145 research outputs found

    King as father in Early Modern Spain

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    La Teología espiritual del trabajo alrededor del Concilio Vaticano II

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    La finalidad de la tesis es estudiar los principales desarrollos de la teología contemporánea sobre el trabajo, y sus aportaciones con relación al papel que desempeña esta actividad en la vida espiritual cristiana. Comenzaremos nuestra investigación con las obras y artículos de M. D. Chenu, Gustave Thils, cardenal Wyszynski, P. Todolí, H. Rondet, y Ph. Delhaye, que han sido, y en parte siguen siendo, el comienzo del itinerario de la teología del trabajo. Como segundo paso, realizaremos un análisis de nuestro tema en el Concilio Vaticano II: preparación, discusiones, reuniones, esquemas, y documentos oficiales del Concilio. Dedicaremos especial atención a Gaudium et spes. La temática siguiente de nuestro estudio será la encíclica Laborem exercens junto con otros documentos de san Juan Pablo II, donde se pone de manifiesto un nuevo paso adelante en la enseñanza espiritual del trabajo. Por último, nos referirnos a las publicaciones de José Luis Illanes pues sus enseñanzas teológicas nos ofrecen una de las experiencias más luminosas para la espiritualidad del trabajo. Como anexo, incluimos una entrevista realizada al Dr. Illanes. El esquema fundamental de la tesis es: el trabajo, acción de la persona, lleva al hombre y su mundo hacia Dios; el trabajo del hombre participa en la obra de la Creación, en el misterio de la Redención unido a la Cruz de Cristo y en el misterio de la Eucaristía. En definitiva, el cristiano, realizando su quehacer profesional, se une e identifica con Cristo.The purpose of this thesis is to study the main developments of the contemporary theology about work and its contributions relation to the role of this activity in christian spiritual life. We will begin our investigation with the work and articles of M.D. Chenu, Gustave Thils, Cardinal Wyszynski, P. Todolí, H. Rondet and Ph. Delhaye, who have been, and partly still are, the founders of the study of work theology. Secondly, we will make an analysis of this topic in the Second Vatican Council: preparation, discussion, meetings, schemes and official Council documents. We will pay special attention to Gaudium et Spes. We will carry on with our study by revising Laborem exercens along with other Saint John Paul II’s documents, where a step forward in spiritual work teaching is taken. Eventually we will take into account the publications of José Luis Illanes, as his spiritual teachings offer us one of the most luminous experiences about work spirituality. As an appendix, we attach an interview with Dr. Illanes. We will follow this index along this thesis: The work, person’s action, leads the man and his world to God; the man takes part in the Creation’s work, in the redemption’s mystery with the Cross of Christ and in the Eucharist’s mystery. Summing up, the christian, by his everyday work, joins and identifies with Christ

    Influence of teleconnection patterns on global moisture transport during peak precipitation month

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    Teleconnection patterns are an important feature influencing the variability of moisture transport. This study explores the influence of the Arctic, Antarctic, Pacific-North American, and El Niño–Southern Oscillations on moisture transport from major oceanic and continental moisture sources during the peak precipitation month. The positive phase of the Pacific-North American teleconnection pattern increases the influence of Pacific Ocean moisture on western North America, while the negative phase increases the influence of Atlantic Ocean moisture over eastern North America, with differences between phases higher than 1.5 mm·day−1 over most of the area when the sources are the preferred. The positive phase of the Arctic Oscillation increases the importance of the Mediterranean as a source of moisture for western Europe while the negative phase increases the importance of the North Atlantic as a source with contribution increased in more than 2 mm·day−1 over Europe. The positive phase of the Antarctic Oscillation favours the contribution from the western Indian basin over eastern Africa, while in the negative phase the contribution from the southern Pacific is increased over northwestern Africa. For El Niño–Southern Oscillation, the main influence occurs over South America during El Niño events, increasing the moisture contributions from the South Pacific Ocean over southern South America and from South Atlantic over southeastern Brazil. El Niño events also increase the moisture transport from the North Atlantic over western Europe and from the North Pacific over North America. In contrast, La Niña events increase moisture contributions from the Pacific over Central America and northern South America, being the latter the area when higher differences between phases are observed.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2018/062Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D‐2022‐020Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-095772-B-I00Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaFinanciado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Atmospheric moisture sources associated with extreme precipitation during the peak precipitation month

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    Understanding moisture transport is crucial for understanding continental precipitation and extreme precipitation events, which are expected to become substantially more frequent under global warming conditions. In this work, the influence of major global moisture sources on extreme continental precipitation during the peak precipitation month is estimated and compared with climatological patterns. The results show a general change in the pattern of contribution of the primary source of precipitation (the source with the highest contribution) during extreme precipitation events. Most primary sources show a general reduction in their area of influence and a notable reduction in their contribution to the total precipitation.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018‐095772‐B‐I0OXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2018/062Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2017/64Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    T-Brain-1: A homolog of Brachyury whose expression defines molecularly distinct domains within the cerebral cortex

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    AbstractThe mechanisms that regulate regional specification and evolution of the cerebral cortex are obscure. To this end, we have identified and characterized a novel murine and human gene encoding a putative transcription factor related to the Brachyury (T) gene that is expressed only in postmitotic cells. T-brain-1 (Tbr-1) mRNA is largely restricted to the cerebral cortex, where during embryogenesis it distinguishes domains that we propose may give rise to paleocortex, limbic cortex, and neocortex. Tbr-1 and Id-2 expression in the neocortex have discontinuities that define molecularly distinct neocortical areas. Tbr-1 expression is analyzed in the context of the prosomeric model. Topological maps are proposed for the organization of the dorsal telencephalon

    The effect of CEO incentives on deviations from institutional norms in foreign market expansion decisions: Behavioral agency and cross-border acquisitions

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    CEO incentives have been the subject of great interest for human resource scholars. We explore the institutional context within which the CEO makes sense of their incentives. Our theory suggests that CEO equity incentives interact with institutional norms to influence foreign market entry choices. Specifically, we argue that CEOs will weigh the risk bearing created by equity incentives, along with the consequences of legitimacy loss, when deciding whether to deviate from institutional norms when internationalizing. In doing so, we advance human resource literature by demonstrating that CEO responses to incentives are influenced by institutional norms and that CEOs' decisions to deviate from institutional norms are shaped by their incentives. We find support for our framework in the analysis of the stake taken by acquirers in 4,184 cross-border acquisitions

    Oceanic and terrestrial origin of precipitation over 50 major world river basins: Implications for the occurrence of drought

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    The terrestrial and oceanic origins of precipitation over 50 major river basins worldwide were investigated for the period 1980–2018. For this purpose, we used a Lagrangian approximation that calculates the humidity that results in precipitation from the entire ocean area (ocean component of the precipitation, PLO) and the entire land area (land component, PLT) as well as the sum of both components (Lagrangian precipitation, PL). PL and its components were highly correlated with precipitation over the basins, where PLT accounted for >50 % of the PL in most of them. This confirmed the importance assigned by previous studies to terrestrial recycling of precipitation and moisture transport within the continents. However, the amount of PLO in almost all North American river basins was highlighted. The assessment of drought conditions through the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at a temporal scale of 1- and 3-months revealed the number of drought episodes that affected each river basin, especially the Amazon, Congo, and Nile, because of the lower number of episodes but higher average severity and duration. A direct relationship between the severity of drought episodes and the respective severity computed on the oceanic and terrestrial SPI series was also found for the majority of basins. This highlights the influence of the severity of the SPI of oceanic origin for most basins in North America. However, for certain basins, we found an inverse relationship between the severity of drought and the associated severity according to the SPI of oceanic or terrestrial origin, thus highlighting the principal drought attribution. Additionally, a copula analysis provided new information that illustrates the estimated conditional probability of drought for each river basin in relation to the occurrence of drought conditions of oceanic or terrestrial origin, which revealed the possible main driver of drought severity in each river basin.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2019/070Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2021/134Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/193Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-095772-B-I00Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-122314OB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Platelet serotonin levels are associated with plasma soluble leptin receptor concentrations in normoglycemic women

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    Most peripheral serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT)) is synthetized in the gut with platelets being its main circulating reservoir. 5HT is acting as a hormone in key organs to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism. However, the relation between platelet 5HT levels and traits related to glucose homeostasis and lipid metabolism in humans remains poorly explored. The objectives of this study were (a) to assess the association between platelet 5HT levels and plasma concentration of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) and some adipokines including leptin and its soluble leptin receptor (sOb-R), (b) to assess the association between platelet 5HT levels and anthropometric traits and indexes of insulin secretion/sensitivity derived from oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and (c) to evaluate changes in platelet 5HT levels in response to OGTT. In a cross-sectional study, 59 normoglycemic women underwent a standard 2-hour OGTT. Plasma leptin, sOb-R, total and high molecular weight adiponectin, TNFα, and MCP1 were determined by immunoassays. Platelet 5HT levels and NEFAs were measured before and after OGTT. The free leptin index was calculated from leptin and sOb-R measurements. Insulin sensitivity indexes derived from OGTT (HOMA-S and Matsuda ISICOMP) and plasma NEFAs (Adipose-IR, Revised QUICKI) were also calculated. Our data show that among metabolic traits, platelet 5HT levels were associated with plasma sOb-R (r = 0 39, p = 0 003, corrected p = 0 018). Platelet 5HT levels were reduced in response to OGTT (779 ± 237 vs 731 ± 217 ng/109 platelets, p = 0 005). In conclusion, platelet 5HT levels are positively associated with plasma sOb-R concentrations and reduced in response to glucose intake possibly indicating a role of peripheral 5HT in leptin-mediated appetite regulation

    How much of precipitation over the Euroregion Galicia - Northern Portugal is due to tropical-origin cyclones?: A Lagrangian approach

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    Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-122314OB-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISU