59 research outputs found

    Raznolikost i bogastvo Ornitološke zbirke šireg područja Dubrovnika (Hrvatska)

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    During the period of 1992–1993 and autumn of 1995 the bird collection from Dubrovnik’s Museum was revised. A total of 946 prepared specimens (322 skins, 348 mounts, 275 mounts in dioramas and 1 stomach) was revised; the oldest were 3 preparations from 1867. The collection was formed by 69 collectors and contains 238 bird species from 18 orders and 57 families, 60% of all recorded birds species in Croatia. Nonpasseriformes are represented by 139 species, 36 families and 17 orders. The Order Passeriformes is represented by 99 species from 21 families. The oldest preparations of Anas querquedula, Vanellus vanellus and Coccothraustes coccothraustes date from 1867. For 335 preparations the locality data are missing and 470 preparations are without collector’s name. The species Ficedula semitorquata is the first finding for Croatia and Gavia immer is the fourth finding for Croatia. The collection contains rare and interesting species, such as Pelecanus onocrotalus, Plegadis falcinellus, Neophron percnopterus, Gyps fulvus, Accipiter brevipes, Crex crex, Tetrax tetrax, Prunella collaris and Hippolais olivetorum. The species Larus genei is without data, so it is not acceptable as a first record for Croatia. There are also interesting winter records of Alca torda and Fratercula arctica. In the collection 71 species are from spring migration, 83 from autumn migration, and there are 51 nesting species out of 54 over-wintering birds species in the Dubrovnik area.Tijekom razdoblja od 1992. do 1993. godine i u jesen 1995. godine, revidirana je ornitološka zbirka Dubrovačkog muzeja. Pregledano je ukupno 946 preparata, od toga 322 balga, 348 dermoplastičkih preparata i 275 dermoplastičkih preparata smještenih u dioramama, te jedan želudac. Zbirku je stvorilo ukupno 69 prikupljača, a sastoji se od 238 vrsta ptica iz 18 redova i 57 porodica, što čini 60% svih zabilježenih vrsta ptica u Hrvatskoj. Tri najstarija preparata, vrsta Anas querquedula, Vanellus vanellus i Coccothraustes coccothraustes, potječu iz 1867. godine. Nevrapčarke su zastupljene sa 139 vrsta iz 36 porodica, odnosno 17 redova, a red Passeriformes je zastupljen s 99 vrsta iz 21 porodice. Na 335 preparata nedostaju podaci o lokalitetu, a na 470 preparata nema podataka o prikupljaču. Vrsta Ficedula semitorquata je prvi, a vrsta Gavia immer četvrti nalaz za Hrvatsku. Zbirka sadrži rijetke i zanimljive vrste, kao što su: Pelecanus onocrotalus, Plegadis falcinellus, Neophron percnopterus, Gyps fulvus, Accipiter brevipes, Crex crex, Tetrax tetrax, Prunella collaris i Hippolais olivetorum. Preparat vrste Larus genei je bez podataka, te se ne može smatrati prvim nalazom za Hrvatsku. Zanimljive su i zimske zabilježbe vrsta Alca torda i Fratercula arctica. Zbirka sadrži 71 vrstu iz razdoblja proljetnih migracija, 83 vrste iz jesenskih migracija, te 51 gnjezdaricu i 54 vrste koje prezimljuju na području Dubrovnika

    Identification and molecular characterization circovirus2 and parvovirus in pigs from teritory Republic of Srpska, BIH

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    Prisustvo svinjskog cirkovirusa 2 i parvovirusa svinja ispitano je u osamdeset zbirnih uzoraka (slezina, limfni čvorovi, pluća) poreklom od nevakcinisanih svinja primenom lančane reakcije polimeraze. Sve životinje su bile iz ekstenzivnog načina gajenja i iz različitih regiona Republike Srpske, BiH. Četiri uzorka limfnih čvorova i dva uzorka slezine su bili pozitivni na prisustvo DNK svinjskog cirkovirusa 2 (7,5%), dok je kod pet uzoraka limfnih čvorova utvrđeno prisustvo DNK parvovirusa svinja (6,25%). U uzorcima poreklom od tri svinje utvrđeno je prisustvo nukleinske kiseline oba prethodno navedena virusa (3,75%). Metodom sekvenciranja određena je nukleotidna sekvenca dela ORF1 regiona genoma svih izolata svinjskog cirkovirusa 2 i dela VP2 gena identifikovanih sojeva parvovirusa svinja. Nukleotidne sekvence virusa PCV2 utvrđene u uzorcima svinja poreklom iz RSBiH uključene u filogenetsku analizu su pokazale visok stepen sličnosti sa nukleotidnim sekvencama soja Mantova izolovanog kod svinja u Italiji, zatim sojeva DE00614 i DE22213 izolovanih kod svinja u Nemačkoj kao i sa sojem Jvnan izolovanog kod svinja u Kini. Istovremeno, virusi PCV2 utvrđeni kod svinja u RSBiH su bili delimično slični sa sojem NIVC SRB virusa PCV2 izolovanim kod svinja u Srbiji. Nukleotidnesekvence svinjskih parvovirusa identifikovanih kod svinja u Republici Srpskoj uključene u filogenetsku analizu su pokazale visok stepen sličnosti sa sojem analognim sekvencama sojeva Challenge izolovanim kod svinja u UK, Kresse izolovanim kod svinja u SADu kao i sa sojevima 77 i LZ izolovanim kod svinja u Kini...The presence of porcine circovirus 2 and porcine parvovirus was examined in eighty clinical samples of spleen, lymph nodes and lungs originating from nonvaccinated swine by polymerase chain reaction. All animals were reared in extensive livestock farming systems in different geographical districts of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Porcine circovirus 2 DNA was detected in four lymph node and two spleen samples (7.5%), while porcine parvovirus DNA was identified in five lymph node samples (6.25%). The presence of both viruses was detected in three lymph node samples (3.75%). Partial nucleotide sequence of ORF1 gene of porcine circovirus 2 and VP2 gene of porcine parvovirus isolates was determined. The nucleotide sequences of identified PCV2 viruses from RSBIH included in phylogenetic typing are similar and cluster together with strain Mantova isolated from domestic pigs in Italy, strains DE00614 and DE22213 isolated from pigs in Germany as well as with the strain Jvnan isolated from pigs in China. Also, analyzed PCV2 isolates were partially similar with the strain NIVC SRB isolated from pigs in Serbia. The nucleotide sequences of identified PPV viruses that were included in phylogenetic typing showed a high level of similarity with the strain Challenge isolated from pigs in UK, strain Kresse isolated from pigs in USA and strains 77 and LZ isolated from pigs in China

    International survey on the management of esophageal atresia

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    IntroductionBecause many aspects of the management of esophageal atresia (EA) are still controversial, we evaluated the practice patterns of this condition across Europe. MethodsA survey was completed by 178 delegates (from 45 [27 European] countries; 88% senior respondents) at the EUPSA-BAPS 2012. ResultsApproximately 66% of respondents work in centers where more than five EA repairs are performed per year. Preoperatively, 81% of respondents request an echocardiogram, and only 43% of respondents routinely perform preoperative bronchoscopy. Approximately 94% of respondents prefer an open approach, which is extrapleural in 71% of respondents. There were no differences in use of thoracoscopy between Europeans (10%) and non-Europeans (11%, p=nonsignificant). Approximately 60% of respondents measure the gap intraoperatively. A transanastomotic tube (90%) and chest drain (69%) are left in situ. Elective paralysis is adopted by 56% of respondents mainly for anastomosis tension (65%). About 72% of respondents routinely request a contrast study on postoperative day 7 (2-14). Approximately 54% of respondents use parenteral nutrition, 40% of respondents start transanastomotic feeds on postoperative day 1, and 89% of respondents start oral feeds after postoperative day 5. Pure EA: 46% of respondents work in centers that repair two or more than two pure EA a year. About 60% of respondents opt for delayed primary anastomosis at 3 months (1-12 months) with gastrostomy formation without esophagostomy. Anastomosis is achieved with open approach by 85% of respondents. About 47% of respondents attempt elongation of esophageal ends via Foker technique (43%) or with serial dilations with bougies (41%). Approximately 67% of respondents always attempt an anastomosis. Gastric interposition is the commonest esophageal substitution. ConclusionMany aspects of EA management are lacking consensus. Minimally invasive repair is still sporadic. We recommend establishment of an EA registry

    Assessment of Methods Used in 1D Models for Computing Bed-Load Transport in a Large River: The Danube River in Slovakia

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    Comprehensive measurements of bedload sediment transport through a section of the Danube River, located approximately 70km downstream from Bratislava, Slovakia, are used to assess the accuracy of bedload formulae implemented in 1D modelling. Depending on water discharge and water level, significant variations in the distribution of bedload across the section were observed. It appeared that, whatever the water discharge, the bed shear stress tau is always close to the estimated critical bed shear stress for the initiation of sediment transport . The discussion focusses on the methods used in 1D models for estimating bedload transport. Though usually done, the evaluation of bedload transport using the mean cross-sectional bed shear stress yields unsatisfactory results. It is necessary to use an additional model to distribute the bed shear stress across the section and calculate bedload locally. Bedload predictors also need to be accurate for tau close to tau. From that point of view, bedload formulae based on an exponential decrease of bedload transport close to tau appear to be more appropriate than models based on excess bed shear stress. A discussion on the bedload formula capability to reproduce grain sorting is also provided

    Identification and molecular characterization circovirus2 and parvovirus in pigs from teritory Republic of Srpska, BIH

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    Prisustvo svinjskog cirkovirusa 2 i parvovirusa svinja ispitano je u osamdeset zbirnih uzoraka (slezina, limfni čvorovi, pluća) poreklom od nevakcinisanih svinja primenom lančane reakcije polimeraze. Sve životinje su bile iz ekstenzivnog načina gajenja i iz različitih regiona Republike Srpske, BiH. Četiri uzorka limfnih čvorova i dva uzorka slezine su bili pozitivni na prisustvo DNK svinjskog cirkovirusa 2 (7,5%), dok je kod pet uzoraka limfnih čvorova utvrđeno prisustvo DNK parvovirusa svinja (6,25%). U uzorcima poreklom od tri svinje utvrđeno je prisustvo nukleinske kiseline oba prethodno navedena virusa (3,75%). Metodom sekvenciranja određena je nukleotidna sekvenca dela ORF1 regiona genoma svih izolata svinjskog cirkovirusa 2 i dela VP2 gena identifikovanih sojeva parvovirusa svinja. Nukleotidne sekvence virusa PCV2 utvrđene u uzorcima svinja poreklom iz RSBiH uključene u filogenetsku analizu su pokazale visok stepen sličnosti sa nukleotidnim sekvencama soja Mantova izolovanog kod svinja u Italiji, zatim sojeva DE00614 i DE22213 izolovanih kod svinja u Nemačkoj kao i sa sojem Jvnan izolovanog kod svinja u Kini. Istovremeno, virusi PCV2 utvrđeni kod svinja u RSBiH su bili delimično slični sa sojem NIVC SRB virusa PCV2 izolovanim kod svinja u Srbiji. Nukleotidnesekvence svinjskih parvovirusa identifikovanih kod svinja u Republici Srpskoj uključene u filogenetsku analizu su pokazale visok stepen sličnosti sa sojem analognim sekvencama sojeva Challenge izolovanim kod svinja u UK, Kresse izolovanim kod svinja u SADu kao i sa sojevima 77 i LZ izolovanim kod svinja u Kini...The presence of porcine circovirus 2 and porcine parvovirus was examined in eighty clinical samples of spleen, lymph nodes and lungs originating from nonvaccinated swine by polymerase chain reaction. All animals were reared in extensive livestock farming systems in different geographical districts of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Porcine circovirus 2 DNA was detected in four lymph node and two spleen samples (7.5%), while porcine parvovirus DNA was identified in five lymph node samples (6.25%). The presence of both viruses was detected in three lymph node samples (3.75%). Partial nucleotide sequence of ORF1 gene of porcine circovirus 2 and VP2 gene of porcine parvovirus isolates was determined. The nucleotide sequences of identified PCV2 viruses from RSBIH included in phylogenetic typing are similar and cluster together with strain Mantova isolated from domestic pigs in Italy, strains DE00614 and DE22213 isolated from pigs in Germany as well as with the strain Jvnan isolated from pigs in China. Also, analyzed PCV2 isolates were partially similar with the strain NIVC SRB isolated from pigs in Serbia. The nucleotide sequences of identified PPV viruses that were included in phylogenetic typing showed a high level of similarity with the strain Challenge isolated from pigs in UK, strain Kresse isolated from pigs in USA and strains 77 and LZ isolated from pigs in China

    Procjena neaditivnih genetskih utjecaja na standardnu laktacijsku proizvodnju (305 dana) kroz poboljšanje domaćeg-šarenog goveda s holštajn-frizijskom pasminom goveda

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    The purpose of this paper is to estimate the effects of systematic factors, primarily the degree of crossing, on the standard lactation lengths of 305 days in 6 different genotypes of cows (F1, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5) obtained by the upgrading of the Serbian Fleckvieh (SF) to the Holstein-Friesian (HF) breed of cattle. The systematic effects included in the general linear model (GLM) exerted a significant (P<0.05) influence on the milk yield, as well as the fat yield and content. During the upgrading process, statistically significant (P<0.05) differences were recorded between the traits of the genotypes examined. With an increase in the share of HF genes, the milk yield increased from 5020 kg (F1) to 5801 kg (R5) and the fat yield from 176.2 kg to 201.6 kg, whereas the fat content simultaneously decreased from 3.55 % (F1) to 3.49 % (R5). The F1 cows had the highest heterosis realized (hR) regarding the milk yield (185.8 kg), while the R1 and R2 cows displayed negative heterosis effects (-21.0 and -205.7 kg) and negative recombination effects (rI). The highest value of hR (regarding the milk fat yield) was recorded in the F1 cows (6.07 kg) in comparison with the R2 cows, which had the negative hR (-3.79 kg), whereas the negative rI was recorded in the R1 and R2 genotypes. The positive rI (regarding the milk fat content) was recorded in the R1, R2 and R3 genotypes accompanied by the positive hR.Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati procjenu sistematskih faktora, prvenstveno stupnja križanja na standardnu laktacijsku proizvodnju od 305 dana kod 6 genotipova krava (F1, R1, R2, R3, R4 i R5) dobivenih pretapanjem domaćeg šarenog goveda (SF) s holštajn-frizijskom (HF) pasminom goveda. Sistematski utjecaji uključeni u GLM model imali su značajan utjecaj (P<0,05) na količinu mlijeka, mliječne masti i postotak mliječne masti. Između dobivenih genotipova tijekom procesa pretapanja, zabilježene su statistički značajne razlike (P<0,05) u promatranim osobinama. S povećanjem udjela HF gena, povećavala se i količina mlijeka od 5020 kg kod F1 generacije do 5801 kg kod R5 generacije, mliječne masti od 176,2 do 201,6 kg, dok je istovremeno došlo do pada postotka mliječne masti (od 3,55 % kod F1 do ,49 % kod R5). Krave F1 generacije su imale najveći realizirani heterozis (hR) za količinu mlijeka od 185,8 kg, dok su krave genotipa R1 i R2 imale negativan realizirani heterozis (-21,0 odnosno -205,70 kg) pa samim tim i negativne rekombinacije (rI). Najveća realizirana vrijednost heterozisa (hR) za količinu mliječne masti je kod krava F1 generacije (6,07 kg), u odnosu na krave R2 generacije koje su imale negativan realizirani heterozis (-3,79 kg), a negativne rekombinacije su zabilježene kod krava R1 i R2 genotipa. Kod krava genotipa R1, R2 i R3 ustanovljene su pozitivne rekombinacije (rI) za postotak mliječne masti, uslijed čega su i realizirani heterozisi (hR) bili pozitivni


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    The efficiency of pigs production very much depend on, e.g., the number of weaned piglets per sow per year and longevity of sow production. So, health of animals, genetic, feed technology regime and management are most importance factors which influence to pig industry level of economy. To explained effect of age and weight of gilts at mating on litter size and life production then longevity we used Yorkshire females breed. The relationship between age and weight of Yorkshire gilts and litter size and longevity then culling level has been analyzed. The data structure included 3.886 gilts which has been sorted in three groups of age at fertile insemination (180-210 days; 211-230 days and 231-270days) and three groups of weight at the same time (90-114 kg; 115-130 kg and 131-170 kg). Management and nutrition of gilts and sows has been treated at common level of production. Analysis included data from 4 farms and period of two years production (2009. and 2010). MME – mixed model has been installed to use FYS (Farm, Year and Seasons) and litter as fixed effect and sire influence as random. Significant influence of age and weight on litter size has been recognized. Also those two factors had significant effect on longevity and production of sows. The best results had gilts introduced with age of 231-270 days and with class of 131-170 kg of weight. Those factors had significant influence to longevity and life production. Genetic and phenotypic correlations showed high and significant value. All results have been interpreted in 8 tables and 4 graphs. The Yorkshire gilts have been selected as mother lines with 69% of selection to number of live born piglets, live piglets at day 5th and milk yield. Rest of criteria were use to improve gain, constitution, feed efficiency and meat content.Istraživanja su provedena na 3.886 plotkinja, smještenih na 4 farme, u dobi od 2 godine tj. 8 sezona (2009. i 2010). Cilj rada je bio ispitati utjecaj starosti i težine Jorkširskih nazimica pri fertilnom osjemenjivanju na rezultate plodnosti (žive, mrtve i zalučene prasadi) u prvih 5 uzastopnih prašenja kao i na dugovječnost krmača i proizvodnju. Oba faktora podijeljena su u tri klase. Primijenjen je mješoviti model analize utjecaja sistematskih faktora: - razlika između farmi godina i sezona, te prašenja po redu, kao i slučajni utjecaji: - razlika između očeva, na ispitivane osobine. Dobiveni rezultati prikazani su na 7 tablica i 4 grafikona. Može se uočiti da je utjecaj oba faktora (dobi i težine) bio signifikantan na veličinu legla, broj živorođene i prasadi 5-og dana po rođenju, kao i na dugovječnost odnosno životnu proizvodnju krmača. Ovakvi utjecaji imaju i značajne ekonomske efekte na proizvodnju u praksi i ukazuju na opravdanost primjene ovih saznanja u proizvodnji. U zaključku, može se istaći da je, najoptimalnije vrijeme uvođenja nazimica u fertilnu oplodnju u uzrastu od 231-270 dana kao i u težini od 131-170 kg tjelesne mase. Vrijednosti genetskih i fenotipskih korelacija potvrđuju ovakav zaključak. Ekonomski gledano ovaj zaključak odnosi se na grla na svim razinama piramidalne proizvodnje. Ocjene heritabilnosti, i ako beznačajne za ovakvu vrstu analize, za ispitivana svojstva pokazale su stabilnost bez signifikantnih razlika između pojedinih klasa. Ako međutim znamo, da je heritabilnost za broj ovuliranih jajnih ćelija na razini (h2 -0,40), što ga svrstava u grupu srednje nasljednih, tada dolazimo do zaključka da su pored navedena dva efekta posebno važna i tehnologija i režim hranjenja plotkinja u pojedinim reproduktivnim fazama. Ovo stoga da se izazove fertilan estrus, preživi što više embrija i optimalne težine prasadi kao i kontinuitet u produktivnosti krmača sa optimalnim remontom