1,225 research outputs found

    Data Warehouse sebagai Alat Analisa Manajemen Hotel

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    Ukuran dan besarnya struktur manajemen hotel bervariasi secara signifikan tergantung pada ukuran dan fungsi hotel. Salah satu hotel besar yang beroperasi di wilayah Bali adalah Swiss Bell Hotel, yang memiliki beberapa cabang di daerah Bali. Integrasi informasi antar cabang sangat diperlukan untuk memudahkan proses manajemen seluruh hotel. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang data warehouse untuk mengelola data transaksi pemesanan hotel dari kantor cabang Swiss Bell Hotel, serta menyajikan informasi yang terintegrasi untuk pihak eksekutif yang akan disajikan dalam bentuk report. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode waterfall. Arsitektur yang digunakan dalam merancang data warehouse adalah arsitektur single DDS (Dimentional Data Store). Dengan menggunakan data warehouse seluruh data transaksi pemesanan kamar di Swiss Bell Hotel dapat berjalan dengan integritas data yang baik. Selain itu, seluruh data yang terintegrasi dalam data warehouse disajikan dalam bentuk report, sehingga pihak eksekutif dapat dengan mudah melakukan analisis data untuk manajemen hotel

    The Contribution of Learning Anxiety, Teacher-student Relationships, and Self-concept Toward the Speaking Skills of the Tenth Grade Students in SMA N 1 Bangli

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    Wedayanthi, Luh Made Dwi (2012). The Contributions of Learning Anxiety, Teacher-Student Relationships, and Self-Concepts toward the Speaking Skills of the Tenth Grade Students in SMA N 1 Bangli. Thesis, Language Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Ganesha University of Education. This thesis has been examined and corrected by: Supervisor I: Dra. Luh Putu Artini, M.A. Ph.D Supervisor II: Dr. Ni Made Ratminingsih, M.A. Keywords: contribution, learning anxiety, teacher-student relationship, student's self-concept, speaking skills. This study was a correlational research that aimed to know the contribution of learning anxiety, teacher-student relationships, and students' self-concept toward the tenth grade students' speaking skills. It was conducted in SMA N 1 Bangli. In this study there were 127 students used as the samples from 231 populations. All of them were the tenth grade students. Before the real data collection was done, the tryout of instrument was conducted. After the tabulation of the real data, the pre-requisite tests were done; normality, linearity, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and heterocedasticity. Simple regression and multiple regressions were conducted after the pre-requisite tests were done. The simple regression was done to determine the predictor contribution to the criterion variable. After the data were calculated by using SPSS, there were four results from the research questions in this study. The first, there is a relationship between learning anxiety and speaking skills and it contributed 34.66% to speaking skills. It means, the higher learning anxiety owned by the students, the higher speaking skills done by the students. The second, there is a relationship between teacher-student relationships and speaking skills, the contribution is 10.59%. From the contribution, it could be concluded that the better level of teacher-student relationships led the student to have higher level of participation. The third, there is a relationship between students' self-concept and speaking skills, it contributed 5.26%. From all of the contribution from each predictor (X1,2,3) to speaking skills (Y), students' self-concept got the lowest level then the other, it means that students' self-concept need to be increased by the students. Based on the determination above, it could be concluded that (1) there was contribution of students' learning anxiety toward speaking skills, (2) there was contribution of teacher-student relationships toward speaking skills, (3) there was contribution of students' self-concept toward speaking skills, and (4) there was a contribution between students' learning anxiety, teacher-student relationships, and students' self-concept toward speaking skills of the tenth grade senior high school in SMA N 1 Bangli in the academic year 2011/2012

    Effect of Oral Iron Tablet Administration on Serum Feritin and Hemoglobin Concentration of Pre-pregnant Women with Mild Iron Deficiency Anemia in Bali

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    Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is still to be a problem of pregnant women healthrelated to its high prevalence and its negative effects on health. Prevention efforts by ironsuplementation in pregnant woman have not reducing IDA problem in pregnant women yet. This failure is probably due to the assumption that IDA have been seen pre-pregnant. Totest this hypothesis, a quasi experimental study was conducted by randomized pre and posttest control group design. Sample were collected by multistage sampling random technicconsist of 47 women in treated group and 52 in control group. Both group were serumferritin and hemoglobin value test untill 3 time, pre-pregnant, early pregnant and duringpregnant. Iron tablet was administrated to treated group from the beginning of pre-pregnantperiod, continued until the first 3 months of pregnancy, while in control group iron tabletwas only given during the first 3 months of pregnancy. T-group result shown that meanserum ferritin and hemoglobin concentration at pregnant women on treated group(33,45±14,12 ?g/dL dan 12,25±1,20 g/dl) more high than control group (19,65±8,99 ?g/dLdan 10,91±0,67 g/dl), p<0,05. Mean difference serum ferritin and hemoglobinconcentration at pregnant women is 13,8 ?g/dL dan 1,34 g/dl (p<0,05). Benefid analysisresult shown that iron suplementation since pre-pregnant more benefid than ironsuplementation during pregnant (BCR >1). Based on these results, it can be concluded thatiron supplementation to IDA women starting from pre-pregnant period results in a bettereffect compare to oral iron supplementation during pregnancy only

    Perbandingan Efek Suplemen Besi Pra-hamil dan Selama Kehamilan dalam Upaya Menurunkan Anemia Defisiensi Besi pada Wanita Hamil dengan Anemia Ringan di Bali

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    Anemia defisiensi besi (ADB) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan wanita hamilterkait dengan tingginya prevalensi dan efek negatifnya terhadap kesehatan. Upayapencegahan telah dilakukan dengan pemberian tablet besi selama kehamilan. Akan tetapihasilnya belum memuaskan. Kegagalan ini mungkin diakibatkan oleh rendahnya bahkankosongnya cadangan besi tubuh sewaktu pra-hamil, terutama di negara sedangberkembang. Oleh karena itu, suplemen besi yang hanya diberikan waktu kehamilantidak cukup untuk mencegah terjadinya ADB. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan a quasiexperimental study pada 99 pasangan baru yang belum hamil yang terdiri atas 47 groupperlakuan dan 52 sebagai group kontrol. Tablet besi (200 mg ferrous sulfate) diberikansejak periode sebelum hamil pada group perlakuan yang dilanjutkan sampai dengan 3bulan kehamilan. Sementara, pada group kontrol diberikan tablet besi dimulai hanya padakehamilan trimester pertama. ADB didasarkan atas konsentrasi hemoglobin dan serumferitin sesuai dengan criteria WHO dan keuntungan pemberian tablet besi didasarkan atasteknik BCR. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi pada pra-hamildapat menurunkan prevalensi ADB lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pemberian tabletbesi yang dimulai saat kehamilan (0% vs 38.46%, p<0.05). Perbedaan yang signifikanjuga pada rerata serum feritin pada akhir pengamatan yaitu 33.45±14.12 ?g/dL padagroup perlakuan dan 19.65±8.99 ?g/dL pada group kontrol. Sementara itu, kadarhemoglobin adalah 12.25±1.20 g/dL pada group perlakuan dan 10.91±0.67 g/dL padagroup kontrol (p<0.05). Analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi yang dimulaisaat pra-hamil adalah lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan pemberian tablet besimulai hanya pada kehamilan (BCR >1). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada efeksamping dan kepatuhan pada group perlakuan dan kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil-hasil inidapatlah disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi yang dimulai masa pra-hamil adalahlebih baik dibandingkan dengan pemberian tablet besi yang diberikan hanya pada saatkehamilan. Program ini sangat mungkin diterapkan pada masyarakat karenakepatuhannya adalah baik

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Perencanaan Promosi Jabatan Head Of Department (Hod)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan metode pembobotan dan logika fuzzy dalam proses pengambilan keputusan untuk membantu penyeleksian pegawai yang layak untuk dipromosikan dan untuk memilih pegawai yang layak menempati jabatan Head of Department (HOD) pada suatu departemen. Dalam penelitian ini, studi kasus dilakukan di Hotel Sanur Beach Bali yang memiliki jumlah pegawai yang relatif cukup besar sehingga diharapkan dapat mewakili masalah yang ingin diteliti. Salah satu contoh yang akan disorot dalam hal ini adalah cara pemilihan pegawai yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang ada pada posisi Head of Department (HOD).Penilaian untuk seorang pegawai terbagi menjadi dua bagian utama, yaitu penilaian kelayakan promosi dengan menggunakan logika fuzzy dalam pemrosesannya dan penilaian kelayakan menjadi Head of Department (HOD) dengan menggunakan metode pembobotan. Seorang pegawai baru bisa dipromosikan setelah dinyatakan layak untuk dipromosikan. Penilaian awal ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa kiteria penilaian. Pegawai yang telah dinyatakan layak untuk dipromosikan, akan mengikuti proses penilaian berikutnya untuk menentukan kelayakannya menempati jabatan Head of Department (HOD).Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Perencanaan Promosi Jabatan Head of Department (HOD) memberikan hasil penilaian kelayakan promosi seorang pegawai dan dapat memberikan informasi kelayakan seorang pegawai untuk menempati posisi Head of Department (HOD) berdasarkan kriteria penilaian yang berlaku pada suatu departemen

    Partisipasi Pemilik Hpr terhadap Program Pencegahan Penyakit Rabies di Desa Abiansemal dan Desa Bongkasa Pertiwi Kecamatan Abiansemal Kabupaten Badung

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    Badung District, in the Province of Bali was found to have the highest HPR bite cases in 2011, with a total of 8111 cases. In the subdistrict level, Abiansemal had the highest case with 2199 cases. The purpose of this study was to describe the HPR owner participation towards rabies prevention programme at Abiansemal Subdistrict in Badung District. This study was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. Systematic random sampling was used to identify the ninety samples in this study. Data collection used structured questionnaire and observation and then analysed by descriptive analysis. The results showed that 82,2% respondents in Abiansemal Village and 84,4% respondents in Bongkasa Pertiwi Village had vaccinated their dogs with VAR. About 82,2% respondents in Abiansemal Village and 91,1% respondents in Bongkasa Pertiwi Village left their dogs untied. All respondents in Abiansemal Village and Bongkasa Pertiwi Village (100%) had not registered their dogs. There were no differences in the HPR owner participation towards rabies prevention program between the area with high HPR bite cases and low HPR bite cases. It is recommended that the government of Badung District regulate and supervise the dog owner. Future research should address the completeness of Anti-Rabies Vaccination in dogs

    Pengaruh Green Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen (Survei Pada Konsumen the Body Shop Di Indonesia Dan Di Malaysia)

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    This research aims to examine the influence of green marketing straegy towards purchasing decision in either silmultaneously and partially as well as to identify any differences in the effect of green marketig towards purchasing decision of consumers in Indonesia and Malaysia. The type of this research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. Variables used in this research are Environmental Awarenes (X1), Green Product Features (X2), Green Product Price, Green Product Promotion (X4) and Purchase Decision. The research population are the people who live in Jakarta-Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia who are consumers of green products The Body Shop. Total sample in this study is as much as 113 respondents. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire distributed through google forms. The data analysis used are multiple linear regression analysis and comparative analysis. The analysis showed that there is a significant influence together and partially between variables Environmental Awareness (X1), Green Product Features (X2), Green Product Price (X3), Green Product Promotion (X4) towards Purchase Decision (Y). The results of the comparative analysis showed no significant differences between the effects of environemtal awareness, green product features, green products and green product promotion price on purchase decisions among consumers in Indonesia and in Malaysia
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