43 research outputs found

    Exploring ecological modelling to investigate factors governing the colonization success in nosocomial environment of Candida albicans and other pathogenic yeasts

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    wo hundred seventy seven strains from eleven opportunistic species of the genus Candida, isolated from two Italian hospitals, were identified and analyzed for their ability to form biofilm in laboratory conditions. The majority of Candida albicans strains formed biofilm while among the NCAC species there were different level of biofilm forming ability, in accordance with the current literature. The relation between the variables considered, i.e. the departments and the hospitals or the species and their ability to form biofilm, was tested with the assessment of the probability associated to each combination. Species and biofilm forming ability appeared to be distributed almost randomly, although some combinations suggest a potential preference of some species or of biofilm forming strains for specific wards. On the contrary, the relation between biofilm formation and species isolation frequency was highly significant (R2 around 0.98). Interestingly, the regression analyses carried out on the data of the two hospitals separately were rather different and the analysis on the data merged together gave a much lower correlation. These findings suggest that, harsh environments shape the composition of microbial species significantly and that each environment should be considered per se to avoid less significant statistical treatments

    Metabolomic alterations do not induce metabolic burden in the industrial yeast M2n[pBKD2-Pccbgl1]-C1 engineered by multiple δ-integration of a fungal β-glucosidase gene

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    CITATION: Favaro L., et al. 2019. Metabolomic alterations do not induce metabolic burden in the industrial yeast M2n[pBKD2-Pccbgl1]-C1 engineered by multiple d-integration of a fungal b-glucosidase gene. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 7:376. doi:10.3389/fbioe.2019.00376The original publication is available at https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2019.00376/fullIn the lignocellulosic yeast development, metabolic burden relates to redirection of resources from regular cellular activities toward the needs created by recombinant protein production. As a result, growth parameters may be greatly affected. Noteworthy, Saccharomyces cerevisiae M2n[pBKD2-Pccbgl1]-C1, previously developed by multiple d-integration of the b-glucosidase BGL3, did not show any detectable metabolic burden. This work aims to test the hypothesis that the metabolic burden and the metabolomic perturbation induced by the d-integration of a yeast strain, could differ significantly. The engineered strain was evaluated in terms of metabolic performances and metabolomic alterations in different conditions typical of the bioethanol industry. Results indicate that the multiple d-integration did not affect the ability of the engineered strain to grow on different carbon sources and to tolerate increasing concentrations of ethanol and inhibitory compounds. Conversely, metabolomic profiles were significantly altered both under growing and stressing conditions, indicating a large extent of metabolic reshuffling involved in the maintenance of the metabolic homeostasis. Considering that four copies of BGL3 gene have been integrated without affecting any parental genes or promoter sequences, deeper studies are needed to unveil the mechanisms implied in these metabolomic changes, thus supporting the optimization of protein production in engineered strains.Padova Universityhttps://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2019.00376/fullPublisher’s versio

    Twelve Variants Polygenic Score for Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Distribution in a Large Cohort of Patients With Clinically Diagnosed Familial Hypercholesterolemia With or Without Causative Mutations

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    : Background A significant proportion of individuals clinically diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), but without any disease-causing mutation, are likely to have polygenic hypercholesterolemia. We evaluated the distribution of a polygenic risk score, consisting of 12 low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)-raising variants (polygenic LDL-C risk score), in subjects with a clinical diagnosis of FH. Methods and Results Within the Lipid Transport Disorders Italian Genetic Network (LIPIGEN) study, 875 patients who were FH-mutation positive (women, 54.75%; mean age, 42.47±15.00 years) and 644 patients who were FH-mutation negative (women, 54.21%; mean age, 49.73±13.54 years) were evaluated. Patients who were FH-mutation negative had lower mean levels of pretreatment LDL-C than patients who were FH-mutation positive (217.14±55.49 versus 270.52±68.59 mg/dL, P<0.0001). The mean value (±SD) of the polygenic LDL-C risk score was 1.00 (±0.18) in patients who were FH-mutation negative and 0.94 (±0.20) in patients who were FH-mutation positive (P<0.0001). In the receiver operating characteristic analysis, the area under the curve for recognizing subjects characterized by polygenic hypercholesterolemia was 0.59 (95% CI, 0.56-0.62), with sensitivity and specificity being 78% and 36%, respectively, at 0.905 as a cutoff value. Higher mean polygenic LDL-C risk score levels were observed among patients who were FH-mutation negative having pretreatment LDL-C levels in the range of 150 to 350 mg/dL (150-249 mg/dL: 1.01 versus 0.91, P<0.0001; 250-349 mg/dL: 1.02 versus 0.95, P=0.0001). A positive correlation between polygenic LDL-C risk score and pretreatment LDL-C levels was observed among patients with FH independently of the presence of causative mutations. Conclusions This analysis confirms the role of polymorphisms in modulating LDL-C levels, even in patients with genetically confirmed FH. More data are needed to support the use of the polygenic score in routine clinical practice

    High-Throughput Rapid and Inexpensive Assay for Quantitative Determination of Low Cell-Density Yeast Cultures

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    A procedure for microbial cell density determination with a high-throughput densitometric assay was developed to allow a precise quantification of both free and sessile cells, such as those of a biofilm, with a large range from low to high cell densities. Densitometry was chosen because it allows fast, rapid and cost-effective measures; it is non-disruptive; and has an easy learning curve. The method setup, and the further validation, was carried out with strains of Candida albicans, C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis. Equations were developed at the level of the single strains, of the three species and finally a general one applicable to all three species. In the cross validation, with strains absent from the training set, the method was shown to be robust and flexible. The best results were obtained with species specific equations, although the global equation performed almost as well in terms of correlation between real and estimated density values. In all cases, a correlation around 0.98 between effective and predicted density was obtained with figures ranging from 102 to 108 cells mL&minus;1. The entire analytical part of the procedure can be accomplished with a MS Excel macro provided free of charge

    Biocidal and inhibitory activity screening of de novo synthesized surfactants against two eukaryotic and two prokaryotic microbial species

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    Thirty-six quaternary ammonium salts, of which 28 structurally different non-commercially available surfactants, were tested to screen their biocidal and inhibitory antimicrobial activity. Their activity was compared to commercially available amphiphiles as well as to non-amphiphilic quaternary ammonium salts. As target of these compounds four microbial species were employed of which two (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans) were important yeast in the food and clinical environment and the other two (Escherichia coli and Listeria innocua) represented the Gram negative and positive bacteria, respec- tively. The surfactants showed the ability to kill the microbial cells in water solution and to variably hamper their growth onto agar medium. The non-amphiphilic compounds (which represent analogues of some surfactants used in this study, since they have the same head group but no hydrophobic portion) had little effect in solution and no effect against the microbial growth on plate. Amphoteric and non- amphoteric zwitterionic surfactants showed reduced biocidal activity. The most active antimicrobial agent was N-tetradecyltropinium bromide (23S) surfactant. The presence of cells did not significantly affect the ability to form micelles, as demonstrated by comparative conductometric measurements

    A novel, rapid and automated conductometric method to evaluate surfactant-cells interactions by means of critical micellar concentration analysis

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    Conductometry is widely used to determine critical micellar concentration and micellar aggregates surface properties of amphiphiles. Current conductivity experiments of surfactant solutions are typically carried out by manual pipetting, yielding some tens reading points within a couple of hours. In order to study the properties of surfactant–cells interactions, each amphiphile must be tested in different conditions against several types of cells. This calls for complex experimental designs making the application of current methods seriously time consuming, especially because long experiments risk to determine alterations of cells, independently of the surfactant action. In this paper we present a novel, accurate and rapid automated procedure to obtain conductometric curves with several hundreds reading points within tens of minutes. The method was validated with surfactant solutions alone and in combi- nation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. An easy-to use R script, calculates conductometric parameters and their statistical significance with a graphic interface to visualize data and results. The validations showed that indeed the procedure works in the same manner with surfactant alone or in combination with cells, yielding around 1000 reading points within 20 min and with high accuracy, as determined by the regression analysi

    Biofilm Specific Activity: A Measure to Quantify Microbial Biofilm

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    Microbes growing onto solid surfaces form complex 3-D biofilm structures characterized by the production of extracellular polymeric compounds and an increased resistance to drugs. The quantification of biofilm relays currently on a number of different approaches and techniques, often leading to different evaluations of the ability to form biofilms of the studied microbial strains. Measures of biofilm biomass were carried out with crystal violet (CV) and a direct reading at 405 nm, whereas the activity was assessed with the XTT ((2,3-bis-(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide) method. The strains of four pathogenic species of the genus Candida (C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis) and of Staphylococcus aureus were employed to determine the effective relatedness among techniques and the specific activity of the biofilm, as a ratio between the XTT and the CV outcomes. Since the ability to form biomass and to be metabolically active are not highly related, their simultaneous use allowed for a categorization of the strains. This classification is putatively amenable of further study by comparing the biofilm type and the medical behavior of the strains

    Ionic Conductivity as a tool to study biocidal activity of sulfobetaine micelles against Saccharomyces cerevisiae model cells

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    Zwitterionic sulfobetaine surfactants are used in pharmaceutical or biomedical applications for the solubilization and delivery of hydrophobic molecules in aqueous medium or in biological environments. In a screening on the biocidal activity of synthetic surfactants on microbial cells, remarkable results have emerged with sulfobetaine amphiphiles. The interaction between eight zwitterionic sulfobetaine amphiphiles and Saccharomyces cerevisiae model cells was therefore analyzed. S. cerevisiae yeast cells were chosen, as they are a widely used unicellular eukaryotic model organism in cell biology. Conductivity measurements were used to investigate the interaction between surfactant solution and cells. Viable counts measurements were performed, and the mortality data correlated with the conductivity profiles very well, in terms of the inflection points (IPs) observed in the curves and in terms of supramolecular properties of the aggregates. A Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)-based bioassay was then performed to determine the metabolomic stress-response of the cells subjected to the action of zwitterionic surfactants. The surfactants showed nodal concentration (IPs) with all the techniques in their activities, corresponding to the critical micellar concentrations of the amphiphiles. This is due to the pseudocationic behavior of sulfobetaine micelles, because of their charge distribution and charge densities. This behavior permits the interaction of the micellar aggregates with the cells, and the structure of the surfactant monomers has impact on the mortality and the metabolomic response data observed. On the other hand, the concentrations that are necessary to provoke a biocidal activity do not promote these amphiphiles as potential antimicrobial agents. In fact, they are much higher than the ones of cationic surfactants

    Do Metabolomics and Taxonomic Barcode Markers Tell the Same Story about the Evolution of Saccharomyces sensu stricto Complex in Fermentative Environments?

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    Yeast taxonomy was introduced based on the idea that physiological properties would help discriminate species, thus assuming a strong link between physiology and taxonomy. However, the instability of physiological characteristics within species configured them as not ideal markers for species delimitation, shading the importance of physiology and paving the way to the DNA-based taxonomy. The hypothesis of reconnecting taxonomy with specific traits from phylogenies has been successfully explored for Bacteria and Archaea, suggesting that a similar route can be traveled for yeasts. In this framework, thirteen single copy loci were used to investigate the predictability of complex Fourier Transform InfaRed spectroscopy (FTIR) and High-performance Liquid Chromatography&ndash;Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) profiles of the four historical species of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto group, both on resting cells and under short-term ethanol stress. Our data show a significant connection between the taxonomy and physiology of these strains. Eight markers out of the thirteen tested displayed high correlation values with LC-MS profiles of cells in resting condition, confirming the low efficacy of FTIR in the identification of strains of closely related species. Conversely, most genetic markers displayed increasing trends of correlation with FTIR profiles as the ethanol concentration increased, according to their role in the cellular response to different type of stress

    Room temperature deep eutectic solvents of (1S)-(+)-10-camphorsulfonic acid and sulfobetaines: hydrogen bond-based mixtures with low ionicity and structure-dependent toxicity

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    Twelve novel deep eutectic solvents (DESs) were prepared and characterized in this work. They are mixtures of (1S)-(+)-10-camphorsulfonic acid (CSA) and differently structured sulfobetaines (SBs) with aliphatic, aromatic and amphiphilic moieties. They are liquids at room temperature, their melting points span, in fact, from 5 to 19 C, so we can name these mixtures RTDESs (room temperature deep eutectic solvents). These zwitterionic DESs were characterized in terms of their viscosity, conductivity (and therefore ionicity via Walden plots), density, surface tension and toxicity on eukaryotic model cells. The collected data suggest that the interaction between CSA and the SBs can be ascribed as a hydrogen bond instead of a proton transfer, therefore they are not ionic liquids. To our knowledge, their position on the Walden plot, in the left portion close to the diagonal, has not yet been observed for other DESs or ionic liquid systems and indicates the low ionicity of these mixtures. A FTIR-based bioassay was performed to determine the toxicity of these mixtures on eukaryotic model cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The DESs showed merely a dehydrating effect on the cells, similar to that produced by CaCl2, a low cell toxicity salt. This supports these DESs as promising green media. Amphiphilic SBs DESs showed a stronger effect on the cells and a structure-activity trend can be described for this class. A preliminary study on the use of these novel DESs as Brønsted catalyst media was accomplished by the use of one of them in chalcone synthesis, which showed promising catalytic and recycling capabilities