8 research outputs found

    Clinical and histologic features of botryoid odontogenic cyst: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The lateral periodontal cyst, as the name implies, occurs on a lateral periodontal location and is of developmental origin, arising from cystic degeneration of clear cells of the dental lamina. A botryoid odontogenic cyst is considered to be a rare multilocular variant of a lateral periodontal cyst.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the clinical and histopathologic features of a rare case of botryoid odontogenic cyst found in an edentulous area corresponding to the right lower canine of a 64-year-old African-American woman. A multilocular radiolucency was observed, and surgical removal of the lesion revealed a nodule of rubber-like consistency measuring about 1.5 cm in diameter. Cross-sectioning of the nodule showed that it consisted of various cystic compartments. Histologically, various voluminous periodic acid-Schiff-negative clear cells randomly distributed throughout the cystic epithelium were observed, as well as cell layers showing thickenings generally formed by oval, sometimes entangled plaques. The capsule consisted of fibrous connective tissue and showed rare and discrete foci of a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate and reactive bone-tissue fragments. The final diagnosis was botryoid odontogenic cyst.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We provide data that allow the reader to establish the differences between botryoid odontogenic cyst, glandular odontogenic cyst, and lateral periodontal cyst, helping with the differential diagnosis. The reader will have the opportunity to review botryoid odontogenic cyst clinical and histopathologic features, including treatment.</p

    Stereological and biochemical analysis of the urethral edges in patients submitted to end-to-end anastomosis for bulbar urethral stricture

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    PURPOSE: To study the morphologic alterations in the proximal and distal urethral edges from patients submitted to end-to-end bulbar urethroplasty. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed 12 patients submitted to anastomotic urethroplasty to treat bulbar strictures less than 2.0 cm in length. After excision of the fibrotic segment to a 28Fr urethral caliber, we obtained biopsies from the spongious tissue of the free edges (proximal: PROX and distal: DIST). Controls included normal bulbar urethras obtained from autopsies of 10 age matched individuals. The samples were histologically processed for smooth muscle cells (SMC), elastic system fibers and collagen. Stereological analysis was performed to determine the volumetric density (Vv) of each element. Also, a biochemical analysis was performed to quantify the total collagen content. RESULTS: Vv of SMC was reduced in PROX (31.48 ± 7.01 p < 0.05) and similar in DIST when compared to controls (55.65 ± 9.60%) with no statistical difference. Elastic fibers were increased in PROX (25.70 ± 3.21%; p < 0.05) and were similar to controls in DIST (15.87 ± 4.26%). Total collagen concentration in PROX (46.39 �� 8.20 &#956;g/mg), and DIST (47.96 ± 9.42 &#956;g/mg) did not differ from controls (48.85 ± 6.91 &#956;g/mg). Type III collagen was similarly present in all samples. CONCLUSIONS: After excision of the stenotic segment to a caliber of 28Fr, the exposed and macroscopically normal urethral edges may present altered amounts of elastic fibers and SMC, but are free from fibrotic tissue. When excising the peri-stenotic tissue, the surgeon should be more careful in the proximal end, which is the most altered

    Análise de erros ortográficos em diferentes problemas de aprendizagem Analyzing typical orthographic mistakes related to different learning problems

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    OBJETIVOS: descrever achados ortográficos em problemas de aprendizagem, verificar se os erros produzidos são aqueles encontrados na aprendizagem normal e analisar se predominam problemas de natureza ortográfica ou fonológica. MÉTODOS: examinou-se a escrita de 64 sujeitos avaliados pelo Laboratório de Distúrbios de Aprendizagem do Departamento de Neurologia da UNICAMP, diagnosticados com algum problema de aprendizagem: Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (28); Dificuldades de Aprendizagem (13); Distúrbio de Aprendizagem (7); Dislexia (3); Distúrbios Associados (5) e Diagnóstico inconclusivo (9). As idades variaram entre 8;2 e 13;4 anos, média 10;6 anos. Foram incluídos sujeitos alfabetizados, sem rebaixamento intelectual. Os erros foram classificados em 11 categorias e quantificados para análise estatística. RESULTADOS: os erros correspondem àqueles observados em crianças sem queixa de aprendizagem. Os erros por Representações Múltiplas, Omissão de Letras e Oralidade, são respectivamente, os três tipos mais frequentes nos casos de Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade, Dificuldades Escolares, Distúrbios Associados e Diagnóstico Desconhecido. No Distúrbio de Aprendizagem a sequência é de Representações Múltiplas, Omissão, Outras Alterações e Surdas-sonoras. Na dislexia observa-se a sequência de Representações Múltiplas, Oralidade, Omissão e Outras Alterações. Existe uma tendência geral de predomínio das alterações ortográficas, embora sem diferença significante em relação aos erros de natureza fonológica. CONCLUSÃO: os erros de natureza ortográfica são os mais frequentes em relação aos de natureza fonológica. Com tendência contrária, os erros visuo-espaciais têm baixa ocorrência em geral, o que mostra que a dificuldade de todos os grupos é fundamentalmente de origem linguística e não perceptual.<br>PURPOSE: to describe the orthographic findings in several types of learning problems, check if the types of produced mistakes are those found in the learning that is considered normal and analyze if orthographic or phonological nature problems prevail in each disorder. METHODS: the writing of 64 subjects was evaluated by the Laboratory of Learning Disabilities of the Neurology Department of UNICAMP and diagnosed as showing some type of learning problem. Deficit of Attention / Hyperactivity disorder (28); School Difficulties (13); Learning Disabilities (7); Dyslexia (3); Associated Disorders (5) and Inconclusive Diagnosis (9). The ages varied between 8;2 and 13;4 years, with a 10;6 year-old average. Only subjects in alphabetical writing level without any type of intellectual deficit were included. The found mistakes were classified in eleven categories and quantified for ends of statistical analysis. RESULTS: the spelling mistakes found in each problem type correspond to those observed in children without learning complaint. The spelling mistakes through Multiple Representations, Omission of letters and Orality, are respectively, the three most frequent types in the cases Deficit of Attention and Hyperactivity disorder, School Difficulties, Associated Disorders and Unknown Diagnosis. In the Disturbance of Learning the sequence is of Multiple Representations, Omission, Other Mistakes and Voiced/Unvoiced mistakes. In the dyslexia we note the sequence of Multiple Representations, Orality, Omission and Other Mistakes. There is a trend, in each problem type, to the prevalence of orthographic nature mistakes, although with no statistically significant difference in relation to the phonological nature mistakes. CONCLUSION: the orthographic nature mistakes are the most frequent, although, there is no significant difference, in each group, in relation to the phonological nature mistakes. With contrary trend, the visual-spatial mistakes have low occurrence in general, which shows that the difficulty concerning all groups has fundamentally a linguistic origin and not a perceptual