21 research outputs found


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    Osnovni preduvjet za uspjeÅ”an rad svih sustava na brodu je provođenje adekvatnih kontrola brodskih sustava. Kod tankera se razlikuju četiri osnovne skupine pregleda: pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici države zastave i luke, pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici priznatih organizacija, pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici klubova i zaklada, te pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici kompanija. Osim navedenih kategorija nužno je spomenuti i posebne preglede koje karakterizira različit intenzitet i način provedbe pregleda: pregledi brodogradiliÅ”ta i proizvođača strojeva/opreme, pregledi potencijalnih kupaca broda i pregledi posade. U radu su analizirani i opisani svi navedeni režimi pregleda, te su utvrđena preklapanja u pregledima između određenih režima. Rezultati provedenih istraživanja ukazali su na neusklađenost termina pregleda i prekomjernu opterećenost posade. Upravo neravnomjerni i vremenski neusklađeni pregledi utječu na povećanje troÅ”kova i psiho-fizičkog opterećenja posade broda. Navedeno ukazuje na činjenicu da je nužna cjelovita racionalizacija pregleda tankera. Provođenje racionalizacije pregleda ne smije negativno utjecati na sigurnost broda. Autor je u radu predložio uvođenje objedinjenog pregleda tankera. Definirani su parametri koji čine ulaznu osnovu u procesu modeliranja objedinjenog pregleda. Na temelju sveobuhvatne analize rizika koji nastaju zbog neusklađenosti, propusta ili izostanka pregleda autor je definirao optimalni vremenski period za provedbu pregleda u ovisnosti o tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kim i tržiÅ”nim parametrima broda. Uvođenjem objedinjenog pregleda smanjili bi se negativni utjecaji koji nastaju kod sadaÅ”njih pregleda. Osim toga, unaprijedila bi se sigurnost broda i kvaliteta poslovanja. Nadalje, u radu je izvrÅ”ena provjera predloženog modela, obrazložen je njegov pozitivan utjecaj na sve aspekte poslovanja u brodarstvu, te je utvrđena njegova prihvatljivost u praksi.The basic requirement for the successful operation of all vessel systems is the implementation of adequate on-board control systems. There are four basic tanker survey regimes: Port State Controls (PSC) and Flag State Controls (FSC), Annual Class Survey, P&I Club Survey and vetting inspections. Furthermore, there are additional surveys which differ in frequency and methods of conducting inspections: the shipyard inspections, machinery/equipment related inspections, inspections by potential buyers and the crew inspections. The paper analyses and describes all the mentioned survey regimes, determining a certain amount of overlapping between specific survey-regimes. The results of the study indicate that there are inconsistencies in the frequency of surveys and over-inspections of some vessels. These uncoordinated surveys affect the costs as well as the mental and physical condition of the crew. The afore-mentioned indicates the necessity of the overall tanker survey rationalization, having in mind that the rationalization must not have the negative impact on the safety of the vessel. In this paper, the author proposes the implementation of the unified tanker survey model that would integrate components of all survey regimes. The parameters forming the basis for the tanker unified survey model development have also been determined. The results of a comprehensive analysis of the risks arising from non-compliance, oversights or absence of survey, have helped the author to define the optimal time needed to conduct the survey with respect to the technical, technological and economic specifications of the ship. The implementation of the unified survey will eliminate the negative effects found during present surveys and enhance the safety of the ship as well as the quality of the management. Furthermore, the paper verifies the proposed model, explains its positive impact on all aspects of the shipping industry and determines its practical application


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    Osnovni preduvjet za uspjeÅ”an rad svih sustava na brodu je provođenje adekvatnih kontrola brodskih sustava. Kod tankera se razlikuju četiri osnovne skupine pregleda: pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici države zastave i luke, pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici priznatih organizacija, pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici klubova i zaklada, te pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici kompanija. Osim navedenih kategorija nužno je spomenuti i posebne preglede koje karakterizira različit intenzitet i način provedbe pregleda: pregledi brodogradiliÅ”ta i proizvođača strojeva/opreme, pregledi potencijalnih kupaca broda i pregledi posade. U radu su analizirani i opisani svi navedeni režimi pregleda, te su utvrđena preklapanja u pregledima između određenih režima. Rezultati provedenih istraživanja ukazali su na neusklađenost termina pregleda i prekomjernu opterećenost posade. Upravo neravnomjerni i vremenski neusklađeni pregledi utječu na povećanje troÅ”kova i psiho-fizičkog opterećenja posade broda. Navedeno ukazuje na činjenicu da je nužna cjelovita racionalizacija pregleda tankera. Provođenje racionalizacije pregleda ne smije negativno utjecati na sigurnost broda. Autor je u radu predložio uvođenje objedinjenog pregleda tankera. Definirani su parametri koji čine ulaznu osnovu u procesu modeliranja objedinjenog pregleda. Na temelju sveobuhvatne analize rizika koji nastaju zbog neusklađenosti, propusta ili izostanka pregleda autor je definirao optimalni vremenski period za provedbu pregleda u ovisnosti o tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kim i tržiÅ”nim parametrima broda. Uvođenjem objedinjenog pregleda smanjili bi se negativni utjecaji koji nastaju kod sadaÅ”njih pregleda. Osim toga, unaprijedila bi se sigurnost broda i kvaliteta poslovanja. Nadalje, u radu je izvrÅ”ena provjera predloženog modela, obrazložen je njegov pozitivan utjecaj na sve aspekte poslovanja u brodarstvu, te je utvrđena njegova prihvatljivost u praksi.The basic requirement for the successful operation of all vessel systems is the implementation of adequate on-board control systems. There are four basic tanker survey regimes: Port State Controls (PSC) and Flag State Controls (FSC), Annual Class Survey, P&I Club Survey and vetting inspections. Furthermore, there are additional surveys which differ in frequency and methods of conducting inspections: the shipyard inspections, machinery/equipment related inspections, inspections by potential buyers and the crew inspections. The paper analyses and describes all the mentioned survey regimes, determining a certain amount of overlapping between specific survey-regimes. The results of the study indicate that there are inconsistencies in the frequency of surveys and over-inspections of some vessels. These uncoordinated surveys affect the costs as well as the mental and physical condition of the crew. The afore-mentioned indicates the necessity of the overall tanker survey rationalization, having in mind that the rationalization must not have the negative impact on the safety of the vessel. In this paper, the author proposes the implementation of the unified tanker survey model that would integrate components of all survey regimes. The parameters forming the basis for the tanker unified survey model development have also been determined. The results of a comprehensive analysis of the risks arising from non-compliance, oversights or absence of survey, have helped the author to define the optimal time needed to conduct the survey with respect to the technical, technological and economic specifications of the ship. The implementation of the unified survey will eliminate the negative effects found during present surveys and enhance the safety of the ship as well as the quality of the management. Furthermore, the paper verifies the proposed model, explains its positive impact on all aspects of the shipping industry and determines its practical application


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    Osnovni preduvjet za uspjeÅ”an rad svih sustava na brodu je provođenje adekvatnih kontrola brodskih sustava. Kod tankera se razlikuju četiri osnovne skupine pregleda: pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici države zastave i luke, pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici priznatih organizacija, pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici klubova i zaklada, te pregledi koje obavljaju predstavnici kompanija. Osim navedenih kategorija nužno je spomenuti i posebne preglede koje karakterizira različit intenzitet i način provedbe pregleda: pregledi brodogradiliÅ”ta i proizvođača strojeva/opreme, pregledi potencijalnih kupaca broda i pregledi posade. U radu su analizirani i opisani svi navedeni režimi pregleda, te su utvrđena preklapanja u pregledima između određenih režima. Rezultati provedenih istraživanja ukazali su na neusklađenost termina pregleda i prekomjernu opterećenost posade. Upravo neravnomjerni i vremenski neusklađeni pregledi utječu na povećanje troÅ”kova i psiho-fizičkog opterećenja posade broda. Navedeno ukazuje na činjenicu da je nužna cjelovita racionalizacija pregleda tankera. Provođenje racionalizacije pregleda ne smije negativno utjecati na sigurnost broda. Autor je u radu predložio uvođenje objedinjenog pregleda tankera. Definirani su parametri koji čine ulaznu osnovu u procesu modeliranja objedinjenog pregleda. Na temelju sveobuhvatne analize rizika koji nastaju zbog neusklađenosti, propusta ili izostanka pregleda autor je definirao optimalni vremenski period za provedbu pregleda u ovisnosti o tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kim i tržiÅ”nim parametrima broda. Uvođenjem objedinjenog pregleda smanjili bi se negativni utjecaji koji nastaju kod sadaÅ”njih pregleda. Osim toga, unaprijedila bi se sigurnost broda i kvaliteta poslovanja. Nadalje, u radu je izvrÅ”ena provjera predloženog modela, obrazložen je njegov pozitivan utjecaj na sve aspekte poslovanja u brodarstvu, te je utvrđena njegova prihvatljivost u praksi.The basic requirement for the successful operation of all vessel systems is the implementation of adequate on-board control systems. There are four basic tanker survey regimes: Port State Controls (PSC) and Flag State Controls (FSC), Annual Class Survey, P&I Club Survey and vetting inspections. Furthermore, there are additional surveys which differ in frequency and methods of conducting inspections: the shipyard inspections, machinery/equipment related inspections, inspections by potential buyers and the crew inspections. The paper analyses and describes all the mentioned survey regimes, determining a certain amount of overlapping between specific survey-regimes. The results of the study indicate that there are inconsistencies in the frequency of surveys and over-inspections of some vessels. These uncoordinated surveys affect the costs as well as the mental and physical condition of the crew. The afore-mentioned indicates the necessity of the overall tanker survey rationalization, having in mind that the rationalization must not have the negative impact on the safety of the vessel. In this paper, the author proposes the implementation of the unified tanker survey model that would integrate components of all survey regimes. The parameters forming the basis for the tanker unified survey model development have also been determined. The results of a comprehensive analysis of the risks arising from non-compliance, oversights or absence of survey, have helped the author to define the optimal time needed to conduct the survey with respect to the technical, technological and economic specifications of the ship. The implementation of the unified survey will eliminate the negative effects found during present surveys and enhance the safety of the ship as well as the quality of the management. Furthermore, the paper verifies the proposed model, explains its positive impact on all aspects of the shipping industry and determines its practical application

    Unified Tanker Survey and Inspection Regime in Terms of Reducing Psychophysical Strain of the Crew

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    The paper focuses on analysis of the effect of variousĀ surveys and inspections on the psychophysical behaviour ofĀ the crew. After analysing the scope and the extent of eachĀ regime, the authors identified more than 60% of surveysĀ overlapping each other. Furthermore, the results of the surveyĀ conducted among seafarers indicate that the presentĀ method of carrying out ship surveys and inspections have aĀ negative effect on the psychophysical condition of the crew.Ā Therefore, a new method of tanker inspections has beenĀ proposed in order to reduce the psychophysical strain of theĀ crew. The proposed method would minimise the annual durationĀ of the inspections up to 30% and improve inspectionĀ time coordination without compromising quality and safetyĀ of the ships.</p

    Detainable Maritime Labour Convention 2006-related deficiencis found by Paris MoU authorities

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    The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC, 2006) has entered into force in August 2013. Shipowners, flag States and port State authorities have an important role in the successful implementation of the MLC, 2006. Port State control (PSC) is responsible for ensuring that ships are in compliance with the requirements of the MLC, 2006. In cases of significant non-compliance ships are detained. This paper analyses the MLC, 2006-related deficiencies that were marked as a ground for detention of ships inspected in areas under the jurisdiction of the Paris MoU in the period 20 August 2013 until 31 December 2014. 390 recorded detainable deficiencies were related to 33 items, mostly belonging to areas ā€œAccommodation, recreational facilities, food and cateringā€ and ā€œConditions of employmentā€. The fact that 220 ships were detained (a total of 39 based solely on the MLC, 2006-related deficiencies) in 18 port States, suggests that PSC is becoming effective in detecting unacceptable working and living conditions for seafarers on-board. Detention rates on the MLC, 2006 ground vary significantly between port States, indicating that there is a room for harmonisation of PSC procedure

    Conceptual model of the ferry que management system in ferry ports in the Republic of Croatia

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    This paper proposes a model for optimizing the ferry traffic and the traffic demand at the macroscopic level by using information technology (IT) and the existing tourist amenities as a key element for achieving harmonization of supply and demand, i.e. optimization of the assessed system. Proposed approach differs from the other/present models because it includes the application of the macroscopic, instead of the microscopic (local) approach, i.e. harmonization of the ferry infrastructure demand from the place of its origin (road border crossings) to the place of its operation, i.e. the ferry infrastructure, and not solely in particular segments of the ferry infrastructure

    Inspections of Ro-Ro Ships Operating on ā€œMotorways of the Seaā€ Routes

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    This paper analyses the inspections of Ro-Ro ships operating on the Motorways of the Sea routes. The analysis aims to determine the level of safety standards on ships operating on the Motorways of the Sea routes. In addition, it examines results of the inspections of various types of ships within the ā€œParis Memorandumā€ regime. The paper describes inspection procedures and the parameters that indicate the level of safety and quality of the ship through indirect and direct indicators. Regarding direct indicators, ships were analysed by their age, shipā€™s flag and performance of the recognized organization. Regarding indirect safety indicators, an analysis of detentions and deficiencies found during ship inspections was carried out

    Inspections on Board Oil Tankers: Present Situation and Suggestion for Improvement

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    Oil tanker inspections have an important role in enhancing safety and minimizing the risk of oil pollution. However, research has indicated that inspection items are overlapping among inspection regimes observed in a given time span on board oil tankers, thus making negative impact on ship safety, unnecessarily consuming shipboard human resources and having adverse economic effects. In this paper, current inspections performed on board oil tankers have been presented, including duration, intensity and average costs, directly or indirectly paid by shipowners. Our analysis of surveyed components by all regimes has showed that it is possible to reduce critical inspection parameters without compromising safety by introducing a unified inspection method. A content of such inspection, consisting of 529 components, has been presented. Performing the proposed inspection method and sharing its results among interested parties of oil tanker safety regime has been suggested as a measure that could improve oil tanker safety and pollution prevention

    Integrated Development Model for the Zadar Port System

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    The Zadar Port System includes a series of ports and harbours of both the local and county importance, as well as of the national strategic importance. Year after year it has been recording good results in all its elements. However, it should be noted that the most significant growth has been recorded in sectors of nautical tourism and fisheries. Due to limited capacities and the recorded growth of the annual turnover in all the fields, the tendency is to develop the Zadar port system by improving any existing services and expanding by adding new ones. The aim is the integration into the system through diversification of services and enhancement of competitiveness on both the domestic and international markets. This paper has examined the status of existing infrastructure, traffic connections, yearly turnover and strategies for the future development that are meant to serve the purpose of enhancing competitiveness through the concept of integrating all the elements into the whole with the aim of ensuring unlimited possibilities of future development with regard to the geographical position and the needs of future users