50,616 research outputs found

    Learning to Play Othello with N-Tuple Systems

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    This paper investigates the use of n-tuple systems as position value functions for the game of Othello. The architecture is described, and then evaluated for use with temporal difference learning. Performance is compared with previously de-veloped weighted piece counters and multi-layer perceptrons. The n-tuple system is able to defeat the best performing of these after just five hundred games of self-play learning. The conclusion is that n-tuple networks learn faster and better than the other more conventional approaches

    Temporal difference learning with interpolated table value functions

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    This paper introduces a novel function approximation architecture especially well suited to temporal difference learning. The architecture is based on using sets of interpolated table look-up functions. These offer rapid and stable learning, and are efficient when the number of inputs is small. An empirical investigation is conducted to test their performance on a supervised learning task, and on themountain car problem, a standard reinforcement learning benchmark. In each case, the interpolated table functions offer competitive performance. ©2009 IEEE

    Investigating learning rates for evolution and temporal difference learning

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    Evidently, any learning algorithm can only learn on the basis of the information given to it. This paper presents a first attempt to place an upper bound on the information rates attainable with standard co-evolution and with TDL. The upper bound for TDL is shown to be much higher than for coevolution. Under commonly used settings for learning to play Othello for example, TDL may have an upper bound that is hundreds or even thousands of times higher than that of coevolution. To test how well these bounds correlate with actual learning rates, a simple two-player game called Treasure Hunt. is developed. While the upper bounds cannot be used to predict the number of games required to learn the optimal policy, they do correctly predict the rank order of the number of games required by each algorithm. © 2008 IEEE

    Minimizing the excitation of parasitic modes of vibration in slender power ultrasonic devices

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    The design of slender power ultrasonic devices can often be challenging due to the excitation of parasitic modes of vibration during operation. The excitation of these modes is known to manifest from behaviors such as modal coupling which if not controlled or designed out of the system can, under operational conditions, lead to poor device performance and device failure. However, a report published by the authors has indicted that the excitation of these modes of vibration could be minimized through device design, specifically careful location of the piezoceramic stack. This paper illustrates that it is possible, through piezoceramic stack position, to minimize modal coupling between a parasitic mode and the tuned longitudinal mode of vibration for slender ultrasonic devices

    "The Impact of Malaria Eradication on Fertility"

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    The malaria eradication campaign that started in Sri Lanka in the late 1940s virtually eliminated malaria transmission on the island. I use the pre-eradication differences in malaria endemicity within Sri Lanka to identify the effect of malaria eradication on fertility and child survival. Malaria eradication increased the number of live births through increasing age specific fertility and causing an earlier first birth. The effect of malaria on the transition time to higher order births is inconclusive. Malaria could directly or indirectly affect survival probabilities of live births. I exploit the particular epidemiology of malaria that causes more severe sequelae during an initial pregnancy. I find differential changes in survival probabilities by birth order that are most likely due to the direct in utero effects of malaria. The increase in population growth after malaria eradication reconciles the contradictory findings in the macroeconomic and microeconomic literatures: the increased productivity and education from malaria eradication will only appear in aggregate measures like GDP per capita after a delay because of the initial increase in the population size.malaria, fertility, disease eradication

    Biogeography of Wood-Boring Crustaceans (Isopoda: Limnoriidae) Established in European Coastal Waters

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    Marine wood-borers of the Limnoriidae cause great destruction to wooden structures exposed in the marine environment. In this study we collated occurrence data obtained from field surveys, spanning over a period of 10 years, and from an extensive literature review. We aimed to determine which wood-boring limnoriid species are established in European coastal waters; to map their past and recent distribution in Europe in order to infer species range extension or contraction; to determine species environmental requirements using climatic envelopes. Of the six species of wood-boring Limnoria previously reported occurring in Europe, only Limnoria lignorum, L. quadripunctata and L. tripunctata are established in European coastal waters. L. carinata and L. tuberculata have uncertain established status, whereas L. borealis is not established in European waters. The species with the widest distribution in Europe is Limnoria lignorum, which is also the most tolerant species to a range of salinities. L. quadripunctata and L. tripunctata appear to be stenohaline. However, the present study shows that both L. quadripunctata and L. tripunctata are more widespread in Europe than previous reports suggested. Both species have been found occurring in Europe since they were described, and their increased distribution is probably the results of a range expansion. On the other hand L. lignorum appears to be retreating poleward with ocean warming. In certain areas (e.g. southern England, and southern Portugal), limnoriids appear to be very abundant and their activity is rivalling that of teredinids. Therefore, it is important to monitor the distribution and destructive activity of these organisms in Europe

    New ways of being public: the experience of foundation degrees

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    This article explores the recent development of new spheres of public engagement within UK higher education through an analysis of the foundation degree qualification. These, according to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), were designed to equip students with the combination of technical skills, academic knowledge, and transferable skills increasingly being demanded by employers, and they have been identified as being at the forefront of educational agendas aimed at increasing employer engagement in the higher education (HE) sector. As such, they might be regarded as an expression of the 'increasing privatisation' of HE. However, this article argues that, on the contrary, they have enabled the development of new areas of public engagement relating to the design and delivery of courses as well as providing new opportunities for the pursuit of public policy goals such as widening participation. Such outcomes, it is argued, are the result of a number of factors that explain the 'publicness' of the qualification and that should be sustained to ensure the implementation of the 2006 Leitch Report in a manner that further develops public engagement

    Forcing neurocontrollers to exploit sensory symmetry through hard-wired modularity in the game of Cellz

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    Several attempts have been made in the past to construct encoding schemes that allow modularity to emerge in evolving systems, but success is limited. We believe that in order to create successful and scalable encodings for emerging modularity, we first need to explore the benefits of different types of modularity by hard-wiring these into evolvable systems. In this paper we explore different ways of exploiting sensory symmetry inherent in the agent in the simple game Cellz by evolving symmetrically identical modules. It is concluded that significant increases in both speed of evolution and final fitness can be achieved relative to monolithic controllers. Furthermore, we show that a simple function approximation task that exhibits sensory symmetry can be used as a quick approximate measure of the utility of an encoding scheme for the more complex game-playing task
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