66 research outputs found

    Geometry-material coordination for passive adaptive solar morphing envelopes

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    The cost-intensive and mechanical complexity natures of the adaptive facades of the past decades drifted designers and researchers’ interest towards passive material-based actuation systems. Architectural applications using the latter showed, however, a few limitations restricting the output possibility space to options that rely entirely on one material’s phase characteristic. This study aims to investigate the potential of expanding a shape memory alloy-actuated facade’s output from one that is limited and hardly controllable in the case of entirely passive actuation to one that can produce a specific desired performative target. This is explored through coordinating between geometry movement connections of an adaptive component of four integrated shape memory alloys, which work on tailoring the geometry-material-climate relations of the responsive system. The research findings suggest that the integration of geometry, material, and their connections in the design of a SMA solar morphing envelope lead to the development of a wider range of behavioural system outputs. The variety instilled through these added dimensions promoted diversity and adaptability of output for a flexible range of responses and higher performative gains


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    AFLP data: Matrix with samples (rows) and markers (columns), 1 indicates presence of AFLP-fragments, 0 indicates absence of AFLP-fragment


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    AFPL data: Matrix with samples (rows) and markers (columns), 1 indicates presence of AFLP-fragments, 0 indicates absence of AFLP-fragment

    Filtered sequencing data for plant metabarcode

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    This table contains the filtered sequences for the plant metabarcode. Amplicons were amplified using g (5'-GGGCAATCCTGAGCCAA-3') and h (5'-CCATTGAGTCTCTGCACCTATC-3') primers (Taberlet et al. 2007). The sequences have been produced by the Illumina technology (HiSeq 2500 platform, 2x100bp pair-end) and were filtered according to the filtering procedure describes in the supplementary materials of Pansu et al. (2015) ¬'Long-lasting modification of soil fungal diversity associated with the introduction of rabbit to a remote sub-Antarctic archipelago'

    Vegetation surveys data

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    This file contains data from vegetation surveys performed in study sites in Kerguelen Islands.The first row represent the percentage of vascular plant cover in each plot. Other rows contain the number of contacts of each plant species per plot (maximum 200 contacts per plot)


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    This table contains pre-filtered sequencing data (i.e. usable merged reads assigned to their original sample) for fungal metabarcode. Amplicons were amplified using the univerdal primers 'g' (5'-GGGCAATCCTGAGCCAA-3') and 'h' (5'-CCATTGAGTCTCTGCACCTATC-3') primers (Taberlet et al. 2007). Sequences were produced by a 2 x 100 bp paired-end sequencing on Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. First processing steps were performed using the OBITOOLS software (http://metabarcoding.org/obitools) as follows: (i) Direct and reverse reads corresponding to the same sequence were aligned and merged thanks to the IlluminaPairEnd program. Only merged sequences with a high alignment quality score were retained (>=40). (ii) Each merged sequence was assigned to its original sample using the tags information previously added to primers thanks to the ngsfilter program. For this step, only sequences containing both primers (with a maximum of 3 mismatches per primer) and exact tag sequences were selected. (iii) To reduce the file size, strictly identical sequences were merged together while keeping information about the origin of sequences. (iv) Sequences containing ambiguous nucleotides or shorter than 7 bp were discarded. (v) Pure singleton (sequences with 1 read among the whole dataset) were removed

    Unfiltered sequencing data for plant metabarcode (fasta format)

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    This fasta file contains unfiltered sequencing data (i.e. merged reads assigned to their original sample) for plant metabarcode. Amplicons were amplified using the universal primers g (5'-GGGCAATCCTGAGCCAA-3') and h (5'-CCATTGAGTCTCTGCACCTATC-3') primers (Taberlet et al. 2007). Sequences were produced by a 2 x 100 bp paired-end sequencing on Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. First processing steps were performed using the OBITOOLS software (http://metabarcoding.org/obitools) as follows: (i) Direct and reverse reads corresponding to the same sequence were aligned and merged thanks to the IlluminaPairEnd program. Only merged sequences with a high alignment quality score were retained (>=40) (ii) Each merged sequence was assigned to its original sample using the tags information previously added to primers thanks to the ngsfilter program. For this step, only sequences containing both primers (with a maximum of 3 mismatches per primer) and exact tag sequences were selected. (iii) To reduce the file size, strictly identical sequences were merged together while keeping information about the origin of sequences

    Metabarcoding results

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    The OBITools output, expanded with the lake name, core number, depth information and and a shorter taxa code used for linking the results to the vegetation data

    Vegetation data

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    The results of the vegetation surveys of the 11 lakes. Abundance assignment in the >2m survey is follows: Dominant taxa are recorded as 4, common taxa as 3, scattered taxa as 2 and rare taxa as 1