966 research outputs found
El servicio doméstico en Santiago del Estero : Desigualdades laborales, sociales y de género en una sociedad tradicional
El servicio doméstico se constituye como un lugar que vincula prácticas sociales y lógicas económicas con distintos contenidos de racionalidad. Es un espacio en el que habitualmente convergen ámbitos diferentes -el rural y el urbano-, distintas maneras de organizar la institucionalidad -la pública y la privada-, tensiones valorativas de contigüidad y exterioridad en las relaciones de interacción. Diferentes estudios enfatizan ciertas caracterÃsticas entre las trabajadoras del sector en donde podemos encontrar puntos que sintetizan la vulnerabilidad social, la precariedad laboral y la dominación de género. Es una actividad en la que confluyen diferentes formas de desigualdad: entre hombres y mujeres, clases sociales, razas y grupos étnicos, entre migrantes y trabajadores locales, entre lo público y lo privado. Se estima que América Latina, según datos de la OIT, utiliza alrededor de un 7,6de trabajadores en el sector, y en Argentina el Ministerio de Trabajo de la Nación señala que el 7,4de la población ocupada, se desempeña en el servicio doméstico, lo que es decir alrededor de 800.000 mujeres, y de éstas un 81,9no está registrado. En Santiago del Estero en el último trimestre de 2013, el servicio doméstico representaba un 25,03de la PEA femenin
Simulation of 4D Trajectory Navigation
An algorithm to accurately predict 4D trajectory navigation was developed alongside a graphical
user interface (GUI) to allow the easy simulation of several trajectories with different parameters.
Several simulations were conducted using this tool which were then analyzed and compared
with actual flight values in order to validate its accuracy. The need for such a tool emerges
from the ever increasing demand regarding the air transportation system, that is expected to
maintain positive growth rates up until 2030. The programs of SESAR in Europe and NextGen
in the USA were initiated to respond to this need and at their heart lies the implementation of
4D trajectories. A point-mass kinetic model was chosen to simulate the aircraft’s movement,
as it provides sufficiently accurate results without requiring too much aircraft specific information.
A database containing the information of several large turbofan commercial aircraft was
compiled. In order to model the effect of the weather on the simulation, a large world wide
historical weather database was incorporated into the tool. The intent information required
for simulation is the flight’s course (in waypoints) and certain flight phase specific parameters.
The tool was created using the Python programming language and the open source library for
GUI development Kivy. Three real flights were simulated and their performance was analyzed.
A comparison between the simulated and the actual flight’s values was made in order to validate
the tool’s accuracy. The results were satisfactory with the three flights averaging a 2.27%
error regarding average flight duration as well as a 9.19% median error regarding the aircraft’s
position throughout the flight. Overall the tool proved to be satisfactorily accurate given the
amount of possible error sources for flight trajectory prediction however, further improvements
are important for implementation in real active air traffic management systems.Um algoritmo foi desenvolvido para prever com exatidão a navegação de trajetórias aéreas
4D juntamente com uma interface gráfica do utilizador para permitir a simulação eficaz de
várias trajetórias com diferentes parâmetros. Várias simulações foram efetuadas recorrendo a
esta ferramenta, que foram depois analisadas e comparadas com valores das trajetórias reais,
de forma a validar a sua precisão. A necessidade para tal ferramenta emergiu do aumento
constante da procura relativamente ao espaço aéreo, a qual se espera que se mantenha até
2030. As iniciativas SESAR na Europa e NextGen nos EUA visam responder a esta necessidade
recorrendo para isso à implementação de trajetórias 4D na navegação aérea geral. O modelo
dinâmico escolhido foi o modelo cinético de ponto-massa que gera resultados suficientemente
exatos sem requerer demasiada informação especifica de cada aeronave. Uma base de dados
contendo a informação necessária para a simulação de várias aeronaves de transporte comercial
com motores turbofan foi compilada. De forma a abranger o efeito da atmosfera na simulação foi
incorporada na ferramenta uma base de dados com informação atmosférica histórica mundial.
A informação de intenção necessária para a simulação é o percurso da aeronave na forma de
waypoints e alguns parâmetros de voo especÃficos de cada fase de voo. A ferramenta foi criada
com a linguagem de programação Python e a biblioteca open source para a criação de interfaces
gráficas do utilizador Kivy. Três voos foram simulados com o intuito de serem analisados e
validados ao serem comparados com valores reais, de forma a estudar a exatidão da ferramenta.
Os resultados gerais obtidos foram positivos com 2.27% de erro médio relativamente à duração
média dos voos e 9.19% de erro médio relativamente à posição da aeronave ao longo do voo.
A exatidão da ferramenta foi satisfatória dado a quantidade de fontes de erro na previsão de
trajetórias de voo, no entanto, são importantes mais melhoramentos para que a ferramenta
seja implementada com sucesso em sistemas reais de gestão de tráfego aéreo
This work investigates the opinion of operators of Taxicabs in Nigerian on some ergonomic factors influencing their safety, comfort and performance while driving. Participatory ergonomic intervention approach (PEIA) and workspace analysis were used in the evaluation of ergonomic suitability of driver-vehicle system. 1406 drivers were sampled randomly in the study area and a minimum responds rate of 92% was achieved. Significant prevalence of WRMD reported among respondents on the four body segments are located at the neck(67%), right and left wrists(18%, 20%), upper, middle and lower back (29%, 29%, 30%), and buttock (19%) of the operators. The potentials of carrying out ergonomic investigation on taxicab operators through direct involvement of major stakeholders in the transportation business has been demonstrated and found very useful in the development of user friendly vehicle for Taxicab operator in Nigeria
Ergonomic assessment of taxicabs using participatory ergonomic intervention approach among Southwestern Nigerian drivers
This work investigates the opinion of operators of taxicabs in Nigeria on some ergonomic factors influencing their safety, comfort and performance while driving. Participatory ergonomic intervention approach(PEIA) and work area analysis were used in the evaluation of ergonomicsuitability of driver-vehicle system. 1,406 drivers were sampled randomly in the study area and a minimum responds rate of 92% was achieved. Significant among the WRMD observed at the three body segments are discomforts at the right and left wrists, upper, middle and lower back, buttock and neck of the operators. The potentials of carrying out ergonomic investigation on taxicab operators through direct involvement of major stakeholders in the transportation business has been demonstrated and found very necessary in the development of user friendly vehicle for taxicab operator in Nigeria
Determining the Optimal Product Yields from the Pyrolytic Conversion of Oil Palm Trunk
Experimental and analytical methods were employed to obtain the combination of parameters to optimise product yields from the pyrolysis of oil palm trunk (OPT). Sample (0.5kg) of oven-dried OPT was loaded into a steel retort, and the retort interior was rendered airtight. The retort was then placed into the furnace chamber and the OPT was pyrolysed for 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes at 300 oC. This was repeated for temperatures of 400, 500, 600 and 700 oC and in each case, the quantities of char, tar and pyro - gas produced were determined. Full-Factorial Design (FFD), comprising two factors – temperature and duration of pyrolysis – at three levels, was employed to study the pattern of char, tar and pyro – gas yields. Thirteen experimental runs resulted from the FFD, with a minimum product yield of 0.7 % and maximum product yield of 98 %. Response surface methodology was used to analyse the results of the FFD of the product yields of OPT. The optimum conversion yields of oven-dried weight of OPT of char, tar and gas products at their respective pyrolysis conditions were 98 wt% char at 300 oC and 10 min., 39 wt% tar at 310 oC and 28 min., and 50 wt% gas at 700 oC and 30 min. The results of the work show that OPT can be readily pyrolised to obtain optimum yield of gas, tar and char. Keywords: Pyrolysis, Oil-palm Trunk, Gas, Tar, Char and Response surface methodology
Ergonomic Investigation of Occupational Drivers and Seat Design of Taxicabs in Nigeria
Repetitive trauma disorder and other work related musculoskeletal problems are prevalent among occupational drivers worldwide. This justifies the continue research and development efforts in the area of design of comfortable, safe and effective seat system by the automotive industry. The misfit seat variables are traceable to the difference between the adopted anthropometric measurement and that of the user population in the affected countries where the vehicle are exported. The objective of this paper is to investigate the ergonomic suitability of imported technological system specifically taxicab driver seat in Nigeria. Particular focus was placed to identify seat features that contribute to discomfort and work related MSDs of the operator. The application of participatory ergonomic intervention (PEI) approach is explored to achieve the objectives of this paper
The ever increasing demand for poultry meat among the non-vegetarians world-wide has imposed greater responsibility on poultry processing industry. The traditional manual method of de-feathering of fowls is gradually going into extinction with the development of different capacities of de-feathering machines for both commercial and household use. This work is focused on development of a small scale de-feathering machine and to investigate into the optimal scalding temperature which can produce scalded chicken that has no scar. Randomly sampled birds from two categories of broilers birds (local and exotics breeds) from local markets of southwestern Nigeria were considered for determination of optimal scalding temperature, duration of immersion and feather plunking force. Effective and efficient defeathering was achieved on local chicken at a scalding temperature between 80-85oC for 5minutes immersion duration, while that of exotic chicken it took place between 65-70oC for 3minutes immersion duration. Feather retention force (FRF) of each categories of bird alsovaries significantly. However the de-feathering quality was generally within the acceptable limit
Complete Genome Sequence of an Uncultivated Freshwater Bacteroidota Lineage
We report here a complete metagenome-assembled genome belonging to the AKYH767 order within the Bacteroidota phylum. The recovered genome stems from a nonaxenic Amoebozoa culture from Lake Zürich and was assembled as a circular element at a length of 4.1 Mbp and a coverage of 115×
El servicio doméstico en Santiago del Estero : Desigualdades laborales, sociales y de género en una sociedad tradicional
El servicio doméstico se constituye como un lugar que vincula prácticas sociales y lógicas económicas con distintos contenidos de racionalidad. Es un espacio en el que habitualmente convergen ámbitos diferentes -el rural y el urbano-, distintas maneras de organizar la institucionalidad -la pública y la privada-, tensiones valorativas de contigüidad y exterioridad en las relaciones de interacción.
Diferentes estudios enfatizan ciertas caracterÃsticas entre las trabajadoras del sector en donde podemos encontrar puntos que sintetizan la vulnerabilidad social, la precariedad laboral y la dominación de género. Es una actividad en la que confluyen diferentes formas de desigualdad: entre hombres y mujeres, clases sociales, razas y grupos étnicos, entre migrantes y trabajadores locales, entre lo público y lo privado.Mesa 16: Estructura social de la Argentina. Desigualdades, estructura y movilidad social en la Argentina contemporáneaFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació
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