3 research outputs found

    Constitutional and legal framework for gender equality in Ukraine and world countries

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    This research aims at a comparative analysis of the constitutional and legal foundations of gender equality in Ukraine and other countries, as well as the study of the constitutional and legal provision influence on the indicator of Global Gender Gap Index. The research uses the method of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, cluster analysis. Research results on the influence of constitutional and legal provision on the Global Gender Gap Index, there are three groups among the EU countries: countries with a higher level of gender equality (Global Gender Gap Index between 0.784-0.861: Ireland, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, and Sweden); countries with a more or less high level of gender equality (Global Gender Gap Index between 0.762-0.778: Latvia, Netherlands, and Portugal), and countries with an average level of gender equality (Global Gender Gap Index between 0.688 and 0.726: Greece, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic). The first group of countries has a more advanced constitutional and legal provision for gender equality. In the second group – the principles of constitutional and legal provision for gender equality are not fully implemented. In the third group – the constitutional and legal provision needs reviewing and improvement. Ukraine characterized by gender inequality, violence against women, low level of the legal protection of women, limitation of their access to participation in public, political and economic life

    Legal limitations of socio-economic rights: positive and negative experience of Europe

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    The article shows the review of legislative restrictions in European countries which deal with the limitations of the socio-economic rights of the population. The research aims to analyze the limits of human and civil rights and freedoms in modern conditions and directly related relations based on the study and generalization of the doctrinal heritage of legal science, current European legislation, and practice of its application.  The article highlights the critical analysis of scientists' opinions on the formation and limitation of socio-economic rights, makes a general assessment of the legislative regulation of this issue. As a result, the features of legislative protection of human rights in European countries, the place of socio-economic rights in the general human rights, and their importance for the socio-economic development of society are shown. Furthermore, the main principles of legislative regulation and practical restrictions are shown: the supreme source of law, indivisibility, and interrelatedness of rights, the doctrine of the supreme public right over the individual one, the principle of formation of rights and restrictions under the national specifics. All this allowed, as a result, to make a comparative analysis of the positive and negative experience of state regulation of socio-economic rights and summarize the conclusion that ensuring social and economic rights of some people can create prerequisites for the formation of socio-economic restrictions for others. In such situations, the state must perform a controlling function, which will ensure a balance between the rights of some parties and the limits of others

    Business alliances in the economy of EU countries

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    The activities of business alliances in the EU are being transformed by the aid of the policy implementation of industrial alliances development, which provides for a wide network formation of stakeholders in reducing the dependence of member states on raw materials of third countries. The purpose of the academic paper lies in assessing empirically the business alliances effectiveness in the EU based on the case studies analysis on creating strategic alliances. Methodology. The case method has been used in the course of the research in order to analyse the activities and effects of business alliances within the established network for cooperation of the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA). The results demonstrate the uncertainty in the strategic business alliances effectiveness in the EU; it is difficult to assess the potential quantitative effect from the company’s resources synergy – alliance members in the short-term prospects. Despite the well-established principles, the choice of the alliance management form as joint venture, the company’s market value has decreased. The advantages of the business alliance include the supply chain diversification of of raw materials from Third World countries to EU countries for industrial production. The theoretical and practical research value lies in supplementing the transaction costs theory and the theory of resources, explaining the business alliances creation. In practice, companies - members of business alliances combine the features of both theories in order to take into accounts both costs and synergies from resource integration