3 research outputs found

    Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum, Its Root-Associated Microorganisms, and Wood Chips Represent an Integrated Green Technology for the Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils

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    Phytoremediation and the use of suitable amendments are well-known technologies for the mitigation of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contaminations in terrestrial ecosystems. Our study is aimed at combining these two approaches to maximize their favorable effects. To this purpose, Helichrysum microphyllum subsp. tyrrhenicum, a Mediterranean shrub growing on sandy and semiarid soils, was selected. The weathered PHC-polluted matrix (3.3 ± 0.8 g kg−1 dry weight) from a disused industrial site was employed as the cultivation substrate with (WCAM) or without (UNAM) the addition and mixing of wood chips. Under the greenhouse conditions, the species showed a survival rate higher than 90% in the UNAM while the amendment administration restored the totality of the plant survival. At the end of the greenhouse test (nine months), the treatment with the wood chips significantly increased the moisture, dehydrogenase activity and abundance of the microbial populations of the PHC degraders in the substrate. Cogently, the residual amount of PHCs was significantly lower in the UNAM (3–92% of the initial quantity) than in the WCAM (3–14% of the initial quantity). Moreover, the crown diameter was significantly higher in the WCAM plants. Overall, the results establish the combined technology as a novel approach for landscaping and the bioremediation of sites chronically injured by PHC-weathered contaminations

    The Effect of Heat Shock on Seed Dormancy Release and Germination in Two Rare and Endangered <i>Astragalus</i> L. Species (Fabaceae)

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    Many Astragalus species exhibit seeds with physical dormancy (PY), but little is known about the ecological context of this dormancy. We focused on A. maritimus and A. verrucosus, two threatened Sardinian endemic species inside the subgenus Trimeniaeus Bunge. Fresh seeds collected from the only two respective known populations were used to investigate the effect of mechanical scarification, heat shock, and water imbibition processes on PY release and germination. PY can be overcome through mechanical scarification of the water-impermeable seed coats, while no dormancy break was detected, nor a subsequent increase in seed germination due to fire-induced heat. This suggests that fire does not trigger dormancy release and seed germination in these species. The seeds tolerate relatively high heat shock temperatures (up to 120 and 100 °C for A. verrucosus and A. maritimus, respectively), but after 120 °C for 10 min, the number of dead seeds increases in both species. These facts suggest the capacity to develop a soil seed bank that can persist after fires and delay germination until the occurrence of optimal conditions. As regards water imbibition, both Astragalus species did not show the typical triphasic pattern, as germination started without further water uptake. This study emphasizes the significance of understanding germination processes and dormancy in threatened species. In fire-prone ecosystems, PY dormancy plays a crucial role in soil seed bank persistence, and it may be selectively influenced by post-fire conditions. Understanding such adaptations provides useful insights into conservation strategies

    Seed Germination Ecophysiology of Acacia dealbata Link and Acacia mearnsii De Wild.: Two Invasive Species in the Mediterranean Basin

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    Acacia dealbata and A. mearnsii are two invasive species found in coastal, mountain, and riparian Mediterranean habitats. Seed biology and germination traits are important drivers of the competitive performance of plants and may significantly contribute to biological invasions. The seeds of Acacia s.l. have physical dormancy due to an impermeable epidermal layer. The aim of this study was to assess the germination capacity of scarified and non-scarified seeds of A. dealbata and A. mearnsii from different areas of the Mediterranean Basin. To test the seed imbibition capacity, the increase in mass was evaluated. Non-scarified seeds were tested at 15, 20, and 25 C in light conditions. Scarified seeds were tested at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 C and 25/10 C in light and dark conditions. Scarified seeds increased in mass more than non-scarified seeds. Both species showed a higher germination capacity at 25 C in non-scarified seeds; A. dealbata reached a germination maximum of 55%, while A. mearnsii reached 40%, showing a difference among these populations. Scarified seeds of both species reached germination percentages >95% at all temperatures except at 5 C in dark conditions. Scarification was necessary to break dormancy and promote germination. The present study provides new knowledge about the seed ecology and germinative behaviour of the two Acacia species under different pre-treatment, temperature, and photoperiod regimes, contributing to the understanding of their invasive behaviour