1,043 research outputs found

    Structural Phase Transitions of the Metal Oxide Perovskites SrTiO3, LaAlO3 and LaTiO3 Studied with a Screened Hybrid Functional

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    We have investigated the structural phase transitions of the transition metal oxide perovskites SrTiO3_{3}, LaAlO3_{3} and LaTiO3_{3} using the screened hybrid density functional of Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof (HSE06). We show that HSE06-computed lattice parameters, octahedral tilts and rotations, as well as electronic properties, are significantly improved over semilocal functionals. We predict the crystal field splitting (ΔCF\Delta_{CF}) resulting from the structural phase transition in SrTiO3_{3} and LaAlO3_{3} to be 3 meV and 10 meV, respectively, in excellent agreement with experimental results. HSE06 identifies correctly LaTiO3_{3} in the magnetic sates as a Mott insulator. Also, it predicts that the GdFeO3_{3}-type distortion in non-magnetic LaTiO3_{3} will induce a large ΔCF\Delta_{CF} of 410 meV. This large crystal-field splitting associated with the large magnetic moment found in the G-type antiferromagnetic state suggest that LaTiO3_{3} has an induced orbital order, which is confirmed by the visualisation of the highest occupied orbitals. These results strongly indicate that HSE06 is capable of efficiently and accurately modeling perovskite oxides, and promises to efficiently capture the physics at their heterointerfaces

    A Re-evaluation of the “Oncogenic” Nature of Wnt/β-catenin Signaling in Melanoma and Other Cancers

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    In cancer, Wnt/β-catenin signaling is ubiquitously referred to as an “oncogenic” pathway that promotes tumor progression. This review examines how the regulation and downstream effects of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in cancer varies depending on cellular context, with a focus on malignant melanoma. We emphasize that the cellular homeostasis of Wnt/β-catenin signaling may represent a more appropriate concept than the simplified view of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway as either oncogenic or tumor-suppressing. Ultimately, a more refined understanding of the contextual regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling will be essential for addressing if and how therapeutic targeting of this pathway could be leveraged for patient benefit

    Generation of Three-Qubit Entangled States using Superconducting Phase Qubits

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    Entanglement is one of the key resources required for quantum computation, so experimentally creating and measuring entangled states is of crucial importance in the various physical implementations of a quantum computer. In superconducting qubits, two-qubit entangled states have been demonstrated and used to show violations of Bell's Inequality and to implement simple quantum algorithms. Unlike the two-qubit case, however, where all maximally-entangled two-qubit states are equivalent up to local changes of basis, three qubits can be entangled in two fundamentally different ways, typified by the states GHZ>=(000>+111>)/2|\mathrm{GHZ}> = (|000> + |111>)/\sqrt{2} and W>=(001>+010>+100>)/3|\mathrm{W}> = (|001> + |010> + |100>)/\sqrt{3}. Here we demonstrate the operation of three coupled superconducting phase qubits and use them to create and measure GHZ>|\mathrm{GHZ}> and W>|\mathrm{W}> states. The states are fully characterized using quantum state tomography and are shown to satisfy entanglement witnesses, confirming that they are indeed examples of three-qubit entanglement and are not separable into mixtures of two-qubit entanglement.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Version 2: added supplementary information and fixed image distortion in Figure 2

    Ram Pressure Stripping in the Low Luminosity Virgo Cluster Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4476

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    We present a deep VLA search for HI emission from the low-luminosity Virgo Cluster elliptical galaxy NGC 4476, which contains 1.1 x 10^8 M_sun of molecular gas in an undisturbed disk in regular rotation. No HI was detected. The rms noise in the final image corresponds to a 3 sigma column density sensitivity of 1.2 x 10^20 cm^{-2} at the position of NGC 4476, averaged over the 4 kpc beam. The total HI mass is less than 1.5 x 10^7 M_sun. If we compare our HI upper limit to the H_2 content, we find that NGC 4476 is extremely deficient in HI compared to other galaxies detected in these two species. The H_2/HI mass ratio for NGC 4476 is > 7, whereas typical H_2/HI ratios for elliptical galaxies detected in both HI and H_2 are <~2. Based on this extreme HI deficiency and the intra-cluster medium (ICM) density at the projected distance from M87 we argue that either NGC 4476 has undergone ram-pressure stripping while traveling through the Virgo cluster core or its average molecular gas density is larger and its interstellar UV field is smaller than in typical spiral galaxies. NGC 4476 is located 12' in projection from M87, which causes extreme continuum confusion problems. We also discuss in detail the techniques used for continuum subtraction. The spectral dynamic range of our final image is 50,000 to 1.Comment: accepted by A

    CHILES: HI morphology and galaxy environment at z=0.12 and z=0.17

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    We present a study of 16 HI-detected galaxies found in 178 hours of observations from Epoch 1 of the COSMOS HI Large Extragalactic Survey (CHILES). We focus on two redshift ranges between 0.108 <= z <= 0.127 and 0.162 <= z <= 0.183 which are among the worst affected by radio frequency interference (RFI). While this represents only 10% of the total frequency coverage and 18% of the total expected time on source compared to what will be the full CHILES survey, we demonstrate that our data reduction pipeline recovers high quality data even in regions severely impacted by RFI. We report on our in-depth testing of an automated spectral line source finder to produce HI total intensity maps which we present side-by-side with significance maps to evaluate the reliability of the morphology recovered by the source finder. We recommend that this become a common place manner of presenting data from upcoming HI surveys of resolved objects. We use the COSMOS 20k group catalogue, and we extract filamentary structure using the topological DisPerSE algorithm to evaluate the \hi\ morphology in the context of both local and large-scale environments and we discuss the shortcomings of both methods. Many of the detections show disturbed HI morphologies suggesting they have undergone a recent interaction which is not evident from deep optical imaging alone. Overall, the sample showcases the broad range of ways in which galaxies interact with their environment. This is a first look at the population of galaxies and their local and large-scale environments observed in HI by CHILES at redshifts beyond the z=0.1 Universe.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 1 interactive 3D figure, accepted to MNRA

    an overview of the MHONGOOSE survey: Observing nearby galaxies with MeerKAT

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    © Copyright owned by the author(s). MHONGOOSE is a deep survey of the neutral hydrogen distribution in a representative sample of 30 nearby disk and dwarf galaxies with H I masses from ∼ 106 to ∼ 1011 M, and luminosities from MR ∼ 12 to MR ∼ −22. The sample is selected to uniformly cover the available range in log(MHI). Our extremely deep observations, down to H I column density limits of well below 1018 cm−2 — or a few hundred times fainter than the typical H I disks in galaxies — will directly detect the effects of cold accretion from the intergalactic medium and the links with the cosmic web. These observations will be the first ever to probe the very low-column density neutral gas in galaxies at these high resolutions. Combination with data at other wavelengths, most of it already available, will enable accurate modeling of the properties and evolution of the mass components in these galaxies and link these with the effects of environment, dark matter distribution, and other fundamental properties such as halo mass and angular momentum. MHONGOOSE can already start addressing some of the SKA-1 science goals and will provide a comprehensive inventory of the processes driving the transformation and evolution of galaxies in the nearby universe at high resolution and over 5 orders of magnitude in column density. It will be a Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey that will be unsurpassed until the advent of the SKA, and can serve as a highly visible, lasting statement of MeerKAT’s capabilities

    Regulation der Genexpression von MYCN in humanen Neuoblastomzellen durch Transkriptionsfaktoren der E2F-Familie

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    Seit fast 30 Jahren ist bekannt, dass die Amplifikation und Expression des Onkogens MYCN in Neuroblastomen mit einer sehr ungünstigen Prognose für die Patienten einhergeht. Dennoch liegen die Mechanismen der Genregulation von MYCN weiterhin größtenteils im Dunkeln. Die Präsenz potentieller Bindungsstellen für E2F-Proteine im Promotor des MYCN-Gens sowie Zellkulturexperimente lieferten Hinweise auf eine Rolle der Transkriptionsfaktoren der E2F-Familie in der Regulation der N-myc-Expression. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Beantwortung der Frage, ob E2F-Proteine notwendig sind, um eine primär hohe Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomzellen mit Amplifikation des Onkogens aufrechtzuerhalten, und ob sie hinreichend sind, um die Transkription von MYCN in Zellen ohne endogene Expression von N-myc einzuleiten. Durch Überexpression des Tumorsuppressorproteins p16, welches zu einer Inaktivierung endogener E2F-Proteine führt, konnte die MYCN-mRNA-Menge in Neuroblastomzellen deutlich gesenkt werden. Vergleichbare Resultate wurden durch Expression von dominant negativem E2F-1 erzielt. Da in einigen Studien gezeigt werden konnte, dass Myc-Proteine ihrerseits E2F-Gene aktivieren können, nehmen wir an, in aggressiven Neuroblastomen könnte eine positive Rückkopplungsschleife zwischen E2F-Transkriptionsfaktoren auf der einen und N-myc auf der anderen Seite existieren, die die gesteigerte Aktivität des MYCN-Onkogens aufrechterhält. Stabil transfizierte E2F-ER-Fusionsproteine waren jedoch nicht in der Lage, das endogene MYCN-Gen in Neuroblastomzellen ohne Expression von N-myc anzuschalten. E2F-Proteine werden folglich für das volle Ausmaß der starken Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomen benötigt, sind aber nicht ausreichend, um das Onkogen MYCN in Zellen ohne endogenes N-myc zu aktivieren. In der Zukunft könnte durch Verhinderung der Bindung von E2F-Proteinen an den MYCN-Promotor oder durch gentherapeutische Ansätze, die z.B. mittels viraler Infektion den Signalweg zwischen p16 und E2F rekonstruieren, die Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomen gesenkt werden, so dass die Aggressivität der Tumore reduziert und die individuelle Prognose der Patienten verbessert werden könnte