3 research outputs found

    Experiences of CAD implementation and trends in development at ADRIA Mobil Ltd.

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    Adria-Mobil d.o.o. je znano slovensko podjetje poćitniških prikolic in avtodomov, ki se je za uvajanje dvodimenzionalnega sistema računalniško podprtega konstruiranja (RPK - CAD) odločilo že pred leti. V članku je opisan način uvajanja, pa tudi izkušnje, pridobljene ob uvajanju in uporabi sistema RPK. Danes je podjetje prisiljeno v menjavo sistema RPK in se srečuje z nekaterimi dilemami, ki so posledica hitrega razvoja sistemov informacijske tehnologije (IT) pa tudi pridobljenih spoznanj. Pred nadaljnimi investicijami v napredne tehnologije mora biti določena strategija podjetja na tem področju.Adria-Mobil Ltd. is a well known Slovenian caravan and motorhomes producer, which introduced a 2D CAD system some years ago. In the article, the implementation, development and experiences since are system\u27s introduction are described. The company is about to change its CAD system and is faced with certain dellemas due to rapid IT-systems development. A company strategy is required before making any major advanced-technology-related investment decisions

    Integracijski sistem za podporo sodelovanju v procesu razvoja izdelkov

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    Virtual Prototypes become increasingly important and useful for engineers, since they provide the capability to evaluate mechanical designs under "real-world" conditions during different phases of their development. The aim of presented research work is to create and implement a computer framework to handle viewing and examination of virtual prototypes over the Web, to manipulate appearances of parts, enable exchanging parts or sub-assemblies simultaneously for evaluation, involving their functional behaviour. The presented framework finally enables the propagation of changes back to modelling system, avoiding repetition of virtual model preparation. The presented model enables cooperation of a broad set of participants in production process regardless of their computer experience