7 research outputs found

    Technology of Water Purification With Chlorinated Derivatives and Assessment of Risk Associated With Human Exposure to These Substances

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    In the given paper the authors consider the technology of water purification with consideration to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), European Union (EU) and standards of developed countries. Carcinogenic Unit Risk (UR) magnitude for people constantly exposed to the analyzed carcinogens in the course of a lifetime is estimated. The authors calculate and evaluate unique carcinogenic risk as a complementary probability of cancer development during the whole life of CR when introducing EU standards into water purification technology

    The government and the problems of development of non-governmental enterprises of the military-industrial complex and civil engineering of Russia

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    The non-governmental industrial sector of Russia is growing from year to year as a result of privatization program consistently held by the government. In the beginning of the 90s, the heads of state have decided not to hold the state industrial policy any more reasoning from the idea of market self-regulation. The enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Russia, as a result, were in a grave condition because there were no state orders anymore. The enterprises were ofered to produce civil engineering production because it was considered that there were no more enemies to fight against. As time goes by, some enterprises became bankrupt. But the majority has survived under the direction of smart owners despite but not due to the conditions of survival of that time. The life has shown that the state industrial policy is indispensable, especially when Russia is near to enter into the WTO. There are no more obstacles on the path to this, but nobody knows exactly which enterprises will become bankrupt, what will be with those people who will lose their work and which enterprises will continue working and how. It is not clear neither at federal level nor at regional or municipal. In this paper, the modern operating conditions and opportunities to modernize the non-governmental industrial sector are analyzed. Performatives on education reform regarding the young engineers and economists aimed to reduce the period of their adaptation at work have been formulated

    Dynamics of quality of life indicators at a multiple sclerosis

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    The study explored the life quality of 94 multiple sclerosis patients in comparison to healthy respondents and in dependence to different parameters of the disease with the use of SF-36 questionnaire. The study has discovered a decline of all the factors of life quality and their dependence on disablement intensity, clinical course and duration of the disease. Immunomodulatory therapy contributed to the improvement of life quality factors

    Динамика показателей качества жизни при рассеянном склерозе

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    The study explored the life quality of 94 multiple sclerosis patients in comparison to healthy respondents and in dependence to different parameters of the disease with the use of SF-36 questionnaire. The study has discovered a decline of all the factors of life quality and their dependence on disablement intensity, clinical course and duration of the disease. Immunomodulatory therapy contributed to the improvement of life quality factors.Исследовано качество жизни 94 больных рассеянным склерозом с использованием опросника SF-36 в сравнении со здоровыми респондентами и в зависимости от различных параметров заболевания. Выявлено снижение всех показателей и их связь с выраженностью инвалидизации, вариантом течения, длительностью болезни. Иммуномодулирующая терапия способствовала улучшению качества жизни