5,394 research outputs found

    The Conflict-Laden Multi-Functionality of the Kapuas River in Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Reconstructing contested landscapes : Dynamics, drivers and political framings of land use and land cover change, watershed transformations and coastal sedimentation in Java, Indonesia

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    The dissertation examines land use, watershed, and coastal dynamics, their drivers, and related environmental governance and management approaches in Java, Indonesia. It questions long-standing narratives about the drivers of high river sediment loads and coastal sedimentation and contributes new insight into the dynamics and causes of these processes. The research thus deconstructs political discourses about watershed and coastal change and reconstructs these dynamics. It combines political ecology, land change science and historical cartography and utilises a broad range of related methods to directly link physical environmental changes with (historically rooted) struggles over resource access and control, and related political framings and modes of action. The most insightful findings of this research were generated at the intersections of the different themes, approaches and methods

    Konservasi daerah aliran sungai di Pulau Jawa, Indonesia: terjebak dalam konflik sumberdaya hutan

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    Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan selama beberapa dekade untuk melawan degradasi daerah aliran sungai dan lahan di Pulau Jawa. Namun, banyak daerah aliran sungai dan lahan tetap terdegradasi. Makalah ini menunjukkan rumitnya hubungan pengelolaan daerah aliran sungai dengan dikotomi antara lahan hutan negara dan lahan pribadi petani, serta upaya untuk mempertahankan dikotomi itu, yang mengacaukan hasil upaya pengelolaan daerah aliran sungai tersebutterhadap lingkungan. Di sejumlah lahan hutan negara, tutupan pohon menurun dan degradasi meningkat sejak akhir tahun 1990an sebagai akibat dari sengketa sumber daya hutan antara petani dan perusahaan hutan negara. Sebaliknya, di lahan pribadi petani, tutupan pohon meningkat pada periode yang sama, dan konservasi tanah semakin baik. Upaya konservasi tanah dan daerah aliran sungai terus berfokus di lahan pribadi petani, sedangkan tingkat degradasi di hutan negara bergantung pada kemajuan sengketa antara perusahaan hutan negara dan petani. Sengketa ini dimediasi melalui program kehutanan masyarakat (PHBM). Kinerja program ini dalam membangun kepercayaan dan rasa memiliki di pihak petani tetap terbatas. Hal ini terlihat dari tutupan pohon terbatas dan penanaman tanaman dengan konservasi tanah yang rendah, yang mengakibatkan erosi. Makalah ini menganalisis penyimpangan kecenderungan tutupan lahan dan tingkat degradasi di lahan hutan negara dan lahan pribadi petani, penyebab, dan keterkaitannya. Makalah ini kemudian mengungkapkan perangkap yang merusak lingkungan pada sistem konservasi daerah aliran sungai dalam dikotomi rezim kepemilikan lahan serta membuka perdebatan tentang kemungkinan solusi. Perdebatan tersebut harus menghubungkan tujuan dan strategi perlindungan daerah aliran sungai dengan pengaturan (ulang) pola akses dan kontrol hutan.21

    Lock-in detection for pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance

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    We show that in pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance (pEDMR) signal modulation in combination with a lock-in detection scheme can reduce the low-frequency noise level by one order of magnitude and in addition removes the microwave-induced non-resonant background. This is exemplarily demonstrated for spin-echo measurements in phosphorus-doped Silicon. The modulation of the signal is achieved by cycling the phase of the projection pulse used in pEDMR for the read-out of the spin state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetoelastic coupling in triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuCrS2

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    CuCrS2 is a triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with a rhombohedral crystal structure. We report on neutron and synchrotron powder diffraction results which reveal a monoclinic lattice distortion at the magnetic transition and verify a magnetoelastic coupling. CuCrS2 is therefore an interesting material to study the influence of magnetism on the relief of geometrical frustration.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Neuronal-spiking-based closed-loop stimulation during cortical ON- and OFF-states in freely moving mice.

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    The slow oscillation is a central neuronal dynamic during sleep, and is generated by alternating periods of high and low neuronal activity (ON- and OFF-states). Mounting evidence causally links the slow oscillation to sleep's functions, and it has recently become possible to manipulate the slow oscillation non-invasively and phase-specifically. These developments represent promising clinical avenues, but they also highlight the importance of improving our understanding of how ON/OFF-states affect incoming stimuli and what role they play in neuronal plasticity. Most studies using closed-loop stimulation rely on the electroencephalogram and local field potential signals, which reflect neuronal ON- and OFF-states only indirectly. Here we develop an online detection algorithm based on spiking activity recorded from laminar arrays in mouse motor cortex. We find that online detection of ON- and OFF-states reflects specific phases of spontaneous local field potential slow oscillation. Our neuronal-spiking-based closed-loop procedure offers a novel opportunity for testing the functional role of slow oscillation in sleep-related restorative processes and neural plasticity

    Radion and moduli stabilization from induced brane actions in higher-dimensional brane worlds

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    We consider a 4+N-dimensional brane world with 2 co-dimension 1 branes in an empty bulk. The two branes have N-1 of their extra dimensions compactified on a sphere S^(N-1), whereas the ordinary 4 spacetime directions are Poincare invariant. An essential input are induced stress-energy tensors on the branes providing different tensions for the spherical and flat part of the branes. The junction conditions - notably through their extra dimensional components - fix both the distance between the branes as well as the size of the sphere. As a result, we demonstrate, that there are no scalar Kaluza-Klein states at all (massless or massive), that would correspond to a radion or a modulus field of S^(N-1). We also discuss the effect of induced Einstein terms on the branes and show that their coefficients are bounded from above, otherwise they lead to a graviton ghost.Comment: 23 pages, no figures, references added, typos correcte