31 research outputs found

    An HIV/AIDS Prophylactic vaccine is possible

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    One needs to think outside of the box, as one of us (Ronald B Luftig) learned from many years as a mathematician, and a biophysicist

    Identification of proteases employed by dendritic cells in the processing of protein purified derivative (PPD)

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are known to present exogenous protein Ag effectively to T cells. In this study we sought to identify the proteases that DC employ during antigen processing. The murine epidermal-derived DC line Xs52, when pulsed with PPD, optimally activated the PPD-reactive Th1 clone LNC.2F1 as well as the Th2 clone LNC.4k1, and this activation was completely blocked by chloroquine pretreatment. These results validate the capacity of XS52 DC to digest PPD into immunogenic peptides inducing antigen specific T cell immune responses. XS52 DC, as well as splenic DC and DCs derived from bone marrow degraded standard substrates for cathepsins B, C, D/E, H, J, and L, tryptase, and chymases, indicating that DC express a variety of protease activities. Treatment of XS52 DC with pepstatin A, an inhibitor of aspartic acid proteases, completely abrogated their capacity to present native PPD, but not trypsin-digested PPD fragments to Th1 and Th2 cell clones. Pepstatin A also inhibited cathepsin D/E activity selectively among the XS52 DC-associated protease activities. On the other hand, inhibitors of serine proteases (dichloroisocoumarin, DCI) or of cystein proteases (E-64) did not impair XS52 DC presentation of PPD, nor did they inhibit cathepsin D/E activity. Finally, all tested DC populations (XS52 DC, splenic DC, and bone marrow-derived DC) constitutively expressed cathepsin D mRNA. These results suggest that DC primarily employ cathepsin D (and perhaps E) to digest PPD into antigenic peptides

    HBx M130K and V131I (T-A) mutations in HBV genotype F during a follow-up study in chronic carriers

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    BACKGROUND: Around 400 million people worldwide are chronically infected with Hepatitis B virus (HBV). An estimated 10% of these chronic patients develop progressive liver damage including cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). The HBx gene encodes a protein of 154 amino acids which is a transactivator and has been associated with HBV pathogenesis. A change in the amino acid sequences at positions 130 and 131 in the HBV-X protein (M130K and V131I) produced by T-A point mutations at the nucleic acids level has been associated with severe liver damage and HCC in patients from China and Africa. Further, such changes have been proposed as a prognostic marker for progressive liver damage and HCC. The purpose of this study was to determine if T-A mutations are present in HBV chronic carriers with genotype F (the major genotype in Costa Rica) and further, if these mutations are associated with HBV disease progression in Costa Rica HBV patients from 1972 to 1985. RESULTS: Serum samples from 50 HBV positive individuals were amplified and directly sequenced, 48 belonged to genotype F, 1 from genotype D and another was classified as D or E. T-;A mutations were absent in 17 acute patients who recovered, but was present in 12 of 29 chronic carrier samples (42.8%), in one sample the T-A mutations were detected as early as 29 days after clinical onset of disease. In 17 carriers with available liver biopsies, T-;A mutations were found in 8 sera of 13 (61.5%) classified as moderate or severe, and none in 4 biopsies with mild liver damage. However, it was not possible to demonstrate a statistical association between the presence of T-A mutations and moderate/severe liver damage, using a Fischer exact test, 1 tail, p = 0.05. In 4 patients HCC was diagnosed, and 2 of them presented the T-A mutations in their sera. CONCLUSION: T-A mutations were found in HBV genotype F in chronic carriers but not in patients who recovered from acute infection. These mutations could be developing early during infection although the possibility of infection with the mutant virus could not be excluded. More studies are necessary to establish if the T-A mutation can be used as a prognostic marker for severity of liver disease in patients infected with HBV

    Determinación de la diversidad genética del citomegalovirus humano en diferentes poblaciones de pacientes en Costa Rica

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    Seroprevalence of HCMV in Costa Rica is greater than 95% in adults; primary infections occur early in life and is the most frequent congenital infection in newborns. The objectives of this study were to determine the genetic variability and genotypes of HCMV gB gene in Costa Rica. Samples were collected from alcoholics, pregnant women, blood donors, AIDS patients, hematology-oncology (HO) children and HCMV isolates from neonates with cytomegalic inclusion disease. A semi-nested PCR system was used to obtain a product of 293-296 bp of the gB gene to be analyzed by Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing to determine the genetic polymorphic pattern and genotypes, respectively. AIDS patients showed the highest polymorphic diversity with 14 different patterns while fifty-six percent of HO children samples showed the same polymorphic pattern, suggesting in this group a possible nosocomial infection. In neonates three genotypes (gB1, gB2 and gB3), were determined while AIDS patients and blood donors only showed one (gB2). Of all samples analyzed only genotypes gB1, 2 and 3 were determined, genotype gB2 was the most frequent (73%) and mixed infections were not detected. The results of the study indicate that SSCP could be an important tool to detect HCMV intra-hospital infections and suggests a need to include additional study populations to better determine the genotype diversity and prevalence.La seroprevalencia de citomegalovirus es mayor del 95% en la población adulta de Costa Rica; la infección primaria ocurre muy temprano en la vida y es la infección congénita más frecuente en recién nacidos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la variabilidad genética y los genotipos del gene gB del citomegalovirus humano. Se recolectaron muestras de sangre de mujeres embarazadas, alcohólicos, pacientes con SIDA, niños con trastornos hemato-oncológicos, donadores de sangre y se incluyeron aislamientos de citomegalovirus de neonatos con enfermedad congénita. Se utilizó un sistema de PCR semi-anidado para obtener una banda de 293-296 pares de bases, la cual fue analizada por la técnica de Polimorfismo conformacional de banda simple (PCBS) y secuenciada para determinar los patrones genéticos polimórficos y los genotipos, respectivamente. La mayor diversidad polimórfica se encontró en los pacientes con SIDA con 14 patrones diferentes mientras que en los niños con trastornos hemato-oncológicos se demostró el mismo patrón en el 56% de los casos, sugiriendo una posible infección nosocomial en este grupo. En los neonatos se encontraron tres genotipos (gB1, gB2, gB3) mientras que en los pacientes con SIDA y en los donadores de sangre solo se demostró el gB2. En las muestras analizadas se determinaron los genotipos gB1, gB2 y gB3 y el gB2 se determinó en el 73% de los casos, no se detectaron infecciones mixtas. Los resultados de este trabajo indican que la técnica del PCBS puede ser una herramienta importante para detectar el citomegalovirus humano en infecciones intrahospitalarias y se sugiere la importancia de incluir poblaciones de estudio adicionales para determinar mejor la diversidad genética y su prevalencia

    Optimization of DNA delivery by three classes of hybrid nanoparticle/DNA complexes

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    Plasmid DNA encoding a luciferase reporter gene was complexed with each of six different hybrid nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized from mixtures of poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide acid) (PLGA 50:50) and the cationic lipids DOTAP (1, 2-Dioleoyl-3-Trimethyammonium-Propane) or DC-Chol {3β-[N-(N', N'-Dimethylaminoethane)-carbamyl] Cholesterol}. Particles were 100-400 nm in diameter and the resulting complexes had DNA adsorbed on the surface (out), encapsulated (in), or DNA adsorbed and encapsulated (both). A luciferase reporter assay was used to quantify DNA expression in 293 cells for the uptake of six different NP/DNA complexes. Optimal DNA delivery occurred for 105 cells over a range of 500 ng - 10 μg of NPs containing 20-30 μg DNA per 1 mg of NPs. Uptake of DNA from NP/DNA complexes was found to be 500-600 times as efficient as unbound DNA. Regression analysis was performed and lines were drawn for DNA uptake over a four week interval. NP/DNA complexes with adsorbed NPs (out) showed a large initial uptake followed by a steep slope of DNA decline and large angle of declination; lines from uptake of adsorbed and encapsulated NPs (both) also exhibited a large initial uptake but was followed by a gradual slope of DNA decline and small angle of declination, indicating longer times of luciferase expression in 293 cells. NPs with encapsulated DNA only (in), gave an intermediate activity. The latter two effects were best seen with DOTAP-NPs while the former was best seen with DC-Chol-NPs. These results provide optimal conditions for using different hybrid NP/DNA complexes in vitro and in the future, will be tested in vivo

    Estudio de mutantes resistentes a los antiretrovirales en pacientes con VIH con falla terapeutica y efecto de los factores de riesgo en el tratamiento

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    INTRODUCTION: Information about HIV phenotypes of resistant to available ART and the influence of different risk factors on virological failures (VF) in Costa Rican HIV positive patients prior or during HAART is unknown. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty nine samples, 72 VF and 17 basal (before treatment) were analyzed by examining resistant mutants in reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease (PT) regions using Trugene or LIPA genotyping kits. Sixty eight control patients were selected and relevant information was collected in a questionnaire. RESULTS: Poor adherence, presence of resistant mutations and number of treatment's changes were the only significant factors found (p = 0.006, 0.04 and 0.01 respectively). From 66 sequenced samples, 78%, 50% and 50% showed resistance to NRTI (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors), NNRT (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors) and PI (protease inhibitors), respectively. The most frequent mutations were M41L, M184V, and T215FY in RT and L62PI, L10FIRV and M36I in PT. DISCUSSION: The most important factor related to treatment response in this study was adherence to treatment. Mutations in RT were related to the treatment failure while the ones found in PT were secondary mutations which have been previously described to influence the selection of primary resistance mutations in these regions. The study reveals the urgency to detect resistant mutations in VF to be considered by physicians for selection of treatment schedule, to analyze basal HIV patients for monitoring of the spread of resistant mutations and the importance to reinforce the adherence in the patients for overall treatment outcome.En Costa Rica no se tiene información a cerca de genotipos de resistencia para los tratamientos anti-retrovirales disponibles y la influencia de diferentes factores de riego en la falla virológica (FV) de pacientes VIH positivos previo o durante su tratamiento. Ochenta y nueve muestras, 72 FV y 17 basales, fueron analizadas con Trugene o LIPA para la detección de mutantes de resistencia en la transcriptasa reversa (TR) y en la proteasa (PT) del VIH. Se seleccionaron sesenta y ocho controles y se recolectó información relevante en un cuestionario. La mala adherencia, la presencia de mutaciones y el número de cambios de tratamiento fueron los únicos factores con significancia encontrados. (p = 0.03, 0.04 and 0.04 respectively). De 66 muestras secuenciadas, 78%, 50% y 50% mostraron resistencia a los inhibidores análogos y no análogos de nucleótidos para la TR y la PT respectivamente. La mutaciones más frecuentes fueron M41L, M184V, y T215FY en la TR y L62PI, L10FIRV y M36I en la PT. La adherencia fue el factor más importante relacionado con la respuesta al tratamiento. Las mutaciones encontradas en la TR estaban relacionadas al tratamiento mientras que las de la PT fueron mutaciones secundarias que propician la aparición de las mutaciones asociadas a resistencia en esa región. Este estudio revela la necesidad de detectar mutantes de resistencia en pacientes con FV y de estudiar las muestras basales. Además la importancia de reforzar la adherencia en los pacientes para una mejor respuesta al tratamiento