47 research outputs found

    Expansion of Ash Dieback towards the scattered Fraxinus excelsior range of the Italian peninsula

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    AbstractHymenoscyphus fraxineus, causal agent of Ash Dieback, has posed a threat to Fraxinus excelsior (common ash) in Europe since the 1990s. In south-western Europe, optimal climatic conditions for H. fraxineus become scattered and host density decreases, reducing disease spread rates. To date, the Ash Dieback agent has not been reported from southern and most of central Italy, where native F. excelsior is present as small fragmented populations. This study examines the expansion of Ash Dieback into central Italy, and it considers the consequences of further local spread with regards to the loss of F. excelsior genetic resource. Symptomatic F. excelsior were sampled from sixteen sites in northern and central Italy during 2020. Specimens were analyzed with a culturomics and a quantitative PCR approach. A bibliographic search of F. excelsior floristic reports was conducted for the creation of a detailed range map. The combined use of both techniques confirmed the presence of H. fraxineus in all the sites of central Italy where host plants were symptomatic. These new records represent the southern limit of the current known distribution of this pathogen in Italy, and together with Montenegro, in Europe. The characterization of the F. excelsior scattered range suggests that further spread of Ash Dieback across southern Italy is a realistic scenario. This presents a threat not just to the southern European proveniences of F. excelsior, but to the species as a whole, should Ash Dieback lead to the loss of warm climate adapted genetic material, which may become increasingly valuable under climate change

    Real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of Fusarium circinatum

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    Fusarium circinatum is the causal agent of pitch canker, a lethal disease of pine and other conifers. Since F. circinatum is a quarantine organism, its timely detection could efficiently prevent its introduction into new areas or facilitate spread management in already infected sites. In this study, we developed a sequence-specific probe loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for F. circinatum using a field-deployable portable instrument. The assay was able to recognize the pathogen in host tissues in just 30 min, and the sensitivity of the assay made it possible to detect even small amounts of F. circinatum DNA (as low as 0.5 pg/ÎŒl). The high efficiency of this method suggests its use as a standard diagnostic tool during phytosanitary controls

    85 years counteracting an invasion: chestnut ecosystems and landscapes survival against ink disease

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    A retrospective examination of early pest and disease outbreaks, such as ink disease, offers new insights into their impact on ecosystems and landscapes. Ink disease, caused by Phytophthora spp., is one of the most destructive diseases affecting Castanea sativa Mill. It first appeared in Europe in the early 18th century, with the initial recorded case in Italy (Piedmont) dating back to 1845. However, its spread instilled significant concerns in several chestnut-growing regions primarily devoted to fruit production. In 1938, a comprehensive assessment of Phytophthora xcambivora outbreaks was conducted in the Bolognese Apennines (Italy), providing a detailed overview of chestnut cultivation status. Thirty-six disease foci were documented, and laboratory tests confirmed the presence of ink disease. To understand the disease’s impact on chestnut ecosystem and landscape over the past 85 years, the 1938 sites were revisited to assess chestnut persistence and phytosanitary status, with Phytophthora species detected using isolation and molecular techniques. Monitoring data revealed that C. sativa still thrives in all but one site, with its wood seemingly able to coexist in dynamic equilibrium with the disease. While P. xcambivora was still detected in several foci, the extent of damage appeared limited. The potential for natural control, likely influenced by the complexity of soil biota, along with the natural spread of hypovirulence in chestnut blight and biological control of the Asian chestnut gall wasp, could explain the continued presence of chestnut in the investigated area and potentially throughout the Italian chestnut range, despite nearly two centuries of ink disease prevalence. Nevertheless, ongoing monitoring is essential to dynamically comprehend the factors at play and their efficacy, particularly in the context of climate change and the possible spread of other Phytophthora species. The survival of chestnut ecosystems amidst ink disease underscores the preservation of the economic, ecological, and landscape values associated with these woodland

    Specificity and Sensitivity of a Rapid LAMP Assay for Early Detection of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) in Europe

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    Buprestids are an emerging threat to broadleaf forests across the world. Species such as emerald ash borer (EAB, Agrilus planipennis) seriously threaten ash (Fraxinus spp.) in North America and Europe. As it continues spreading west from European Russia, native European ash populations will suffer dramatic losses. Due to their cryptic lifestyle of the egg and larval stages on developing bark and vascular tissue, buprestids and other wood borers can be difficult to detect. Early detection tools are vital to implement fast eradication measures, and prevent the establishment of invasive species populations. Detection methods using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to target specific taxa can be extremely timely to obtain results especially since samples need to be transported to the laboratory first. However, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) eDNA assays are highly specific and sensitive providing results within 30 min after sample extraction. In this study, we investigated the specificity and sensitivity of an EAB LAMP assay as an early detection tool in Europe. The assay was specific to EAB when tested against 12 European Agrilus spp., five buprestids, two Scolytinae, and five cerambycids (n = 24). The LAMP assay sensitivity amplified DNA from a concentration as low as 0.02 pg/mu L. These results demonstrate that the LAMP assay is a highly specific, sensitive tool that can be used to detect and monitor EAB in European forests and urban settings

    Volatile organic compounds (VOC) as biomarkers for detection of Ceratocystis platani

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    AbstractCeratocystis platani causes canker stain of plane trees, and it represents a serious disease of Platanus spp. both in the United States and Europe. Current chemical or biological controls do not effectively manage C. platani, so new preventive methods need to be developed in order to limit this pathogen spreading. In this work, we have characterized the main volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted in vitro from pure cultures of C. platani and other common pathogenic fungal species of hosts plants growing in the same ecosystems as plane trees. We found that C. platani emitted a similar blend of VOC compared with phylogenetically similar species C. populicola. In particular, C. platani was characterized by emission of isoamyl acetate and isobutyl acetate while C. populicola by ethyl acetate and isobutyl acetate, which were not released by any of the other out‐group fungal species grown on the same medium. Moreover, following a targeted approach based on the main VOC found in vitro, we have successfully validated in vivo that VOC uniquely emitted by C. platani (i.e. isobutyl acetate along with isoamyl alcohol) were released from the bark of plane trees following C. platani inoculation. Our results highlight the possibility to exploit VOC emitted specifically by C. platani as biomarkers to recognize Platanus x acerifolia plants infected by this pathogen

    High-resolution melting analysis : a new molecular approach for the early detection of Diplodia pinea in Austrian pine

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    The differentiation of Diplodia pinea from closely related species, such as Diplodia scrobiculata and Diplodia seriata, and its detection in plant tissue, represented a critical issue for a long time. Molecular screening tools have recently been developed to address this topic. In this study we applied one of the most sensitive and rapid diagnostic screening method so far developed, called High-Resolution Melting Analysis (HRMA), to detect D. pinea in Austrian pine (Pinus nigra). HRMA exploits differences in the melting behaviour of PCR products to rapidly identify DNA sequence variants without the need for cumbersome post-PCR methods. We developed a HRMA method to detect specific fungal sequences in the mitochondrial small subunit ribosome gene (mt SSU rDNA). The reliability of this technique was firstly assessed on DNA extracted from pure cultures of D. pinea and closely related species. Amplicon differences were screened by HRMA and the results confirmed by direct DNA sequencing. Subsequently, HRMA was tested on DNA from symptomatic and symptomless pine shoots, and the presence of the fungus was also confirmed by both conventional and molecular quantitative approaches. The HRMA allowed the distinction of D. pinea from closely related species, showing specific melting profiles for the each pathogen. This new molecular technique, here tested in a plantefungus pathosystem for the first time, was very reliable in both symptomatic and symptomless shoots. HRMA is therefore a highly effective and accurate technique that permits the rapid screening of pathogens in the host.This work was supported by grant to Nicola Luchi from the Consorzio Interuniversitario Biotecnologie (CIB, Italy).http://www.elsevier.com/locate/funbionf201

    Next-generation methods for early disease detection in crops

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    : Plant pathogens are commonly identified in the field by the typical disease symptoms that they can cause. The efficient early detection and identification of pathogens are essential procedures to adopt effective management practices that reduce or prevent their spread in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the disease. In this review, the traditional and innovative methods for early detection of the plant pathogens highlighting their major advantages and limitations are presented and discussed. Traditional techniques of diagnosis used for plant pathogen identification are focused typically on the DNA, RNA (when molecular methods), and proteins or peptides (when serological methods) of the pathogens. Serological methods based on mainly enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are the most common method used for pathogen detection due to their high-throughput potential and low cost. This technique is not particularly reliable and sufficiently sensitive for many pathogens detection during the asymptomatic stage of infection. For non-cultivable pathogens in the laboratory, nucleic acid-based technology is the best choice for consistent pathogen detection or identification. Lateral flow systems are innovative tools that allow fast and accurate results even in field conditions, but they have sensitivity issues to be overcome. PCR assays performed on last-generation portable thermocyclers may provide rapid detection results in situ. The advent of portable instruments can speed pathogen detection, reduce commercial costs, and potentially revolutionize plant pathology. This review provides information on current methodologies and procedures for the effective detection of different plant pathogens. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry