371 research outputs found

    Proactive Interference Does Not Meaningfully Distort Visual Working Memory Capacity Estimates in the Canonical Change Detection Task

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    The change detection task has become a standard method for estimating the storage capacity of visual working memory. Most researchers assume that this task isolates the properties of an active short-term storage system that can be dissociated from long-term memory systems. However, long-term memory storage may influence performance on this task. In particular, memory traces from previous trials may create proactive interference that sometimes leads to errors, thereby reducing estimated capacity. Consequently, the capacity of visual working memory may be higher than is usually thought, and correlations between capacity and other measures of cognition may reflect individual differences in proactive interference rather than individual differences in the capacity of the short-term storage system. Indeed, previous research has shown that change detection performance can be influenced by proactive interference under some conditions. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the canonical version of the change detection task – in which the to-be-remembered information consists of simple, briefly presented features – is influenced by proactive interference. Two experiments were conducted using methods that ordinarily produce substantial evidence of proactive interference, but no proactive interference was observed. Thus, the canonical version of the change detection task can be used to assess visual working memory capacity with no meaningful influence of proactive interference

    Activation of the phosphosignaling protein CheY. I. Analysis of the phosphorylated conformation by 19F NMR and protein engineering

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    CheY, the 14-kDa response regulator protein of the Escherichia coli chemotaxis pathway, is activated by phosphorylation of Asp57. In order to probe the structural changes associated with activation, an approach which combines 19F NMR, protein engineering, and the known crystal structure of one conformer has been utilized. This first of two papers examines the effects of Mg(II) binding and phosphorylation on the conformation of CheY. The molecule was selectively labeled at its six phenylalanine positions by incorporation of 4-fluorophenylalanine, which yielded no significant effect on activity. One of these 19F probe positions monitored the vicinity of Lys109, which forms a salt bridge to Asp57 in the apoprotein and has been proposed to act as a structural "switch" in activation. 19F NMR chemical shift studies of the labeled protein revealed that the binding of the cofactor Mg(II) triggered local structural changes in the activation site, but did not perturb the probe of the Lys109 region. The structural changes associated with phosphorylation were then examined, utilizing acetyl phosphate to chemically generate phsopho-CheY during NMR acquisition. Phosphorylation triggered a long-range conformational change extending from the activation site to a cluster of 4 phenylalanine residues at the other end of the molecule. However, phosphorylation did not perturb the probe of Lys109. The observed phosphorylated conformer is proposed to be the first step in the activation of CheY; later steps appear to perturb Lys109, as evidenced in the following paper. Together these results may give insight into the activation of other prokaryotic response regulators

    Assessing Air Velocity Distribution in Three Sizes of Commercial Broiler Houses During Tunnel Ventilation

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    Convective cooling is a critical management strategy for maintaining an environment that promotes production efficiency, thermal comfort, and animal well-being in commercial broiler houses. Variations in house size, design, and equipment configuration contribute greatly to the air velocity distribution within the facility. This study assessed total airflow, air velocity distribution, and quantified the floor area in three facilities experiencing insufficient air velocity for maintenance of production efficiency, thermal comfort, and animal well-being. Test facility 1 was an 18.3 x 170.7 m solid side-wall broiler house, test facility 2 was a 15.24 x 144.8 m solid side-wall broiler house, and test facility 3 was a 12.19 x 121.9 m curtain side-wall broiler house. Total airflow of each facility, measured with a Fan Assessment and Numeration System, was 512,730, 389,495, and 329,270 m3 h-1 for test facilities 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Air velocity distribution patterns were characterized in each house with a Scalable Environment Assessment System (SEAS) and spatial statistics. The air velocity distributions within the test facilities were variable, with notable maxima immediately downstream of the tunnel inlets, which serve as a well-defined vena contracta, and local minima near the leading end of the evaporative pads and the exhaust fans. Equipment within the facilities had an impact on the air velocity distribution by creating reduced cross-sectional areas that resulted in localized increases in air velocity. The percentage of total bird-level floor area in each facility experiencing air velocities below 1.5 m s-1 was 14.3%, 20.7%, and 10.0% for test facilities 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The effective design velocity (Ved) was calculated from total airflow using the measured building cross-sectional area. The Ved measured 2.97, 2.45, and 2.34 m s-1 for test facilities 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Mean cross-sectional air velocity (Vcs) was calculated from SEAS data and normalized using each facility‘s Ved to account for differences in building size for comparison. Test facility 1, the largest of the three houses, generated substantially higher Vcs/Ved than test facilities 2 and 3. Test facilities 2 and 3 maintained a larger proportion of Vcs above Ved than test facility 1. Test facility 1 showed 26.5% of the total house length below Ved, while test facilities 2 and 3 had only 20.8% and 17.5%, respectively, of the total house length below Ved. The lower-velocity regions were due to the length of the evaporative cooling pad inlet and the use of tunnel doors, and the exhaust fan placement on the side-walls in test facility 1 created an additional pronounced low-velocity area. Placement of tunnel ventilation fans on the end-wall of the facility, rather than the side-wall, eliminated the low-velocity region at the exhaust end of the facility. Modifications to current practices for broiler production facility construction and evaporative cooling pad inlet installation would be required to minimize the low-velocity region at the inlet end of these facilities. Consideration of house width and physical arrangement of the air inlets, tunnel fans, and internal equipment are critical for improving the uniformity of air velocity in commercial broiler houses

    Effect of Measurement Density on Characterizing Air Velocity Distribution in Commercial Broiler Houses

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    Increasing air velocity of tunnel ventilation systems in commercial broiler facilities improves production efficiency. As a consequence, many housing design specifications require a minimum air velocity in the house. Air velocities are typically assessed with a hand-held anemometer at random locations, rather than systematic traverses. Simultaneous measurement of air velocity at multiple locations in the facility would provide a more accurate estimation of air velocity distribution. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of measurement density on accuracy of estimating air velocity distribution in a tunnel-ventilated broiler production facility. An array of 40 anemometers was placed on a series of transverse cross-sections in a commercial broiler production facility with curtain sidewalls (no birds present) measuring 12.8 × 121.9 m. The house was equipped with ten 121.9 cm exhaust fans. Cross-sectional air velocity measurements were taken along the length of the house in increments of 3.05 m axially. Data were sampled at 1 Hz for 2 min; three 2 min subsamples were obtained at each cross-section. Horizontal plane air velocity distribution maps were generated using 12.19, 6.10, and 3.05 m axial measurement distances between cross-sections at 0.46 m above the litter. Vertical plane air velocity distribution maps were created using 10, 20, and 40 symmetrical sampling points from the original data set. Cross-validation analysis revealed that higher spatial measurement density in the axial direction yielded a higher correlation between observed and predicted values (79%) and lower mean squared prediction error (MSPE; 0.10 m s-1) when compared to decreased sampling densities. Vertical cross-section measurement density comparisons showed a reduction in MSPE and an increase in correlation between observed and predicted values at higher sampling densities in all cases tested excluding one. In the case of improved interpolation results with fewer measurement points, the cross-section demonstrated high variation in air velocity and velocity values being very low. Axial cross-sectional measurement distances of =3.05 m and vertical plane measurement densities of =40 measurement points should be used to accurately characterize air velocity distribution in a 12.8 × 121.9 m broiler production facility. Although more sensors and time are required to collect 40-point cross-sections at 3.05 m, the improved visualization allows better identification of distribution effects caused by equipment placement in the facility

    Many Uninsured Children Qualify for Medi-Cal or Healthy Families

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    Examines the public health insurance eligibility of children in California who did not have health insurance coverage for some or all of the year in 2002, to highlight the geographic variations in children's uninsured eligibility rates

    “Top-down” Does Not Mean “Voluntary”

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    Attention researchers have long debated the roles of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms in controlling attention. Theeuwes (2018) has argued that that top-down control is much less common than typically assumed and that a third mechanism—selection history—plays an underappreciated role in guiding visual attention. Although Theeuwes has made a strong case for the importance of selection history, his arguments for a limited role of top-down mechanisms involve conflating the terms “top-down” and “voluntary.” Cognitive psychologists typically use the term “top-down” processing to refer to any perceptual phenomenon that is influenced by context, learning, or expectation, which would include selection history. This highlights a broad problem in attention capture research: The terms used to describe attentional control are often poorly defined, and much current debate seems to be related to the meaning of words. To move forward in understanding the actual mechanisms of attentional control, we must agree on what terms such as “top-down” and “bottom-up” actually mean

    How Attention Changes in Response to Incentives

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    Although the performance of simple cognitive tasks can be enhanced if an incentive is provided, the mechanisms enabling such motivational control are not known. The present study sought to uncover how mechanisms of attention and readiness are altered by reward-associated incentive stimuli. We measured EEG/ERP activity as human adults viewed a high- or low-incentive cue, experienced a short preparation interval, and then performed a simple visual search task to gain the predicted reward. Search performance was faster with high versus low incentives, and this was accompanied by distinct incentive-related EEG/ERP patterns at each phase of the task (incentive, preparation, and search). First, and most surprisingly, attention to high but not low incentive cues was actively suppressed, as indexed by a P(D) component in response to the incentive display. During the subsequent preparation interval, neural oscillations in the alpha frequency range were reduced following high-incentive cues, indicating heightened visual readiness. Finally, attentional orienting to the target in the search array was deployed with relatively little effort on high-incentive trials, as indexed by a reduced N2pc component. These results reveal the chain of events by which the brain’s executive control mechanisms respond to incentives by altering the operation of multiple processing systems to produce optimal performance

    Both unmedicated and medicated individuals with schizophrenia show impairments across a wide array of cognitive and reinforcement learning tasks

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    BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by pervasive deficits in cognitive functioning. However, few well-powered studies have examined the degree to which cognitive performance is impaired even among individuals with schizophrenia not currently on antipsychotic medications using a wide range of cognitive and reinforcement learning measures derived from cognitive neuroscience. Such research is particularly needed in the domain of reinforcement learning, given the central role of dopamine in reinforcement learning, and the potential impact of antipsychotic medications on dopamine function. METHODS: The present study sought to fill this gap by examining healthy controls (N = 75), unmedicated (N = 48) and medicated (N = 148) individuals with schizophrenia. Participants were recruited across five sites as part of the CNTRaCS Consortium to complete tasks assessing processing speed, cognitive control, working memory, verbal learning, relational encoding and retrieval, visual integration and reinforcement learning. RESULTS: Individuals with schizophrenia who were not taking antipsychotic medications, as well as those taking antipsychotic medications, showed pervasive deficits across cognitive domains including reinforcement learning, processing speed, cognitive control, working memory, verbal learning and relational encoding and retrieval. Further, we found that chlorpromazine equivalency rates were significantly related to processing speed and working memory, while there were no significant relationships between anticholinergic load and performance on other tasks. CONCLUSIONS: These findings add to a body of literature suggesting that cognitive deficits are an enduring aspect of schizophrenia, present in those off antipsychotic medications as well as those taking antipsychotic medications
