1,557 research outputs found

    Spin gap behavior in Cu2_2Sc2_2Ge4_4O13_{13} by 45^{45}Sc nuclear magnetic resonance

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    We report the results of a 45^{45}Sc nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study on the quasi-one-dimensional compound Cu2_2Sc2_2Ge4_4O13_{13} at temperatures between 4 and 300 K. This material has been a subject of current interest due to indications of spin gap behavior. The temperature-dependent NMR shift exhibits a character of low-dimensional magnetism with a negative broad maximum at TmaxT_{max} \simeq 170 K. Below % T_{max}, the NMR shifts and spin lattice relaxation rates clearly indicate activated responses, confirming the existence of a spin gap in Cu2_2Sc2_2Ge% 4_4O13_{13}. The experimental NMR data can be well fitted to the spin dimer model, yielding a spin gap value of about 275 K which is close to the 25 meV peak found in the inelastic neutron scattering measurement. A detailed analysis further points out that the nearly isolated dimer picture is proper for the understanding of spin gap nature in Cu2_2Sc2_2Ge4_4O13_{13}.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quasi-Black Holes from Extremal Charged Dust

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    One can construct families of static solutions that can be viewed as interpolating between nonsingular spacetimes and those containing black holes. Although everywhere nonsingular, these solutions come arbitrarily close to having a horizon. To an observer in the exterior region, it becomes increasingly difficulty to distinguish these from a true black hole as the critical limiting solution is approached. In this paper we use the Majumdar-Papapetrou formalism to construct such quasi-black hole solutions from extremal charged dust. We study the gravitational properties of these solutions, comparing them with the the quasi-black hole solutions based on magnetic monopoles. As in the latter case, we find that solutions can be constructed with or without hair.Comment: 18 page

    Transport properties of highly asymmetric hard-sphere mixtures

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    The static and dynamic properties of binary mixtures of hard spheres with a diameter ratio of sigma(B)/sigma(A)= 0.1 and a mass ratio of m(B)/m(A)= 0.001 are investigated using event driven molecular dynamics. The contact values of the pair correlation functions are found to compare favorably with recently proposed theoretical expressions. The transport coefficients of the mixture, determined from simulation, are compared to the predictions of the revised Enskog theory using both a third-order Sonine expansion and direct simulation Monte Carlo. Overall, the Enskog theory provides a fairly good description of the simulation data, with the exception of systems at the smallest mole fraction of larger spheres (x(A)=0.01) examined. A "fines effect" was observed at higher packing fractions, where adding smaller spheres to a system of large spheres decreases the viscosity of the mixture; this effect is not captured by the Enskog theory

    Quantum Melting of the Charge Density Wave State in 1T-TiSe2

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    We report a Raman scattering study of low-temperature, pressure-induced melting of the CDW phase of 1T-TiSe2. Our Raman scattering measurements reveal that the collapse of the CDW state occurs in three stages: (i) For P<5 kbar, the pressure dependence of the CDW amplitude mode energies and intensities are indicative of a ``crystalline'' CDW regime; (ii) for 5 < P < 25 kbar, there is a decrease in the CDW amplitude mode energies and intensities with increasing pressure that suggests a regime in which the CDW softens, and may decouple from the lattice; and (iii) for P>25 kbar, the absence of amplitude modes reveals a melted CDW regime.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Helical structures from an isotropic homopolymer model

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    We present Monte Carlo simulation results for square-well homopolymers at a series of bond lengths. Although the model contains only isotropic pairwise interactions, under appropriate conditions this system shows spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, where the chain exists in either a left- or a right-handed helical structure. We investigate how this behavior depends upon the ratio between bond length and monomer radius.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication by Physical Review Letter

    Gravitational Leakage into Extra Dimensions: Probing Dark Energy Using Local Gravity

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    The braneworld model of Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) is a theory where gravity is modified at large distances by the arrested leakage of gravitons off our four-dimensional universe. Cosmology in this model has been shown to support both "conventional" and exotic explanations of the dark energy responsible for today's cosmic acceleration. We present new results for the gravitational field of a clustered matter source on the background of an accelerating universe in DGP braneworld gravity, and articulate how these results differ from those of general relativity. In particular, we show that orbits nearby a mass source suffer a universal anomalous precession as large as 5 microarcseconds/year, dependent only on the graviton's effective linewidth and the global geometry of the full, five-dimensional universe. Thus, this theory offers a local gravity correction sensitive to factors that dictate cosmological history.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, revtex. Reference updated. Footnote change

    Constraints on alternative models to dark energy

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    The recent observations of type Ia supernovae strongly support that the universe is accelerating now and decelerated in the recent past. This may be the evidence of the breakdown of the standard Friemann equation. We consider a general modified Friedmann equation. Three different models are analyzed in detail. The current supernovae data and the Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe data are used to constrain these models. A detailed analysis of the transition from the deceleration phase to the acceleration phase is also performed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, revtex

    Nodeless superconductivity in the cage-type superconductor Sc5Ru6Sn18 with preserved time-reversal symmetry

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    We report the single-crystal synthesis and detailed investigations of the cage-type superconductor Sc5Ru6Sn18, using powder x-ray diffraction (XRD), magnetization, specific-heat and muon-spin relaxation (muSR) measurements. Sc5Ru6Sn18 crystallizes in a tetragonal structure (space group I41/acd) with the lattice parameters a = 1.387(3) nm and c = 2.641(5) nm. Both DC and AC magnetization measurements prove the type-II superconductivity in Sc5Ru6Sn18 with Tc = 3.5(1) K, a lower critical field H_c1 (0) = 157(9) Oe and an upper critical field, H_c2 (0) = 26(1) kOe. The zero-field electronic specific-heat data are well fitted using a single-gap BCS model, with superconducting gap = 0.64(1) meV. The Sommerfeld constant varies linearly with the applied magnetic field, indicating s-wave superconductivity in Sc5Ru6Sn18. Specific-heat and transverse-field (TF) muSR measurements reveal that Sc5Ru6Sn18 is a superconductor with strong electron-phonon coupling, with TF-muSR also suggesting the single-gap s-wave character of the superconductivity. Furthermore, zero-field muSR measurements do not detect spontaneous magnetic fields below Tc, hence implying that time-reversal symmetry is preserved in Sc5Ru6Sn18.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Nonvolatile memory with molecule-engineered tunneling barriers

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    We report a novel field-sensitive tunneling barrier by embedding C60 in SiO2 for nonvolatile memory applications. C60 is a better choice than ultra-small nanocrystals due to its monodispersion. Moreover, C60 provides accessible energy levels to prompt resonant tunneling through SiO2 at high fields. However, this process is quenched at low fields due to HOMO-LUMO gap and large charging energy of C60. Furthermore, we demonstrate an improvement of more than an order of magnitude in retention to program/erase time ratio for a metal nanocrystal memory. This shows promise of engineering tunnel dielectrics by integrating molecules in the future hybrid molecular-silicon electronics.Comment: to appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Star tracks in the ghost condensate

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    We consider the infrared modification of gravity by ghost condensate. Naively, in this scenario one expects sizeable modification of gravity at distances of order 1000 km, provided that the characteristic time scale of the theory is of the order of the Hubble time. However, we argue that this is not the case. The main physical reason for the conspiracy is a simple fact that the Earth (and any other object in the Universe) has velocity of at least of order 10^{-3}c with respect to the rest frame of ghost condensate. Combined with strong retardation effects present in the ghost sector, this fact implies that no observable modification of the gravitational field of nearby objects occurs. Instead, the physical manifestation of ghost condensate is the presence of ``star tracks'' -- narrow regions of space with growing gravitational and ghost fields inside -- along the trajectory of any massive object. We briefly discuss the possibilities to observe these tracks.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, final version published in JCA