588 research outputs found

    Penalized Likelihood and Bayesian Function Selection in Regression Models

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    Challenging research in various fields has driven a wide range of methodological advances in variable selection for regression models with high-dimensional predictors. In comparison, selection of nonlinear functions in models with additive predictors has been considered only more recently. Several competing suggestions have been developed at about the same time and often do not refer to each other. This article provides a state-of-the-art review on function selection, focusing on penalized likelihood and Bayesian concepts, relating various approaches to each other in a unified framework. In an empirical comparison, also including boosting, we evaluate several methods through applications to simulated and real data, thereby providing some guidance on their performance in practice

    The Hadwiger theorem on convex functions. I

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    A complete classification of all continuous, epi-translation and rotation invariant valuations on the space of super-coercive convex functions on Rn{\mathbb R}^n is established. The valuations obtained are functional versions of the classical intrinsic volumes. For their definition, singular Hessian valuations are introduced

    Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging-guided transsphenoidal surgery for giant pituitary adenomas

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    Giant pituitary adenomas (GPAs), defined as  ≄40mm in one extension, present a challenging subgroup of pituitary adenomas in terms of radical tumor removal and complication rates. The potential impact of intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) is investigated in a consecutive series and the results compared to the literature. From November 2004 until February 2005, six (five male) patients were operated for GPAs via an iMRI-guided transsphenoidal approach in the PoleStarℱ N20. Clinical, endocrinological, and neuroradiological outcomes (at 3months and yearly postoperative over 4years) were assessed. Mean age was 46years (range, 34-60). All patients presented with preoperative visual field defects, five with pituitary failure. Five adenomas were clinically nonfunctioning, one was producing GH and TSH. Preoperative imaging showed invasion of the cavernous sinus in all and extension to the interventricular foramen in two patients (one with occlusive hydrocephalus). Resection was total in four and subtotal (small cavernous sinus remnants) in two patients, leading to transsphenoidal reoperation in one patient. Visual acuity and fields improved in all six patients. The patient with occlusive hydrocephalus developed a postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak (subsequently revised), two patients developed temporary, one permanent central diabetes insipidus, and one of them transient hyponatremia. Compared to the preoperative situation, endocrine status in the long-term follow-up (mean, 25months) remained unchanged in four and worsened in two. Two patients were considered not to require hormone replacement therapy. IMRI supports transsphenoidal resections of GPAs because residual adenoma and related risk structures are easily detected and localized intraoperatively, extending the restricted visual access of the microscope beyond mere surface anatomy to a three-dimensional view. More radical removal of adenomas in a single surgical session combined with low complication rates are accomplished. This may add to a favorable clinical and endocrinological outcome in GPA

    Werben jenseits der Illusion

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    Mit ihren neuen Werbespots zeigte das Versandhaus Galaxus diesen Sommer, dass nicht nur mit der Illusion, sondern auch mit dem Durchqueren derselben geworben werden kann. Was dieser Schritt mit den Produkten macht, was wir mit den psychoanalytischen Begriffen machen, und dass wir uns auch in der EnttÀuschung tÀuschen, davon handelt dieser kurze Text.

    Über den Sweet Spot des Deutens und die Traumarbeit als Leasingvertrag

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    Seit 2019 betreiben Mitglieder des Vereins The Missing Link und des Psychoanalytischen Seminars Zürich das Projekt Traumstation. Per E-Mail können Träume eingereicht werden, welche kostenlos und anonym mit einer Deutung beantwortet werden – bei entsprechendem Einverständnis auch in Form einer Audiodeutung im Podcast Traumstation. Träume werden hier also in einem neuartigen Setting gedeutet, welches sich von der an Funktionalität orientierten klinischen Situation mit dem entsprechenden Erwartungsdruck entkoppelt hat, und neue Perspektiven auf das Deuten und auf das «Ich unter Druck» eröffnet. Dieser Beitrag ist die erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrags, welcher am Psychoanalytischen Seminar Luzern gehalten wurde

    Was macht Christian Kracht?

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    Der Schweizer Schriftsteller Christian Kracht zieht die Öffentlichkeit auf rĂ€tselhafte Weise in den Bann und sorgt fĂŒr heftige Kontroversen. Seine Wirkung beruht auf der Art, wie er gesellschaftlich verankerte Symptome aufgreift: Er fĂŒhrt den lust- und schmerzvollen Überrest vor, der vom Symptom bleibt, wenn es seinen Sinn und Zweck verloren hat. Diesen Effekt erzielt sein Roman Imperium, indem er die bedeutungsschweren Symptome vergangener Tage in ein heute unangemessen wirkendes, unbeschwertes Medium ĂŒbertrĂ€gt. Damit versetzt Kracht ideologische Symptome auf nicht zeitgemĂ€sse Weise in die gegenwĂ€rtige Zeit – eine Zeit, in der diese Symptome nicht mehr als StĂŒtze einer verbindenden Fantasie dienen dĂŒrfen. Die öffentliche Resonanz zeigt eindrĂŒcklich auf, wie wirkmĂ€chtig diese sinnlosen Überreste geblieben sind. Der spitzbĂŒbische Schriftsteller entzieht sich dabei jeglicher politischer Stellungnahme oder Einordnung seines Werkes. Dadurch ist der Leser mit seinen Empfindungen auf sich selbst zurĂŒckgeworfen. Die wesentliche Lehre von Krachts Werk ist die folgende: Es ist nicht der Inhalt und Sinn, der Lust erzeugt. Es ist genau umgekehrt die stumpfe, sinnlose Lust, welche die Form vorgibt, in der Inhalt und Sinn wirksam werden können

    Assessing natural variability in RCM signals: comparison of a multi model EURO-CORDEX ensemble with a 50-member single model large ensemble

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    Uncertainties in climate model ensembles are still relatively large. Besides scenario and model response uncertainty, natural variability is another important source of uncertainty. To study regional natural variability on timescales of several decades and more, observations are often too sparse and short. Regional Climate Models (RCMs) can be used to overcome this lack of useful data at high spatial resolutions. In this study, we compare a new 50-member single RCM large ensemble (CRCM5-LE) with an ensemble of 22 EURO-CORDEX models for seasonal temperature and precipitation at 0.11° grid size over Europe—all driven by the RCP 8.5 scenario. This setup allows us to quantify the contribution of natural/model-internal variability on the total uncertainty of a multi-model ensemble. The variability of climate change signals within the two ensembles is compared for three future periods (2020–2049, 2040–069 and 2070–2099). Results show that the single model spread is usually smaller than the multi-model spread for temperature. Similar variabilities can mostly be found in the near future (and to a lesser extent in the mid future) during winter and spring, especially for northern and central parts of Europe. The contribution of internal variability is generally higher for precipitation. In the near future almost all seasons and regions show similar variabilities. In the mid and far future only fall, summer and spring still show similar variabilites. There is a significant decrease of the contribution of internal variability over time for both variables. However, even in the far future for most regions and seasons 25–75% of the overall variability can be explained by internal variability

    Errors, fast and slow:An analysis of response times in probability judgments

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    Based on the Dual-Process Diffusion Model, we tested three hypotheses about response times of errors and correct responses in probability judgments. We predicted that correct responses were (1) slower than errors in the case of conflicting decision processes but (2) faster than errors in the case of alignment; and that they were (3) slower in the case of conflict than in the case of alignment. A binary-choice experiment was conducted in which three types of decision problems elicited conflict or alignment of a deliberative decision process and a heuristic decision process. Consistent with the traditional dual-process architecture, the former captured computational-normative decision strategies and the latter described intuitive-affective aspects of decision making. The hypotheses (1) and (3) were supported, while no statistically significant evidence was found for (2). Implications for the generalisability of the Dual-Process Diffusion Model to slow probability judgments are discussed

    Guided sparse camera pose estimation

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    In this paper, we present an idea for a sparse approach to calculate camera poses from RGB images and laser distance measurements to perform subsequent facade reconstruction. The core idea is to guide the image recording process by choosing distinctive features with the laser range finder, e.g. building or window corners. From these distinctive features, we can establish correspondences between views to compute metrically accurate camera poses from just a few precise measurements. In our experiments, we achieve reasonable results in building facade reconstruction with only a fraction of features compared to standard structure from motion

    Die sexuelle Befreiung und das Problem mit der Lust. Ein Dialog

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    Der Begriff der «sexuellen Befreiung» ist an die 68er-Bewegung gebunden und findet heute nur noch selten Verwendung. «Frei» gelebte sexuelle Lust gilt nicht mehr als ein Mittel zur Befreiung aus den bĂŒrgerlichen Fesseln. Im Gegenteil gilt sie oftmals sogar als Herrschaftsinstrument, besonders wenn es um die Lust der MĂ€nner geht. Und wenn im Rahmen von #metoo von «Freiheit» die Rede ist, dann geht es meist um Consent: Um die Freiheit, zu sexuellen Handlungen «Ja» oder «Nein» zu sagen. Geht es bei #metoo um sexuelle Befreiung? Ist die Art, wie wir begehren, an unser Geschlecht gebunden? Und wenn ja, warum? Was bedeutet Consent im Bett und auf der Couch? Diese Fragen wollten die Autorin und der Autor im Dezember 2018 im Rahmen eines Vortrags am Psychoanalytischen Seminar Luzern diskutieren. Dieser ist hier in gekĂŒrzter Fassung wiedergegeben
