238 research outputs found

    Relación entre el nivel de ansiedad y las funciones respiratorias durante la respiración tranquila en sujetos sanos: un estudio transversal.

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    Introducción. La respiración es una actividad fisiológica que engloba una función autónoma y una función dependiente de los centros superiores, compuestos por la corteza límbica y amígdala. Debido a su relación con el sistema límbico, algunos factores emocionales, tales como la ansiedad, pueden afectar parámetros de la respiración. Sin embargo, todavía son escasos los estudios que evalúen la relación entre ansiedad y parámetros respiratorios. Objetivos. Examinar la relación entre algunos parámetros respiratorios (patrón y frecuencia respiratoria, y niveles de ansiedad. Material y método. Se realizó un estudio transversal en sujetos sanos con una edad comprendida entre 18 y 24 años. Se evaluó el patrón respiratorio y la frecuencia respiratoria mediante biofotogrametría. ElniveldeansiedadfueevaluadomedianteelcuestionarioWAQ(Worryand Anxiety Questionnaire)ensuversiónvalidadaenespañol.Seanalizaronestadísticosdescriptivos, correlaciones bivariadas(coeficientedecorrelacióndePearson)yANOVA(tdeStudent).Parael análisis de los datos se utilizó el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS statistics 22. Resultados. Se observó una correlación significativa y positiva entre algunos ítems del WAQ, “percepción excesivadelaspropiaspreocupaciones”( r =0,454; p<0.05),“dificultadparacontrolarlas preocupaciones personales”( r =0,487; p<0.05)e“interferenciadelaansiedadenlavidapersonal” ( r =0,542; p<0.01)ylafrecuenciarespiratoria.Mientrasquenoseencuentrandiferencias significativas entre el tipo de patrón respiratorio y nivel de ansiedad. Conclusiones. Existe una correlación positiva entre el nivel de ansiedad y la frecuencia respiratoria. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el tipo de patrón respiratorio y nivel de ansiedad

    Potencial tecnológico y digestibilidad in vitro de diferentes extractos ricos en fibra procedentes de coproductos del Caqui (Diospyros kaki). Aplicación a alimentos

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    Programa de Doctorado en Recursos y Tecnologías Agrarias, Agroambientales y AlimentariasLa producción de alimentos de manera sostenible junto con la elaboración de alimentos saludables que promuevan la salud, son temas actuales de gran calado social. Los coproductos de la industria agroalimentaria (pieles, pulpa, semillas, hojas, etc), los cuales tienen altas cantidades de nutrientes y/o compuestos bioactivos, pueden ser procesados y usados de nuevo en la industria alimentaria para la elaboración de nuevos alimentos. La presente Tesis ha tenido como objeto la valorización de los coproductos (piel y pulpa) generados tras la producción de zumo de caqui de dos cultivares, “Rojo Brillante” y “Triumph”. Tras someter a los coproductos a varias operaciones unitarias se obtuvieron ingredientes intermedios, denominados harina de caqui, con diferentes tamaños de partícula. Estas harinas destacaron por sus capacidades de hidratación: capacidad de retención de agua e hinchamiento, y por su habilidad para retener bilis. Tras analizar qué tamaño de partícula de las harinas presentaba mejor composición química, contenido de compuestos bioactivos, propiedades tecnofuncionales, fisiofuncionales y antioxidantes, se seleccionaron dos harinas de caqui, ambas con el menor tamaño de partícula estudiado (< 210 μm), una procedente de cada cultivar, que se denominaron harina Rojo Brillante y harina Triumph. Ambas harinas se sometieron a los procesos de digestión gastrointestinal in vitro, donde se dilucidó la bioaccesibilidad de sus compuestos (poli)fenólicos y su capacidad protectora frente a los radicales libres durante los procesos digestivos. Las dos harinas de caqui seleccionadas se usaron para enriquecer, con dos concentraciones diferentes (3 y 6%), dos matrices alimentarias diferentes, una cárnica, paté de hígado de cerdo, y otra amilácea, espaguetis de sémola de trigo duro. En total se trabajó con 10 formulaciones, 8 alimentos enriquecidos con harina de caqui, y dos sin enriquecer, que se usaron como controles, para estudiar y comparar los efectos del enriquecimiento sobre la composición química, las propiedades fisicoquímicas, la calidad de la matriz y el comportamiento del alimento tras ser sometido a la digestión gastrointestinal in vitro. Ambas harinas pueden ser consideradas fuente de fibra dietética, especialmente insoluble, de monosacáridos y de ácido gálico. Los efectos más destacados de las harinas de caqui sobre las matrices desarrolladas son: su capacidad colorante, en ambas matrices se intensificó de manera significativa la tonalidad roja (a*); su capacidad para reducir el tiempo de cocción en los espaguetis; su capacidad como agentes reductores de nitritos, en los patés. Tras la digestión in vitro se comprobó que los espaguetis con menor porcentaje de harina de caqui (3%) reducen la hidrólisis del almidón, y en los patés (ambas concentraciones) reducen la oxidación lipídica. Además, las harinas de caqui aportan en ambas matrices alimentarias, (poli)fenoles que podrán ser usados por la microbiota intestinal al resistir los procesos digestivos (in vitro). En conclusión, las harinas de caqui (Rojo Brillante y Triumph) pueden usarse como ingredientes intermedios en la industria alimentaria para enriquecer diferentes matrices alimentarias. La incorporación de dichas harinas a un 3% es la más recomendada. La inclusión de las harinas de caqui en la industria alimentaria conlleva la valorización de los coproductos de la industria del caqui, la reducción de residuos y la aparición en el mercado de nuevos alimentosThe sustainable production of food and the elaboration of foods that provide health benefits (functional foods) are current issues that have attracting more and more interest in our society. Agri-food industry coproducts (peels, pulp, seeds, leaves, etc.), which have high amounts of nutrients and bioactive compounds, can be processed, and used again in the food industry to produce new foods. The aim of the current Doctoral Thesis was the valorization of coproducts (peel and pulp) from persimmon (cv. “Rojo Brillante” and “Triumph”) juice industry. After undergoing coproducts to several unit operations, intermediate ingredients were obtained, called persimmon flours (which several particle sizes). Their hydration ability (water holding ability and swelling ability) and their bile holding ability have been highlighted as the most relevant technofunctional properties. Flours with the smallest particle size (<210 μm) (from both cultivars, “Rojo Brillante” and “Triumph”), showed better chemical composition, higher amount of bioactive compounds, and better technofunctional, physhyofunctional, and antioxidants properties than the others, and so they were selected for the following studies. Both flours were undergone to in vitro digestion process where the bioaccessibility of their (poly)phenolic compounds and protective capacity against free radicals during the digestive process was assessed. These persimmon flours were used to enrich (at two concentrations, 3 and 6%) foods: a meat product (pork liver pâté) and a cereal-based food (durum wheat semolina spaghetti). Ten food formulations were evaluated: eight of them were persimmon flours enriched (4 pâtés and 4 pasta) and two without persimmon flours, which were used as controls to study and to compare the effect of the persimmon flour addition on their chemical composition, physicochemical and quality properties. Their behavior after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion was also evaluated. Both flours can be considered a source of dietetic fiber (especially insoluble), monosaccharides and gallic acid. One of the common effects of persimmon flours on both foods is their colorant ability; redness was significantly intensified in both food matrices. Also, it is important to highlight their ability to reduce the optimum cooking time in spaghetti, and to reduce the nitrite residual level in pâtés. After in vitro digestion, it was found that the starch hydrolysis in spaghetti (added with 3% persimmon flours) was decreased, and lipid oxidation in pâtés (both concentrations) was reduced. Furthermore, (poly)phenols were contributed by persimmon flours in both type of foods (meat product and cereal-based food), which could be used by intestinal microbiota to resist the digestive process (in vitro). Persimmon flours (Rojo Brillante and Triumph) can be used as intermediate ingredients by food industry to enrich different food matrices. The incorporation of these flours at 3% is the most recommended. The use of persimmon flours in the food industry allows not only persimmon coproducts valorisation, but also contribute to waste reduction. Finally, several foods (with interesting nutritional and functional properties) can become available at the marke

    Protective effects of exercise on cardiotoxicity induced by breast cancer treatments: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    [EN] Objective Currently, one of the main causes of death in women with breast cancer is cardiovascular disease caused by the oncologic therapies. Exercise has demonstrated positive effects on cardiovascular fitness in individuals without cancer. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the cardioprotective effects of exercise in women with breast cancer, during and after the application of their treatments. Methods Systematic search was done in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and PEDro. The articles must have been published in the last ten years; the intervention to be evaluated was to consist of an exercise program; the sample had to comprise women who were undergoing breast cancer treatment or who had completed it at the time of the intervention; and the outcome variables had to include at least one parameter for the assessment of cardiac function and/or structure. Results Of the 28 articles identified, nine reported non-randomized controlled studies, 16 randomized clinical trials and three quasi-experimental studies. The effects of exercise on left ventricular ejection fraction, global longitudinal strain and the E/A waveforms ratio were not significant. However, its effect on VO2max was significant. Conclusions Exercise does not seem to be effective in avoiding the cardiotoxic effects of oncological treatment for breast cancer. Although exercise seems to mitigate the symptomatology, reflected in improved functional capacity, more long-term studies are needed.S

    Effect of drying processes in the chemical, physico‑chemical, techno‑functional and antioxidant properties of fours obtained from house cricket (Acheta domesticus)

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    The aims of this study were determine (1) the chemical composition (2) the physico-chemical properties (3) the fatty acid profle (4) the techno-functional and (5) the antioxidant properties of fours obtained from house cricket (Acheta domesticus) using two diferent methods of drying. In thermal drying cricket four (TDCF) and lyophilized cricket four (LCF) high content of protein (62.68–67.48%, respectively) and fat (24.91–19.32% respectively) was found. This content was higher than found in several cereal or pseudocereal fours such as wheat, oat or quinoa. Both types of fours showed good techno-functional properties (water and oil holding capacity, Swelling capacity, emulsion and foam capacity and stability) with higher values in LCF than TDCF. The values obtained for techno-functional properties were similar to those found for several fours obtained from cereal or pseudocereal of fruits coproducts. In LCF and TDFC the main fatty acid detected were linoleic, oleic and palmitic acids. LCF showed stronger radical scavenging (7.18–2.82 mg Trolox equivalent/g, respectively), reducing (0.24–0.15 Trolox equivalent/g, respectively) and chelating capacity (43.78–32.23 µg EDTA/g, respectively) than TDCF. Due to the protein and fat content, the good techno-functional and antioxidant properties the fours obtained from house cricket could be used as food ingredient in the development of novel foods

    Changes in bioaccessibility, polyphenol profile and antioxidant potential of flours obtained from persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki) co-products during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion

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    The aim was to evaluate (i) the phenol and flavonoid recovery and bioaccessibility indexes, (ii) the stability of individual polyphenolic compounds and (iii) the antioxidant activity of persimmon flours (cultivars ‘Rojo Brillante’ and ‘Triumph’) during the in vitro digestion. The recovery index for phenolic and flavonoid content was dependent on flour type and digestion phase. After the dialysis phase, the bioaccessibility for phenolic compounds from both flours was similar; for flavonoids it was higher in ‘Triumph’ than ‘Rojo Brillante’ flour. After in vitro digestion, 13 polyphenolic compounds were detected in both flours, of which only six were detected in the intestinal phase. Their antioxidant activity (ABTS%+, FRAP and DPPH) decreased after intestinal phase, while their chelating activity (FIC assay) increased in both flours. So, persimmon flours could be included in the formulation of foods to improve either their scarcity of bioactive compounds or an unbalanced nutritional composition

    Chia Oil Extraction Coproduct as a Potential New Ingredient for the Food Industry: Chemical, Physicochemical, Techno-Functional and Antioxidant Properties

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    The aim of this work was to characterize the coproduct obtained from chia oil production (cold-pressing) with a view to its possible application in new food product development. For this characterization, the following determinations were made: proximate composition, physicochemical analysis, techno-functional properties, total phenolic and flavonoid content, polyphenolic profile and antioxidant capacity (using four different methods). Chia coproduct showed significantly higher levels of proteins and total dietary fiber and lower levels of fats than chia seeds, pointing to the promising nature of this coproduct as an ingredient of food formulations since it remains a source of high biological value proteins and total dietary fiber (as chia seeds themselves) but with a lower energy value. This chia coproduct presents similar techno-functional properties to the original chia seeds and significantly higher levels of polyphenolic compounds and, consequently, higher antioxidant activit

    Evaluation of protective effect of different dietary fibers on polyphenolic profile stability of maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz) during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion

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    The aim of this work was to determine the protective effect of different dietary fibers on (i) the recovery and bioaccessibility indexes, and (ii) the stability of polyphenolic compounds (phenolic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins) of maqui berry powder subjected to in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (GID). The extracts obtained in each phase (oral, gastric and intestinal) of GID were used to analyze the stability of polyphenolic compounds by HPLC, and the bioaccessibility of these compounds was also determined. At the end of the GID process, the mixture of maqui berry with the different fibers increased the bioaccessibility index of the phenolic and flavonoid compounds in all cases. The results obtained suggest that the anthocyanins and phenolic acids and flavonoid compounds present in maqui are stabilized through dietary fiber interactions, which might provide sufficient levels for absorption during gastrointestinal digestion. The gums sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, xanthan gum and guar gum provided the best protective effect

    Persimmon fours as functional ingredients in spaghetti: chemical, physico‑chemical and cooking quality

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    The aims of the current work were to enrich durum wheat semolina spaghetti with two types of persimmon fours (from cv. “Rojo Brillante” and “Triumph”) obtained from persimmon juice coproducts, at two concentrations (3% and 6%), to evaluate their chemical composition, physicochemical properties and cooking quality and to asses if they can be detected as diferent from control wheat semolina spaghetti (without any persimmon fours added) by sensory analysis. Persimmon four enriched spaghetti had higher total dietary fber than control spaghetti, which allows applying the nutritional claim ‘source of fber”. The addition of persimmon fours also increased their total yellow content (related to carotenoid content) in a dose-dependent way, which produced a higher yellow colour, typical and well appreciated by consumers in this type of pasta. Another positive characteristic of these spaghetti enriched with persimmon fours is that they need a short optimum cooking time in comparison with control spaghetti without it imply any signifcant change in their cooking quality. The type of persimmon four and its concentration caused diferences in colour of uncooked and cooked spaghetti, optimum cooking time, total organic matter, weight increase, fracturability and stickiness. Furthermore, 3% spaghetti formulations were not diferent from the control by sensory evaluation. In conclusion, the enrichment of durum wheat semolina spaghetti with persimmon fours allowed the valorization of persimmon coproducts and the production of spaghetti with similar cooking quality to traditional durum wheat semolina spaghetti, furthermore, the best results were obtained when persimmon four from ‘Rojo Brillante’ was added at 3

    Nutritional, Fatty Acids, (Poly)phenols and Technological Properties of Flower Powders from Fuchsia hybrida and Alcea rosea

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    Fuchsia hybrida (pena pena) and Alcea rosea L. (malvagoma) are predominant flowers in the “Horchata” infusion, a traditional beverage in southern Ecuador, to which some medicinal properties are attributed. However, there is very little published information about these two flower species. The current study aimed to obtain two dehydrated powders of these flowers and to determine their chemical composition, physicochemical and technological properties, polyphenols, and fatty acids profile. In both powdered flowers, carbohydrates predominated, with a significant content of dietary fiber and fructose. The fat content was low, mainly comprising polyunsaturated fats (62% pena pena and 52% malvagoma), with a significant presence of omega-3 (C18:3n-3,6,9) and omega-6 (C18:2n-6,9) fatty acids, showing a better n-6/n-3 balance in the malvagoma flowers. Pena pena flowers are highlighted by high anthocyanin and ellagic acid amounts, whereas malvagoma contains a high content of flavanones. In conclusion, the studied powder flowers, could be used in the formulation of new foods or as source of anthocyanins as food colorant

    Changes in bioactive compounds present in beef burgers formulated with walnut oil gelled emulsion as a fat substitute during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion

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    BACKGROUND The partial or total substitution of animal fat by a gelled emulsion elaborated with cocoa bean shell and walnut oil in beef burgers was assessed in terms of the stability of the bioactive compounds (polyphenolic and methylxanthines compounds, and fatty acid profile), bioaccessibility, colon-available indices (CAIs), and lipid oxidation after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (GID). RESULTS No free polyphenolic compounds were detected in the soluble fraction after the GID of reformulated beef burgers. Reductions were obtained in the bound fraction with respect to the undigested sample from 47.57 to 53.12% for protocatechuic acid, from 60.26 to 78.01% for catechin, and from 38.37 to 60.95% for epicatechin. The methylxanthine content decreased significantly after GID. The theobromine content fell by between 48.41 and 68.61% and the caffeine content was reduced by between 96.47 and 97.95%. The fatty acid profile of undigested samples was very similar to that of digested samples. In the control burger the predominant fatty acids were oleic acid (453.27 mg g−1) and palmitic acid (242.20 mg g−1), whereas in reformulated burgers a high content of linoleic acid (304.58 and 413.35 mg g−1) and α-linolenic acid (52.44 and 82.35 mg g−1) was found. As expected, both undigested and digested reformulated samples presented a higher degree of oxidation than the control sample. CONCLUSIONS The reformulated beef burgers with cocoa bean shells flour and walnut oil were a good source of bioactive compounds, which were stable after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. © 2023 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry