30 research outputs found

    Estados inmaduros de Lygaeinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) de Baja California, México

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    ResumenSe describen los estados inmaduros de 3 especies de chinches Lygaeinae provenientes de la península de Baja California, México. Se ilustran y describen en detalle todos los estadios de Melacoryphus nigrinervis (Stål) y de Oncopeltus (Oncopeltus) sanguinolentus Van Duzee. Para Lygaeus kalmii kalmii Stål se ilustran y describen los estadios cuarto y quinto. Se incluyen también notas acerca de la biología y distribución de las especies estudiadas.AbstractImmature stages of 3 species of Lygaeinae from the Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico are described. Illustrations and detailed descriptions of all instars of Oncopeltus (Oncopeltus) sanguinolentus Van Duzee and Melacoryphus nigrinervis (Stål); for Lygaeus kalmii kalmii Stål fourth and fifth instars are described and illustrated. Biological notes, host plants and distribution are also included


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    The life cycle of Cholula maculatus associated with several species of Ficus is reported in detail, descriptions and illustrations of all instars are included. This species is considered as an arboreal species according to the Slater (1972) classification for the species of Lygaeidae associated with Ficus spp. and because it feeds on Ficus seeds that are included in mammal and bird excrements, C. maculatus should be included in a new subcategory.El ciclo de vida de Cholula maculatus, asociada a diversas especies de Ficus se reporta en detalle, incluyendo descripción e ilustración de todos los estadios. Esta especie es considerada como arbórea dentro de la clasificación de Slater (1972) para las especies de Lygaeidae asociadas a Ficus spp. y dado que se alimenta de semillas de Ficus incluidas en excremento de mamíferos y aves, C. maculatus debería ser catalogada dentro de una nueva subcategoría

    Descripción de los estadios ninfales de Froeschneria piligera (Stål) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Rhyparochromidae: Myodochini), su distribución en México y notas sobre su biología.

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    Descriptions and illustrations of all instars about Froeschneria piligera (Stål), and notes on its biology, it has been found feeing on the seeds of several plants, mainly species of Asteraceae, it is also considered a facultative terrestrial species, because it feeds on some species of Ficus. It was reared in the laboratory using sunflower seeds.Se describen e ilustran en detalle todos los estadios de Froeschneria piligera (Stål), incluyendo notas sobre su biología, se le ha encontrado alimentándose de las semillas de varias especies vegetales, principalmente de especies de Asteraceae, y es una especie terrestre facultativa, alimentándose de las semillas de algunas especies de Ficus. Se crió en laboratorio utilizando semillas de girasol


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    The life cycles of Phyllophaga ravida (Blanchard), P. macrocera Bates, P. vetula (Horn), P. ilhuicaminai Morón, and P. obsoleta (Blanchard) under laboratory conditions are described. The eggs were obtained from mated adults collected in various localities in the state of Puebla, Mexico. Larvae were placed in a breeding chamber with 26 ± 2 oC temperature and 70 ± 5 % humidity, in pots containing soil and slices of carrot roots. The life cycle for the five species is annual. Life table and adults flying times for each species are presented.Se describe el ciclo de vida de Phyllophaga ravida (Blanchard), P. macrocera Bates, P. vetula (Horn), P. ilhuicaminai Morón, y P. obsoleta (Blanchard), en condiciones de laboratorio, a partir de adultos en cópula obtenidos en localidades del estado de Puebla, México. Las larvas se mantuvieron en un cuarto de cría a temperatura de 26 ± 2 oC y humedad relativa de 70 ± 5%, dentro de recipientes con suelo y se alimentaron con rodajas de zanahoria. El ciclo de vida para las cinco especies es anual; para cada una se presenta la tabla de vida y el horario de vuelo de sus adultos

    Life Histories of the Seed Bugs, Kleidocerys punctatus and Kleidocerys virescens

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    The life cycles of the seed bugs, Kleidocerys punctatus Distant and Kleidocerys virescens F. (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae: Ischnorhynchinae), are reported for the first time. Description of all immature stages and adults are included. Adults and nymphs of K. punctatus are associated with several species of Alnus (Betulaceae), while those of K. virescens are associated with Nicotiana glauca Graham, Nicotiana tabacum L. (Solanaceae), and Buddleia crotonoides A. Gray and Buddleia sp. (Loganiaceae). Adults and nymphs feed mainly on the seeds, inside the dry fruit, but they also take plant juices from other reproductive and vegetative structures. Illustrations of the eggs, all nymphal instars, and the adults, as well as notes on their biology and their distribution in Mexico, are included

    Alloeorhynchus trimacula (Stein) (Heteroptera: Nabidae: Prostemmatinae), a predator of rhyparochromidae (Lygaeoidea) associated with figs in Mexico

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    Volume: 106Start Page: 346End Page: 35

    First record of Praetorblissus from Mexico (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Blissidae), with the description of a new species associated with bamboo

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    Peredo, Luis Cervantes, Brailovsky, Harry (2013): First record of Praetorblissus from Mexico (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeoidea: Blissidae), with the description of a new species associated with bamboo. Zootaxa 3683 (2): 197-200, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3683.2.

    Two new endemic species of Lygaeinae from Baja California, Mexico (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)

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    Peredo, Luis Cervantes, Brailovsky, Harry (2014): Two new endemic species of Lygaeinae from Baja California, Mexico (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Zootaxa 3861 (6): 591-597, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3861.6.