16 research outputs found

    Temporal occurrence of Cryptosporidium in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in northern Adriatic Italian lagoons.

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    In order to evaluate the temporal occurrence of Cryptosporidium oocysts in Ruditapes philippinarum clams bred along the northeastern Italian Adriatic coast and molecularly characterize the isolates, 2,160 specimens (180 clams per month) were collected from three clam farms from January to December 2004. Two farms (sites A and B) were located in Venice (Chioggia, Veneto region) and one (site C) in the Marano Lagoons (Friuli Venezia Giulia region). Clams from 36 pools (i.e., one pool of 60 clams per month per site) were subjected to a high-sensitivity seminested PCR assay specific for a 360-bp diagnostic region internal to the Cryptosporidium spp. outer wall protein gene. Positive amplicons were sequenced and analyzed. Cryptosporidium DNA was found in clams from seven pools (sites A and B) during 1 month of sampling at site A and 6 months of sampling at site B, with Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum being detected. The expected infection rate of the clams was 0.36%. Site B showed a significantly higher expected infection rate (1.15%) than did the other sites (A = 0.14% and C = 0%). Given its high sensitivity and specificity, this seminested PCR assay can be considered a reliable tool for detecting and distinguishing species within the Cryptosporidium genus. The seasonal pattern of contamination and the related public health risks are of particular concern

    Digital divide o Literacy divide? L\u2019apprendimento permanente come strumento di inclusione sociale.

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    Il saggio presenta le caratteristiche e la dimensione del fenomeno del digital divide in Italia e nel mondo dal punto di vista delle opportunit\ue0 formative. Illustra in che modo lo svantaggio socio-culturale pu\uf2 incidere sull'accesso alle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC). In particolare si esamina il livello di competenza di comprensione del testo della popolazione adulta italiana secondo le pi\uf9 recenti valutative internazionali e la relazione tra questo livello di competenza e le potenzialit\ue0 espresse dalla popolazione adulta nell'uso delle TIC

    Fast and Green Method to Control Frauds of Geographical Origin in Traded Cuttlefish Using a Portable Infrared Reflective Instrument

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    An appropriate seafood origin identification is essential for labelling regulation but also economic and ecological issues. Near infrared (NIRS) reflectance spectroscopy was employed to assess the origins of cuttlefish caught from five fishing FAO areas (Adriatic Sea, northeastern and eastern central Atlantic Oceans, and eastern Indian and western central Pacific Oceans). A total of 727 cuttlefishes of the family Sepiidae (Sepia officinalis and Sepiella inermis) were collected with a portable spectrophotometer (902\u20131680 nm) in a wholesale fish plant. NIR spectra were treated with standard normal variate, detrending, smoothing, and second derivative before performing chemometric approaches. The random forest feature selection procedure was executed to select the most significative wavelengths. The geographical origin classification models were constructed on the most informative bands, applying support vector machine (SVM) and K nearest neighbors algorithms (KNN). The SVM showed the best performance of geographical classification through the hold-out validation according to the overall accuracy (0.92), balanced accuracy (from 0.83 to 1.00), sensitivity (from 0.67 to 1.00), and specificity (from 0.88 to 1.00). Thus, being one of the first studies on cuttlefish traceability using NIRS, the results suggest that this represents a rapid, green, and non-destructive method to support on-site, practical inspection to authenticate geographical origin and to contrast fraudulent activities of cuttlefish mislabeled as local

    Depuration processes affect the Vibrio community in the microbiota of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum

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    As filter-feeders, bivalve molluscs accumulate Vibrio into edible tissues. Consequently, an accurate assessment of depuration procedures and the characterization of the persistent Vibrio community in depurated shellfish represent a key issue to guarantee food safety in shellfish products. The present study investigated changes in the natural Vibrio community composition of the Ruditapes philippinarum microbiota with specific focus on human pathogenic species. For this purpose, the study proposed a MLSA-NGS approach (rRNA 16S, recA and pyrH) for the detection and identification of Vibrio species. Clam microbiota were analyzed before and after depuration procedures performed in four depuration plants, using culture-dependent and independent approaches. Microbiological counts and NGS data revealed differences in terms of both contamination load and Vibrio community between depuration plants. The novel MLSA-NGS approach allowed for a clear definition of the Vibrio species specific to each depuration plant. Specifically, depurated clam microbiota showed presence of human pathogenic species. Ozone treatments and the density of clams in the depuration tank probably influenced the level of contamination and the Vibrio community composition. The composition of Vibrio community specific to each plant should be carefully evaluated during the risk assessment to guarantee a food-safe shellfish-product for the consumer. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Can ecological history influence response to pollutants? Transcriptomomic analysis of Manila clam collected in different Venice lagoon areas and exposed to heavy metal

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    Chronic exposure to environmental pollutants can exert strong selective pressures on natural populations, favoring the transmission over generations of traits that enable individuals to survive and thrive in highly impacted environments. The lagoon of Venice is an ecosystem subject to heavy anthropogenic impact, mainly due to the industrial activities of Porto Marghera (PM), which led to a severe chemical contamination of soil, groundwater, and sediments. Gene expression analysis on wild Manila clams collected in different Venice lagoon areas enabled to identify differences in gene expression profiles between clams collected in PM and those sampled in clean areas, and the definition of molecular signatures of chemical stress. However, it remains largely unexplored to which extent modifications of gene expression patterns persists after removing the source of contamination. It is also relatively unknown whether chronic exposure to xenobiotics affects the response to other chemical pollutants. To start exploring such issues, in the present study a common-garden experiment was coupled with transcriptomic analysis, to compare gene expression profiles of PM clams with those of clams collected in the less impacted area of Chioggia (CH) during a period under the same control conditions. Part of the two experimental groups were also exposed to copper for seven days to assess whether different "ecological history" does influence response to such pollutant. The results obtained suggest that the chronic exposure to chemical pollution generated a response at the transcriptional level that persists after removal for the contaminated site. These transcriptional changes are centered on key biological processes, such as defense against either oxidative stress or tissue/protein damage, and detoxification, suggesting an adaptive strategy for surviving in the deeply impacted environment of Porto Marghera. On the other hand, CH clams appeared to respond more effectively to copper exposure than PM animals, proposing that chronic exposure to chemical toxicants either lowers the sensitivity to additional toxicants or blunts the capacity to respond to novel chemical challenges in PM clams

    Pharmacological inhibition of LSD1 triggers myeloid differentiation by targeting GSE1 oncogenic functions in AML

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    The histone demethylase LSD1 is over-expressed in hematological tumors and has emerged as a promising target for anticancer treatment, so that several LSD1 inhibitors are under development and testing, in preclinical and clinical settings. However, the complete understanding of their complex mechanism of action is still unreached. Here, we unraveled a novel mode of action of the LSD1 inhibitors MC2580 and DDP-38003, showing that they can induce differentiation of AML cells through the downregulation of the chromatin protein GSE1. Analysis of the phenotypic effects of GSE1 depletion in NB4 cells showed a strong decrease of cell viability in vitro and of tumor growth in vivo. Mechanistically, we found that a set of genes associated with immune response and cytokine-signaling pathways are upregulated by LSD1 inhibitors through GSE1-protein reduction and that LSD1 and GSE1 colocalize at promoters of a subset of these genes at the basal state, enforcing their transcriptional silencing. Moreover, we show that LSD1 inhibitors lead to the reduced binding of GSE1 to these promoters, activating transcriptional programs that trigger myeloid differentiation. Our study offers new insights into GSE1 as a novel therapeutic target for AML.</p

    Depuration processes affect the Vibrio

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    As filter-feeders, bivalve molluscs accumulate Vibrio into edible tissues. Consequently, an accurate assessment of depuration procedures and the characterization of the persistent Vibrio community in depurated shellfish represent a key issue to guarantee food safety in shellfish products. The present study investigated changes in the natural Vibrio community composition of the Ruditapes philippinarum microbiota with specific focus on human pathogenic species. For this purpose, the study proposed a MLSA-NGS approach (rRNA 16S, recA and pyrH) for the detection and identification of Vibrio species. Clam microbiota were analyzed before and after depuration procedures performed in four depuration plants, using culture-dependent and independent approaches. Microbiological counts and NGS data revealed differences in terms of both contamination load and Vibrio community between depuration plants. The novel MLSA-NGS approach allowed for a clear definition of the Vibrio species specific to each depuration plant. Specifically, depurated clam microbiota showed presence of human pathogenic species. Ozone treatments and the density of clams in the depuration tank probably influenced the level of contamination and the Vibrio community composition. The composition of Vibrio community specific to each plant should be carefully evaluated during the risk assessment to guarantee a food-safe shellfish-product for the consumer. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Multidisciplinary long-term survey of Manila clam grown in farming sites subjected to different environmental conditions

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    In recent years recurrent bivalve mass mortalities considerably increased around the world, causing the collapse of natural and farmed populations. Venice Lagoon has historically represented one of the major production areas of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Europe. However, in the last 20 years a 75 % decrease in the annual production has been experienced. While climate change and anthropogenic interventions may have played a key role in natural and farmed stocks reductions, to date no studies investigated at multiple levels the environmental stressors affecting farmed Manila clam. In this work we carried out a long-term monitoring campaign on Manila clam reared in four farming sites located at different distances from the southern Venice Lagoon inlet, integrating (meta)genomic approaches (i.e. RNA-seq; microbiota characterization), biometric measurements and chemical-physical parameters. Our study allowed to characterize the molecular mechanisms adopted by this species to cope with the different environmental conditions characterizing farming sites and to propose hypotheses to explain mortality events observed in recent years. Among the most important findings, the disruption of clam's immune response, the spread of Vibrio spp., and the up-regulation of molecular pathways involved in xenobiotic metabolism suggested major environmental stressors affecting clams farmed in sites placed close to Chioggia's inlet, where highest mortality was also observed. Overall, our study provides knowledge-based tools for managing Manila clam farming on-growing areas. In addition, the collected data is a snapshot of the time immediately before the commissioning of MoSE, a system of mobile barriers aimed at protecting Venice from high tides, and will represent a baseline for future studies on the effects of MoSE on clams farming and more in general on the ecology of the Venice lagoon