3 research outputs found

    Perancangan Prototipe Dashboard Pasien pada Klinik Kecantikan : Studi Kasus Klinik S

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    Latar belakang: Klinik kecantikan menjadi klinik yang popular di era modern. Klinik S merupakan salah satu klinik kecantikan yang sudah memanfaatkan sistem informasi tetapi masih terdapat kekurangan yaitu belum adanya dashboard pasien yang nantinya dapat membantu dokter untuk pengambilan keputusan. Sehingga diperlukan perancangan prototipe dashboard pasien yang diharapkan dapat membantu pengambilan keputusan dokter.Metode: Perancangan dashboard pasien menggunakan pendekatan User-Centered Design yang berfokus pada pengguna. Klinik S membutuhkan dashboard pasien yang dapat menampilkan profil pasien, riwayat foto pasien, riwayat pembelian pasien, rekam medis pasien. Prototipe dashboard pasien dirancang menggunakan figma yang selanjutnya akan dievaluasi menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS).Hasil: Prototipe dashboard pasien sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan Klinik S yaitu menampilkan profil pasien, Riwayat foto pasien, Riwayat pembelian pasien, dan juga rekam medis pasien. Rata-rata skor SUS untuk dashboard pasien adalah 77,3, masuk dalam kategori grade B dan kategori “Good” dengan penerimaan oleh pengguna yang baik.Kesimpulan: Dashboard pasien dapat dikatakan sudah sesuai dengan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh Klinik S dan mempunyai tingkat penerimaan yang terbilang baik. Pengembangan dashboard pasien perlu dilanjutkan untuk menghasilkan dashboard pasien yang maksimal dalam membantu dokter mengambil keputusan

    Analytical Data for Electronic Medical Records in Primary Health Care

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    Digital health transformation encourages primary health facilities to implement electronic medical records (RME) that are interoperable according to standard medical classification and terminology. The standard RME also allows connecting to wearable devices for direct patient monitoring. An analytical approach to digital data has the potential to support clinical decision making for primary care physicians. This study aims to Strengthening primary care as a center for continuous patient care by using an analytical approach in the form of a dashboard.. This study uses a participatory action research approach in implementing RME in primary care. The 4 stages of action research were carried out by involving primary care physicians (dentists and general practitioners), medical records, nurses, pharmacists and electronic medical record developers. The trial implementation of RME and wearable devices was evaluated using the System Usability Scale (SUS). Structured RME data makes it easy to analyze and visualize in the form of a dashboard to support primary care management and monitor individual patient health status. The analytic features in RME that allow direct patient monitoring are perceived as useful for supporting continuous patient care. The use of data standards in clinical records such as ICPC, LOINC and SNOMED-CT makes it easier to achieve semantic interoperability including potential interoperability with portable medical devices

    Analytical Data for Electronic Medical Records in Primary Health Care

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    Digital health transformation encourages primary health facilities to implement electronic medical records (RME) that are interoperable according to standard medical classification and terminology. The standard RME also allows connecting to wearable devices for direct patient monitoring. An analytical approach to digital data has the potential to support clinical decision making for primary care physicians. This study aims to Strengthening primary care as a center for continuous patient care by using an analytical approach in the form of a dashboard.. This study uses a participatory action research approach in implementing RME in primary care. The 4 stages of action research were carried out by involving primary care physicians (dentists and general practitioners), medical records, nurses, pharmacists and electronic medical record developers. The trial implementation of RME and wearable devices was evaluated using the System Usability Scale (SUS). Structured RME data makes it easy to analyze and visualize in the form of a dashboard to support primary care management and monitor individual patient health status. The analytic features in RME that allow direct patient monitoring are perceived as useful for supporting continuous patient care. The use of data standards in clinical records such as ICPC, LOINC and SNOMED-CT makes it easier to achieve semantic interoperability including potential interoperability with portable medical devices