50 research outputs found

    Nursing diagnoses of newborns with sepsis in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    OBJECTIVES: to elaborate the Nursing Diagnoses of newborns with sepsis in a neonatal intensive care unit and characterize the profile of the neonates and their mothers.METHOD: a cross-sectional and quantitative study, with a sample of 41 neonates. A physical examination and consultation of the hospital records were undertaken, using an instrument. The elaboration of the Nursing Diagnoses followed a process of diagnostic inference and was based on the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association 2012-2014.RESULTS: the mothers were around 25 years old, had a low average number of pre-natal consultations, and various complications during the pregnancy; and the newborns were predominantly premature and with very low birth weights. Five Nursing Diagnoses predominated, and all the neonates presented Risk of Shock and Risk of fluid volume imbalance.CONCLUSION: the Nursing Diagnoses of the neonates with sepsis can guide the formulating of specific assistential plans. The study contributes to the generation of new knowledge and found various relationships between the Nursing Diagnoses and the variables selected in the characterization of the neonates, which deserve to be elucidated in greater detail based on further research on the issue

    Effect of artesunate-mefloquine fixed-dose combination in malaria transmission in amazon basin communities

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Studies in South-East Asia have suggested that early diagnosis and treatment with artesunate (AS) and mefloquine (MQ) combination therapy may reduce the transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria and the progression of MQ resistance.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud The effectiveness of a fixed-dose combination of AS and MQ (ASMQ) in reducing malaria transmission was tested in isolated communities of the Juruá valley in the Amazon region.\ud Priority municipalities within the Brazilian Legal Amazon area were selected according to pre-specified criteria. Routine national malaria control programmatic procedures were followed. Existing health structures were reinforced and health care workers were trained to treat with ASMQ all confirmed falciparum malaria cases that match inclusion criteria. A local pharmacovigilance structure was implemented. Incidence of malaria and hospitalizations were recorded two years before, during, and after the fixed-dose ASMQ intervention. In total, between July 2006 and December 2008, 23,845 patients received ASMQ. Two statistical modelling approaches were applied to monthly time series of P. falciparum malaria incidence rates, P. falciparum/Plasmodium vivax infection ratio, and malaria hospital admissions rates. All the time series ranged from January 2004 to December 2008, whilst the intervention period span from July 2006 to December 2008.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The ASMQ intervention had a highly significant impact on the mean level of each time series, adjusted for trend and season, of 0.34 (95%CI 0.20 – 0.58) for the P. falciparum malaria incidence rates, 0.67 (95%CI 0.50 – 0.89) for the P. falciparum/P. vivax infection ratio, and 0.53 (95%CI 0.41 – 0.69) for the hospital admission rates. There was also a significant change in the seasonal (or monthly) pattern of the time series before and after intervention, with the elimination of the malaria seasonal peak in the rainy months of the years following the introduction of ASMQ. No serious adverse events relating to the use of fixed-dose ASMQ were reported.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud In the remote region of the Juruá valley, the early detection of malaria by health care workers and treatment with fixed-dose ASMQ was feasible and efficacious, and significantly reduced the incidence and morbidity of P. falciparum malaria.CNPq (process #309156/2007-6

    Potencialidade de produção de biodiesel por óleos e gorduras residuais na cidade de Itabira-MG

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    Grande parte da energia produzida no Brasil provém de fontes renováveis. Porém, as energias não-renováveis são mais utilizadas, em especial o petróleo, cujas reservas são finitas. Uma alternativa para substituição do diesel é o biodiesel, biocombustível produzido por fontes renováveis ou recicladas, como óleos e gorduras residuais, OGRs, que geram menos poluentes que os combustíveis derivados do petróleo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, por meio de questionário, a geração de OGRs pelos estabelecimentos comerciais da cidade de Itabira-MG, de forma a avaliar e discutir a potencialidade de produção de biodiesel na localidade em função da oferta de OGRs, retorno financeiro e fatores logísticos. Para isso, na Prefeitura de Itabira foram levantados dados de todos os estabelecimentos que possuem alvará de funcionamento, escolhendo-se os que estão localizados em áreas centrais da cidade. Verificou-se a geração de quantidades insuficientes de óleo de soja e de gordura hidrogenada residuais, inviabilizando no momento a produção de biodiesel em grande escala. Contudo, em relação à simulação feita com os custos de produção do biocombustível, os valores encontrados são compatíveis aos do mercado consumidor. Além disso, um dado preocupante levantado foi a doação dos óleos de soja residuais para a reutilização por pessoas carentes da cidade, um destino perigoso à saúde dessas pessoas