4 research outputs found

    Design, development and validation of a new laryngo-pharyngeal endoscopic esthesiometer and range-finder based on the assessment of air-pulse variability determinants

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    BACKGROUND: Laryngo-pharyngeal mechano-sensitivity (LPMS) is involved in dysphagia, sleep apnea, stroke, irritable larynx syndrome and cough hypersensitivity syndrome among other disorders. These conditions are associated with a wide range of airway reflex abnormalities. However, the current device for exploring LPMS is limited because it assesses only the laryngeal adductor reflex during fiber-optic endoscopic evaluations of swallowing and requires a high degree of expertise to obtain reliable results, introducing intrinsic expert variability and subjectivity. METHODS: We designed, developed and validated a new air-pulse laryngo-pharyngeal endoscopic esthesiometer with a built-in laser range-finder (LPEER) based on the evaluation and control of air-pulse variability determinants and on intrinsic observer variability and subjectivity determinants of the distance, angle and site of stimulus impact. The LPEER was designed to be capable of delivering precise and accurate stimuli with a wide range of intensities that can explore most laryngo-pharyngeal reflexes. RESULTS: We initially explored the potential factors affecting the reliability of LPMS tests and included these factors in a multiple linear regression model. The following factors significantly affected the precision and accuracy of the test (P < 0.001): the tube conducting the air-pulses, the supply pressure of the system, the duration of the air-pulses, and the distance and angle between the end of the tube conducting the air-pulses and the site of impact. To control all of these factors, an LPEER consisting of an air-pulse generator and an endoscopic laser range-finder was designed and manufactured. We assessed the precision and accuracy of the LPEER's stimulus and range-finder according to the coefficient of variation (CV) and by looking at the differences between the measured properties and the desired values, and we performed a pilot validation on ten human subjects. The air-pulses and range-finder exhibited good precision and accuracy (CV < 0.06), with differences between the desired and measured properties at <3 % and a range-finder measurement error of <1 mm. The tests in patients demonstrated obtainable and reproducible thresholds for the laryngeal adductor, cough and gag reflexes. CONCLUSIONS: The new LPEER was capable of delivering precise and accurate stimuli for exploring laryngo-pharyngeal reflexes

    Simple and Autonomous Sleep Signal Processing System for the Detection of Obstructive Sleep Apneas

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder characterized by repetitive upper airway obstruction, intermittent hypoxemia, and recurrent awakenings during sleep. The most used treatment for this syndrome is a device that generates a positive airway pressure&mdash;Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), but it works continuously, whether or not there is apnea. An alternative consists on systems that detect apnea episodes and produce a stimulus that eliminates them. Article focuses on the development of a simple and autonomous processing system for the detection of obstructive sleep apneas, using polysomnography (PSG) signals: electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), respiratory effort (RE), respiratory flow (RF), and oxygen saturation (SO2). The system is evaluated using, as a gold standard, 20 PSG tests labeled by sleep experts and it performs two analyses. A first analysis detects awake/sleep stages and is based on the accumulated amplitude in a channel-dependent frequency range, according to the criteria of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). The second analysis detects hypopneas and apneas, based on analysis of the breathing cycle and oxygen saturation. The results show a good estimation of sleep events, where for 75% of the cases of patients analyzed it is possible to determine the awake/asleep states with an effectiveness of &gt;92% and apneas and hypopneas with an effectiveness of &gt;55%, through a simple processing system that could be implemented in an electronic device to be used in possible OSA treatments