21 research outputs found

    Stretching exercise: prescription and effects on musculoskeletal function in adults and older people

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    Introduction: Stretching exercises have been included in training and rehabilitation programs to improve the flexibility of adults and older people. However, there is no consensus in the literature about the recommendations for stretching prescription. Objective: The aim of this study was to present an update of recent evidence about the prescription and the musculoskeletal effects of stretching exercises in adults and older. Method: Articles were searched on major databases and related to the period from 2006 to 2017, with the following descriptors: “muscle stretching exercise”, “long-term effect”, “elderly”, “exercício de alongamento muscular”, “efeitos a longo prazo”, and “idoso”. Results: After the analysis, 31 articles were included. The literature reported that the duration of the stretching should be between 10 to 30 seconds, each repetition, for young adults, and from 30 to 60 seconds for the elderly. Regarding acute effects, it was observed that for young adults, stretching durations up to 60 seconds may impair muscle strength performance, what does not seem to occur with elderly people. The main chronic effects found for young and elderly adults were an enhancement in flexibility and range of motion, and for the elderly, it was also observed improvement on torque, balance, gait, mobility, and functionality. The wide methodological variability of the articles analyzed impairs the establishment of a consensus. Conclusion: It is recommended that the stretching exercise must be prescribed considering the evidence for the specific population, i.e., adult or elderly people, as well as the goal to be achieved

    Alongamento no Programa de Atividade Física para Terceira Idade (PROFIT): promovendo a melhora da capacidade funcional em idosas

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    Several studies have reported physical and psychosocial benefi ts of regular physical activity.Stretching exercises, once they are easy to apply and learn, become a simple and effective way to improve functionalcapacity and quality of life of elderly individuals. In 2009 was created an activity within the extensionproject Physical Activity Program for Elderly (PROFIT), called Stretching group. It aims to present the technical/administrative organizational aspects involved in implementing a stretching group within the university extensionproject and to illustrate the applicability of this type of intervention in the elderly. The group is directed towardwomen, aged 60 years or older who do not engage in systematic physical activity. Due to the support provided bythe university and the ease understanding and applicability of the exercises performed in the stretching group, itseems to be a relatively simple alternative to be implemented within a university extension project. In addition,there was a positive change in the Global functional fi tness index (IAFG) of elderly participants. Thus, the implementationof other groups in different places should be encouraged. It is noteworthy that the multidisciplinaryparticipation in health (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, etc.) would enrich the benefi tsprovided by this type of intervention for the elderly.Diversos estudos têm apresentado os benefícios físicos e psicossociais da prática regularde atividade física. Exercícios de alongamento, por serem de fácil aplicação e aprendizagem,tornam-se uma opção simples e efi caz na melhora da capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida deindivíduos idosos. Em 2009 foi criada uma atividade dentro do projeto de extensão Programa deAtividade Física para Terceira Idade (PROFIT), o Grupo de alongamento. Objetiva-se apresentaros aspectos organizacionais técnico/administrativos envolvidos na implementação de um grupode alongamento em um projeto de extensão universitária e exemplifi car a aplicabilidade deste tipode intervenção, em idosos. O grupo é voltado para mulheres, com 60 anos ou mais que não pratiquematividade física sistematizada. Devido ao apoio fornecido pela universidade e a facilidade decompreensão e aplicabilidade dos exercícios realizados no grupo de alongamento, este surge comouma alternativa relativamente simples a ser implantada em um projeto de extensão universitária.Além disso, observou-se uma alteração positiva no Índice de aptidão funcional geral (IAFG) dasidosas participantes. Dessa forma a implementação de outros grupos, em diferentes locais deve serincentivada. Vale ressaltar que a participação multidisciplinar em saúde (fi sioterapeutas, terapeutasocupacionais, psicólogos, etc) enriqueceria ainda mais os benefícios proporcionados por esse tipode intervenção para indivíduos idosos

    Efeito crônico do alongamento estático sobre a capacidade funcional de idosas

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    Durante o processo de envelhecimento ocorrem alterações morfofisiológicas que podem acarretar em dificuldades na realização de atividades da vida diária (AVDs), diminuindo conseqüentemente a independência do idoso e comprometendo sua qualidade de vida. Para atenuar e/ou retardar tais alterações, diversos autores têm recomendado a prática regular de atividade física voltada para o desenvolvimento dos componentes de capacidade funcional (CF). Especificamente para a flexibilidade, a realização de exercícios de alongamento tem sido amplamente recomendada pela literatura. De qualquer forma, poucos estudos analisaram o efeito crônico do treinamento da flexibilidade em diferentes volumes sobre a CF de idosos. Desta forma, o objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o efeito de 16 semanas de treinamento de flexibilidade, através de alongamento estático, realizado com dois diferentes volumes, sobre a CF de idosas. Participaram deste estudo 23 mulheres (67,4 ± 7,3 anos; 64,9 ± 8,7 kg; 155,1 ± 5,8 cm; 27,5 ± 3,5 kg/m2) divididas em dois grupos: Grupo Treinamento de 30 segundos (GT30, n=15) e Grupo Treinamento de 60 segundos (GT60, n=8). As participantes do GT30 e GT60 foram submetidas ao treinamento de flexibilidade, com duração de 16 semanas e freqüência de três vezes semanais. Durante cada sessão de treinamento, as participantes realizaram três séries de exercícios de alongamento para os grupos musculares de membros superiores, inferiores e tronco, com intervalo de 30 segundos entre as repetições e entre os exercícios. A CF foi avaliada por meio da bateria de testes motores da American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) tanto no momento pré quanto após oito e 16 semanas de treinamento. Para o tratamento dos dados foi utilizada estatística descritiva (média e desviopadrão), test t de Student para amostras independentes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo

    Efeitos do treinamento de flexibilidade na capacidade funcional e seus componentes, em idosas: um estudo controlado randomizado

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    O treinamento da flexibilidade tem sido eficaz na melhora da amplitude de movimento articular e ainda, tem promovido melhora nos padrões da marcha, agilidade e força muscular. Entretanto, tendo em vista o reduzido número de estudos controlados e aleatorizados investigando os efeitos do citado treinamento na capacidade funcional (CF) de idosos, e a grande disparidade metodológica adotada, os resultados ainda são contraditórios. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos de um treinamento de flexibilidade na CF e seus componentes, em idosas viventes na comunidade. Para isso, foram selecionadas 31 mulheres idosas aleatoriamente distribuídas em dois grupos: a) Grupo Controle (GC, n=16), o qual realizou atividades artísticas e cognitivas; b) Grupo Treinamento (GT, n=15), o qual participou do treinamento composto por exercícios de alongamento, com três séries de 30 segundos, voltado para os principais grupos musculares. Ambos os grupos frequentaram a universidade três vezes na semana, durante oito semanas, com duração aproximada de uma hora por sessão. Para avaliação dos componentes da CF foi aplicada a bateria de testes motores da American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) e o teste de subir escadas (TSE). A partir da somatória dos resultados dos testes da AAHPERD foi calculado o índice de aptidão funcional geral (IAFG), o qual pode ser classificado de muito fraco a muito bom. O flexímetro foi adotado para avaliação angular da flexibilidade e a contração voluntária máxima isométrica (CVM), dos membros inferiores, foi avaliada pela extensão unilateral de joelho. O teste U Mann Whitney não apontou diferença entre os grupos para os valores do índice de aptidão funcional geral, porém o GT melhorou sua classificação pós-intervenção. Para os componentes da CF e TSE...The flexibility training has been effective in improving the joint range of motion and promoting better gait patterns, agility and muscle strength. However, due to the small number of controlled and randomized studies that have investigated such training effects on the functional capacity (FC) of the elderly, and the large disparity between methodologies, the results are still contradictories. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of flexibility training on the FC and its components in community dwelling older women. Thirty one older women enrolled in the study and were randomly assigned into two groups: a) Control Group (CG, n = 16), which performed artistic and cognitive activities; b) Training Group (TG, n = 15), which underwent a training protocol composed by stretching exercises, with three sets of 30 seconds, for the major muscle groups. Both groups visited the university three times a week, for eight weeks, lasting about one hour per session. For the assessment of the FC components it was applied the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) motor tests battery and the stair climbing test (SCT). From the sum of the AAHPERD tests results it was calculated the global functional fitness index (GFFI), which can be rated from very poor to very good. The fleximeter was used to evaluate the angular flexibility and the isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the lower limbs was assessed by a load cell during unilateral knee extension. The U Mann Whitney test did not pointed difference between the groups for general functional fitness index (GFFI) values. However, the TG improved its classification at post-intervention. Regarding the FC components and SCT the ANOVA showed significant Group vs. Moment interaction only for flexibility, when it was evaluated by... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Effect of different rest intervals between sets in the growth hormone concentrations in trained older women

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    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-0037.2015v17n2p216   The use of shorter rest intervals (RI) between sets of weight exercises has demonstrated to be a strategy to cause elevations of growth hormone concentrations (GH) in young adults. However, is not yet well established whether the magnitude of these elevations is influenced by the aging process. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the effect of different RI between sets of weight exercises on GH concentrations. Eighteen trained older women (65.8 ± 4.4 years; 70.2 ± 11.8 kg; 158.2 ± 5.1 cm) were submitted to two experimental exercise sessions in the leg press (separated by intervals between 48 and 72 hours). Both sessions consisted of three sets all performed with absolute loads of 15 maximal repetitions. Participants were instructed to perform maximum repetitions possible in each set until volitional muscle fatigue. In each experimental session, one of the different RI between sets was used: one minute (RI-1) or three minutes (RI-3). A randomized cross-over balanced design was used to determine the order of experimental sessions. Blood samples were collected to determine GH concentrations immediately before and after leg press exercise. Only the session performed with RI-1 showed significant elevations (50.7%; P < 0.05) in GH concentrations after exercise. However, significant differences in post-exercise GH concentrations were not observed between RI (P  > 0.05). The results suggest that the use of different RI between sets does not influence the GH concentrations in trained older women

    Efeito de diferentes volumes de alongamento na capacidade funcional de idosas

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    O estudo teve como objetivo analisar o efeito de dois diferentes volumes de alongamento, 90 ou 180 segundos, na capacidade funcional (CF) de idosas. Participaram deste estudo, 43 mulheres idosas divididas em três grupos: Grupo Controle inativo (GC, n=14), Grupo Treinamento com três séries de 30 segundos (GT90, n=15) e Grupo Treinamento com três séries de 60 segundos (GT180, n=14). Os grupos GT90 e GT180 frequentaram a universidade durante 16 semanas, três vezes por semana. O protocolo de treinamento consistiu em sete diferentes exercícios de alongamento estático, realizados de forma ativa. O GC frequentou a universidade apenas nos períodos de avaliação. As avaliações dos componentes da CF e do Índice de Aptidão Funcional Geral (IAFG), dos três grupos, foram realizadas tanto no momento pré, quanto após oito e 16 semanas de experimento, por meio de uma bateria de testes motores. A ANOVA two-way apontou interação grupo x momento significante para os componentes flexibilidade, resistência de força muscular e resistência aeróbia, e para valores do IAFG (p < 0,05). O teste post hoc de Scheffé apontou diferença entre os grupos treinamento e o GC, sem nenhuma diferença entre GT90 e GT180. Houve, também, melhora na classificação geral do IAFG para o GT90 e GT180, que passaram de regular para bom, enquanto o GC manteve-se classificado em regular. Pode-se concluir que os dois volumes de alongamento empregados foram igualmente eficazes na melhora da flexibilidade, resistência de força muscular, resistência aeróbia e nos níveis da CF de mulheres idosas.The study aimed to analyze the effect of two different durations of stretching exercises, 90 or 180 seconds, on the functional capacity (FC) of elderly women. Forty-three older women were assigned into three groups: inactive Control Group (CG, n. = 14), Training Group with three sets of 30 seconds (TG90, n. = 15) and Training Group with three sets of 60 seconds (TG180, n = 14). The TG90 and TG180 groups attended the university for 16 weeks, three times a week. The training protocol consisted of seven different static stretching exercises, performed in an active way. The CG attended the university only in periods of evaluations. Evaluations of the FC components and the Global Functional Fitness Index (GFFI), from the three groups, were both conducted before, and after 8 and 16 weeks of experiment, using a motor tests battery. The two-way ANOVA showed significant group x time interaction for the components flexibility, muscle strength and aerobic endurance, and for the GFFI values (p <0.05). The Scheffé post hoc test pointed difference between the two training groups and the CG, with no difference between TF90 and TG180. There was also improvement in the general classification of GFFI for the TG90 and TG180, which went from fair to good, while CG remained classified as fair. It was concluded that the two durations of stretching exercises were equally effective in improving flexibility, muscle strength, aerobic endurance and levels of FC in elderly women.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    <b>Effect of different stretching volumes on functional capacity in elderly women. </b> http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-0037.2013v15n1p103

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    The study aimed to analyze the effect of two different durations of stretching exercises, 90 or 180 seconds, on the functional capacity (FC) of elderly women. Forty-three older women were assigned into three groups: inactive Control Group (CG, n. = 14), Training Group with three sets of 30 seconds (TG90, n. = 15) and Training Group with three sets of 60 seconds (TG180, n = 14). The TG90 and TG180 groups attended the university for 16 weeks, three times a week. The training protocol consisted of seven different static stretching exercises, performed in an active way. The CG attended the university only in periods of evaluations. Evaluations of the FC components and the Global Functional Fitness Index (GFFI), from the three groups, were both conducted before, and after 8 and 16 weeks of experiment, using a motor tests battery. The two-way ANOVA showed significant group x time interaction for the components flexibility, muscle strength and aerobic endurance, and for the GFFI values (p <0.05). The Scheffé post hoc test pointed difference between the two training groups and the CG, with no difference between TF90 and TG180. There was also improvement in the general classification of GFFI for the TG90 and TG180, which went from “fair” to “good”, while CG remained classified as “fair.” It was concluded that the two durations of stretching exercises were equally effective in improving flexibility, muscle strength, aerobic endurance and levels of FC in elderly women

    <b>Effect of one session resistance exercise on skin sensibility in hypertensive and normotensive physically-active older woman</b>. 10.5007/1980-0037.2011v13n6p409

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a single session of resistance training on skin sensitivity in physically active, hypertensive and normotensive older women, as well as compare skin sensitivity in both groups. Thirty-two physically active women (mean age 65.8 ± 5.1 years; weight, 69.5 ± 13.7 kg; height, 1.60 ± 0.1 m)participated in this study and were classified as hypertensive (n = 15) or normotensive (n = 17). All participants answered a clinical history questionnaire and the Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults. Before and after the resistance training session, the skin sensitivity of the dominant hand was assessed at seven anatomical sites on the dorsal and palmar surfaces by stimulation with a Semmes-Weinstein monofilament esthesiometer. The loads employed during the resistance training session were determined one week before the experimental protocol. The Wilcoxon test showed no statistically significant differences in the skin sensibility test before and after resistance training in either groups. However, theMann-Whitney U revealed a statistically significant between-group difference in sensitivity at three sites before resistance training and at only site post-training. A single session of resistance training had no effect on the skin sensitivity of hypertensive and normotensive older women. However, hypertensive participants exhibited reduced skin sensibility at some anatomical sites as compared with normotensive women

    Efeito de uma sessão de exercício resistido na sensibilidade cutânea em idosas hipertensas e normotensas fisicamente ativas

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    O estudo teve como objetivo analisar o efeito de uma sessão de exercícios resistidos na sensibilidade cutânea em idosas hipertensas e normotensas fisicamente ativas, bem como comparar a sensibilidade cutânea entre os dois grupos. Participaram deste estudo 32 mulheres (65,8 ± 5,1anos; 69,5 ± 13,7Kg; 1,60 ± 0,1m) fisicamente ativas, que foram classificadas em hipertensas (n = 15) e normotensas (n = 17). Todas as participantes responderam a um questionário de anamnese clínica e Questionário Baecke Modificado para Idosos. Antes e após a sessão de exercícios resistidos, a sensibilidade cutânea da mão dominante foi avaliada em sete pontos anatômicos das regiões dorsal e palmar, por meio da estimulação de seis monofilamentos de Semmes-Weinstein. As cargas empregadas durante a sessão de exercícios resistidos foram determinadas na semana anterior ao protocolo experimental. O teste de Wilcoxon revelou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante no teste de sensibilidade cutânea, antes e após a sessão de exercícios resistidos, para ambos os grupos. Contudo, o teste U-Mann-Whitney apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos, em três pontos, no momento pré e um ponto, no momento pós-sessão de exercícios resistidos. Uma sessão de exercícios resistidos não modificou a sensibilidade cutânea de idosas hipertensas e normotensas. Entretanto, as participantes hipertensas apresentaram sensibilidade cutânea reduzida em alguns pontos quando comparadas com as normotensas.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a single session of resistance training on skin sensitivity in physically active, hypertensive and normotensive older women, as well as compare skin sensitivity in both groups. Thirty-two physically active women (mean age 65.8 ± 5.1 years; weight, 69.5 ± 13.7 kg; height, 1.60 ± 0.1 m) participated in this study and were classified as hypertensive (n = 15) or normotensive (n = 17). All participants answered a clinical history questionnaire and the Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults. Before and after the resistance training session, the skin sensitivity of the dominant hand was assessed at seven anatomical sites on the dorsal and palmar surfaces by stimulation with a Semmes-Weinstein monofilament esthesiometer. The loads employed during the resistance training session were determined one week before the experimental protocol. The Wilcoxon test showed no statistically significant differences in the skin sensibility test before and after resistance training in either groups. However, the Mann-Whitney U revealed a statistically significant between-group difference in sensitivity at three sites before resistance training and at only site post-training. A single session of resistance training had no effect on the skin sensitivity of hypertensive and normotensive older women. However, hypertensive participants exhibited reduced skin sensibility at some anatomical sites as compared with normotensive women