15 research outputs found

    Psychosocial factors and T lymphocyte counts in Brazilian peacekeepers

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the associations between psychosocial factors and peripheral blood CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte numbers in Brazilian peacekeepers. METHODS: Venous blood was collected from 759 peacekeepers who had just returned from a peace mission in Haiti. Among the 759 soldiers, 642 individuals completed the psychosocial measures. CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte counts were measured by flow cytometry using a commercially available kit. Psychosocial factors, including military peace force stressors, clinical stress, anxiety and depression, were recorded. As a reference for T lymphocyte numbers, we measured T lymphocyte counts in 75 blood donors from the Instituto de Biologia do Exército, Rio de Janeiro. RESULTS: The median numbers of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes in the blood donors were 819 cells/”l and 496 cells/”l, respectively, with a CD4:CD8 ratio of 1.6. Significantly (

    Expression of TIGIT, PD-1 and HLA-DR/CD38 markers on CD8-T cells of children and adolescents infected with HIV and uninfected controls

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    Immune exhaustion and senescence are scarcely studied in HIV-pediatric patients. We studied the circulatory CD8 T cells activation/exhaustion and senescent phenotype of children and adolescents vertically infected with HIV or uninfected controls based on the expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA-DR), CD38, T cell immunoglobulin and immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) domain (TIGIT), programmed death 1 (PD-1) and CD57 by flow cytometry, during approximately one year. Eleven HIV-infected (HI) and nine HIV-uninfected (HU) children/adolescents who received two doses or one dose of meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (MenC), respectively, were involved in this study. Blood samples were collected before the immunization (T0), 1–2 months after the first dose (T1), and 1–2 months after the second dose (T2), which was administered approximately one year after the first one. HI patients not receiving combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) showed a higher frequency of CD8 T cells TIGIT+, PD-1+ or CD57+, as well as a higher frequency of CD8 T cells co-expressing CD38/HLA-DR/TIGIT or CD38/HLA-DR/PD-1 when compared to HI treated or HU individuals, at all times that they were assessed. CD8 T cells co-expressing CD38/DR/TIGIT were inversely correlated with the CD4/CD8 ratio but positively associated with viral load. The co-expression of CD38/DR/TIGIT or CD38/DR/PD-1 on CD8 T cells was also inversely associated with the CD4 T cells expressing co-stimulatory molecules CD127/CD28. The results showed a higher expression of exhaustion/senescence markers on CD8 T cells of untreated HI children/adolescents and its correlations with viral load

    Diferenças nas propriedades adesivas de Staphylococcus saprophyticus a células HEp-2 e eritrócitos

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    S. saprophyticus has been frequently isolated from urinary tract infections in young women. In contrast with S. aureus, no defined virulence factors have been recognized for the coagulase negative Staphylococcus species. The objective this study was to analyze the adherence of S. saprophyticus to HEp-2 cells and sheep erythrocytes. The sample were isolated from urine of patients with urinary infection. Hemagglutination, adherence to HEp-2 cells tests and inhibition by specific carbohydrates of the interactions between these cells were analyzed. Most of the strains were hemagglutinanting whose properties was inhibited by mannose (100mM). There was a high adherence level to HEp-2 cells. The differences in specificity and attachment level noted in this study suggest that multiple adhesins are involved in the mechanism of cellular interaction.S. saprophyticus Ă© freqĂŒentemente isolado de infecçÔes do trato urinĂĄrio de mulheres jovens e sexualmente ativas. Ao contrĂĄrio de S. aureus, esta espĂ©cie nĂŁo possui fatores de virulĂȘncia bem definidos. O objetivo deste estudo Ă© analisar a aderĂȘncia de S. saprophyticus a cĂ©lulas HEp-2 e eritrĂłcitos de carneiro. As amostras foram isoladas a partir da urina de pacientes com infecção urinĂĄria. Foram realizados testes de hemaglutinação, aderĂȘncia a cĂ©lulas HEp-2 e a capacidade de carboidratos especĂ­ficos inibirem as interaçÔes entre estes tipos celulares e S. saprophyticus. A maioria das cepas se mostrou hemaglutinante e sensĂ­vel a inibição da hemaglutinação pela manose (100mM). Foram verificados altos nĂ­veis de aderĂȘncia Ă s cĂ©lulas HEp-2. As diferenças em especificidade e nĂ­vel de aderĂȘncia do microrganismo a cĂ©lulas de HEp-2 e eritrĂłcitos sugerem a participação de diferentes adesinas nos processos de interaçÔes celulares

    Imunidade conferida por vacinas anti-meningocĂłcicas

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    Em razão da recente epidemia de doença meningocócica causada por N. meningitidis B na Grande São Paulo, Brasil, foi feita revisão das epidemias dessa doença ocorridas no Brasil desde o início do século e uma anålise das vacinas atuais contra N. meningitidis A, C, Y e W135. Também são discutidos os mais recentes avanços no desenvolvimento e aplicação de vacina contra M meningitidis B, um desafio constante para os maiores centros de pesquisa de todo o mundo

    Indução das proteínas reguladas pelo ferro durante o crescimento normal de Neisseria meningitidis em meio quimicamente definido

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    The expression of iron regulated proteins (IRPs) in vitro has been obtained in the past by adding iron chelators to the culture after bacterial growth, in the presence of an organic iron source. We have investigated aspects concerning full expression of the meningococcal IRPs during normal growth, in defined conditions using Catlin medium, Mueller Hinton and Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB). The expression of IRPs varied between different strains with respect to Ethylenediamine Di-ortho-Hidroxy-phenyl-acetic acid (EDDA) concentrations, and according to culture medium, and also between different lots of TSB. For each strain, a specific set of IRPs were expressed and higher EDDA concentrations, or addition of glucose, or use of different culture media did not resulted in a differential expression of IRPs. We were not able to grow N. meningitidis under normal growth conditions using Desferal. We looked for a good yield of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) expressing IRPs in iron-deficient Catlin medium containing EDDA and Hemin. Culture for 32 h at 30ÂșC after growing for 16 h at 37ÂșC supported good bacterial growth. Bacterial lysis was noted after additional 24 h at 30ÂșC. Approximately 4 times more OMVs was recoverable from a culture supernatant after 24 h at 30ÂșC than from the cells after 16 h at 37ÂșC. The IRP were as well expressed in OMVs from culture supernatant obtained after 24 h at 30ÂșC as from the cells after 16 h at 37ÂșC.A expressĂŁo das proteĂ­nas reguladas pelo ferro (IRPs), in vitro, tem sido obtida pela adição de quelantes de ferro ao meio de cultura, apĂłs o crescimento bacteriano, na presença de fonte de ferro orgĂąnico. Neste estudo foram investigados aspectos da mĂĄxima expressĂŁo das IRPs de meningococo durante o crescimento normal, em condiçÔes de cultura definidas, utilizando-se o meio de Catlin e os caldos Mueller-Hinton e Tryptic Soja (TSB). Foram avaliadas as melhores condiçÔes para se obter vesĂ­culas de membrana externa (OMVs) contendo IRPs para uso em vacina de meningococo B. A expressĂŁo das IRPs variou entre as diferentes cepas com relação as diferentes concentraçÔes de Etilenediamine Di-orto-Hidroxifenil-ĂĄcido acĂ©tico (EDDA), de acordo com o meio de cultura e tambĂ©m entre os diferentes lotes de TSB. Para cada cepa, um especĂ­fico padrĂŁo de ERPs foi expresso e altas concentraçÔes de EDDA, adição de glicose ou o uso de diferentes meios de cultura nĂŁo resultou em expressĂŁo diferencial das IRPs. NĂŁo foi possĂ­vel cultivar meningococo em condiçÔes normais de crescimento utilizando-se Desferral. Foi investigado condiçÔes de crescimento para se obter bom rendimento de OMVs com expressĂŁo de IRPs em meio de Catlin deficiente em ferro, contendo EDDA e hemina. Cultura de 32 h a 30ÂșC, apĂłs incubação por 16 h a 37ÂșC, manteve bom crescimento, porĂ©m, lise da bactĂ©ria foi observada apĂłs 46 h a 30ÂșC. Aproximadamente 4 vezes mais OMVs foram recuperadas do sobrenadante de cultura apĂłs 24 h a 30ÂșC do que das cĂ©lulas apĂłs 16 h a 37ÂșC. As IRPs foram bem expressas nas OMVs obtidas do sobrenadante de cultura apĂłs 24 h a 30ÂșC como tambĂ©m nas OMVs obtidas das cĂ©lulas crescidas por 16 h a 37ÂșC

    Differential capacities of outher membrane proteins from neisseria meningitidis B to prime the murine immune system after vaccination

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    Understanding the specificity of antibody response to Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (Men B) is a key requirement for the development of an effective vaccine. This study was designed to investigate the antigen specificity of murine IgG1 and IgG2b antibodies induced by different primary immunization schedules and the booster dose with the Cuban Men B vaccine. Immunoblotting analyses were performed using outer membrane vesicles (OMV) from the vaccine strain (B:4,7:P1.19,15). IgG subclasses binding to PorA, PorB and RmpM were determined by digital scanning of the immunoreactive bands. Bactericidal antibody response after vaccination was also evaluated. The results indicated that IgG2b anti-PorA was the main antibody response induced by two doses of the vaccine. A primary series of three doses was found important for increasing IgG2b as well as IgG1 to PorB and RmpM. The fourth dose favoured the recognition of RmpM as detected by the increase of specific IgG1 and IgG2b. IgG subclasses anti-PorA did not change significantly if animals received two, three or four doses of the vaccine during the primary immunization or after the booster dose for all vaccine groups. The booster response to PorB and RmpM of groups BC2 and BC3 showed a significant increase in IgG2b levels compared with the primary response. However, the recall and the primary response of group BC4 were similar, suggesting a saturated dose– effect response after four doses of vaccine. The same was seen for bactericidal antibody response when human complement source was used in the assay

    Diphtheria-neutralizing antibody levels in healthy adults from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    In Brazil, until 2004, the immunization policy against diphtheria involved childhood vaccination with no official routine booster dose administered after 15 years of age. This study assessed functional antibody levels against diphtheria among blood donors. A total of 140 blood samples were collected, and diphtheria antitoxin levels were evaluated by Vero cell neutralization test. The mean age of the population was 34 years old (range: 18-61 years); 37.8% females and 62.2% males. Overall, 30.7% (95%, CI: 23.4-38.7) individuals presented neutralizing antitoxin antibody titers < 0.01 IU/ml; 42.1% (95%, CI: 34.1-50.4) showed values between 0.01-0.09 IU/ml and, 27.1% (95%, CI: 20.2-34.9) had Âł 0.1 IU/ml. In the subgroup of individuals with history of diphtheria immunization during childhood (85%), a number of 28.5% showed unprotective levels of circulating neutralizing antibody (< 0.01 IU/ml). Despite the continuous progress of immunization programs directed to Brazilian population, currently healthy adults remain susceptible to diphtheria