4 research outputs found
Avaliação de desempenho de hospitais que prestam atendimento pelo sistema público de saúde, Brasil
OBJETIVO Analisar se porte, esfera administrativa, natureza jurídica, tipo de unidade e atividade de ensino influenciam o desempenho de rede hospitalar prestadora de serviços ao Sistema Único de Saúde.MÉTODOS Neste estudo transversal foram avaliados dados disponíveis no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares e no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde de 2012, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram calculados indicadores de desempenho como: relação de pessoas por leito; valor médio da autorização de internação hospitalar paga; taxa de ocupação hospitalar; tempo médio de permanência; índice de rotatividade; e taxa de mortalidade hospitalar. Dados foram expressos em média e desvio-padrão. Os grupos foram comparados utilizando-se análise de variância (ANOVA) e correção de Bonferroni.RESULTADOS A taxa de ocupação hospitalar em hospitais de pequeno porte mostrou-se inferior a de hospitais de porte médio, grande e especial. Observaram-se maiores taxas de ocupação hospitalar e índice de rotatividade nos hospitais com atividade de ensino. A taxa de mortalidade hospitalar apresentou-se inferior nos hospitais especializados, em comparação com hospitais gerais, apesar da maior proporção de internações de alta complexidade. Não foram observadas diferenças entre hospitais da administração direta e indireta para a maioria dos indicadores analisados.CONCLUSÕES O estudo indicou a importância do efeito escala para a eficiência, de modo que hospitais de maior porte apresentaram desempenho superior. A presença de atividades de ensino determinou maior desempenho operacional, ainda que tenha se associado à importante utilização de recursos humanos e de estrutura de alta complexidade. Os hospitais especializados apresentaram taxa de mortalidade hospitalar sensivelmente inferior a de hospitais gerais, indicando o efeito positivo do volume de procedimentos e da tecnologia empregada sobre o desfecho clínico. As análises relativas à esfera administrativa e à natureza jurídica não mostraram diferenças significativas de desempenho entre as categorias de hospitais públicos.OBJECTIVE To analyze if size, administrative level, legal status, type of unit and educational activity influence the hospital network performance in providing services to the Brazilian Unified Health System.METHODS This cross-sectional study evaluated data from the Hospital Information System and the Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (National Registry of Health Facilities), 2012, in Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. We calculated performance indicators, such as: the ratio of hospital employees per bed; mean amount paid for admission; bed occupancy rate; average length of stay; bed turnover index and hospital mortality rate. Data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. The groups were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni correction.RESULTS The hospital occupancy rate in small hospitals was lower than in medium, big and special-sized hospitals. Higher hospital occupancy rate and bed turnover index were observed in hospitals that include education in their activities. The hospital mortality rate was lower in specialized hospitals compared to general ones, despite their higher proportion of highly complex admissions. We found no differences between hospitals in the direct and indirect administration for most of the indicators analyzed.CONCLUSIONS The study indicated the importance of the scale effect on efficiency, and larger hospitals had a higher performance. Hospitals that include education in their activities had a higher operating performance, albeit with associated importance of using human resources and highly complex structures. Specialized hospitals had a significantly lower rate of mortality than general hospitals, indicating the positive effect of the volume of procedures and technology used on clinical outcomes. The analysis related to the administrative level and legal status did not show any significant performance differences between the categories of public hospitals
Avaliação de desempenho de hospitais que prestam atendimento pelo sistema público de saúde, Brasil
OBJETIVO: Analisar se porte, esfera administrativa, natureza jurídica, tipo de unidade e atividade de ensino influenciam o desempenho de rede hospitalar prestadora de serviços ao Sistema Único de Saúde. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo transversal foram avaliados dados disponíveis no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares e no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde de 2012, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram calculados indicadores de desempenho como: relação de pessoas por leito; valor médio da autorização de internação hospitalar paga; taxa de ocupação hospitalar; tempo médio de permanência; índice de rotatividade; e taxa de mortalidade hospitalar. Dados foram expressos em média e desvio-padrão. Os grupos foram comparados utilizando-se análise de variância (ANOVA) e correção de Bonferroni. RESULTADOS: A taxa de ocupação hospitalar em hospitais de pequeno porte mostrou-se inferior a de hospitais de porte médio, grande e especial. Observaram-se maiores taxas de ocupação hospitalar e índice de rotatividade nos hospitais com atividade de ensino. A taxa de mortalidade hospitalar apresentou-se inferior nos hospitais especializados, em comparação com hospitais gerais, apesar da maior proporção de internações de alta complexidade. Não foram observadas diferenças entre hospitais da administração direta e indireta para a maioria dos indicadores analisados. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo indicou a importância do efeito escala para a eficiência, de modo que hospitais de maior porte apresentaram desempenho superior. A presença de atividades de ensino determinou maior desempenho operacional, ainda que tenha se associado à importante utilização de recursos humanos e de estrutura de alta complexidade. Os hospitais especializados apresentaram taxa de mortalidade hospitalar sensivelmente inferior a de hospitais gerais, indicando o efeito positivo do volume de procedimentos e da tecnologia empregada sobre o desfecho clínico. As análises relativas à esfera administrativa e à natureza jurídica não mostraram diferenças significativas de desempenho entre as categorias de hospitais públicos.OBJECTIVE: To analyze if size, administrative level, legal status, type of unit and educational activity influence the hospital network performance in providing services to the Brazilian Unified Health System. METHODS: This cross-sectional study evaluated data from the Hospital Information System and the Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (National Registry of Health Facilities), 2012, in Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. We calculated performance indicators, such as: the ratio of hospital employees per bed; mean amount paid for admission; bed occupancy rate; average length of stay; bed turnover index and hospital mortality rate. Data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. The groups were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni correction. RESULTS: The hospital occupancy rate in small hospitals was lower than in medium, big and special-sized hospitals. Higher hospital occupancy rate and bed turnover index were observed in hospitals that include education in their activities. The hospital mortality rate was lower in specialized hospitals compared to general ones, despite their higher proportion of highly complex admissions. We found no differences between hospitals in the direct and indirect administration for most of the indicators analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: The study indicated the importance of the scale effect on efficiency, and larger hospitals had a higher performance. Hospitals that include education in their activities had a higher operating performance, albeit with associated importance of using human resources and highly complex structures. Specialized hospitals had a significantly lower rate of mortality than general hospitals, indicating the positive effect of the volume of procedures and technology used on clinical outcomes. The analysis related to the administrative level and legal status did not show any significant performance differences between the categories of public hospitals
Performance evaluation of hospitals that provide care in the public health system, Brazil
OBJECTIVE To analyze if size, administrative level, legal status, type of unit and educational activity influence the hospital network performance in providing services to the Brazilian Unified Health System.METHODS This cross-sectional study evaluated data from the Hospital Information System and the Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (National Registry of Health Facilities), 2012, in Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. We calculated performance indicators, such as: the ratio of hospital employees per bed; mean amount paid for admission; bed occupancy rate; average length of stay; bed turnover index and hospital mortality rate. Data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. The groups were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni correction.RESULTS The hospital occupancy rate in small hospitals was lower than in medium, big and special-sized hospitals. Higher hospital occupancy rate and bed turnover index were observed in hospitals that include education in their activities. The hospital mortality rate was lower in specialized hospitals compared to general ones, despite their higher proportion of highly complex admissions. We found no differences between hospitals in the direct and indirect administration for most of the indicators analyzed.CONCLUSIONS The study indicated the importance of the scale effect on efficiency, and larger hospitals had a higher performance. Hospitals that include education in their activities had a higher operating performance, albeit with associated importance of using human resources and highly complex structures. Specialized hospitals had a significantly lower rate of mortality than general hospitals, indicating the positive effect of the volume of procedures and technology used on clinical outcomes. The analysis related to the administrative level and legal status did not show any significant performance differences between the categories of public hospitals
Performance evaluation of hospitals that provide care in the public health system, Brazil
OBJECTIVE To analyze if size, administrative level, legal status, type of unit and educational activity influence the hospital network performance in providing services to the Brazilian Unified Health System.METHODS This cross-sectional study evaluated data from the Hospital Information System and the Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (National Registry of Health Facilities), 2012, in Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. We calculated performance indicators, such as: the ratio of hospital employees per bed; mean amount paid for admission; bed occupancy rate; average length of stay; bed turnover index and hospital mortality rate. Data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. The groups were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni correction.RESULTS The hospital occupancy rate in small hospitals was lower than in medium, big and special-sized hospitals. Higher hospital occupancy rate and bed turnover index were observed in hospitals that include education in their activities. The hospital mortality rate was lower in specialized hospitals compared to general ones, despite their higher proportion of highly complex admissions. We found no differences between hospitals in the direct and indirect administration for most of the indicators analyzed.CONCLUSIONS The study indicated the importance of the scale effect on efficiency, and larger hospitals had a higher performance. Hospitals that include education in their activities had a higher operating performance, albeit with associated importance of using human resources and highly complex structures. Specialized hospitals had a significantly lower rate of mortality than general hospitals, indicating the positive effect of the volume of procedures and technology used on clinical outcomes. The analysis related to the administrative level and legal status did not show any significant performance differences between the categories of public hospitals.</sec