794 research outputs found

    Molecular phylogenetics and mitochondrial evolution

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    The myth of a "typical" mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is a rock-hard belief in the field of genetics, at least for the animal kingdo

    Early handling and repeated cross-fostering have opposite effect on mouse emotionality

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    Early life events have a crucial role in programming the individual phenotype and exposure to traumatic experiences during infancy can increase later risk for a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, including mood and anxiety disorders. Animal models of postnatal stress have been developed in rodents to explore molecular mechanisms responsible for the observed short and long lasting neurobiological effects of such manipulations. The main aim of this study was to compare the behavioral and hormonal phenotype of young and adult animals exposed to different postnatal treatments. Outbred mice were exposed to (i) the classical Handling protocol (H: 15 min-day of separation from the mother from day 1 to 14 of life) or to (ii) a Repeated Cross-Fostering protocol (RCF: adoption of litters from day 1 to 4 of life by different dams). Handled mice received more maternal care in infancy and showed the already described reduced emotionality at adulthood. Repeated cross fostered animals did not differ for maternal care received, but showed enhanced sensitivity to separation from the mother in infancy and altered respiratory response to 6% CO2 in breathing air in comparison with controls. Abnormal respiratory responses to hypercapnia are commonly found among humans with panic disorders (PD), and point to RCF-induced instability of the early environment as a valid developmental model for PD. The comparisons between short-and long-term effects of postnatal handling vs. RCF indicate that different types of early adversities are associated with different behavioral profiles, and evoke psychopathologies that can be distinguished according to the neurobiological systems disrupted by early-life manipulation

    Exploring mitogenome evolution in Branchiopoda (Crustacea) lineages reveals gene order rearrangements in Cladocera

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    The class Branchiopoda, whose origin dates back to Cambrian, includes ~ 1200 species which mainly occupy freshwater habitats. The phylogeny and systematics of the class have been debated for long time, until recent phylogenomic analyses allowed to better clarify the relationships among major clades. Based on these data, the clade Anostraca (fairy and brine shrimps) is sister to all other branchiopods, and the Notostraca (tadpole shrimps) results as sister group to Diplostraca, which includes Laevicaudata + Spinicaudata (clam shrimps) and Cladoceromorpha (water fleas + Cyclestherida). In the present analysis, thanks to an increased taxon sampling, a complex picture emerges. Most of the analyzed mitogenomes show the Pancrustacea gene order while in several other taxa they are found rearranged. These rearrangements, though, occur unevenly among taxa, most of them being found in Cladocera, and their taxonomic distribution does not agree with the phylogeny. Our data also seems to suggest the possibility of potentially homoplastic, alternative gene order within Daphniidae

    Molecular systematics and phylogenetics of the spider genus Mastigusa Menge, 1854 (Araneae, Cybaeidae)

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    The palearctic spider genus Mastigusa Menge, 1854 is characterized by a remarkable morphology and wide ecological variability, with free-living, cave dwelling and myrmecophile populations known. This genus has a long and tangled taxonomic history and was placed in different families in the past, all belonging to the “marronoid clade”, an informal grouping of families characterized by the lack of strong synapomorphies. Three species are currently recognized, but their identity and circumscription has been long debated. A molecular approach was never applied for trying to solve these uncertainties, and doubts still remain both about its phylogenetic placement and about the taxonomic status of the described species. For the first time the genus Mastigusa is included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis and strong support is found for its placement within the family Cybaeidae, in sister relationship with the genus Cryphoeca Thorell, 1870. An analysis of Mastigusa populations spanning across the distribution range of the genus identifies a high and previously overlooked genetic diversity, with six distinct genetic lineages showing a strong geographic pattern. Divergence times between Mastigusa and its sister genus and between the distinct Mastigusa lineages are estimated, and the groundwork is laid for a taxonomic revision of the species belonging to the genus

    Gene transcriptional profiles in gonads of Bacillus taxa (Phasmida) with different cytological mechanisms of automictic parthenogenesis

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    The evolution of automixis - i.e., meiotic parthenogenesis - requires several features, including ploidy restoration after meiosis and maintenance of fertility. Characterizing the relative contribution of novel versus pre-existing genes and the similarities in their expression and sequence evolution is fundamental to understand the evolution of reproductive novelties. Here we identify gonads-biased genes in two Bacillus automictic stick-insects and compare their expression profile and sequence evolution with a bisexual congeneric species. The two parthenogens restore ploidy through different cytological mechanisms: in Bacillus atticus, nuclei derived from the first meiotic division fuse to restore a diploid egg nucleus, while in Bacillus rossius, diploidization occurs in some cells of the haploid blastula through anaphase restitution. Parthenogens' gonads transcriptional program is found to be largely assembled from genes that were already present before the establishment of automixis. The three species transcriptional profiles largely reflect their phyletic relationships, yet we identify a shared core of genes with gonad-biased patterns of expression in parthenogens which are either male gonads-biased in the sexual species or are not differentially expressed there. At the sequence level, just a handful of gonads-biased genes were inferred to have undergone instances of positive selection exclusively in the parthenogen species. This work is the first to explore the molecular underpinnings of automixis in a comparative framework: it delineates how reproductive novelties can be sustained by genes whose origin precedes the establishment of the novelty itself and shows that different meiotic mechanisms of reproduction can be associated with a shared molecular ground plan

    New association between red wood ant species (Formica rufa group) and the myrmecophilic spiders Mastigusa arietina and Thyreosthenius biovatus

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    Ants belonging to the Formica rufa species group, counting 10 representatives in Europe, are often referred to as red wood ants (RWAs). These dominant, mound building species are known to host in their nests an extremely diverse fauna of associated myrmecophilic arthropods, among which are the two W-Palaearctic spider species Mastigusa arietina (Thorell 1871) and Thyreosthenius biovatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1875). The actual host range of these spiders within the Formica rufa group is little known, due to the taxonomic uncertainties that have characterized RWAs in the past. We conducted a large-scale survey for assessing the occurrence of both spider species in association with different RWAs, with a focus on an accurate identification of the ant species. We recorded co-occurrence data for 5 European representatives of the Formica rufa group, and we reported for the first time on the co-occurrence of M. arietina with Formica aquilonia Yarrow 1955, Formica lugubris Zetterstedt 1838 and Formica paralugubris Seifert 1996, and of T. biovatus with F. aquilonia. We found no association between the rate of presence/absence of the two spiders and host ant species or sampling localities, which suggests a non-selective exploitation of RWA hosts by the two myrmecophilic spiders

    Mitochondrial genome diversity and evolution in Branchiopoda (Crustacea)

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    BackgroundThe crustacean class Branchiopoda includes fairy shrimps, clam shrimps, tadpole shrimps, and water fleas. Branchiopods, which are well known for their great variety of reproductive strategies, date back to the Cambrian and extant taxa can be mainly found in freshwater habitats, also including ephemeral ponds. Mitochondrial genomes of the notostracan taxa Lepidurus apus lubbocki (Italy), L. arcticus (Iceland) and Triops cancriformis (an Italian and a Spanish population) are here characterized for the first time and analyzed together with available branchiopod mitogenomes.ResultsOverall, branchiopod mitogenomes share the basic structure congruent with the ancestral Pancrustacea model. On the other hand, rearrangements involving tRNAs and the control region are observed among analyzed taxa. Remarkably, an unassigned region in the L. apus lubbocki mitogenome showed a chimeric structure, likely resulting from a non-homologous recombination event between the two flanking trnC and trnY genes. Notably, Anostraca and Onychocaudata mitogenomes showed increased GC content compared to both Notostraca and the common ancestor, and a significantly higher substitution rate, which does not correlate with selective pressures, as suggested by dN/dS values.ConclusionsBranchiopod mitogenomes appear rather well-conserved, although gene rearrangements have occurred. For the first time, it is reported a putative non-homologous recombination event involving a mitogenome, which produced a pseudogenic tRNA sequence. In addition, in line with data in the literature, we explain the higher substitution rate of Anostraca and Onychocaudata with the inferred GC substitution bias that occurred during their evolution

    First record of the genus Thyreosthenius (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from the Iberian Peninsula with notes on the host preference of the myrmecophilic T. biovatus

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    The presence of the spider genus Thyreosthenius Simon, 1884 (Linyphiidae) is for the first time confirmed in the Iberian Peninsula with an observation of the myrmecophile species T. biovatus (O. Pickard Cambridge, 1875). Four adult females and two sub-adult male specimens were collected inside mound nests belonging to the red wood ant species Formica lugubris Zetterstedt, 1838 in the Aragon and Catalonia regions of Spain. This represents the second known record of an occurrence of T. biovatus in association with F. lugubris, and the first for Continental Europe. In addition, the existing information on the host preference of this species is reviewed and discussed in relation to the new data from the Spanish Pyrenees

    Editorial: Chronic autoimmune arthritis, infections and vaccines

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    The link between autoimmunity and infection continues to represent an intriguing immunologic conundrum for scientist and a frequent clinical challenge for patients and physicians. Patients with chronic autoimmune arthritis indeed have an increased risk of infections, mainly due to the dysregulation of their immune system and the use of immunosuppressive therapy. Infections in these patients are more frequent, have a more severe clinical course, eventually with prolonged viral persistence, compared to the general population and represent a frequent cause of death. Besides, infections can trigger autoimmune diseases via different immunologic mechanisms such as molecular mimicry, epitope spreading, by-stander activation and can also induce disease relapses. SARS-CoV-2 infection represents a dramatic example of this complex connection. It is known, indeed, that different autoimmune manifestations can complicate SARS-CoV-2 infection such as uncontrolled host-immune response leading to life-threatening condition known as cytokine release syndrome, or autoimmune hemolytic anemia, immune thrombocytopenic purpura, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and the detection of different autoantibodies. This Research Topic includes seventeen contributions, fifteen original articles and two review articles, providing several new insights into the efficacy and safety of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in autoimmune patients, immunologic biomarkers for diagnosis and therapeutic outcome of autoimmune arthritis

    Multiple and diversified transposon lineages contribute to early and recent bivalve genome evolution

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    Background Transposable elements (TEs) can represent one of the major sources of genomic variation across eukaryotes, providing novel raw materials for species diversification and innovation. While considerable effort has been made to study their evolutionary dynamics across multiple animal clades, molluscs represent a substantially understudied phylum. Here, we take advantage of the recent increase in mollusc genomic resources and adopt an automated TE annotation pipeline combined with a phylogenetic tree-based classification, as well as extensive manual curation efforts, to characterize TE repertories across 27 bivalve genomes with a particular emphasis on DDE/D class II elements, long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs), and their evolutionary dynamics.Results We found class I elements as highly dominant in bivalve genomes, with LINE elements, despite less represented in terms of copy number per genome, being the most common retroposon group covering up to 10% of their genome. We mined 86,488 reverse transcriptases (RVT) containing LINE coming from 12 clades distributed across all known superfamilies and 14,275 class II DDE/D-containing transposons coming from 16 distinct superfamilies. We uncovered a previously underestimated rich and diverse bivalve ancestral transposon complement that could be traced back to their most recent common ancestor that lived similar to 500 Mya. Moreover, we identified multiple instances of lineage-specific emergence and loss of different LINEs and DDE/D lineages with the interesting cases of CR1- Zenon, Proto2, RTE-X, and Academ elements that underwent a bivalve-specific amplification likely associated with their diversification. Finally, we found that this LINE diversity is maintained in extant species by an equally diverse set of long-living and potentially active elements, as suggested by their evolutionary history and transcription profiles in both male and female gonads.Conclusions We found that bivalves host an exceptional diversity of transposons compared to other molluscs. Their LINE complement could mainly follow a "stealth drivers" model of evolution where multiple and diversified families are able to survive and co-exist for a long period of time in the host genome, potentially shaping both recent and early phases of bivalve genome evolution and diversification. Overall, we provide not only the first comparative study of TE evolutionary dynamics in a large but understudied phylum such as Mollusca, but also a reference library for ORF-containing class II DDE/D and LINE elements, which represents an important genomic resource for their identification and characterization in novel genomes
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