822 research outputs found

    Restaurant chains: Opportunities and prospects for Bulgarian foodservice operators

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    Multiplication of objects or joining an existing chain is a good alternative for the development of the Bulgarian independent foodservice operators, which has been little studied in the Bulgarian specialized literature. In Bulgaria, as a country with developed tourism and cross-road geographical position, as well as a "new" market, the restaurant industry, including the multiplication of sites, has great potential. It is essential that the restaurant owners and managers are well informed about the features, advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of restaurant associations. In this regard, the aim of the paper is to present a summary of structured information about the restaurant chains, to analyze their contemporary development at international and national level, and on this basis to reveal opportunities that independent foodservice operators in Bulgaria can take advantage of

    Modern transformations in hotel service

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    The purpose of the present study is to trace the most significant modern transformations in hotel service worldwide, which could also find application in the Bulgarian hotel industry. The first part of the publication examines the factors, as a result of which significant changes occur in the way hotel organizations interact with their customers. The first factor that has had an important impact on the development of the world hotel industry in recent years is the change in the characteristics of hotel consumers and their expectations about hotel service. The second factor, the impact of which in the last two years has radically changed not only the hotel sector but also socio-economic life in general, is the global spread of COVID-19 and the efforts the world is making to contain it. The second part of the paper examines innovative intelligent solutions based on self-service technologies, service automation, and artificial intelligence, which significantly accelerate the adaptation of the hospitality industry to new realities. It is completely realistic to claim that these technologies are also applicable in the Bulgarian hotel industry, especially since some of them are already being implemented in Bulgarian hotels, although still as isolated cases

    Resource potential for developing tourism in a small municipality (the example of the municipality of Dalgopol)

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    The goal of this paper is to analyse and assess the resource potential for developing tourism in a local tourist destination. In the first part of the research work there are presented several models for studying the tourist potential of a territory. What unites them is the fact that most models emphasize the separate constituent elements and the interrelations between them. In the second part the resource potential for developing tourism in the researched site is analysed. The major issues of the research concern the parameters of tourist supply that include geographical location, natural and resource potential, cultural-and-historic potential, touristic infrastructure and superstructure. The results of the analysis show good opportunities for the researched site to be formed as a local tourist destination through creating sustainable connection tourism – nature – sport – folklore – ecology

    Possibilities for application of certification systems in Bulgarian restaurants

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    The aim of the following paper is to highlight some of the most important European certification systems for the restaurant product as a good example of application in the Bulgarian restaurant industry. The role and importance of certification systems for the restaurants is the cause of the existence and application of numerous international, national, regional and local systems of diverse nature, objectives, strategies and scope. From a theoretical point of view, the components of the certification system are explained; the types of systems are examined according to different criteria. A feature of specific for restaurant business European certification systems has been made. Particular attention has been paid to France as a country with deep traditions in the culinary and restaurant industry, which are a recognized symbol of quality and image. The examples examined could also be applied in the Bulgarian restaurant industry as the most important prerequisite is their public recognition both among professionals and among potential consumers

    Impact of COVID-19 on the restaurant franchising

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    The last two years of human development took place under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic that affected each and every field of socio-economic life. The restaurant industry is one of the most affected sectors as a result of the measures taken by states for limiting the spread of the Corona virus. The initiatives for keeping social distance, restricting free movement nation- and world-wide, full or partial lockdown resulted into a number of negative consequences for the restaurant activity like job loss and closure of outlets. When recessions happened before the franchising business model turned out to be a sustainable and leading model for growth. COVID-19 created unprecedented challenges to the franchising community, however, the franchisors and franchisees react quickly and carefully in order to minimize losses through implementing a number of activities. It is exactly in this respect that the goal of this study is set: to present and summarize the main impacts of COVID-19 on the world franchising industry and, in particular, on the development of restaurant franchising

    Social and sustainable : case study based on a portuguese non-profit organization

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    Social entrepreneurs encounter a myriad of challenges in maintaining long-term financial sustainability, and these challenges are exacerbated for social entrepreneurs operating in times of economic distress. The following case study on the Lisbon-based nonprofit Buena Vista analyses the sustainability crisis social entrepreneurs are faced with. The objective of this case study is to give students a better understanding of how the social entrepreneurial process differs from the traditional commercial entrepreneurial one. It also highlights how social-purpose organizations operate, grow and what difficulties they might encounter. In the course of the paper, three main drivers for the lack of financial sustainability in Buena Vista are presented, namely an unclear mission statement, a short-term horizon of the sponsorship and a lack of formalization with respect to the internal processes. The case study aims to review these three drivers and their resolution for the successful implementation of a sustainable long term strategy. Ultimately, the study poses the question of the organizational form and strategy Buena Vista should adopt to ensure its long term survival. One way to go for Buena Vista is to continue to operate as a non-profit whilst its second option is to start to operate entirely as a commercial entity

    The Role of Vascular Resection in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

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    Currently, porto‐mesenteric vein resection is a standard procedure at high‐volume pancreatic centers. Experience in vascular surgery is indispensable for a modern pancreatic surgeon. Nowadays, only arterial resections still are a controversial issue. Nevertheless, attempts at resection involving reconstruction of the main arteries such as the coeliac axis, hepatic artery, and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) have been reported, although in small case series. An overview of the historical and contemporary methods for surgical management of superior mesenteric/portal vein involvement as well as arterial involvement by pancreatic cancer is presented. We compare the data from the literature with our data based on the examination and long‐term follow‐up of more than 300 radical pancreatic resections. Seventy‐two of the presented patients underwent pancreatic resection with simultaneous vascular resection—SMPV in 65 cases (44 with resection of the portal vein, 15 with resection of the superior mesenteric vein, 6 with resection of the porto‐mesenterial confluence), arterial in 2 and partial resections of IVC in 5 cases. Combined vascular resections were done in three cases. Both groups PVR and PR showed similarly close results in complication rates, mortality, and morbidity. Three and 5 years survival rates were 42 and 38% in PD group and 28 and 19% in the PVR group. The vascular resection must be performed only upon carefully selected patients with data for presence of resectable tumors or tumors with borderline resectability from the preoperative imaging studies. The prompt management of pancreatic cancer with vascular involvement should involve multidisciplinary consultation in high‐volume centers

    Опазване и популяризиране на културно-историческото наследство и селищната култура (по примера на гр. Каблешково, област Бургас, България)

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    Град Каблешково, област Бургас се намира в Югоизточна България, в границите на община Поморие и в близост до град Несебър. В Каблешково живеят много преселници от Егейска Македония и Тракия, както и от Еркеч (днешно Козичино). В близост се намира праисторическото селище и некропол "Козарева могила". Като родно място на поета-партизанин Атанас Манчев, гр. Каблешково е известно с антифашистката си дейност и с привилегировано отношение от страна на управляващите през социалистическия период. В доклада се разглеждат практиките, установени в гр. Каблешково, област Бургас за опазване на културно-историческото наследство и селищната култура.The town of Kableshkovo, Bourgas district is located in southeastern Bulgaria, within the municipality of Pomorie and near the town of Nessebar. Many migrants from Aegean Macedonia and Thrace, as well as from Erkech (today's Kozichino) live in Kableshkovo. Nearby is the prehistoric settlement and necropolis "Kozareva Mogila", and as the birthplace of the partisan poet Atanas Manchev, Kableshkovo is known for its anti-fascist activities and privileged attitude of the rulers during the socialist period. The report examines the practices established in the town of Kableshkovo, Burgas region for the preservation of cultural and historical heritage and settlement culture.Авторът благодари за частичната подкрепа на Министерството на образованието и науката на България по Национална научна програма „Културноисторическо наследство, национална памет и обществено развитие“, одобрена от РМС № 577 от 17 август 2018 г

    Феномен пандемії з точки зору системного підходу: до постановки питання

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    Proposed system theory for researching phenomenon of pandemic. The matter of this conception includes the next idea: pandemic is showed as a certain variant of antisystem. In this case pandemic has median nature, it emerges as an interferential picture of crossing of two systems – biocenosis and anthropocenosis.A system in its inner structure and organization is showed as totality of homogeneous and heterogeneous units in their union and relations. There are four types of systems create biocenosis and anthropocenosis: discrete, stiff, open and closed. The successful existence of a system must take into account quality of its elements, quantity of its elements, architectonics of elements of a system. Together with that a system should have a degree of order, a character of order, a functional effect and a compliance of a system with its functions. Relations in a system make a system as it. A basic element of a system is its relations. A system is organic, but not mechanic, forming.Biocenosis is a definite completed complex of forms, that physically, ecologically, historically is united in a whole by the conditions of existence. It consists of zoocenosis, plant community, viruscenosis etc. Anthropocenosis is a core of ethnocenosis. Showed that union of biocenosis and anthropocenosis is in possibility to autoreproduction and difference is dependence of anthropocenosis from not only biological, but social, cultural, spiritual laws. If biocenosis can evaluate by simple summation of changes, that anthropocenosis can evaluate by prognostics and combinations of complex and growing coordination of development.Antisystem as a notion is a system with negative level of consistency, it’s a union of multiple elements at the expense of their interaction of a whole, that that prevents of achievements of aims. Proposed that antisystem is emerged as negative meeting of two different systems.Pandemic belongs to hostile type of relations between biocenosis and anthropocenosis. During their collision biocenosis has some entropic processes and aims to compensate them for anthropocenosis. Biocenosis uses anthropocenosis as negentropy. In its turn anthropocenosis has the same processes. That’s why pandemic is a war between biocenosis and anthropocenosis and median space between of them.Pandemic can initiate not only dissipative, negative, antievolution processes. It’s an existential, limit situation. Pandemic has mortal danger and new possibilities at the same time.Предложен системный подход к исследованию феномена пандемии. Суть подхода заключается в том, что пандемия рассматривается как определенный вариант антисистемы. Пандемия как антисистема возникает на пересечении двух систем – биоценоза и антропоценоза. Уяснено, что биоценоз является комплексом, состоящим из зооценоза, фитоценоза, микоценоза, микробоценоза. Показано, что антропоценоз является сердцевиной этноценоза и подчеркивает его человекомерный характер.Система в ее внутренней структуре и организованности раскрыта как совокупность однородных и разнородных единиц в их единстве и связях. Показано, что в контексте формирования биоценоза и антропоценоза участвуют четыре типа систем: дискретная, жесткая, открытая и закрытая, каждая из которых по-своему преломляется в них.Показано, что единство биоценоза и антропоценоза заключается в способности к авторепродукции, а отличие – в зависимости последнего не только от биологических, но и от социальных, культурных, духовных законов. Наряду с этим, биоценоз эволюционирует путем суммирования изменений, а антропоценоз – на основе прогнозирования и соединения сложной и нарастающей координации развития.Раскрыто, что пандемия относится к вражеским отношениям между биоценозом и антропоценозом, в которых при столкновении биоценоз испытывает энтропийные процессы и стремится компенсировать их за счет антропоценоза, используя его в качестве негэнтропии.Запропонований системний підхід до дослідження феномену пандемії. Сутність підходу полягає у тому, що пандемія розглядається як певний варіант антисистеми. Пандемія, як анти система, виникає на перетині двох систем – біоценозу та антропоценозу. З’ясовано, що біоценоз є цілим комплексом, що складається з зооценозу, фітоценозу, мікоценозу і мікробоценозу. Показано, що антропоценоз є серцевиною етноценозу і підкреслює його людиновимірний характер. Система у її внутрішній структурі та організованості розкрита як сукупність однорідних та різнорідних одиниць у їх єдності та зв’язку. Усвідомлені чотири типи систем: дискретна, жорстка, відкрита та закрита, кожна з яких має свою специфіку у контексті формування біоценозу та антропоценозу.Показано, що єдність біоценозу та антропоценозу полягає у здатності до авторепродукції, а відмінність у тому, що останній підкорюється не лише біологічним законам, але й суспільним, культурним, духовним. Крім того, якщо біоценоз еволюціонує лише шляхом сумації змін, то антропоценоз посилює самоорганізацію на підставі прогнозування та поєднання складної і зростаючої координації розвитку.Усвідомлено, що пандемія належить до ворожих відносин між біоценозом та антропоценозом, у яких при їх зіткненні біоценоз переживає ентропійні процеси і намагається їх компенсувати за рахунок антропоценозу, використовуючи його у якості негентропії