11 research outputs found
Tuberculosis in renal transplant patients
Tuberculosis (TB) was diagnosed in 25 of 466 patients who underwent renal transplant over a period of 15 years. TB developed from 1 month to 9 years post-transplant. In 56% of the cases the onset was within the first post-transplant year. TB affected several isolated or combined organs. Pulmonary involvement was present in 76% of cases, either as isolated pleuro-pulmonary (56%) or associated with other sites (20%). The non-pulmonary sites were: skin, joints, tests, urinary tract, central nervous system and lymphonodules. The diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy in 64% of the cases, by identification of tubercle bacilli in 24% and only at necropsy in 12% Biopsy specimens could be classified in three histological forms: exudative, that occurred in early onset and more severe cases granulomatous in late onset and benign cases; and mixed in intermediate cases. Azathioprine dosages were similar along post-transplant time periods in TB patients and in the control groups; and in TB patients who were cured and who died. The number of steroid treated rejection crises was greater in TB than in the control group. Prednisone doses were higher and the number of rejection crises was greater in TB patients who died than in those who were cured. Fifteen patients were cured and ten died, two of them of causes unrelated to TB. Six of the eight TB-related deaths occurred in the first 6 post-transplant months. The outcome was poor in patients in whom TB arose early in post-transplant period and where the exudative or mixed forms were present; whereas the prognosis was good in patients with late onset and granulomatous form of TB. In one patient TB was transmitted by the allograft
Tuberculose em pacientes transplantados renais
Tuberculosis (TB) was diagnosed in 25 of 466 patients who underwent renal transplant over a period of 15 years. TB developed from 1 month to 9 years post-transplant. In 56% of the cases the onset was within the first post-transplant year. TB affected several isolated or combined organs. Pulmonary involvement was present in 76% of cases, either as isolated pleuro-pulmonary (56%) or associated with other sites (20%). The non-pulmonary sites were: skin, joints, tests, urinary tract, central nervous system and lymphonodules. The diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy in 64% of the cases, by identification of tubercle bacilli in 24% and only at necropsy in 12% Biopsy specimens could be classified in three histological forms: exudative, that occurred in early onset and more severe cases granulomatous in late onset and benign cases; and mixed in intermediate cases. Azathioprine dosages were similar along post-transplant time periods in TB patients and in the control groups; and in TB patients who were cured and who died. The number of steroid treated rejection crises was greater in TB than in the control group. Prednisone doses were higher and the number of rejection crises was greater in TB patients who died than in those who were cured. Fifteen patients were cured and ten died, two of them of causes unrelated to TB. Six of the eight TB-related deaths occurred in the first 6 post-transplant months. The outcome was poor in patients in whom TB arose early in post-transplant period and where the exudative or mixed forms were present; whereas the prognosis was good in patients with late onset and granulomatous form of TB. In one patient TB was transmitted by the allograft.Tuberculose (TB) foi diagnosticada em 25 de 466 pacientes submetidos a transplante renal. A TB surgiu entre 1 mês e 9 anos pós-transplante. O pulmão foi acometido em 76% dos casos, isoladamente (56%), ou associado a outras localizações (20%). Os outros órgãos envolvidos foram: pele, articulações, testículos, trato urinário, sistema nervoso central e linfonodos. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por biópsia em 64% dos casos, pela identificação do bacilo em 24% e apenas à necrópsia em 12%. Três formas histológicas foram identificadas: exudativa (nos casos de aparecimento precoce e de maior gravidade) granulomatosa (naqueles benignos e de aparecimento tardio) e mista (naqueles intermediários). As doses de azatioprina foram constantes ao longo do período pós-transplante, tanto no grupo tuberculoso como no controle, bem como nos pacientes tuberculosos que faleceram e que se curaram. O número de crises de rejeição tratadas foi maior no grupo TB do que no grupo controle. As doses de prednisona e o número de crises de rejeição foram maiores nos pacientes tuberculosos que faleceram do que naqueles que sobreviveram. Quinze pacientes se curaram e 10 faleceram, oito de causas relacionadas à TB, Seis destes óbitos ocorreram nos 6 primeiros meses pós-transplante. Em um paciente a TB foi transmitida pelo enxerto
Histological aspects of the bladder in systemic lupus erythematosus
Objectives: to study pathological data from bladders of systemic lupus erythematosus patients, correlate them to clinical events and the use of therapeutic drugs, and compare them to bladder histopathological findings in individuals not affected by systemic lupus erythematosus. Methods: thirty-nine out or inpatients of the Department of Rheumatology at Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus were clinically and cystoscopically evaluated. Bladder biopsy was also performed. As a normal parameter, bladders taken from 20 corpses collected at the Death Verification Department of São Paulo city, without autolysis or evidence of urinary tract or autoimmune disease were also histologically studied. This group was considered as a Control Group. A correlation among clinical, cystoscopic and histopathological data was carried out. Rresults: the patients’ mean age was 29 years (range 13-62). Thirty-six were females and three were males. Twenty-five patients were asymptomatic during the study period. In the Control Group the age range was 20-65 years. Nineteen were females (95%) and one was male (5%). Cystoscopic examination of the group with systemic lupus erythematosus showed interstitial pattern in 16 cases (41.0%) and normal in 15 (38.5%). The bladder was normal in four patients (10.3%). Chronic unspecific cystitis was observed in 18 (46.2%) patients. In the remaining, several alterations were found, including bladder vasculitis in seven patients (17.9%). The mean number of mast cells in the bladder area was 2.223/mm2. In the Control Group, unspecific cystitis was found in three cases (15.0%). No other abnormalities were found. The mean number of mast cells in this group was 0.777/mm2 (±2.7). Chronic unspecific cystitis, bladder vasculitis and the mean number of mast cells were compared with each other and no statistical differences were found (p > 0.05). There were statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding chronic unspecific cystitis and bladder vasculitis (Z = 2.078 > Z5% = 1.645 and Z = 1.777 > Z5% = 1.645) and also mean number of mast cells (Z = 2.387 > Z5% = 1.673). There were statistically significant differences between the proportion of mast cell infiltrate and presence of suprapubic pain as well as use of antimalarial drugs. The other analysis did not show statistically significant differences. There was no statistical evidence of dependence among the events: cystoscopy with interstitial pattern and chronic unspecific cystitis (p > 0.237); cystoscopy with interstitial pattern and bladder vasculitis(p > 0.325); cystoscopy with interstitial pattern and mast cell infiltrate (p > 0.277). Cconclusions: the bladder in systemic lupus erythematosus may be involved even in the absence of clinical manifestations. The involvement of the bladder in systemic lupus erythematosus was characterized mainly by the finding of chronic unspecific cystitis, bladder vasculitis and mast cell infiltrate. The presence of chronic unspecific cystitis was significantly greater in patients with the disease than in the Control Group, and the same occurred with bladder vasculitis. The number of mast cells/mm2 was higher than normal in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. This finding was associated to suprapubic pain upon bladder repletion and to use of antimalarial drugs
Leiomyoma of the bladder. Case report and literature review
We present a case of leiomyoma of the bladder consideringdiagnosis, treatment and literature review. A leiomyoma of thebladder was diagnosed in a 60-year-old woman based on physicalexamination, urinary tract imaging (ultrasonography, computedtomography and magnetic resonance imaging) andcystourethroscopy with biopsy of the lesion. Cystourethroscopyshowed a bladder tumor covered by normal epithelium.Management included complete transurethral resection with norelapse after a seven-month follow-up
Histoplasmose disseminada em transplantado renal
The Authors report a case of disseminated histoplasmosis in a patient during the course of non related kidney transplant. Besides the fungal infection detected by serology and histopathology, autopsy showed macro and micro-nodular hepatic cirrhosis, probably of viral etiology (B virus), hepatocarcinoma, lymphoid depletion of the spleen and transplant glomerulonephritis. After concerning literature review the Authors conclude that probably due to immunosuppressive therapy, the pulmonary lesions by endogenous reinfection were the first to appear under the form of a chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis.Os Autores registram caso de histoplasmose generalizada em paciente transplantado com rim de doador não aparentado. Além da infecção fúngica diagnosticada sorologicamente e pela histopatologia, a autópsia revelou cirrose hepática macro e micronodular, de provável etiologia viral (vírus B), hepatocarcinoma, depleção linfóide do baço e glomerulopatia de transplante. Revendo a literatura sobre o assunto, chegam à conclusão de que, provavelmente, com a imunodepressão medicamentosa, as lesões pulmonares por reinfecção endógena foram as primeiras a aparecer sob a forma de uma histoplasmose pulmonar crônica