53 research outputs found

    The effects of 3-nitropropionic acid on the behavior and cortical electrical activity of rats in acute administration

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    In this study, the acute effects of 3-nitropropionic acid was investigated on open field and startle behavior of rats, and on their cortical electrical activity. Spontaneous locomotor activity, acoustic startle response, and pre-pulse inhibition of acoustic startle were measured in male Wistar rats (10 weeks old, 180-200g body weight) after a single dose of 10 or 20 mg/kg i.p. 3-nitropropionic acid. After the behavioral tests, the rats were anaesthetized, and spontaneous cortical electrical activity was recorded. The vertical, horizontal and local open field performance showed dose-dependent deterioration in the rats treated with 3-nitropropionic acid. The number of “noise-positive” startle responses showed non-significant changes, but the inhibition by pre-pulse was significantly reduced in the high dose animals. High dose also increased the proportion of low-frequencies in the cortical activity. Three-nitropropionic acid, known primarily to act in repeated doses (e.g., in animal models of Huntington’s disease) had also some clear-cut acute effects on behavioral and electrophysiological parameters of the treated rats

    Studies on the neurotoxicity of arsenic in rats in different exposure timing schemes

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    Arsenic has long been recognized as human poison and, more recently, as an essential micronutrient. Here, the effects of low-level arsenic exposure on the central and peripheral nervous system functions were studied in rats, in a 4-8-12-week subchronic exposure scheme, and in a 3-generation scheme involving treatment of the parents and the offspring. From the rats, spontaneous and evoked activity of the sensory cortical areas, and compound action potential from the tail nerve, was recorded in urethane anesthesia, then dissection with organ weight measurement was done. Body weight gain of the treated animals did not differ significantly from the control. There were, however, dose-dependent changes in the weight of the liver and other organs. Latency of the cortical-evoked potentials increased in the treated rats in both schemes. The change was significant after long exposure times and in the higher dose groups. A shift of the spontaneous cortical activity to higher frequencies was also observed, with similar dose- and time dependence. Low-level arsenic affected the behavioral and electrophysiological functions in the brain, indicating that long-lasting arsenic exposure can result in manifest alteration of the central and peripheral nervous system. Consequently, arsenic-exposed populations may have a higher risk of behavioral and functional neurotoxic effects and potentially be an additive to the neurotoxicity of other environmental xenobiotics. Ă‚Ĺ 2006 Dustri-Verlag

    The acute effects of 3-nitropropionic acid on the behavior and spontaneous cortical electrical activity of rats

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    In this study, the acute effects of 3-nitropropionic acid was investigated on open field and startle behavior of rats, and on their cortical electrical activity. Spontaneous locomotor activity, acoustic startle response, and pre-pulse inhibition of acoustic startle were measured in male Wistar rats (10 weeks old, 180-200g body weight) after a single dose of 10 or 20 mg/kg i.p. 3-nitropropionic acid. After the behavioral tests, the rats were anaesthetized, and spontaneous cortical electrical activity was recorded. The vertical, horizontal and local open field performance showed dose-dependent deterioration in the rats treated with 3-nitropropionic acid. The number of “noise-positive” startle responses showed non-significant changes, but the inhibition by pre-pulse was significantly reduced in the high dose animals. High dose also increased the proportion of low-frequencies in the cortical activity. Three-nitropropionic acid, known primarily to act in repeated doses (e.g., in animal models of Huntington’s disease) had also some clear-cut acute effects on behavioral and electrophysiological parameters of the treated rats

    Altered open field behavior in rats induced by acute administration of 3-nitropropionic acid: possible glutamatergic and dopaminergic involvement

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    3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP), a substance used for modelling Huntington’s disease, was given to male Wistar rats once in 20 mg/kg b.w. dose, and the resulting behavioural alterations in spontaneous locomotor activity were measured after 30 minutes. To detect the involvement of neurotransmitter systems in this immediate effect, the NMDA antagonist MK-801 (0.8 mg/kg); as well as an agonist, quinpirole (QP, 5 mg/kg) and an antagonist, sulpiride (SP, 80 mg/kg) of the dopamine D2 receptors, were given before 3-NP to separate groups of rats. Controls were given saline. All substances were injected ip. 3-NP decreased the rats’ locomotor, especially vertical, activity, whereas local activity was increased. Based on the further changes of 3-NP effects in the combination groups it could be concluded that dopaminergic rather than glutamatergic mechanisms were possibly involved in the acute behavioural effect of 3-NP

    A kör négyszögesítése, avagy az ESG-jelentések számszerű minősítése

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    A vállalkozások életképességét és hosszú távú teljesítményét a piaci szereplők a hagyományos üzleti mutatók mellett a nem pénzügyi – környezeti, társadalmi és irányítási – kockázatok és lehetőségek alapján is egyre gyakrabban értékelik, ás döntéshozatalukban egyre nagyobb hangsúlyt kapnak a fenntarthatósági (ESG) szempontok (Boros at al, 2022). tanulmányunkban szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet az ESG-jelentések összehasonlíthatósága mögött meghúzódó azon valós problémára, ami a mérhetőségben és a metrikus mérőrendszerek hiányában rejlik. Amíg a számviteli beszámolók a vállalkozást érintő gazdasági események számszerűsített leképezései, addig az ESG-jelentésekben a társadalmi-politikai elvárások és azok hatásai kerülnek megfogalmazásra, melyeket nehéz számszerűsíteni, mérhető formában megjeleníteni. Itt bemutatott kutatásunk az ESG-indikátorok, -adatok, -besorolások, -pontrendszerek és -metrikák kvantitatív és kvalitatív mérésére, megbízhatóságára és összehasonlíthatóságára fókuszál. Hazai és nemzetközi fenntarthatósági jelentések tartalomelemzését elvégezve arra a megállapításra jutottunk, hogy a környezeti, társadalmi és vállalatirányítási teljesítmény mérése során a probléma nem az adatok hiányában, hanem az eszközök és keretrendszerek túlkínálatában keresendő

    Immunotoxicological investigation of subacute combined exposure with low doses of pb, hg and cd in rats

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    Detectable interactions between NOEL (No Observed Effect Level) doses of Pb, Hg and Cd in general toxicological, hematological, and immune function parameters were investigated. The metals (Pb-acetate, 20 mg/kg; HgCl 2, 0.40 mg/kg; CdCl2, 1.61 mg/kg) were combined. First, the rats received the combination Pb + Hg + Cd for 4 weeks per os. Significant difference vs. control was found only in the weight of lung and popliteal lymph node (PLN). The Pb + Hg and Pb + Cd combinations significantly decreased the PLN to 100 g body weight and PLN to brain weight ratio, and Pb+Hg also decreased the relative adrenal weight. After 12 weeks treatment with the same doses, effects on the thymus, kidney, and adrenal weights in the Pb + Hg, and thymus weight in the Pb + Cd, combination were seen. Pb + Cd also affected the white and red blood cell count and hematocrit. Combined with Hg or Cd, NOEL dose Pb showed toxicity, indicating that exposure limits may be inefficient in combined exposure situations. Š 2006 AkadÊmiai Kiadó
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