265 research outputs found

    Francesco Piro, Manuale di educazione al pensiero critico. Comprendere e argomentare, prefazione di Tullio De Mauro, Napoli, 2015, Editoriale Scientifica - Collana punto org., pp. 280

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    “Il nostro impegno consiste nel portare la scuola del Novecento in questo secolo. Ciò significa saper innovare contenuti e metodi senza stravolgere un modello educativo che funziona e che ha prodotto eccellenze nei secoli, da Galileo a Fabiola Gianotti. Perciò non intendiamo sostituire il modello knowledge-based su cui si fonda la scuola italiana con il modello skill-based più tipico del mondo anglosassone. Il nostro obiettivo è di sviluppare nuove competenze e nuove abilità pratiche, sulla base di una solida conoscenza teorica”. Così afferma il Ministro Stefania Giannini in una intervista con Armando Massarenti pubblicata il 22 febbraio 2015 su “Il Sole 24 ore”. Con tatto e al tempo stesso con ferma decisione, Giannini pone una questione di fondo per lo sviluppo economico e culturale del nostro Sistema-Paese: se è vero che l’educazione scolastica (e universitaria) in Italia è basata sulla trasmissione di conoscenze, è altresì fondamentale riconoscere come la trasmissione di conoscenze non basta più, da sola, per formare il personale oggi necessario a sostenere nel lungo periodo la competitività delle aziende e, più in generale, di tutte quelle organizzazioni (Istituzioni, Terzo settore etc.), dove prendono corpo i processi di creazione di valore. Ciò che urge sempre di più, in un mercato del lavoro dove la flessibilità è metodo, è un personale dotato di competenze trasversali, ovvero di competenze che hanno una base metacognitiva, più che cognitiva

    OCT Applications in Conjunctival Disease

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    Today the of anterior segment optical coherence tomography (ASOCT) has become an irreplaceable tool in the management of various pathologies and also in many surgical techniques. The cornea has been widely studied in many pathologies with ASOCT, but now also the conjunctival study with ASOCT allows to obtain a detailed imaging of the normal and pathological conjunctiva, so that in many conjunctival diseases the ASOCT is a useful tool to help the clinicians. In this chapter we will briefly discuss the results of the imaging of the oct appearance of the normal conjunctiva with ASOCT and its present and potential use in the conjunctival pathologies

    Ipovisione e Oftalmologia Medico-Legale

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    Olive Oil Phenols Prevent Mercury-Induced Phosphatidylserine Exposure and Morphological Changes in Human Erythrocytes Regardless of Their Different Scavenging Activity

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    : Phosphatidylserine (PS) translocation to the external membrane leaflet represents a key mechanism in the pathophysiology of human erythrocytes (RBC) acting as an "eat me" signal for the removal of aged/stressed cells. Loss of physiological membrane asymmetry, however, can lead to adverse effects on the cardiovascular system, activating a prothrombotic activity. The data presented indicate that structurally related olive oil phenols prevent cell alterations induced in intact human RBC exposed to HgCl2 (5-40 µM) or Ca2+ ionophore (5 µM), as measured by hallmarks including PS exposure, reactive oxygen species generation, glutathione depletion and microvesicles formation. The protective effect is observed in a concentration range of 1-30 µM, hydroxytyrosol being the most effective; its in vivo metabolite homovanillic alcohol still retains the biological activity of its dietary precursor. Significant protection is also exerted by tyrosol, in spite of its weak scavenging activity, indicating that additional mechanisms are involved in the protective effect. When RBC alterations are mediated by an increase in intracellular calcium, the protective effect is observed at higher concentrations, indicating that the selected phenols mainly act on Ca2+-independent mechanisms, identified as protection of glutathione depletion. Our findings strengthen the nutritional relevance of olive oil bioactive compounds in the claimed health-promoting effects of the Mediterranean Diet

    An RFID-Based Tracing and Tracking System for the Fresh Vegetables Supply Chain

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    The paper presents an innovative gapless traceability system able to improve the main business processes of the fresh vegetables supply chain. The performed analysis highlighted some critical aspects in the management of the whole supply chain, from the land to the table of the end consumer, and allowed us to reengineer the most important processes. In particular, the first steps of the supply chain, which include cultivation in greenhouses and manufacturing of packaged vegetables, were analyzed. The re-engineered model was designed by exploiting the potentialities derived from the combined use of innovative Radio Frequency technologies, such as RFID and NFC, and important international standards, such as EPCglobal. The proposed tracing and tracking system allows the end consumer to know the complete history of the purchased product. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the potential benefits of the reengineered processes in a real supply chain, a pilot project was implemented in an Italian food company, which produces ready-to-eat vegetables, known asIV gammaproducts. Finally, some important metrics have been chosen to carry out the analysis of the potential benefits derived from the use of the re-engineered model

    Efficacy test of a hydrolysable tannin extract against necrotic enteritis in challenged broiler chickens

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    A hydrolysable tannin extracted from chestnut (SaviotaN®) was tested for efficacy in controlling the proliferation of Clostridium perfringens in the gut of broiler chickens challenged via oral gavage first with coccidia (Eimeria tenella, Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima) at the age of 10 days, and then with Clostridium perfringens at the age of 15 days. We randomly allocated 150 broiler chickens within 5 poultry isolators (30 birds each). Dietary treatments consisted of a basal diet (C) composed of corn [575 g/kg on dry matter (DM)] and soybean meal (100 g/kg DM), barley bran (220 g/kg DM), corn gluten feed (30 g/kg DM), soybean oil (25 g/kg DM), vitamin mineral premix (49.5 g/kg DM), and four other diets obtained by adding chestnut tannin extract (1.5, 3, 5, and 12 g/kg during week 1, 10.0 g/kg during week 2, and 8.0 g/kg during the last two weeks, respectively) to C. At the age of 20 days, 15 birds/group were euthanised and individually examined for the level of gut infection by count- ing Clostridium perfringens and macroscopic gut lesions. Results demonstrated that chestnut tan- nin gave significant results even at low concen- tration levels in the feed (1.5 to 3.0 g/kg), but was actually efficient in controlling necrotic enteritis at levels ≥5.0 g/kg. The treatment (12.0 g/kg dur- ing the first week and 8.0 g/kg during the last two weeks of age) resulted very efficient in control- ling the proliferation of Clostridium perfringens and in reducing the severity of gut damage com- pared to the untreated infected group

    Innovating Advanced Radiation Instruments

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    STREAM is a 4-year multi-site training network that aims at career development of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) on scientific design, construction manufacturing and of advanced radiation instrumentation. STREAM targets the development of innovative radiation-hard, smart CMOS sensor technologies for scientific and industrial applications. The platform technology developed within the project will be tested in the demanding conditions posed by the CERN LHC detectors' environment as well as European industry leaders in the field of CMOS imaging, electron microscopy and radiation sensors. This leveraging factor will allow to fine-tune the technology to meet the requirements of industrial application cases on demand such as electron microscopy and medical X-ray imaging, as well as pathway towards novel application fields such as satellite environments, industrial X-ray systems and near-infrared imaging. The project will train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers and widen their academic career and employment opportunities. The STREAM consortium is composed of 10 research organisations and 5 industrial partners; the network will provide training to 17 ESRs. STREAM structures the research and training in four scientific work-packages which span the whole value-chain from research to application: CMOS Technologies Assessment, Smart Sensor Design and Layout, Validation and Qualification, Technology Integration, and Valorization

    Prospective study to compare antibiosis versus the association of N-acetylcysteine, D-mannose and morinda citrifolia fruit extract in preventing urinary tract infections in patients submitted to urodynamic investigation

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    BACKGROUND: The abuse of antimicrobical drugs has increased the resistance of microorganisms to treatments, thus to make urinary tract infections (UTIs) more difficult to eradicate. Among natural substances used to prevent UTI, literature has provided preliminary data of the beneficial effects of D-mannose, N-acetylcysteine, and Morinda citrifolia fruit extract, due to their complementary mechanism of action which contributes respectively to limit bacteria adhesion to the urothelium, to destroy bacterial pathogenic biofilm, and to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. The purpose of this study was to compare the administration of an association of D-mannose, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and Morinda citrifolia extract versus antibiotic therapy in the prophylaxis of UTIs potentially associated with urological mini-invasive diagnostics procedures, in clinical model of the urodynamic investigation. METHODS: 80 patients eligible for urodynamic examination, 42 men and 38 women, have been prospectively enrolled in the study and randomised in two groups (A and B) of 40 individuals. Patients of group A followed antibiotic therapy with Prulifloxacine, by mouth 400 mg/day for 5 days, while patients of the group B followed the association of mannose and NAC therapy, two vials/day for 7 days. Ten days after the urodynamic study, the patients were submitted to urine examination and urine culture. RESULTS: The follow up assessment didn't show statistical significant difference between the two groups regarding the incidence of UTI. CONCLUSIONS: The association of mannose and NAC therapy resulted similar to the antibiotic therapy in preventing UTIs in patients submitted to urodynamic examination. This result leads to consider the possible use of these nutraceutical agents as a good alternative in the prophylaxis of the UTI afterwards urological procedures in urodynamics.BACKGROUND: The abuse of antimicrobical drugs has increased the resistance of microorganisms to treatments, thus to make urinary tract infections (UTIs) more difficult to eradicate. Among natural substances used to prevent UTI, literature has provided preliminary data of the beneficial effects of D-mannose, N-acetylcysteine, and Morinda citrifolia fruit extract, due to their complementary mechanism of action which contributes respectively to limit bacteria adhesion to the urothelium, to destroy bacterial pathogenic biofilm, and to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. The purpose of this study was to compare the administration of an association of D-mannose, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and Morinda citrifolia extract versus antibiotic therapy in the prophylaxis of UTIs potentially associated with urological mini-invasive diagnostics procedures, in clinical model of the urodynamic investigation. METHODS: 80 patients eligible for urodynamic examination, 42 men and 38 women, have been prospectively enrolled in the study and randomised in two groups (A and B) of 40 individuals. Patients of group A followed antibiotic therapy with Prulifloxacine, by mouth 400 mg/day for 5 days, while patients of the group B followed the association of mannose and NAC therapy, two vials/day for 7 days. Ten days after the urodynamic study, the patients were submitted to urine examination and urine culture. RESULTS: The follow up assessment didn't show statistical significant difference between the two groups regarding the incidence of UTI. CONCLUSIONS: The association of mannose and NAC therapy resulted similar to the antibiotic therapy in preventing UTIs in patients submitted to urodynamic examination. This result leads to consider the possible use of these nutraceutical agents as a good alternative in the prophylaxis of the UTI afterwards urological procedures in urodynamics

    Annurca apple polyphenol extract selectively kills MDA-MB-231 cells through ROS generation, sustained JNK activation and cell growth and survival inhibition

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    Polyphenols represent the most studied class of nutraceuticals that can be therapeutics for a large spectrum of diseases, including cancer. In this study, we investigated for the first time the antitumor activities of polyphenol extract from Annurca apple (APE) in MDA-MB-231 triple negative breast cancer cells, and we explored the underlying mechanisms. APE selectively inhibited MDA-MB-231 cell viability and caused G2/M phase arrest associated with p27 and phospho-cdc25C upregulation and with p21 downregulation. APE promoted reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in MDA-MB-231 cells while it acted as antioxidant in non-tumorigenic MCF10A cells. We demonstrated that ROS generation represented the primary step of APE antitumor activity as pretreatment with antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) prevented APE-induced G2/M phase arrest, apoptosis, and autophagy. APE downregulated Dusp-1 and induced a significant increase in JNK/c-Jun phosphorylation that were both prevented by NAC. Moreover, downregulation of JNK by its specific inhibitor SP600125 significantly diminished the anticancer activity of APE indicating that ROS generation and sustained JNK activation represented the main underlying mechanism of APE-induced cell death. APE also inhibited AKT activation and downregulated several oncoproteins, such as NF-kB, c-myc, and beta-catenin. In light of these results, APE may be an attractive candidate for drug development against triple negative breast cancer

    cardanol based green nanovesicles with antioxidant and cytotoxic activities

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    ABSTRACTThis manuscript describes the preparation of green nanovesicles by using cardanol as renewable starting material with embedded minor amounts of phthalazines, a class of heterocyclic bioactive compounds. The nanovesicles were prepared by stirring induced self-assembly in aqueous medium without involvement of any organic solvent. Dynamic light scattering studies and transmission electron microscopy revealed the formation of nanostructure with an average diameter in the range of 227–375 nm and a well defined spherical morphology. Potential antioxidant activity of nanovesicles were evaluated for the first time by 2,2′-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) scavenging assay and bleomycin-dependent DNA damage. Moreover, their cytotoxic effects were also investigated by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay on different tumour cell lines. Unloaded nanovesicles showed moderate antioxidant and antitumoural activity that was further enhanced particularl..