914 research outputs found

    Instytucje samorządowe koczowniczych i półkoczowniczych pasterzy na Bałkanach i w regionie karpackim w późnym średniowieczu i wczesnej nowożytności

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    This paper deals with: nomadic and semi-nomadic livestock breeding in the Balkan Peninsula in the medieval period; self-government institutions of the medieval nomadic livestock breeders in the Balkans; sedentarization of Vlach livestock breeders in the Balkans; self-government institutions in the knežinas and tribes in the Balkans: natural and socio-political determinants of exploitation of the high mountain pastures in the Carpathian mountains between the 13th and 16th centuries; self-governmental institutions of village communities and the confederations of villages with Romanian populations in Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia in the Late medieval period: socio-economic aspects of the colonization on Vlach rights in the Central and Western Carpathian mountains: self-government institutions of villages and village alliances created on Vlach rights in the Central and Western Carpathians (lands of the Hungarian crown, lands of the Polish crown, lands of the Czech crown).Artykuł odnosi się do: koczowniczej i półkoczowniczej hodowli na Półwyspie Bałkańskim w okresie średniowiecza; instytucji samorządowych średniowiecznych koczowniczych pasterzy na Bałkanach; sedentaryzacji wołoskich pasterzy na Bałkanach; instytucji samorządowych knežin i plemion bałkańskich; przyrodniczych oraz socjopolitycznych wyznaczników wykorzystania wysokogórskich pastwisk w Karpatach między XIII a XVI stuleciem; instytucji samorządowych społeczności wiejskich i związków wsi z romańską ludnością Wołoszczyzny, Transylwanii oraz Mołdawii w okresie późnośredniowiecznym; socjoekonomicznych aspektów kolonizacji na prawie wołoskim w środkowej i zachodniej części Karpat; samorządowych instytucji wsi i związków wsi powstałych na prawie wołoskim w środkowej i zachodniej części Karpat (ziemie monarchii: węgierskiej, polskiej, czeskiej)

    Cosmological constraints from low-redshift data

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    In this paper we summarise the constraints that low-redshift data --such as supernovae Ia (SN Ia), baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and cosmic chronometers (CC)-- are able to set on the concordance model and its extensions, as well as on inhomogeneous but isotropic models. We provide a broad overlook into these cosmological scenarios and several aspects of data analysis. In particular, we review a number of systematic issues of SN Ia analysis that include magnitude correction techniques, selection bias and their influence on the inferred cosmological constraints. Furthermore, we examine the isotropic and anisotropic components of the BAO data and their individual relevance for cosmological model-fitting. We extend the discussion presented in earlier works regarding the inferred dynamics of cosmic expansion and its present rate from the low-redshift data. Specifically, we discuss the cosmological constraints on the accelerated expansion and related model-selections. In addition, we extensively talk about the Hubble constant problem, then focus on the low-redshift data constraint on H0H_0 that is based on CC. Finally, we present the way in which this result compares the two of high-redshift H0H_0 estimate and local (redshift zero) measurements that are in tension.Comment: 18 pages, 7 plots; prepared for proceedings of Lema\^{i}tre Workshop: black holes, gravitational waves and spacetime singularitie

    Nautical Tourism and Its Function in the Economic Development of Europe

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    Isotropic vs. Anisotropic components of BAO data: a tool for model selection

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    We conduct a selective analysis of the isotropic (DVD_V) and anisotropic (APAP) components of the most recent Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) data. We find that these components provide significantly different constraints and could provide strong diagnostics for model selection, also in view of more precise data to arrive. For instance, in the Λ\LambdaCDM model, we find a mild tension of 2σ\sim 2 \sigma for the Ωm\Omega_m estimates obtained using DVD_V and APAP separately. Considering both Ωk\Omega_k and ww as free parameters, we find that the concordance model is in tension with the best-fit values provided by the BAO data alone at 2.2σ\sigma. We complemented the BAO data with the Supernova Ia (SNIa) and Observational \textit{Hubble} datasets to perform a joint analysis on the Λ\LambdaCDM model and its standard extensions. By assuming Λ\LambdaCDM scenario, we find that these data provide H0=69.4±1.7H_0 = 69.4 \pm 1.7 \text{km/s Mpc1^{-1} } as the best-fit value for the present expansion rate. In the kΛk\LambdaCDM scenario we find that the evidence for acceleration using the BAO data alone is more than 5.8σ\sim 5.8\sigma, which increases to 8.4σ8.4 \sigma in our joint analysis.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCAP. References update

    Valtazar Bogišić and the general property code for the principality of Montenegro: Domestic and foreign associates

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    Assigned with the task to prepare a general property code for the Principality of Montenegro, V. Bogišić conducted in 1873 a survey on customary law, relying on several local informants who were well versed in the matter and as a rule holders of high military and civil offices. A distinctive group of Bogišić’s associates were members of the commission responsible for discussing two drafts of the code, all of them judges of the highest court in Montenegro at the time. In contrast to their contribution which is quite well known, that of his foreign consultants, although significant, is not. In two of his texts, one of which was published posthumously, Bogišić expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided by the eminent French and German legal experts R. Dareste, E. Glasson, C. Bluntschli, J. Neubauer and K. Dickel

    Ladislav Hladkýa et al., Vztahy Čechů s národy a zeměmi jihovýchodní Evropý. Prague: Historický ústav, 2010, pp. 367.

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