705 research outputs found

    The grand strategy of Xi Jinping’s China: goals, Comprehensive national power and policies

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    What are China’s goals and ambitions? What means does it use to promote its interests? And what policies and strategies does Beijing employ to accomplish its goals? In this article we seek to answer these questions by analyzing the grand strategy of Xi Jinping’s China. Regarding the analysis, it appears that the grand strategy of Xi’s China has gone too far too fast and that perhaps time and momentum are not yet on China’s side


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    The rise in international politics of East Asia - the geographical area including Northeast and Southeast Asia – as a macro-region is a modern and ongoing phenomenon, whose regional identification framework is yet not clearly defined. The crossed influences of History, Politics, Economics and Culture make East Asia a very complex and diversified area. However, and despite the heterogeneous nature of the region and its countries, a regional desire has been emerging to give political and institutional voice to East Asia, though its composition and borders remain ambiguous

    European Union-India Relations under pressure from Russia's invasion of Ukraine

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    In 2022, India celebrates the 75th Anniversary of its Independence and 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and the then European Economic Community (EEC), now the European Union (EU). These celebrations take place in a context of significant strengthening of the bilateral relationship, since over the last few years both parties have affirmed their commitment to give their relationship a more strategic focus. This new impetus largely reflects a transformed geopolitical landscape, including the growing importance of the Asia/Indo-Pacific region for the EU and, in particular, the “China factor” that poses a systemic challenge to both the EU and India. Even so, the economic dimension remains below its potential and the “like mindedness” proclaimed by both parties is more fragile than officially recognized. On the other hand, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia constitutes an important test for the new strategic relationship between Brussels and New Delhi, but it could also be an opportunity for the EU to be seen as a relevant geopolitical actor by India

    Complex systems theories and eclectic approach in analysing and theorising the contemporary international security complex

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    This chapter has a dual purpose: first, it is intended to demonstrate the need and usefulness of Complex systems theories and, in this context, what we call an “Eclectic Approach” for analysing and theorising about International Relations and security; second, it aims to characterise the contemporary international security system. We also develop two basic arguments: that the reality is too complex, heterogeneous and varied to fit into theories that purport to interpret exclusively in the light of its previous cognitive structures; and that the contemporary international security system is a complex of international security systems – competitive, cooperative, collective, and security communities

    NATO as a community of values and its new political role

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    In a context inevitably marked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept risked being exclusively focused on the Russian threat and the collective defense of the Eastern flank of the Alliance. Fortunately, recognizing that the current and forthcoming strategic environment includes a multiplicity of other complex and often interconnected threats, risks and challenges, the new Strategic Concept approved on June 29 at the Madrid Summit includes several other relevant aspects for the readaptation of NATO to a new era. We highlight here two particularly decisive ones: the reaffirmation of the Alliance as a community of values and the strengthening of its political role


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    The rise in international politics of East Asia - the geographical area including Northeast and Southeast Asia – as a macro-region is a modern and ongoing phenomenon, whose regional identification framework is yet not clearly defined. The crossed influences of History, Politics, Economics and Culture make East Asia a very complex and diversified area. However, and despite the heterogeneous nature of the region and its countries, a regional desire has been emerging to give political and institutional voice to East Asia, though its composition and borders remain ambiguous

    Construction and deconstruction of the Liberal International Order

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    What does “liberal order” mean? And should we distinguish between “world order” and “international order”? On what basis did the liberal order emerge and what factors contribute to its erosion? This article seeks to answer these questions in a text divided into four parts. In the first, we explain the meaning of “order” in international relations, the difference between “international” and “world” order and our notion of “liberal international order”. In the second, we justify the paradox of considering that the liberal order was built on what many call the “Westphalian system”, although we reject this designation and typification and the initial attempt to build a liberal world order after World War I World, as well as its rapid deconstruction. In the third part, we demonstrate the building and consolidation of a liberal order after World War II, within the framework of a broader world order in the context of the Cold War. And in the fourth, we show that this liberal order has been a “world” one since the end of the Cold War, and that this process occurred amidst paradoxes and ambivalences that contribute to its deconstruction

    Improving data modelling through the use of case-based-reasoning

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    Experience plays an important role in Information Systems data modelling activity. This role is justified by the fact that determining the correct and consistent information requirements is a difficult and a challenging task. Currently three types of data modelling techniques are widely used: entity-attribute-relationship, object-relationship and object-oriented. There is not a consensus about which one is the best. This article proposes a framework, supported by a software tool, that uses Case-Based-Reasoning (CBR) methodology to represent and use experience in the data modelling task. The proposed framework does not depend on the data modelling technique nor on the modelling tool.- (undefined

    Re-using experience in information systems development

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    Information Systems Development (ISD) is an important organization activity that generally involves the development of models. This paper describes a framework, supported by Case-Based-Reasoning (CBR) method, that enables the use of experience in model development in the context of ISD process.- (undefined
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