vizija, Takovčanka and the Planeta have conducted surveys have shown a high degree of adaptability conditions of production of wheat and had a satisfactory yield in the examined vegetation seasons.U mikroogledima tokom dve godine (2011/12.-2012/13.), ispitivano je šest sorti ozime pšenice (Vizija, Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna i Perfekta). Istraživan je prinos zrna (t ha-1), masa 1000 zrna (gr) i hektolitarska masa (kg hl-1). Procenjene su statistički signifikantne razlike za prinos zrna između sorti i godina. Sorte Vizija, Takovčanka i Planeta su u sprovedenim ispitivanjima pokazale visok stepen adaptabilnosti uslovima proizvodnje pšenice i imale su zadovoljavajući prinos u ispitivanim godinama

    12-plex highly polymorphic microsatellite marker set for parentage analysis in Banija spotted pigs

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    Microsatellites (MS) have been, for the last two decades, widely used for parentage analysis in all types of livestock, including pigs. Conservation efforts on Banija spotted pigs included genetic characterization of the breed with MS markers. Since recent comparison of pedigree and MS data revealed some inconsistencies, the aim of this study was to develop a set of highly polymorphic and heterozygous MS markers, which could be used for parentage analysis and to prevent pedigree errors. 12 MS markers with the polymorphic information content (PIC) above 0.62 were chosen and combined into a single multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The combined non-exclusion probability for one candidate parent (NE-1P) was 0.00246149, the combined NE-1P given the genotype of a known parent of the opposite sex (NE-2P) was 0.00003739 and combined non-exclusion probability for a candidate parent pair (NE-PP) was 0.00000003. Due to a high information content of selected MS markers it was possible to obtain high accuracy in parentage assignment, which was confirmed by analyzing actual data with known genetic relationship

    Efficiency of chewable toothbrush in reduction of dental plaque in students

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    Abstract Background Besides classical and electrical toothbrushes market offers tooth brushes that can be chewed, like chewing gums. The aim of this study was to show the effectiveness of chewable toothbrush versus a conventional brush in the students’ population. Methods The prospective study included 346 students. For this research, we used a e-questionnaire for “smart” phones, that students completed outside the dental office. Respondents are divided into two groups: control group used conventional toothbrushes, respondents from the tested group used chewable toothbrush. For assessment of accumulation of the plaque we used TQHI index. For testing statistical hypotheses, the following were used: t-test for two independent samples and analysis of the variance of repeated measurements. Results Before brushing teeth, the average TQHI value for chewable brushes is 2.8 ± 0.3, while conventional is 2.7 ± 0.3, which is not a statistically significant difference (p = 0.448). After brushing teeth, the average TQHI value for chewable brushes is 2.0 ± 0.1, while conventional 2.0 ± 0.3, which is also not statistically significant (p = 0.729). Observing the index of the plaque values on the tooth surfaces in the upper jaw, in both groups, there was a statistically significant change in the amount of plaque in time (p < 0.001). There is a statistically significant interaction between groups and changes in the amount of plaque in the observed period (p = 0.013). Conclusions The fact that there is no significant difference in the effectiveness of the tested brushes indicates the benefits of using chewable toothbrushes in order to reduce plaque, primarily in the inability to use conventional brushes