214 research outputs found

    Comparison of ultrasound with hysteroscopic and histological findings for intrauterine assessment

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    Introduction. Hysteroscopy with biopsy is a common diagnostic and therapeutic method in gynaecology. Its use is preceded by ultrasound examination. The success rate of predicting intrauterine findings based on ultrasound has not been assessed in the Czech Republic for a long time. In the meantime, there have been technological improvements in ultrasound devices. Method. Patients indicated for hysteroscopy underwent ultrasound examination and their medical history was recorded. The percentage agreement between ultrasound and histopathological findings was assessed. The secondary goal was to find an easier way of describing ultrasound findings in gynaecological practice. Results. The study comprised 255 patients. In 15 cases, endometrial carcinoma was confirmed by hysteroscopy and histopathological examination. Of these, malignancies were suspected based on previous ultrasound scans in 11 patients. In 95 cases, intrauterine polyps were detected. The success rate for predicting polyps by ultrasound examination was 65.1%. The agreement between ultrasound and hysteroscopic/histopathological findings was 72%. The secondary goal of making the description of the uterine cavity easier was not fulfilled. The prediction percentages for the criteria were low. The incidence of pathological findings in ultrasound findings labelled as anechogenic was 4.8%, suggesting a high negative predictive value. Conclusion. In spite of the better resolution of new ultrasound devices, their predictive value remains limited. Findings that are suspicious in ultrasound should be confirmed by hysteroscopy with biopsy. © 2018, PALACKY UNIV. All rights reserved

    Determination of the uncertainties and the physiological similarities of family members by using the biometric device the broadway 3D

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    The biometric identification by the face is one of the oldest biometric identification. With increasing progress has been using of identification by the face was implemented into area of security, where it provides a faster and more accurate identification. The 3D face reader uses for the identification of the person: eyes, mouth, nose, and in contrast to 2D readers also chin and cheeks. 3D face reader by Broadway manufacturer was used to measure the physiological similarities of family members. It is equipped with the 3D camera system, which uses the method of structured light scanning and saves the template into the 3D model of face. The obtained data were evaluated by software Turnstile Enrolment Application (TEA). The participants of the measurement were members of three different families. Each person was compared with the previously saved templates of other family members. On basis of this fact was evaluated the similarity of family members. © Research India Publications.MSMT-7778/2014, MŠMT, Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchov

    Improving the blinding process of the heat exchange tubes of parogenerators of nuclear power plants type

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    S přibývajícími léty provozu našich jaderných elektráren stárne i jejich zařízení. Provoz elektráren se projevuje i na parogenerátoru a jeho teplosměnných trubkách. Teplosměnné trubky parogenerátorů tvoří fyzickou bariéru mezi primárním a sekundárním okruhem a brání tak radioaktivním produktům v průniku z jejich jaderné části do části nejaderné. Proto je enormně důležité včasně provádět vyřazení z provozu těch trubek, u kterých je zjištěna taková míra jejich porušení, která by mohla vést ke ztrátě jejich celistvosti. Jednotlivé trubky se vyřazují z provozu procesem jejich zaslepování. Z důvodu vysoké intenzity ionizujícího záření v oblasti trubek je jejich zaslepování plně automatizováno. O procesu zaslepování a jeho zlepšování v několika posledních letech pojednává tento příspěvek.With years of operation of our nuclear power plants, their equipment will also age. The operation of power plants is also reflected in the steam generator and its heat exchange tubes. The heat exchanger tubes of steam generators form a physical barrier between the primary and secondary circuits and thus prevent radioactive products from penetrating from their nuclear part to the non-nuclear part. Therefore, it is extremely important to decommission those pipes in time that are found to have a degree of failure that could lead to a loss of integrity. The individual pipes are taken out of operation by the blinding process. Due to the high intensity of ionizing radiation in the area of the pipes, their blinding is fully automated. This paper discusses the blinding process and its improvement in the last few years

    Wall Panel Made of Bio-composites

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    Sustainability is currently an important part of the building industry. The development of new building constructions and the use of ecological materials is a very popular topic in this area. One example of organic material are natural fibres bio-composites. Bio-composite materials are currently used in the form of laminates mainly used in the sport and furniture industries. This article addresses their use in the building industry as the outer envelope of buildings. The article deals with the testing of the influence of UV radiation and moisture on the degradation of Bio-composites with recommendation of possible ways of their protection. In the next section, it deals with the design of composite wall panel with Bio-composite laminates on the top layer. This panel will contain mycelium as thermal insulation. The assumption of the use of this type of construction in the building industry is based on the possibility of replacing conventional materials used nowadays and reducing the environmental load by the building industry. The use of new types of eco-friendly building materials is in accordance with the EU strategy

    Possibilities of replacement of two side metal molds for the production of two facing side composite by one side mold

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    Presented research paper deals with possibilities of replacement of conventional mold materials by new, unconventional. Traditionally, laminate, wood or gypsum molds (in the case of small production series) are used for the production of composite parts. Furthermore, milled aluminum molds are conventionally used only for mass production. Due to this, thin metal sheet was prepared as an unconventional production mold for manufacturing of motorbike facing part. Vacuum bagging using prepared one side mold was chosen as the most appropriate technology. Normally, two facing sides are not commonly manufactured using this technology. Because of this, possibilities to create two facing sides at areas that are not in contact with mold itself were investigated. Presented results can help manufacturing companies with their production and considerably decrease manufacturing costs due to not necessity to use two side molds. © 2016. Published by Manufacturing Technology

    What Is Effect of Climate Change Mitigating Policies on Energy Sector in Slovakia?

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    We assess the impacts of more strict regulation than the EU-wide 20% CO2 reduction target in 2020 on Slovak energy sector. Linear dynamic optimisation model MESSAGE with very detailed structure of Slovak energy sector is used for the assessment of impacts of imposing a carbon tax of €17 per tonne of CO2 and for two emission caps on CO2 emission that follow the EU policy to tighten the GHG target at the EU. The impacts on the fuel-mix and the technology-mix of energy sector in Slovakia, air quality and GHG emission, economic costs are assessed. Environmental benefits attributable to air pollutants and greenhouse gasses are quantified by using the ExternE impact pathway analysis. The impacts of 17€ scenario are similar to the baseline scenario. The Slovak public electricity sector achieves CO2 emission intensity of 0.465 t CO2 per MWh that is lower than the EC benchmark already in 2009. Maximal feasible CO2 emission reduction in the Slovak electricity sector is 24.6 % compared to the year 2005. The average carbon intensity will decline to 0.057 tCO2 per MWh in 2020 and result in 15.4 % reduction of CO2 in 2020 compared to the 17€ scenario level. Total production costs are €481 million higher (18.6%) in Cap24.6 scenario. As a consequence of the emission reduction, the externality costs are €190 million smaller in CAP24.6 scenario than in the 17€ scenario in 2020. Our results indicate that it is feasible to reduce CO2 emissions in the power sector in Slovakia more than the 20% reduction target set at the EU level

    Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere and its reflection in ethical and moral values of society

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    The paper assesses the topicality of Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere, coined over almost twenty years starting in the early 20th century. Emphasizing the uniqueness of Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere as the transformation of the biosphere by a man using reason, we concentrate on the assessment of the utopian or realistic nature of his vision of the future of humanity. Based on the philosophical case-studies analysis, it identifies the ideological roots of the noosphere concept, the development of views on the concept in time, the role of reason and scientific thinking, the opinions of its supporters and critics, and Moiseev's related concept of co-evolution. We point out the correlation between Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere and Moiseev's bifurcation and his two imperatives as necessary conditions for the co-evolution of nature and man. We document that Vernadský did not only think about the positive role of reason in the creation and development of the noosphere, but he was also aware of the possibility of its misuse. We compare Vernadsky's idea of the collective reason creation with Kurzweil's concept of technological singularity, Crutzen's concept of the Anthropocene, Haff's concept of the technosphere and Cer's scenario of the possible future development towards the creation of tech subjects and the replacement of the biosphere with the technosphere. We also assess the possibility of approximating essential concept-forming elements, i.e. philosophical categories, collective reason, the collective intelligence of humanity, and scientific knowledge facilitated by information and communication technology. Ultimately, conclusions concerning the topicality of Vernadsky's concept of noosphere are formulated. We argue that Vernadský's concept of the noosphere is timeless and should be taken not as a utopia but, on the contrary, as a scenario of possible development along the line of geosphere – biosphere – noosphere, prospectively with its transfer to the cosmic dimension

    Prve dvije faze dizajniranja vanjskog namještaja primjenom metode dizajna usmjerene prema korisniku

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    The article describes a part of the designing process of exterior furniture that utilizes HPL (high pressure laminate) with the reduced use of construction metal elements, using user-centered design methods. The process is divided into several phases. This article primarily uses human-centered design and describes the process of researching user attitudes and market research, as important methods in the overall design process. The observed results are crucial especially when introducing new products based on products already existing on the market. The contemporary market is filled up with a surplus of products that are not so customer-oriented, and customers are often lost in their choice. Currently, there is a tendency on the market to personalize each product to the customer, so this becomes one of the main designer’s methods in designing a product. The designer can personalize a product based on the user and market research. New products can be different in the approach to customer’s needs and attitudes in cases that the designing process follows the current needs. Also, it is important to present it properly to the public. It is necessary to create a representative customer, who can represent the potential group. This young woman has specific characteristics that can be used in the rest of the designing process – her relationship with nature and sitting outdoors, her relationship with furniture and her ability to purchase a new product.U članku se opisuje dio postupka projektiranja vanjskog namještaja za koji se iskorištava HPL (visokotlačni laminat), uz smanjenu upotrebu metalnih građevnih elemenata i uz primjenu metode dizajna usmjerene prema korisniku. Proces je podijeljen na nekoliko faza. U ovom je radu težište na dizajnu podređenom čovjeku, pri čemu se opisuje i postupak istraživanja stajališta korisnika i istraživanje tržišta kao važne metode u cjelokupnom procesu dizajniranja. Uočeni su rezultati presudni za uvođenje novih proizvoda utemeljenih na već postojećim proizvodima na tržištu. Suvremeno je tržište preplavljeno proizvodima koji nisu osobito orijentirani prema kupcu, a kupci se pri izboru često gube u tom mnoštvu ponude. Trenutačno je na tržištu zamjetna težnja da se svaki proizvod prilagodi kupcu, pa to postaje jedno od glavnih dizajnerskih polazišta pri dizajniranju proizvoda. Zahvaljujući istraživanju tržišta i zahtjeva korisnika, dizajner može prilagoditi proizvod svakom pojedinom kupcu. Također, sve je više dokaza da se konkurentnost nekih tvrtki temelji na inovativnoj upotrebi dizajna usmjerenoga prema korisniku. Ako postupak dizajniranja prati trenutačne potrebe i ako se pravilno prezentira u javnosti, novi se proizvodi mogu razlikovati po pristupu potrebama i stajalištima svakog kupca

    What Is Effect of Climate Change Mitigating Policies on Energy Sector in Slovakia?

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    We assess the impacts of more strict regulation than the EU-wide 20% CO2 reduction target in 2020 on Slovak energy sector. Linear dynamic optimisation model MESSAGE with very detailed structure of Slovak energy sector is used for the assessment of impacts of imposing a carbon tax of €17 per tonne of CO2 and for two emission caps on CO2 emission that follow the EU policy to tighten the GHG target at the EU. The impacts on the fuel-mix and the technology-mix of energy sector in Slovakia, air quality and GHG emission, economic costs are assessed. Environmental benefits attributable to air pollutants and greenhouse gasses are quantified by using the ExternE impact pathway analysis. The impacts of 17€ scenario are similar to the baseline scenario. The Slovak public electricity sector achieves CO2 emission intensity of 0.465 t CO2 per MWh that is lower than the EC benchmark already in 2009. Maximal feasible CO2 emission reduction in the Slovak electricity sector is 24.6 % compared to the year 2005. The average carbon intensity will decline to 0.057 tCO2 per MWh in 2020 and result in 15.4 % reduction of CO2 in 2020 compared to the 17€ scenario level. Total production costs are €481 million higher (18.6%) in Cap24.6 scenario. As a consequence of the emission reduction, the externality costs are €190 million smaller in CAP24.6 scenario than in the 17€ scenario in 2020. Our results indicate that it is feasible to reduce CO2 emissions in the power sector in Slovakia more than the 20% reduction target set at the EU level