39 research outputs found

    Pediatric papillary tumors of the pineal region: to observe or to treat following gross total resection?

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    Introduction: Papillary tumors of the pineal region (PTPR) are rare brain tumors characterized by frequent local recurrences. Standardized treatment strategies are not yet defined. Case report: We present the case of a 3-year-old girl diagnosed with PTPR. Due to her young age, adjuvant radiotherapy was omitted after gross total tumor resection. Thirty-six months later, local tumor recurrence occurred. Considering the possible risks of secondary surgery, the recurrent tumor was irradiated with proton radiotherapy. Three months later, the tumor showed near-complete remission. Discussion: Based on this experience and other pediatric case reports from the literature, local radiotherapy might be suggested also after complete tumor resectio

    Metabolomics analysis of antiquitin deficiency in cultured human cells and plasma: Relevance to pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy

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    Deficiency of antiquitin (α-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase), an enzyme involved in lysine degradation and encoded by ALDH7A1, is the major cause of vitamin B6-dependent epilepsy (PDE-ALDH7A1). Despite seizure control with high dose pyridoxine (PN), developmental delay still occurs in approximately 70% of patients. We aimed to investigate metabolic perturbations due to possible previously unidentified roles of antiquitin, which may contribute to developmental delay, as well as metabolic effects of high dose pyridoxine supplementation reflecting the high doses used for seizure control in patients with PDE-ALDH7A1. Untargeted metabolomics by high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) was used to analyze plasma of patients with PDE-ALDH7A1 and two independently generated lines of cultured ReNcell CX human neuronal progenitor cells (NPCs) with CRISPR/Cas mediated antiquitin deficiency. Accumulation of lysine pathway metabolites in antiquitin-deficient NPCs and western-blot analysis confirmed knockdown of ALDH7A1. Metabolomics analysis of antiquitin-deficient NPCs in conditions of lysine restriction and PN supplementation identified changes in metabolites related to the transmethylation and transsulfuration pathways and osmolytes, indicating a possible unrecognized role of antiquitin outside the lysine degradation pathway. Analysis of plasma samples of PN treated patients with PDE-ALDH7A1 and antiquitin-deficient NPCs cultured in conditions comparable to the patient plasma samples demonstrated perturbation of metabolites of the gamma-glutamyl cycle, suggesting potential oxidative stress-related effects in PN-treated patients with PDE-ALDH7A1. We postulate that a model of human NPCs with CRISPR/Cas mediated antiquitin deficiency is well suited to characterize previously unreported roles of antiquitin, relevant to this most prevalent form of pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy

    Closed-Loop Acoustic Stimulation During Sleep in Children With Epilepsy: A Hypothesis-Driven Novel Approach to Interact With Spike-Wave Activity and Pilot Data Assessing Feasibility

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    Slow waves, the electroencephalographic (EEG) hallmark of deep sleep, can be systematically manipulated by acoustic stimulation: stimulation time-locked to the down phase of slow waves reduces, whereas stimulation time-locked to the up phase increases slow waves. Spike-waves during sleep seem to be related to slow waves, raising the question of whether spike-waves can be systematically influenced by such acoustic stimulation. In five pediatric patients, all-night EEG was recorded, combined with real-time slow wave detection. Throughout the night, acoustic stimulation was performed in a 3 × 5-min-block design (no stimulation—stimulation—no stimulation). Tones were applied time-locked either to the up or to the down phase of the detected slow waves in an alternating pattern. All patients tolerated the acoustic stimulation during sleep well. They showed high sleep quality and no signs of clinical or non-convulsive electrographic seizures. Our preliminary analysis shows no systematic effect of acoustic stimulation on spike-wave activity. Moreover, with our stimulation approach tones were distributed over a rather broad phase-range during the DOWN or UP stimulation and showed inter-individual differences in their distribution. In this study, we applied for the first time an acoustic closed-loop slow wave stimulation tool for a non-invasive manipulation of spike-wave activity. Thus, our pilot data show that closed-loop acoustic stimulation is feasible and well tolerated in children with spike wave activity during sleep. Improved precision in phase targeting and personalized stimulation parameters in a larger sample of subjects might be needed to show systematic effects

    The current benefit of genome sequencing compared to exome sequencing in patients with developmental or epileptic encephalopathies

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    Background: As the technology of next generation sequencing rapidly develops and costs are constantly reduced, the clinical availability of whole genome sequencing (WGS) increases. Thereby, it remains unclear what exact advantage WGS offers in comparison to whole exome sequencing (WES) for the diagnosis of genetic diseases using current technologies. Methods: Trio-WGS was conducted for 20 patients with developmental or epileptic encephalopathies who remained undiagnosed after WES and chromosomal microarray analysis. Results: A diagnosis was reached for four patients (20%). However, retrospectively all pathogenic variants could have been detected in a WES analysis conducted with today's methods and knowledge. Conclusion: The additional diagnostic yield of WGS versus WES is currently largely explained by new scientific insights and the general technological progress. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that whole genome sequencing has greater potential for the analysis of small copy number and copy number neutral variants not seen with WES as well as variants in noncoding regions, especially as potentially more knowledge of the function of noncoding regions arises. We, therefore, conclude that even though today the added value of WGS versus WES seems to be limited, it may increase substantially in the future

    Changes in the Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Lipidome in Patients with Rett Syndrome

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    Rett syndrome (RTT) is defined as a rare disease caused by mutations of the methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MECP2). It is one of the most common causes of genetic mental retardation in girls, characterized by normal early psychomotor development, followed by severe neurologic regression. Hitherto, RTT lacks a specific biomarker, but altered lipid homeostasis has been found in RTT model mice as well as in RTT patients. We performed LC-MS/MS lipidomics analysis to investigate the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma composition of patients with RTT for biochemical variations compared to healthy controls. In all seven RTT patients, we found decreased CSF cholesterol levels compared to age-matched controls (n = 13), whereas plasma cholesterol levels were within the normal range in all 13 RTT patients compared to 18 controls. Levels of phospholipid (PL) and sphingomyelin (SM) species were decreased in CSF of RTT patients, whereas the lipidomics profile of plasma samples was unaltered in RTT patients compared to healthy controls. This study shows that the CSF lipidomics profile is altered in RTT, which is the basis for future (functional) studies to validate selected lipid species as CSF biomarkers for RTT

    Vitamin B6-abhĂ€ngige Epilepsien – ein Update

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    Die Erstbeschreibung der Vitamin B6-abhĂ€ngigen Epilepsie erfolgte 1954 durch Prof. Andrew Hunt in Philadelphia. Fast 50 Jahre spĂ€ter hat sich das Gebiet durch Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die genetischen HintergrĂŒnde rasant weiterentwickelt. Dem Mechanismus der Vitamin B6-AbhĂ€ngigkeit liegen entweder Störungen in der Bildung des aktiven Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxalphosphat; PLP) oder eine sekundĂ€re Inaktivierung von PLP zugrunde. Hierdurch kommt es zur Störung Vitamin B6-abhĂ€ngiger Enzymreaktionen im Neurotransmitter- und AminosĂ€urestoffwechsel. Durch Bestimmung von Biomarkern im Urin und Plasma ist ein selektives Screening fĂŒr die Vitamin B6-abhĂ€ngigen Epilepsien verfĂŒgbar. Bei Ă€tiologisch unklaren NeugeborenenanfĂ€llen sowie therapierefraktĂ€rem Status epilepticus sollte frĂŒhzeitig ein standardisierter Vitamin B6-Versuch erfolgen. Dabei steht Pyridoxin-HCl als registrierte Arzneiware und aufgrund des gĂŒnstigen Nebenwirkungsprofils an erster Stelle. Pyridoxalphosphat ist lediglich als Chemikalie verfĂŒgbar und sollte aufgrund jĂŒngster Berichte ĂŒber Hepatopathien nur bei Pyridoxin-Non-Respondern eingesetzt werden

    Closed-Loop Acoustic Stimulation During Sleep in Children With Epilepsy: A Hypothesis-Driven Novel Approach to Interact With Spike-Wave Activity and Pilot Data Assessing Feasibility

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    Slow waves, the electroencephalographic (EEG) hallmark of deep sleep, can be systematically manipulated by acoustic stimulation: stimulation time-locked to the down phase of slow waves reduces, whereas stimulation time-locked to the up phase increases slow waves. Spike-waves during sleep seem to be related to slow waves, raising the question of whether spike-waves can be systematically influenced by such acoustic stimulation. In five pediatric patients, all-night EEG was recorded, combined with real-time slow wave detection. Throughout the night, acoustic stimulation was performed in a 3 × 5-min-block design (no stimulation-stimulation-no stimulation). Tones were applied time-locked either to the up or to the down phase of the detected slow waves in an alternating pattern. All patients tolerated the acoustic stimulation during sleep well. They showed high sleep quality and no signs of clinical or non-convulsive electrographic seizures. Our preliminary analysis shows no systematic effect of acoustic stimulation on spike-wave activity. Moreover, with our stimulation approach tones were distributed over a rather broad phase-range during the DOWN or UP stimulation and showed inter-individual differences in their distribution. In this study, we applied for the first time an acoustic closed-loop slow wave stimulation tool for a non-invasive manipulation of spike-wave activity. Thus, our pilot data show that closed-loop acoustic stimulation is feasible and well tolerated in children with spike wave activity during sleep. Improved precision in phase targeting and personalized stimulation parameters in a larger sample of subjects might be needed to show systematic effects

    Fatal outcome of rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis due to bilateral internal carotid occlusion in a child after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis is a rare fulminant opportunistic fungal infection that particularly occurs in immunocompromised patients. We present a case of fatal invasive rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis complicated by bilateral thrombotic occlusion of the internal carotid artery with consequent cerebral infarction in a 5-year-old boy after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute pre-B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia

    Plasma metabolomics reveals a diagnostic metabolic fingerprint for mitochondrial aconitase (ACO2) deficiency

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    Mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction has been identified in a number of neurodegenerative disorders. Infantile cerebellar-retinal degeneration associated with mutations in the mitochondrial aconitase 2 gene (ACO2) has been recently described as a neurodegenerative disease of autosomal recessive inheritance. To date there is no biomarker for ACO2 deficiency and diagnosis relies on genetic analysis. Here we report global metabolic profiling in eight patients with ACO2 deficiency. Using an LC-MS-based metabolomics platform we have identified several metabolites with affected plasma concentrations including the tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites cis-aconitate, isocitrate and alpha-ketoglutarate, as well as phosphoenolpyruvate and hydroxybutyrate. Taken together we report a diagnostic metabolic fingerprint for mitochondrial aconitase 2 deficiency