285 research outputs found

    Linear circuit models for on-chip quantum electrodynamics

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    We present equivalent circuits that model the interaction of microwave resonators and quantum systems. The circuit models are derived from a general interaction Hamiltonian. Quantitative agreement between the simulated resonator transmission frequency, qubit Lamb shift and experimental data will be shown. We demonstrate that simple circuit models, using only linear passive elements, can be very useful in understanding systems where a small quantum system is coupled to a classical microwave apparatus

    Comparative analysis of resonant phonon THz quantum cascade lasers

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    We present a comparative analysis of a set of GaAs-based THz quantum cascade lasers, based on longitudinal-optical phonon scattering depopulation, by using an ensemble Monte Carlo simulation, including both carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon scattering. The simulation shows that the parasitic injection into the states below the upper laser level limits the injection efficiency and thus the device performance at the lasing threshold. Additional detrimental effects playing an important role are identified. The simulation results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental findings.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Fermionic state discrimination by local operations and classical communication

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    We consider the problem of local operations and classical communication (LOCC) discrimination between two bipartite pure states of fermionic systems. We show that, contrary to the case of quantum systems, for fermionic systems it is generally not possible to achieve the ideal state discrimination performances through LOCC measurements. On the other hand, we show that an ancillary system made of two fermionic modes in a maximally entangled state is a sufficient additional resource to attain the ideal performances via LOCC measurements. The stability of the ideal results is studied when the probability of preparation of the two states is perturbed, and a tight bound on the discrimination error is derived.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Modeling bound-to-continuum terahertz quantum cascade lasers: The role of Coulomb interactions

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    Based on an ensemble Monte Carlo analysis, we show that Coulomb interactions play a dominant role in bound-to-continuum terahertz quantum cascade lasers and thus require careful modeling. Coulomb interactions enter our simulation in the form of space charge effects as well as Coulomb scattering events. By comparison to a full many-subband Coulomb screening model, we show that simplified approaches produce considerable deviations for such structures. Also the spin dependence of electron-electron scattering has to be adequately considered. Moreover, we demonstrate that iterative Schr\"{o}dinger-Poisson and carrier transport simulations are necessary to correctly account for space charge effects

    Shear-Force Sensors on Flexible Substrates Using Inkjet Printing

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    Printing techniques are a promising way of fabricating low-cost electronics without the need for masking and etching. In recent years, additive printing techniques, such as inkjet and screen printing, have been adopted to fabricate low-cost and large-area electronics on flexible substrates. In this work, a three-axial normal and shear force sensor was designed and printed that consists of four miniaturized, printed capacitors. The partially overlapping electrodes are arranged in a manner, so that force sensitivity in orthogonal directions is achieved. A silicone rubber is used as an elastic dielectric and spacer between the two electrodes. The base unit of this sensor has been fabricated using inkjet printing and characterized for normal and shear forces. The force response was investigated in a force range from 0.1 N to 8 N, the normal-force sensitivity was determined to be Sz=5.2 fF/N, and the shear-force sensitivity was Sy=13.1 fF/N. Due to its sensing range, this sensor could be applicable in tactile sensing systems like wearables and artificial electronic skins

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Carboxydotrophic Alphaproteobacterium Aminobacter carboxidus Type Strain DSM 1086

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    Aminobacter carboxidus is a soil Gram-negative alphaproteobacterium belonging to the physiological group of carboxydobacteria which aerobically oxidize CO to CO2 Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the A. carboxidus DSM 1086 type strain and the identification of both form I and form II CO dehydrogenase systems in this strain
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