1,868 research outputs found

    Neutral-cluster implantation in polymers by computer experiments

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    In this work we perform atomistic model potential molecular dynamics simulations by means of state-of-the art force-fields to study the implantation of a single Au nanocluster on a Polydimethylsiloxane substrate. All the simulations have ben performed on realistic substrate models containing up to 4.6 millions of atoms having depths up to 90 nm and lateral dimensions up to 25 nm. We consider both entangled-melt and cross-linked Polydimethylsiloxane amorphous structures. We show that even a single cluster impact on the Polydimethylsiloxane substrate remarkably changes the polymer local temperature and pressure. Moreover we observe the presence of craters created on the polymer surface having lateral dimensions comparable to the cluster radius and depths strongly dependent on the implantation energy. Present simulations suggest that the substrate morphology is largely affected by the cluster impact and that most-likely such modifications favor the the penetration of the next impinging clusters

    Gap opening in graphene by shear strain

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    We exploit the concept of strain-induced band structure engineering in graphene through the calculation of its electronic properties under uniaxial, shear, and combined uniaxial-shear deformations. We show that by combining shear deformations to uniaxial strains it is possible modulate the graphene energy gap value from zero up to 0.90.9 eV. Interestingly enough, the use of a shear component allows for a gap opening at moderate absolute deformation, safely smaller than the graphene failure strain.Comment: to appear on PRB - Rapid Communicatio

    Thermal transport in nanocrystalline graphene investigated by approach-to-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations

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    Approach-to-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study thermal transport in nanocrystalline graphene sheets. Nanostructured graphene has been created using an iterative process for grain growth from initial seeds with random crystallographic orientations. The resulting cells have been characterized by the grain size distribution based on the radius of gyration, by the number of atoms in each grain and by the number of atoms in the grain boundary. Introduction of nanograins with a radius of gyration of 1 nm has led to a significant reduction in the thermal conductivity to 3% of the value in single crystalline graphene. Analysis of the vibrational density of states has revealed a general reduction of the vibrational intensities and broadening of the peaks when nanograins are introduced which can be attributed to phonon scattering in the boundary layer. The thermal conductivity has been evaluated as a function of the grain size with increasing size up to 14 nm and it has been shown to follow an inverse rational function. The grain size dependent thermal conductivity could be approximated well by a function where transport is described by a connection in series of conducting elements and resistances (at boundaries).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Order-disorder phase change in embedded Si nano-particles

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    We investigated the relative stability of the amorphous vs crystalline nanoparticles of size ranging between 0.8 and 1.8 nm. We found that, at variance from bulk systems, at low T small nanoparticles are amorphous and they undergo to an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition at high T. On the contrary, large nanoparticles recover the bulk-like behavior: crystalline at low T and amorphous at high T. We also investigated the structure of crystalline nanoparticles, providing evidence that they are formed by an ordered core surrounded by a disordered periphery. Furthermore, we also provide evidence that the details of the structure of the crystalline core depend on the size of the nanoparticleComment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    An investigation of the SCOZA for narrow square-well potentials and in the sticky limit

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    We present a study of the self consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation (SCOZA) for square-well (SW) potentials of narrow width delta. The main purpose of this investigation is to elucidate whether in the limit delta --> 0, the SCOZA predicts a finite value for the second virial coefficient at the critical temperature B2(Tc), and whether this theory can lead to an improvement of the approximate Percus-Yevick solution of the sticky hard-sphere (SHS) model due to Baxter [R. J. Baxter, J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2770 (1968)]. For SW of non vanishing delta, the difficulties due to the influence of the boundary condition at high density already encountered in an earlier investigation [E. Schoell-Paschinger, A. L. Benavides, and R. Castaneda-Priego, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 234513 (2005)] prevented us from obtaining reliable results for delta < 0.1. In the sticky limit this difficulty can be circumvented, but then the SCOZA fails to predict a liquid-vapor transition. The picture that emerges from this study is that for delta --> 0, the SCOZA does not fulfill the expected prediction of a constant B2(Tc) [M. G. Noro and D. Frenkel, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 2941 (2000)], and that for thermodynamic consistency to be usefully exploited in this regime, one should probably go beyond the Ornstein-Zernike ansatz.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures. Previous Sec. 2 on the Yukawa potential has been removed. Only the square-well potential is considered in this versio
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