5 research outputs found

    Quercetin-induced changes in femoral bone microstructure of adult male rabbits

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    Flavonoids are a group of plant metabolites with antioxidant effects. One of the most abundant flavonoids in the human diet is quercetin. It is found widely in fruits, vegetables and has a lot of beneficial effects on human health. Quercetin has a positive pharmacological effect on bone metabolism and it prevents the organism against bone loss. However, its impact on the size of basic structural units of the compact bone is still unknown. Therefore, the aim of present study was to investigate the impact of the quercetin on femoral bone microstructure in 5-month-old male rabbits. Five rabbits of Californian broiler line were randomly divided into two groups. In the experimental group (E group; n=3), animals were intramuscularly injected with quercetin at dose 1000 μg.kg-1 body weight (bw) for 90 days, 3 times per week. Two rabbits without quercetin administration served as a control group (C group). According to our results, intramuscular application of quercetin had an insignificant effect on cortical bone thickness in male rabbits. In these rabbits, changes in qualitative histological characteristics were present in the middle part of the compacta, where primary vascular longitudinal bone tissue was present and expanded there from the periosteum. Also, a lower number of secondary osteons was found in these animals. From the histomorphometrical point of view, significantly decreased sizes of primary osteons' vascular canals and secondary osteons (p <0.05) were found in rabbits administered by quercetin. Our findings indicate that subchronic administration of quercetin at the dose used in our study had considerable impact on both qualitative and quantitative histological characteristics of the compact bone in adult male rabbits

    Vplyv prídavku prírodných extraktov na kvalitu a trvanlivosť bezgluténových pekárskych výrobkov

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    The work deals with the application of natural functional ingredients as possible substitute for synthetic additives in gluten-free baguettes with potential extension of their shelf life. It is focused on the use of natural extracts such as rosemary (1% addition) and grape seeds (1-2% addition), while the baguettes were packed in the modified atmosphere in order to prolong their shelf life. They were tested after baking and after one week of storage (in the plastic bag and in the modified atmosphere package) for texturometric and sensory properties, water activity and pH. Natural extracts showed highly significant (P≤0.01) positive effect on the texture of the products. In all samples, the firmness of the baguettes decreased compared to the control sample, and the modified atmosphere softened the products compared to the plastic bag (P≤0.01). In the package with the modified atmosphere, we observed the decrease in the pH of the products, which can be evaluated positively. At the sensory evaluation, the sample with the addition of rosemary extract achieved the best results, compared to the control sample as statistically significant (P≤0.01).Práca sa zaoberá aplikáciou prírodných funkčných ingrediencií (extraktov) ako možnej náhrady syntetických prídavných látok v bezlepkových bagetách s potenciálnym predĺžením ich trvanlivosti. Je zameraná na použitie prírodných extraktov ako sú rozmarín (prídavok 1%) a hroznové semená (prídavok 1-2%), pričom bagety boli balené v modifikovanej atmosfére, aby sa predĺžila ich trvanlivosť. Po upečení a po jednom týždni skladovania (v plastovom vrecku a v obale v modifikovanej atmosfére) boli testované na texturometrické a senzorické vlastnosti, aktivitu vody a pH. Prírodné extrakty vykazovali vysoko významný (P≤0,01) pozitívny vplyv na textúru produktov. Vo všetkých vzorkách sa tuhosť bagiet v porovnaní s kontrolnou vzorkou znížila a modifikovaná atmosféra zmäkčila výrobky v porovnaní s plastovým vreckom (P≤0,01). V obale s upravenou atmosférou sme zaznamenali pokles pH produktov, čo možno hodnotiť pozitívne. Pri senzorickom hodnotení dosiahla najlepšie výsledky štatisticky významné (P≤0,01) vzorka s prídavkom rozmarínového extraktu v porovnaní s kontrolnou vzorkou

    Fairy Tales Activities for Preschool

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the area of the potential of fairy tales in pre-school education and the possibilities of their use in kindergarten. The aim of this work is to draw attention to this potential of fairy tales. In the theoretical part, fairy tale is defined as a literary genre and it is pointed out its meaning for a child of pre-school age. Additionally, I focus on possibilities of fairy tales use in kindergarten, which are recommended by methodologically oriented literature. In the practical part, observations in kindergartens are performed to find out the forms and methods of work with fairy tales in kindergarten. These forms are then compared with recommended methodological procedures

    Fire sport disciplines children and youth

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    Katedra tělesné výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Ekonomika řeznického provozu

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