17 research outputs found

    Transpiration in mango using Granier method

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    Objetivou-se, com esse trabalho avaliar o método Granier (sonda de dissipação térmica) para a cultura da manga quanto à viabilidade de uso em condições de campo e ajustar a equação de determinação do fluxo de seiva com base em medidas lisimétricas, iniciando-se com três mudas da variedade Tommy Atkins, plantadas em vasos que, colocados sobre plataforma de pesagem, funcionaram como lisímetros. A área condutora do caule (AS) foi determinada por meio da aplicação de corantes. Medidas de transpiração por lisimetria nas plantas foram realizadas em vaso e estimativas do fluxo de seiva com sonda de dissipação térmica (SDT). Em um ramo de planta adulta foram instaladas uma sonda de dissipação térmica e um sensor de balanço de calor caulinar. Os resultados demonstraram que, usando os coeficientes originais da equação de Granier, o método subestima em 31% o fluxo de seiva (FS) diário em relação à transpiração medida pelos lisímetros; modificando os parâmetros empíricos da equação FS = 0,00017k1,231AS o desvio médio apresentado foi de -1,4%, com boa precisão (R² = 0,89). O método da SDT e balanço de calor caulinar apresentaram boa concordância entre os valores.The purpose of this study was to evaluate Granier's method (heat dissipation probe) for mango crop and to determine the viability of its use under field conditions and to adjust the equation of sap flow (SF) on the basis of lysimeter measurements. The work started with three seedlings of the variety Tommy Atkins cultivated in recipients that were placed on a weighing platforms which functioned as lysimeters. The sapwood area (SA) was determined through pigment application. Transpiration measurement by lysimeter were conducted in recipients and sap flow estimates with heat dissipation probe (HDP). This probe and a stem heat balance sensor were installed in one branch of the adult plant. The results showed that, using original coefficients of Granier's equation, the method underestimated sap flow by 31% daily in relation to the transpiration. Modifying empirical parameters of equation FS = 0,00017k1,231AS, the mean error was of -1.4% with good precision (R² = 0.89). HDP and stem heat balance method showed good agreement


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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a low-cost automation system for management of different fertigation regimes in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) grown in a protected environment. The system consisted of an irrigation controller coupled to substrate moisture sensors and to a programmable logic controller (PLC). Four water regimes and nutrient supply levels were considered during evaluations. While developing, functional tests were performed to the automation system. Moreover, a cost-benefit analysis for the assembling of the system was carried out. As result, we noted that the automation system was efficient for controlling fertigation. It showed no problems regarding malfunction, still presenting a lower cost if compared to commercial controllers

    Effect of partial soil wetting on transpiration, vegetative growth and root system of young orange trees

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    The wetted area fraction is a factor critical to the success of drip irrigation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of partial soil wetting on transpiration, vegetative growth and root system of young orange trees. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse where plants were grown in 0.5 m3boxes internally divided into compartments. The wetting of 12 % of soil area was tested on two types of soil cultivated with ‘Valencia’ orange trees grafted onto Rangpur lime and ‘Swingle’ citrumelo rootstocks. Transpiration was determined in 40 plants. Water extraction and root density were evaluated in the compartments. Transpiration is reduced by restriction in wetted soil area, and such reduction is influenced by the number of days after the beginning of partial irrigation, atmospheric evaporative demand and plant phenological stage. Mean transpiration of plants with partial irrigation was equivalent to 84 % of the mean transpiration of plants with 100 % of wetted soil area in the period studied. However, after 156 days of imposing partial irrigation there was no difference in transpiration between treatments. Plant acclimation was caused by an increase in root concentration in the irrigated area. After a period of acclimation, if the entire root system is wetted, soil water extraction becomes proportional to the percentage of wetted area after a short period of time. Despite the reduction in transpiration, there was no difference between treatments with 12 % and 100 % of wetted soil area in terms of vegetative growth

    Sonda de TDR para estimativa da umidade e condutividade elétrica do solo, com uso de multiplexadores

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    Com esse trabalho, objetivou-se a caracterização e avaliação de sondas de TDR para determinação da umidade e da condutividade elétrica do solo. As sondas foram construídas para uso direto com a TDR, ou para serem conectadas a multiplexadores, avaliadas para dois tipos de cabo coaxial e para diferentes comprimentos desses cabos (4 a 19 m). A constante K da equação de Giese-Tieman e as impedâncias das sondas foram determinadas e realizadas leituras de diferentes níveis de condutividade elétrica no solo, para diferentes umidades e temperaturas. Verificou-se, comprovada a necessidade do uso de um resistor de 15 ômega em série com a haste central das sondas de TDR para uso com multiplexadores com leitura automática por computador. O cabo de maior espessura da malha de aterramento e maior diâmetro do condutor interno foi o mais adequado ao uso para as sondas, enquanto o de cabos coaxiais com até 13 m de comprimento total não afetou significativamente as leituras de umidade; por outro lado, sondas de 0,10 e 0,15 m de comprimento de hastes funcionam com eficiência na medição da condutividade elétrica do solo. A faixa de condutividade elétrica do solo, possível de ser medida com essas sondas, situa-se a até 1,0 dS m-1

    African Mahogany transpiration with Granier method and water table lysimeter

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    ABSTRACT The thermal dissipation probe (Granier method) is useful in the water deficit monitoring and irrigation management of African Mahogany, but its model needs proper adjustment. This paper aimed to adjust and validate the Granier sap flux model to estimate African Mahogany transpiration, measure transpiration using lysimeter and relate it to atmospheric water demand. Weather conditions, transpiration and sap flux were monitored in three units of 2.5-year-old African Mahogany trees in constant water table lysimeter, in Goiânia, GO. Sapwood area (SA), leaf area (LA), transpiration measured by lysimeter (TLYS) and estimated by sap flux (TSF) were evaluated. The SA comprised 55.24% of the trunk’s transversal section. The LA varied from 11.95 to 10.66 m2. TLYS and TSF varied from 2.94 to 29.31 and from 0.94 to 15.45 L d-1, respectively. The original model underestimated transpiration by 44.4%, being the adjusted equation F = 268.25 . k1.231. SA was significant (F < 0.05). Due the root confinement, the transpiration showed low correlation, but positive, with the atmospheric water demand

    Stem heat balance method to estimate transpiration of young orange and mango plants Balanço de calor caulinar para estimativa da transpiração de plantas jovens de laranja e manga

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    The present study had as its main objective the evaluation of the heat balance method in young orange and mango plants under protected environment. The work was carried out at Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits, Cruz das Almas, BA. Later on, estimates of sap flow were conducted for two mango plants cultivated in pots of 15 and 50 L installed on weighting platforms of 45 and 140 kg; sap flow was determined in three orange plants, two of which were also installed on weighing platforms. The values of sap flow were compared to the transpiration measured by lysimeters at integrated intervals of 1, 2, 4 and 24 h. The heat balance method showed good precision for estimating daily transpiration (R² = 0.95 and R² = 0.90), accompaning the availability of energy in the system, underestimating on average 4.6% of the daily transpiration in orange plants and overestimating in about 0.3% the daily transpiration of mango plants under conditions of good water supply. The heat balance method underestimated by 16% the transpiration in orange under conditions of water deficit.<br>Com o presente estudo se objetivou avaliar o método de balanço de calor em plantas jovens de laranja e manga em ambiente protegido. O trabalho foi conduzido na Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, Cruz das Almas, BA. Realizaram-se estimativas de fluxo de seiva em duas plantas de manga plantadas em vasos de 15 e 50 L, instalados sobre plataformas de pesagem de 45 e 140 kg; posteriormente, o fluxo de seiva foi determinado em três plantas de laranja, duas também instaladas em lisímetros de pesagem. Os valores de fluxo de seiva obtidos foram comparados com a transpiração medida pelos lisímetros em intervalos de integração de 1, 2, 4 e 24 h. O método do balanço de calor mostrou-se preciso na estimativa da transpiração diária (R² = 0,95 e R² = 0,90), que acompanhou a disponibilidade de energia do sistema, subestimando em média, 4,6% a transpiração diária em plantas de laranja e superestimando em média 0,3% no caso das plantas de manga quando em condições de boa disponibilidade de água no solo. Em condições de baixa disponibilidade hídrica o método do balanço de calor subestimou em 16% a transpiração em laranja