132 research outputs found

    KAM Tori for 1D Nonlinear Wave Equations with Periodic Boundary Conditions

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    In this paper, one-dimensional (1D) nonlinear wave equations utt−uxx+V(x)u=f(u)u_{tt} -u_{xx}+V(x)u =f(u), with periodic boundary conditions are considered; V is a periodic smooth or analytic function and the nonlinearity f is an analytic function vanishing together with its derivative at u=0. It is proved that for ``most'' potentials V(x), the above equation admits small-amplitude periodic or quasi-periodic solutions corresponding to finite dimensional invariant tori for an associated infinite dimensional dynamical system. The proof is based on an infinite dimensional KAM theorem which allows for multiple normal frequencies.Comment: 30 page

    Explicit estimates on the measure of primary KAM tori

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    From KAM Theory it follows that the measure of phase points which do not lie on Diophantine, Lagrangian, "primary" tori in a nearly--integrable, real--analytic Hamiltonian system is O(ε)O(\sqrt{\varepsilon}), if ε\varepsilon is the size of the perturbation. In this paper we discuss how the constant in front of ε\sqrt{\varepsilon} depends on the unperturbed system and in particular on the phase--space domain

    The Steep Nekhoroshev's Theorem

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    Revising Nekhoroshev's geometry of resonances, we provide a fully constructive and quantitative proof of Nekhoroshev's theorem for steep Hamiltonian systems proving, in particular, that the exponential stability exponent can be taken to be 1/(2nα1⋯αn−21/ (2n \alpha_1\cdots\alpha_{n-2}) (αi\alpha_i's being Nekhoroshev's steepness indices and n≥3n\ge 3 the number of degrees of freedom)

    The spin-orbit resonances of the Solar system: A mathematical treatment matching physical data

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    In the mathematical framework of a restricted, slightly dissipative spin-orbit model, we prove the existence of periodic orbits for astronomical parameter values corresponding to all satellites of the Solar system observed in exact spin-orbit resonance

    On the measure of KAM tori in two degrees of freedom

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    A conjecture of Arnold, Kozlov and Neishtadt on the exponentially small measure of the non-torus set in analytic systems with two degrees of freedom is discussed

    Global properties of generic real-analytic nearly-integrable Hamiltonian systems

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    We introduce a new class Gsn\mathbb{G}^n_s of generic real analytic potentials on Tn\mathbb{T}^n and study global analytic properties of natural nearly-integrable Hamiltonians 12∣y∣2+εf(x)\frac12 |y|^2+\varepsilon f(x), with potential f∈Gsnf\in \mathbb{G}^n_s, on the phase space ε=B×Tn\varepsilon = B \times \mathbb{T}^n with BB a given ball in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. The phase space M\mathcal{M} can be covered by three sets: a `non-resonant' set, which is filled up to an exponentially small set of measure e−cKe^{-c K} (where KK is the maximal size of resonances considered) by primary maximal KAM tori; a `simply resonant set' of measure εKa\sqrt{\varepsilon} K^a and a third set of measure εKb\varepsilon K^b which is `non perturbative', in the sense that the HH-dynamics on it can be described by a natural system which is {\sl not} nearly-integrable. We then focus on the simply resonant set -- the dynamics of which is particularly interesting (e.g., for Arnol'd diffusion, or the existence of secondary tori) -- and show that on such a set the secular (averaged) 1 degree-of-freedom Hamiltonians (labelled by the resonance index k∈Znk\in\mathbb{Z}^n) can be put into a universal form (which we call `Generic Standard Form'), whose main analytic properties are controlled by {\sl only one parameter, which is uniform in the resonance label kk}

    Isolated Diophantine numbers

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    In this short note, we discuss the topology of Diophantine numbers, giving simple explicit examples of Diophantine isolated numbers (among those with same Diophantine constatnts), showing that, Diophantine sets are not always Cantor sets. General properties of isolated Diophantine numbers are also briefly discussed

    Analytic Lagrangian tori for the planetary many-body problem

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    In 2004, F\'ejoz [D\'emonstration du 'th\'eor\'eme d'Arnold' sur la stabilit\'e du syst\`eme plan\'etaire (d'apr\`es M. Herman). Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 24(5) (2004), 1521-1582], completing investigations of Herman's [D\'emonstration d'un th\'eor\'eme de V.I. Arnold. S\'eminaire de Syst\'emes Dynamiques et manuscripts, 1998], gave a complete proof of 'Arnold's Theorem' [V. I. Arnol'd. Small denominators and problems of stability of motion in classical and celestial mechanics. Uspekhi Mat. Nauk. 18(6(114)) (1963), 91-192] on the planetary many-body problem, establishing, in particular, the existence of a positive measure set of smooth (C\infty) Lagrangian invariant tori for the planetary many-body problem. Here, using R\"u{\ss}mann's 2001 KAM theory [H. R\"u{\ss}mann. Invariant tori in non-degenerate nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems. R. & C. Dynamics 2(6) (2001), 119-203], we prove the above result in the real-analytic class
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