23 research outputs found

    Avaliação da presença de coliformes, bolores e leveduras em amostras de mel orgânico de abelhas africanizadas das ilhas do alto rio Paraná.

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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido para caracterizar a microbiota do mel produzido nas ilhas Floresta e Laranjeira do alto rio Paraná, na região de Porto Brasílio, Paraná (PR). O mel foi coletado diretamente das melgueiras das colônias avaliadas, em três apiários distribuídos nas ilhas Floresta e Laranjeira. O período de coleta das amostras de mel foi de novembro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006, perfazendo o total de 24 amostras de mel orgânico produzido por abelhas Apis mellifera africanizadas. Seguindo o método das normas internacionais da Compendium of Methods for the Microbiology Examination of Foods, os parâmetros analisados foram: presença de coliformes a 35°C e 45°C e quantificação de bolores e leveduras. Verificou-se que todas as amostras apresentaram-se em conformidade com o Regulamento Técnico MERCOSUL de Identidade e Qualidade do Mel (MERCOSUL/GMC/RES no 15/94). As amostras analisadas indicaram excelente qualidade microbiológica para o mel orgânico

    Camargo, Luis M.A.

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    Seroprevalence of Leptospira spp in cattle from Monte Negro municipality, western Amazon

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    The prevalence of anti-Leptospira spp antibodies was investigated in 2,109 female cattle from 86 herds of Monte Negro municipality, Rondônia, Brazil. Sera samples were evaluated by Microscopic Agglutination Test against 24 leptospira serovars. Titers =100 for at least one of 24 leptospira serovars were detected in 1,114 cows (52.8%) from 82 (95.3%) herds. The adjusted overall prevalence for Monte Negro municipality was 53.9% (49-58.7%; CI: 95%). The most prevalent serovars were Hardjo (14.5%), Wolffi (12.3%), Shermani (10.8%), Patoc (7.9%), and Hebdomadis (6.1%). Other serovars worldwidely reported like Bratislava, Pomona and Grippotyphosa were detected in low levels

    Global voices on atrial fibrillation management:Brazil

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) and stroke are prevalent conditions worldwide, and the AF burden is expected to concentrate in low- and middle-income countries like Brazil. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NIHR) funded Global Health Research Group on Atrial Fibrillation Management (GHRG-AF) had a Brazilian arm that addressed AF epidemiology and care in Brazil. GHRG-AF analysed data from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil), a long-term cohort of 15,105 middle-aged adults in Brazil, focused on cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Additionally, the GHRG-AF used data from the Brazilian Study of Stroke Mortality and Morbidity (EMMA study) to understand AF impact on this cohort of 1,863 stroke survivors, all admitted to a community hospital. The GHRG-AF also surveyed healthcare practices and the pathways of individuals who live with AF, interviewing health professionals and patients treated in different healthcare units in São Paulo. Despite these multiple approaches, those data were restricted to individuals living in large urban centres. Approximately 70% of the Brazilian territory comprises sparsely populated cities ( <10 inhabitants/km2), which, as a group, are home to 15 million individuals. In a new step, GHRG-AF collaborators aim to improve cardiovascular research capacity in distant locations of the Brazilian Amazon, develop patient-centred protocols, empower community health agents in the region, and intensify collaboration with other research groups in remote parts of the country

    Global voices on atrial fibrillation management:Brazil

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) and stroke are prevalent conditions worldwide, and the AF burden is expected to concentrate in low- and middle-income countries like Brazil. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NIHR) funded Global Health Research Group on Atrial Fibrillation Management (GHRG-AF) had a Brazilian arm that addressed AF epidemiology and care in Brazil. GHRG-AF analysed data from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil), a long-term cohort of 15,105 middle-aged adults in Brazil, focused on cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Additionally, the GHRG-AF used data from the Brazilian Study of Stroke Mortality and Morbidity (EMMA study) to understand AF impact on this cohort of 1,863 stroke survivors, all admitted to a community hospital. The GHRG-AF also surveyed healthcare practices and the pathways of individuals who live with AF, interviewing health professionals and patients treated in different healthcare units in São Paulo. Despite these multiple approaches, those data were restricted to individuals living in large urban centres. Approximately 70% of the Brazilian territory comprises sparsely populated cities ( <10 inhabitants/km2), which, as a group, are home to 15 million individuals. In a new step, GHRG-AF collaborators aim to improve cardiovascular research capacity in distant locations of the Brazilian Amazon, develop patient-centred protocols, empower community health agents in the region, and intensify collaboration with other research groups in remote parts of the country

    Hillslope curvature, clay mineralogy, and phosphorus adsorption in an Alfisol cultivated with sugarcane Curvaturas de relevo, mineralogia da argila e adsorção de fósforo em Argissolo cultivado com cana-de-açúcar

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    Hillslope curvatures are associated with specific environments that correlate to chemical and mineralogical attributes of soil, so determining specific management zones. Phosphorus is one of the main limiting factors to the development and longevity of sugarcane. The type and the mineralogical constitution of the clay fraction play an important role in the phosphorus (P) adsorption of soil. High proportion of gibbsite (Gb) in soil may be the major responsible for P adsorption. The relationships among spatial variability as a function of hillslope curvature, the proportion of kaolinite (Kt) and Gb, and phosphorus adsorption were evaluated in an Alfisol cultivated with sugarcane. Two plots of 1 ha of a concave and a convex hillslope area were selected and 121 samples were collected in each area. The maximum P adsorption was determined in six samples taken randomly in each area. Data were submitted to descriptive statistical and geostatistical analysis. The lowest average values of available phosphorus were found in the convex area. In this area, the proportion of gibbsite, expressed by the values of the ratio [Gb/(Gb + Ct)] and the values of maximum adsorption capacity of phosphorus were higher than in the concave area.<br>As curvaturas do relevo promovem pedoambientes específicos que condicionam os atributos químicos e mineralógicos do solo e podem auxiliar na definição de zonas específicas de manejo. O fósforo (P) é um dos principais elementos limitantes ao desenvolvimento e longevidade do canavial. O teor e a constituição mineralógica da fração argila assumem papel importante na disponibilidade do P, sendo que a gibbsita (Gb), quando presente em altas proporções no solo, pode ser a principal responsável pela sua adsorção e indisponibilidade. Investigaram-se as relações e a variabilidade espacial da adsorção de P e a ocorrência de caulinita (Ct) e gibbsita na fração argila de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo eutrófico originado de rochas areníticas sob diferentes curvaturas do relevo em área sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar. Duas malhas de 1 ha foram delimitadas numa área côncava e outra área convexa. Foram coletadas 121 amostras em cada área para realização das análises granulométricas, químicas e mineralógicas. A capacidade máxima de adsorção de P foi obtida em seis amostras escolhidas ao acaso em cada área. Os resultados foram submetidos às análises estatísticas descritiva e geoestatística. Os menores valores médios de P disponível encontraram-se na área convexa. Nesta área, a proporção de gibbsita, expressa pelos valores da razão [Gb/(Gb+Ct)] e os valores de capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo foram maiores do que na área côncava