9 research outputs found

    Coffea arabica: A Plant with Rich Content in Caffeine

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    Coffea arabica L. is the most well‐known and studied Coffea taxa, which is very popular in both scientific and social fields. This comprehensive work was created in order to describe its phytochemical composition and to present the metabolism of caffeine, which is the most important alkaloid from this plant. The analytical methods used for caffeine determination such as chromatographic, electrochemical, and spectroscopic techniques are also presented. In addition, this work emphasizes the medicinal importance of caffeine, which can present both important beneficial and secondary effects for human body

    The implications of the neurotrophic factor TNF-α in depressive disorders

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    Introducere: Cercetările efectuate în ultima perioadă au adus în atenție faptul că sistemul inflamator citokinic este activat în diverse afecțiuni, printre care și în cadrul stărilor depresive. Se pare că TNF-α joacă un rol important în mecanismele fiziopatologice de dezvoltare ale sindromului depresiv, din cauza implicării pe care o are în inflamație și în apoptoza celulară programată. Scopul lucrării: Scopul studiului a presupus revizuirea potențialului pe care îl are TNF-α ca biomarker în depresie și evaluarea capacității inhibitorilor TNF-α în reducerea simptomatologiei depresive. Metodă: Acesta este un raport de studiu care include o selecție de dovezi științifice necesare pentru revizuirea potențialului pe care îl are TNF-α ca biomarker în depresie și evaluarea capacității inhibitorilor TNF-α în reducerea simptomatologiei depresive. Discuții: Inflamația cronică crescută determinată de concentrația modificată a citokinelor duce la afectare cognitivă, putând fi responsabilă de apariția unor simptome asemănătoare celor din depresie. TNF-α este un marker inflamator cu rol important în cadrul unor procese biologice, cum sunt imunomodularea și răspunsul inflamator. Pornind de la aceste dovezi, a fost sugerat rolul pe care l-ar putea avea inhibitorii TNF-α în reducerea simptomatologiei depresive.Concluzii: 1. Implicarea TNF-α în patogeneza tulburării depresive majore a permis realizarea unor studii care să evalueze capacitatea inhibitorilor TNFα de a reduce simptomatologia depresivă 2. Sunt necesare studii suplimentare care să examineze direct efectul de modulare al inhibitorilor TNF-α, pentru identificarea unor noi ținte terapeutice care să permită îmbunătățirea managementului terapeutic al pacienților cu tulburare depresivă majoră.Introduction: Research conducted in the recent period has brought to attention the fact that cytokine inflammatory system is activated in several disorders, including depressive states. It seems that TNF-α plays an important role in the pathophysiological mechanisms of the development of depressive syndrome, as it is involved in inflammation and programmed cellular apoptosis. Aim of the study: The aim involved reviewing the potential of TNF-α as a biomarker in depression and evaluating the capacity of TNF-α inhibitors in reducing depressive symptomatology. Methods: This is a study report that includes a selection of scientific evidence necessary for reviewing the potential of TNF-α as a biomarker in depression and evaluating the ability of TNF-α inhibitors in reducing depressive symptomatology. Discussions: Increased chronic inflammation induced by altered cytokines concentration leads to cognitive decline, which may be responsible for the appearance of symptoms similar to those in depression. TNF-α is an inflammatory marker with an important role within biological processes, such as immunomodulation and the inflammatory response. Based on this evidence, the role that TNF-α inhibitors could play in reducing depressive symptomatology has been suggested. Conclusions: 1. The implication of TNF-α in the pathogenesis of MDD has allowed for studies to be conducted aim at evaluating the ability of TNF-α inhibitors to reduce depressive symptomatology 2. Further studies are needed to directly examine the modulating effect of TNF-α inhibitors in order to identify new therapeutic targets that could improve the therapeutic management of patients with MDD

    Safety and Efficacy of Modern Stents in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    The impact of metabolic syndrome (MS) on stent performance and outcomes of patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), including stent implantation, had not yet been fully established. The aim of the present study was to investigate long-term safety and efficacy of 2nd generation DES vs. other stent types in MS patients underwent successful PCI for an acute coronary event. Descriptive epidemiology, angiographic characteristics and one-year clinical outcomes, including major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and target lesion revascularization (TLR) procedures were evaluated according to the stent type inserted for 204 patients. The occurrence of TLR (6.62% vs. 9.43%, p = 0.50) and the composite outcomes (20.52% vs. 24.52%, p = 0.54) did not differ significantly between patients having 2nd generation drug eluting stents (DES) or other stent types implanted at the index procedure. It seems that the PCI in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is similarly efficient regardless of the stent type, suggesting that for the treatment of ACS in MS patients, all stent types show similar results, in terms of TLR or MACE

    Safety and Efficacy of Modern Stents in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    The impact of metabolic syndrome (MS) on stent performance and outcomes of patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), including stent implantation, had not yet been fully established. The aim of the present study was to investigate long-term safety and efficacy of 2nd generation DES vs. other stent types in MS patients underwent successful PCI for an acute coronary event. Descriptive epidemiology, angiographic characteristics and one-year clinical outcomes, including major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and target lesion revascularization (TLR) procedures were evaluated according to the stent type inserted for 204 patients. The occurrence of TLR (6.62% vs. 9.43%, p = 0.50) and the composite outcomes (20.52% vs. 24.52%, p = 0.54) did not differ significantly between patients having 2nd generation drug eluting stents (DES) or other stent types implanted at the index procedure. It seems that the PCI in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is similarly efficient regardless of the stent type, suggesting that for the treatment of ACS in MS patients, all stent types show similar results, in terms of TLR or MACE

    The Antimicrobial Activity of <i>Origanum vulgare</i> L. Correlated with the Gastrointestinal Perturbation in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    (1) The metabolic syndrome (MS) promotes acute and chronic infections, due to the pro-inflammatory condition given by TNFα and IL6 or by affecting the microbiota. MS is also correlated with insulin resistance, causing inflammation and infections throughout the organism. (2) The purpose of this study was to track the effect of using the essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. (EOO) as an antibacterial treatment, compared to allopathic treatment with antibiotics in MS patients. A group of 106 people with MS was divided into four subgroups: L1—staphylococcal infection group, L2—Escherichia coli infection group, L3—streptococcal infection group with EOO treatment, and CG—control group without infection or treatment. (3) EOO is responsible for the antibacterial effect, and reduced minor uncomplicated infections. After a 10-day treatment, intestinal side effects were absent, improving the phase angle. (4) The results suggest that EOO may exhibit an antibacterial effect, similar to the antibiotic treatment, without promoting MS-specific dysbiosis, and it also improves the phase angle in patients, which is used as an index of health and cellular function

    Preparation and Characterization of Two Different Liposomal Formulations with Bioactive Natural Extract for Multiple Applications

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    Liposomes continue to attract great interest due to their increased bioavailability in the body and because the substances encapsulated are protected while maintaining their effectiveness. The aim of this study is to obtain “giant” liposomes by lipid film hydration using a preparation formula with two different phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylserine (PS). Firstly, the macro- and microscopic characterization, total phenols content and antioxidant capacity of the plant Stellaria media (L.) Vill. were assessed. Then, Stellaria media (L.) Vill. extract was encapsulated in both formulations (PCE and PSE) and the liposomes were characterized according to their morphology, size distribution and Zeta potential using optical microscopy and dynamic light scattering. The encapsulation efficiency (EE%) was determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu method and the values of both formulations were compared. PC and PCE liposomes with a diameter between 712 and 1000 nm and PS and PSE liposomes with a diameter between 58 and 1000 nm were obtained. The values EE% of Stellaria media (L.) Vill. extract for PCE and PSE were 92.09% and 84.25%, respectively

    Comparative Effectiveness of a Commercial Mouthwash and an Herbal Infusion in Oral Health Care

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    Mouthrinse solutions represent a group of products used for maintaining oral hygiene after tooth brushing. Substances contained by plants bring benefits for the whole mouth health. The purpose of this study was to comparatively evaluate the effectiveness of a commercial mouthwash and of an herbal infusion on dental plaque formation and gingival inflammation. The participants in the study (90 patients) were divided into two groups, the CM group, which rinsed with a commercial fluoride-containing mouthwash and the IM group, which used an herbal infusion. The Silness–Loe plaque index (PI) and the Loe–Silness gingival index (GI) were assessed at baseline and in three following monitoring sessions. Both mouthwashes used had good results in reducing plaque index and gingival index values. In all monitoring sessions, the average PI value calculated in the CM group was relatively lower than in the IM group, probably because of the fluoride contained in the commercial mouthwash. The average GI value calculated in the CM group was slightly higher in showing gingival inflammation than that of the IM group, therefore the IM group had a better average result than the CM group in GI value. Herbal mouthwashes are adequate to induce proper oral prevention through the preservation of good oral health